CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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The law was changed in 2017, I believe this is the old Statute that would apply. It looks like it's the same as the maximum penalty for the offense. It is also my understanding that kidnapping with the added enhancement of rape carries a maximum penalty of life. However, considering the complications created by the wording of the statute, and the fact that a murder convection looks like a slam dunk, I doubt DeAngelo will ever be charged with rape or kidnapping.

PART 2. OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE [681 - 1620]**( Part 2 enacted 1872. )
TITLE 3. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS REGARDING CRIMINAL PROCEDURE [777 - 883]**( Heading of Title 3 amended by Stats. 1951, Ch. 1674. )

CHAPTER 2. Time of Commencing Criminal Actions [799 - 805]**( Chapter 2 repealed and added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1270, Sec. 2. )
For the purpose of determining the applicable limitation of time pursuant to this chapter:
(a)*An offense is deemed punishable by the maximum punishment prescribed by statute for the offense, regardless of the punishment actually sought or imposed. Any enhancement of punishment prescribed by statute shall be disregarded in determining the maximum punishment prescribed by statute for an offense.
(b)*The limitation of time applicable to an offense that is necessarily included within a greater offense is the limitation of time applicable to the lesser included offense, regardless of the limitation of time applicable to the greater offense.
(Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 1270, Sec. 2.)

Thanks. But since it’s not retroactive, it sounds like this case is beyond the statute of limitations on kidnapping, too. I applaud the creative methods (mentioned earlier) that prosecutors have used to get around the SOL for rape. Seems like that route may be easier for rape than for kidnapping, given the DNA evidence with rape.

I interviewed Criminologist Dr. Scott Bonn about the arrest of the Golden State Killer on my podcast.

If you want to listen on iTunes or the Apple Podcasts app click here:

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What is the name of your podcast? I listen thru Downcast. And your link above doesn’t display the name.

[h=2]Golden State Killer case shouldn’t devalue Auburn Police[/h]

“Always be wary.

But don’t let that wariness spiral into paranoia.

And support your hard-working, dedicated Auburn Police Department.”

It’s a way of thinking that could stand the Auburn community in good stead these days in light of the arrest of a 72-year-old Citrus Heights man this past month on suspicion of a series of horrendous crimes that gripped California for a decade.

A crime wave of rapes and murders started in East Sacramento at about the time the suspect was hired to work in one of the most trusted jobs in the Auburn community. Then the crimes spread out to a reign of terror that took in much of California.
While DeAngelo was allegedly committing these crimes, he was also putting on the badge of the Auburn Police Department. He was also an Auburn resident, living in a house on a side street near Auburn Ravine Road
Four decades later, Auburn Police officers were sent reeling by the news, shocked and searching their memories for clues that they may have missed that could have led investigators to a killer they were working alongside.
Wonder if JJD went to that restaurant to try and eavesdrop on the cops that regularly went there, also wondering if he was planning a creeping/ stalking of the waitress?
imo, speculation.rbbm.
‘It’s Eerie’: Citrus Heights Cafe Owner Says East Area Rapist Suspect was a Regular
CITRUS HEIGHTS -- The owner of Charlie's Cafe says the man now known as the suspected East Area Rapist was a regular who usually sat in a booth alone and kept to himself.
Carte says Joseph DeAngelo often ordered a tuna salad, sometimes with an angry outburst.

"The second time I served him his tuna salad he threw the cheese on the table," Carte said. "And I said, 'What's wrong?' He's like, 'What are you trying to do, kill me? I cant eat cheese I told you before.'"
But a week before his arrest, Carte said DeAngelo touched her inappropriately.

"He went to go pinch my sides," she said. "And I said, 'Hey, hey, don't touch my comfort zone.'"
"We get undercover, uniformed, all day everyday and I'm sure there's times he's sat like right across from them," she said. "He was not hiding."
We don't know - he may have started in his early twenties. Its just the different voices, talking to Mummy, bursting into tears and crying - is that physchopathic behaviour? - I'm no expert but this guy (JJD) was in the military and LE for more than 10 years, his boss called him "an average joe, an average cop", his neighbours knew there was a nasty streak (e.g. the neighbours dog and some neighbours locking their back gate ) but apart from the swearing and talking to himself, he has had a seemingly normal home life raising 3 daughters.

I think it is entirely possible that he started his criminal activities in his early 20's. I wouldn't be surprised if he exhibited some very troubling signs when he was still quite young.

I found it very interesting when Paul Holes said the GSK took out his anger on his victims. He may have been mulling over how he perceived Bonnie had done him wrong when he was raping the victim and was saying "I hate you Bonnie".

As for using different voices, part of that was likely to disguise his own voice, and part of it may have been because it allowed him to further "mess" with his victims. Most people will often notice there is something wrong with a person who has schizophrenia, because the schizophrenic can't disguise their disease. But a psychopath is an expert at hiding who he/she really is. They are capable of wearing a "mask of sanity" and can blend right into the rest of society. Some get married and have children and even their own families might be unaware. A lot of times they are only unmasked after they have victimized others and have been caught. They are very capable of doing horrific damage to others and not feeling any remorse.

The following is a list of traits that have been associated with psychopathy, if you haven't seen it . My understanding is a psychopath won't always fit all of the criteria, but they will fit most of it.

• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility
Thanks. But since it’s not retroactive, it sounds like this case is beyond the statute of limitations on kidnapping, too. I applaud the creative methods (mentioned earlier) that prosecutors have used to get around the SOL for rape. Seems like that route may be easier for rape than for kidnapping, given the DNA evidence with rape.


What I don't understand is that in the SoCal murders there was also rape in addition to the murders, which were particularly brutal and cruel, so why wouldn't they prosecute them both? Not prosecuting the whole crime seems crazy. I mean he tied them up, raped the women, then bludgeoned them to death. So the assault, tying up and raping is all part of the whole murder plan. This guy needs everything to be considered - the Visalia cases escalating to rapes and murders - it is all relevant. California needs to get special dispensation or whatever is needed to deal with all these incidents IMO.
Wonder if JJD went to that restaurant to try and eavesdrop on the cops that regularly went there, also wondering if he was planning a creeping/ stalking of the waitress?
imo, speculation.rbbm.

From the article/video,
“He doesn't have like the eyes of a killer like maybe Charles Manson, nothing like that just like your average joe," she told FOX40.
People seem to think killers have psycho eyes. This isn’t the first person who said this about JJD.

What I don't understand is that in the SoCal murders there was also rape in addition to the murders, which were particularly brutal and cruel, so why wouldn't they prosecute them both? Not prosecuting the whole crime seems crazy. I mean he tied them up, raped the women, then bludgeoned them to death. So the assault, tying up and raping is all part of the whole murder plan. This guy needs everything to be considered - the Visalia cases escalating to rapes and murders - it is all relevant. California needs to get special dispensation or whatever is needed to deal with all these incidents IMO.

I think it does all enter in to the charges (i.e. “special circumstances”) and the sentencing.

Apparently GGK sodomized some of his female victims, which strongly suggests, imo, that maybe he was also into men.
Were any of the male victims known to have been raped by him?
speculation, imo.

I don't think a liking for anal sex with women suggests anything at all about being into men. And no, none of the male victims were raped.
What I don't understand is that in the SoCal murders there was also rape in addition to the murders, which were particularly brutal and cruel, so why wouldn't they prosecute them both? Not prosecuting the whole crime seems crazy. I mean he tied them up, raped the women, then bludgeoned them to death. So the assault, tying up and raping is all part of the whole murder plan. This guy needs everything to be considered - the Visalia cases escalating to rapes and murders - it is all relevant. California needs to get special dispensation or whatever is needed to deal with all these incidents IMO.
I imagine that in addition to cost, unnecessarily wasting court time is a consideration, after all it’s not like he’s going to be paroled anytime soon.
Honest question; why do you post so often about injustice collectors in various WS threads? Are most killers injustice collectors?


Most killers are driven by either revenge, envy, rejection, feeling inferior, or some perceived slighting. In some cases it is all of them. Injustice collectors are driven by that and they never snap.

I do not think that the failed engagement with Bonnie triggered it by itself. It was more of a tipping point. Injustice collectors who kill have a tipping point and it festers for a long time before they act.

I suspect many killers are injustice collectors, not just spree killers, school shooters, and terrorists are injustice collectors. Not every killer is driven by some grudge.
JMO, but I don't think schizophrenia explains his actions and his behavior. Schizophrenics tend to be diagnosed in early adulthood because their behavior is so odd and disturbing that others notice it and try to get them help.

I've known three people with this diagnosis and all were diagnosed while in their early 20's because it was evident to all who knew them that something was very wrong. Schizophrenics exhibit disorganized and illogical thinking, paranoia (conspiracies that don't make any sense), delusions and at times, they hear voices. It is a horrible, horrible disease and even with medication, the three people I've known who have it have not been able to ever hold down a job.

My thoughts are that DeAngelo is a psychopath. He blended in and was able to hold down a job for almost 30 years. The people who were around him the most, his co-workers never suspected there was anything wrong with him. His actions in planning and executing his crimes were organized he was able to escape detection. He was also known for taking meticulous care of his lawn, by himself.

IMO, the only thing that explains him is psychopathy and that's not a mental illness. It's a personality disorder and his defense may try to claim mental illness, but I don't think that is going to fly.

I never thought Joseph DeAngelo was mentally ill. He comes off as a psychopath.
I think that some people think that they have discovered the reason for everything and cannot move from that. I am sure that there are injustice collectors. but there are plenty of other motives as well. Many more.

Injustice collector is a complex facade. They have many motives and something triggers them, which is the tipping point.
I also don't really get it, if you look through the list it basically describes a psychopath. I don't know why you can't just use this word. He is definitely a psychopath, I don't get why this also has to be called "injustice collector"?

And even saying he shows all 20 signs, we don't know that since those 20 signs are about how people act with family and friends and at their workplace. We don't know much about how he was with the people around him and how he treated them.

I agree injustice collector is a form of extreme narcissism and/or psychopathy. Not all injustice collectors are psychopaths. Some are psychotic.
I think it is entirely possible that he started his criminal activities in his early 20's. I wouldn't be surprised if he exhibited some very troubling signs when he was still quite young.

I found it very interesting when Paul Holes said the GSK took out his anger on his victims. He may have been mulling over how he perceived Bonnie had done him wrong when he was raping the victim and was saying "I hate you Bonnie".

As for using different voices, part of that was likely to disguise his own voice, and part of it may have been because it allowed him to further "mess" with his victims. Most people will often notice there is something wrong with a person who has schizophrenia, because the schizophrenic can't disguise their disease. But a psychopath is an expert at hiding who he/she really is. They are capable of wearing a "mask of sanity" and can blend right into the rest of society. Some get married and have children and even their own families might be unaware. A lot of times they are only unmasked after they have victimized others and have been caught. They are very capable of doing horrific damage to others and not feeling any remorse.

The following is a list of traits that have been associated with psychopathy, if you haven't seen it . My understanding is a psychopath won't always fit all of the criteria, but they will fit most of it.

• glib and superficial charm
• grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
• need for stimulation
• pathological lying
• cunning and manipulativeness
• lack of remorse or guilt
• shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
• callousness and lack of empathy
• parasitic lifestyle
• poor behavioral controls
• sexual promiscuity
• early behavior problems
• lack of realistic long-term goals
• impulsivity
• irresponsibility
• failure to accept responsibility for own actions
• many short-term marital relationships
• juvenile delinquency
• revocation of conditional release
• criminal versatility

I wonder if he killed in the 1990s or even into the 2000s.
I believe DeAngelo purposely complicated the investigation by exhibiting known symptoms of schizophrenia. The one instance where he may have slipped was the utterance of Bonnie, although, I’ve read that the victim that reported hearing him say “Bonnie” may have misinterpreted Mommy for Bonnie, which would be an odd coincidence considering that there actually was a Bonnie in DeAngelo’s past.

He was so calculatingly deliberate about everything he did that it is hard to understand how he could have lost control of his emotions in the middle of an assault and said the name Bonnie, especially since he had a Bonnie in his recent past.

I think it would fall more into his mode of operating to intentionally try to throw off the investigation to lead LE into thinking the attacker was mentally ill. I think you are right.

Does anyone know if he had computers in his house? We know he supposedly didn't have any TVs.......strange for a serial killer at his age not having a TV to get the local news at least on what's going on with the GSK case.

I know you can get the info off of a computer as well, just wondering if anyone knows he had one?

I can't find any source for it online. But just after his arrest, I heard or read somewhere that DeAngelo had several different email addresses. This led me to believe that LE must have confiscated a computer belonging to JJD.
The Sacramento County DA has already said they won’t be prosecuting the rapes due to the statute of limitations. Some of the other DAs are looking to see what they can do about the statute of limitations. On another note it looks like there may only be one trial. They are thinking of doing one joint prosecution all the murder cases and try him down in Southern California.

“He is expected to face charges in 12 homicide cases in Sacramento, Orange, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties stemming from a rape and slaying spree that authorities say stretched from 1974 through May 1986.

DeAngelo faces arraignment in Sacramento Superior Court on Friday, but authorities still must determine where he ultimately will stand trial and whether he faces death penalty prosecutions. Some of the murders were committed at a time when the death penalty had been ruled unconstitutional, but others are eligible.

Schubert said she wants to meet with prosecutors from the counties where DeAngelo is suspected of murders and plan a joint prosecution similar to that used in the Luis Bracamontes cop-killing trial that ended with a death penalty sentence on Wednesday.

Bracamontes killed deputies in Sacramento and Placer counties in 2014, and was jointly prosecuted in Sacramento by Rod Norgaard from Schubert's office and Dave Tellman from the Placer DA's office.

"It makes sense to do it in one county," she said, adding that the case could be moved to Southern California because 10 of the 12 murder victims were killed there.

"The majority of the murders happened down in Southern California, so I'm comfortable with wherever it's going to be as long as everybody gets to be a participant," she said.

Prosecutors also must grapple with whether to file rape charges against DeAngelo because for many cases the statute of limitations has expired.

Sacramento prosecutors do not currently plan to file such charges. In Santa Clara County, where the East Area Rapist was linked to two rapes in San Jose in 1978, the district attorney's office said it would not seek to prosecute DeAngelo because the statute of limitations had expired.

But other jurisdictions are considering it, including Yolo County, where authorities said Thursday they are investigating three rapes in Davis nearly 40 years ago they suspect were committed by DeAngelo.

Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig indicated in a written statement he would seek to prosecute DeAngelo in connection with the Davis attacks, the first prosecutor in the state to announce such plans.

Reisig said his office would work with Schubert, the FBI and Davis police “to solve the Davis rapes, vigorously prosecute the rapist and achieve some sense of justice for the victims, family members and the Davis community.”

Contra Costa County's district attorney is working with police agencies there to investigate whether DeAngelo committed nine sexual assaults in that county between 1978 and 1979, DA spokesman Scott Alonso said.

Alonso said the statute of limitations may present a challenge. He said the office is evaluating cases with the county sheriff and police in Concord, Danville and Walnut Creek, where attacks linked to the East Area Rapist occurred.

"I think we're very interested in pursuing justice for the victims in these cases and pursue what we can file under the statute of limitations," Alonso said. "We want to see justice for these terrible crimes."”

Read more here:

My understanding is prosecutors MIGHT NOT charge him with many of the rapes tied solely to the expired statute of limitations. But this article is a couple days old. If I’m wrong, I don’t mind being corrected! This thread has moved at lightning speed at times.

That said, almost none of the Ransacker crimes can be prosecuted tho because the state’s *burglary* statute of limitations law, correct?

Either way, you’re right that the murder cases will take priority, especially the violent rape/murders, as far as prosecutability. (And DNA evidence.)

Charges of rape in question in Golden State Murder Case

California ended its statute of limitations on rape after Bill Cosby. It *may not* apply to the Golden State Killer

From the latter article:
“Exceptions can be made in rape cases if new DNA evidence is found later. Authorities used discarded DNA evidence from his home to arrest DeAngelo, Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones said Wednesday.”
I don't think a liking for anal sex with women suggests anything at all about being into men. And no, none of the male victims were raped.

I agree with ya, Cap. Great point. Anal rape isn’t a homosexual act. It typically shows an exceptional drive to further demean and control victims.
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