CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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this is from a post by portofleith on aetv

Car Decal
This is a significant decal or car sticker for two reasons.
1. it was observed on a suspicious vehicle in the neighborhood of the Sac attack referenced in the poem.

2. it was later noted at an illegal entry into Naval Amphibious base Coronado. When the gate guard questioned the unrecognizable sticker, he was told that North Island NAS was the origin. The driver then gave the guard a name and social security number that was later determined to belong to someone else.
This a long post. I want to put down some ideas. some references.

Johnny Cash. Man in Black. Ballad of Ira Hayes. Folsom Prison Blues. The Wanderer. When I listen to these songs and think about the EAR, it seems plausible that this could be someone he might have listened to. It is odd how different the interpretation of these songs can be with those crimes on your mind.
This is from conquistador1521 from aetv
"In the book "Sudden Terror" several days before the attack on a babysitter in the Little Pocket neighborhood a nurse noticed (who lived on the same street as the attack would occur on) a strange character came into Stockton hospital. He said he was "Jack from Quincy" singing a Johnny Cash song and mentioned sexual problems.

A popular TV show at the time was Quincy, M.E.

It aired 10/3/1976 - 9/5/1983

It stars JACK Klugman in the role of a Los Angeles County Medical examiner who routinely butted heads with LE in order to solve cases."

Mexican TV. Masks and hoods seem much more prevalent in that culture.

Mexican Indian idea of Nagual. Could he have thought of himself as the White Wolf?

Pancho Villa. Numerous belt buckles in his honor.

Janelle Cruz murder on Cinco De Mayo.

Day of the Dad celebrations. That culture spends a great deal of time preparing for that. Google it and look at all the masks and symbolism.

Batman, Spiderman, and comic books. Bdsm. We are influenced by our environment. If the ear as a child had been introduced to these he might have borrowed from them. PG 89 of ST. “He was wearing a mask,” Rose began. “It was like a hood and had a slit for his eyes, but didn’t have any mouth or nose holes cut in it. It covered his whole head and I think it was nylon, but not like nylonstocking. It wasn’t that tight. He had on a brown t-shirt that went tohis hips and he had a wide belt around his waist, like something a tele-phone man would wear. I think it was brown.” I believe he was also naked from the waist down.

Could his parents have been part of a bdsm group? Or dealers in *advertiser censored*.

Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie wrote poetry. It was notable in that she put apostrophes around certain words. Also rumours of Clydes sexual deviance.
the Story Of O. Preceded rapes by one year.
Hitch Hike released in Europe in 77, somewhat coinciding with change in MO.
The good the bad and the ugly. Use of diamond knot.

Jobs or hobbies with exacting steps and established values. Stamps, guns, *advertiser censored*.
coin collecting
ST describing photography equipment being stolen. Depending on what it was, whether camera, lense, flash, could be a bulky item and with various quality. Some lenses look as good as others but were valueless. Usually the weight of the lense was important. Did he have a good idea of what was valuable? Was he willing to sacrifice his ability to flea for some unknown value. Or was his knowledge similar to his quest for jewelry. I get a sense that value wasnt important in relation to the jewelry.
I should have written Camp.

Welcome to Camp Pendola!
Home of the official youth ministry summer camp for the Diocese of Sacramento

The property of Pendola Center was donated to the Diocese of Sacramento in 1959, in the memory of Frank Pendola, for use as a summer camp for children. It was first used in the summer of 1960 under the direction of Fr. Keith Kenny with approximately 30 campers staying for one ten-day session. Since 1960, the camp has grown to include 8 seven-day sessions plus a one-week training session. In 2004 we added a one-week music camp and a second Family Camp weekend

This is from their website. I found a reference by one of the poi's. I have been going through old articles and then following the references. I also found one of them had an old blog with some kind of search spider on it. I also found a reference to COPA. That might have been what was on the jacket. I dont know what it is. Maybe "community outreach political action", If it falls into the theory as I have been trying to build. I believe thay had an office right there near the addresses we discussed.
This is an article about the golf course and the parcel of land there at Holister and Storke in Goleta. It is by John Olson. It not only describes the area that I think the sketch came from, but also the manner in which it was developed.

"Fifty years ago in the Good Land of Goleta the Bishop Ranch property stretched to the ocean. Southwest of the country roads intersection of Storke and Hollister were 640 acres of grassy fields criss-crossed by gulches and a few agricultural access roads. Geologically, the area was a “fan delta” created by repeated erosion of the hills to the north, resulting in seasonal mud flows toward the ocean. The gulches certainly had winter water-flow but were generally dry in summer.

In 1960, a proposal was put forth and accepted by the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors to allow the owners to design a community and sell parcels for development. Maps were drawn, road easements were created, and a community was put on paper. To allow home building, massive grading was undertaken to straighten the gulches and create storm drainage from Hollister Avenue to the ocean.

Part of this flood-control grading was the creation of a 63-acre flood plain we now know as the Ocean Meadows Golf Course. The civil engineers wisely found a dual purpose for this flood water collection area. It was first a collector for storm runoff and secondly, a golf course that could accept the annual flooding. That’s how Ocean Meadows Golf Course was conceived.

Following the accepted community plan, a golf course was built around 1966. Further grading was minimal, with mounding for greens and tees and some improvements to area drainage. Culvert crossings and bridges were installed to facilitate golf. Devereux Creek and the Phelps Ditch were gulches that were then named. To control the silting of the existing semi-wet-land toward the ocean a weir (a low dam) was installed. The weir helped reduce the silting of the slough to the south by slowing flood runoff, allowing the silt to drop out of the storm runoff. This low dam saved the now Devereux Slough from filling with seasonal silt."
There is a health foundation, home there called Devereux.

"Devereux has a continuum of care for children, adolescents and adults, ranging from residential and day treatment programs, community-based group homes, respite care programs, hospital inpatient and outpatient settings, partial hospitalization, transitional living arrangements, supervised apartments, foster care homes and special education day schools. As well, Devereux offers family counseling and therapy, preventive and post-discharge services, after care programs, and vocational and pre-vocational training. Please take a moment to browse through the following Devereux services."

•Autism spectrum disorders
•Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)
•Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
•Substance Abuse
•Sexual Disorders
•Medically Fragile
•Transitional Age (18-22)
•At Risk Behaviors

Is it possible the ear was a patient there and stole the sketch from one of homes in the neighborhood?
Lots to catch up on, was looking at the theory he was institutionalised at some point.
TV story based on the new LA Magazine article:


Excitement's Crave

All those mortal's surviving birth
Upon facing maturity,
Take inventory of their worth
To prevailing society.

Choosing values becomes a task;
Oneself must seek satisfaction.
The selected route will unmask
Character when plans take action

Accepting some work to perform
At fixed pay, but promise for more,
Is a recognized social norm,
As is decorum, seeking lore.

Achieving while others lifting
Should be cause for deserving fame.
Leisure tempts excitement seeking,
What's right and expected seems tame

"Jessie James" has been seen by all,
And "Son of Sam" has an author.
Others now feel temptations call.
Sacramento should make an offer.

To make a movie of my life
That will pay for my planned exile.
Just now I'd like to add the wife
Of a Mafia lord to my file.

Your East Area Rapist
And deserving pest
See you in the press or on T.V.

Last line of May 1978 possible Zodiac letter:

See you in the News!

The "P", "L" and "S" seem identical on the Lumber Mill bomb sign (done by the Bari bomber - probably Ted Kaczynski) and the May 78 "Zodiac" letter.

The writer of the May 78 "Zodiac" letter used the exact same Norse - Germanic style as the writer of the Lumber Mill bomb.


Interesting observation from Kite. Interesting considering that I don't think the use of the words LEISURE and TAME are all that common - not rare words, but not commonly used in everday speech all the time.

KITE: Looking at a section of the poem from Page One here in this topic:
Achieving while others lifting
Should be cause for deserving fame
What's right and expected seems TAME

From the Unabomber Manifesto section 34:
(History shows that LEISURED aristocracies tend to become decadent.)....(But, LEISURED, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized even though they have power.) And TAMED is used not far from this at 52(...small-scale communities that are emasculated, TAMED, and made into tools of the system).

The new evidence proves that the EAR/ONS started as the Visalia Ransacker (VR) and Maggiore Killer, as I had said before, which means the VR and Maggiore Killer sketches I posted were correct.



Comparison of VR sketch and two pics of Ted Kaczynski 1970's.

Comparison of side view of VR sketch and side view of Ted Kaczynski

I believe the EAR/ONS could have been a climber. The description of his legs, the knots, and the fact that this occurred in CA (where climbing is pretty big) lead me to this conclusion.
Re. the writing on the journal. Some thoughts on the words ''Punishment' 'Jeune' 'Milling' and 'Melanie'

'Punishment of Luxury' is a band that would be getting played in the mid to late 70's. You MUST listen to this on youtube, remind you of anything ?

Punishment of Luxury

[ame=""]Punishment Of Luxury Puppet Life - YouTube[/ame]

June and jean Millington were a band

[ame=""]June Millington - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]


[ame=""]Melanie Safka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Is it possible he was sat in his car, listening to the radio (and possibly LE broadcasts)

Did he write down stuff he liked ?


"....So what does all this psychoanalytical nonsense have to do with Punishment Of Luxury's Laughing Academy? Well, included is a track called "Obsession" about a would-be stalker/rapist/murderer trying to come to terms with what he is and what he feels compelled to do. It had a powerful effect on me as I could relate to his turmoil and anguish...."

Last post on the page by "grampus"
Just saw this article... I hope Orange County and Sacramento law enforcement will get a match with DNA from the EAR-ONS.

Cold Case Prosecutors Seek DNA from Dead California Inmates - Los Angeles Times, 3/22/2013

"Prosecutors say they believe the program is the first in the nation to target potentially thousands of offenders who have died in prison or while on parole before a biological sample could be tested for DNA as required by state law.
"Although such successes will not usually help with a criminal prosecution, officials involved in the program say that knowing the full extent of dead offenders' crimes could help cold-case detectives avoid wasting time investigating other suspects and bring relief to crime victims and their families, who finally learn the truth about who was responsible.

"'We owe it to these families — whether the person is dead or not — to provide the answers that they're entitled to. That's the primary goal,' said Anne Marie Schubert, a supervising deputy district attorney in Sacramento who is spearheading the effort.'"
I just got these NEW documents in the EAR/ONS Golden State Killer case from Michelle McNamara of .

She is the author of the excellent new LA Magazine article on the Golden State Killer case .

This is the possible writing from the killer, it was found near a crime scene at a spot to where dogs had traced to, as if it may have fallen out of the attacker's vehicle. Or they could be pages from a notebook GSK stole, or they could be an intentional plant. The first is writing on General Custer, perhaps a homework assignment. The other two pages are seemingly from a journal describing anger at his elementary school teacher.

Does anyone recognize this handwriting, word usage or phrase usage?



The first one, at least to me, looks like it was written by a female.
If I was going to bet (and it wouldn't be much), I'd guess these writings are the work of a high schooler - the last part maybe an assignment by a guidance counselor who was trying to get this person to let out his frustrations. That doesn't mean that it didn't come from the killer since he could have been carrying them around in his car.
I'm curious about his move from the Sacramento metro area to Contra Costa County in late 1978, even driving as far south as San Jose (Santa Clara County.) Did he get a job in Contra Costa County?
Larry Compton' in his book "Sudden Terror" states that the two SJ victims were "Oriental" (hey things like food or furniture can be Oriental, but people are Asian) and the ficticious names given are Japanese sounding. I bet the rapes, occuring a month a part in late 1978, happened in Japantown, a small neighborhood located just north of downtown SJ, and maybe a mile from HW880. I wonder if he could have frequented one of the Japanese restaurants in the area.
Larry Compton' in his book "Sudden Terror" states that the two SJ victims were "Oriental" (hey things like food or furniture can be Oriental, but people are Asian) and the ficticious names given are Japanese sounding. I bet the rapes, occuring a month a part in late 1978, happened in Japantown, a small neighborhood located just north of downtown SJ, and maybe a mile from HW880. I wonder if he could have frequented one of the Japanese restaurants in the area.

No, the two rapes in San Jose occurred in the Berryessa district.
A newbie to this case,I just started playing catch up research....I find it incredible that this case has stayed so far below the Radar that it is not well known outside of California and that I had scarcely heard of it.(I like to think Im a litle bit more tuned in to this sort of thing then alot of folks.)
This guy was FAR more prolific and savage then 'Zodiac' ever thought of being and that case is iconic.
I really find the nearly five year gap between the 1981 murders and his last one in 1986 very intriguing.
I almost have a gut feeling this guy spotted the female victims in public and trailed them to where they lived...all of them seemed to be, judging from the few photos available head turningly attractive.
I guess that could be just coincidence,it IS California.
(Sorry 'head turningly' probably isnt really a word but you get what I about 'exceptionally')
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