CA CA - Ember Graham, 7 mos, Happy Valley, 2 Jul 2015 - #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
That would mean that he pulled out of the gas station with the tailgate up, drove the baby for awhile trying to get her to sleep OR went and to dispose of her body, and somewhere along the way (the trip he claimed not to remember) he realized he could be saving on gas money if he put his tailgate down, so stopped to do so. In the first scenario that would be weird. In the second scenario it would be callous to a point of sociopathy, which I guess in this case would be in keeping with his other actions. Yuck.

i feel that he killed Ember, wrapped her in something (blanket, etc) and put her in the back of the truck. He did not want to drive with her body next to him. He planned this -- that's why he brought the shovel. He found a place, put the tailgate down, took her out and buried her in a shallow grave. His agitation was too great to think of the tailgate again. Driving back he realized he still had her pacifier and lobbed it out the window.

This is horrible to imagine but I feel it is what happened.

I would like to see a cadaver dog go over the truck but I don't imagine law enforcement has much interest in that now that MG is dead. Though at least it might help to establish Ember is not alive any longer.
i feel that he killed Ember, wrapped her in something (blanket, etc) and put her in the back of the truck. He did not want to drive with her body next to him. He planned this -- that's why he brought the shovel. He found a place, put the tailgate down, took her out and buried her in a shallow grave. His agitation was too great to think of the tailgate again. Driving back he realized he still had her pacifier and lobbed it out the window.

This is horrible to imagine but I feel it is what happened.

I would like to see a cadaver dog go over the truck but I don't imagine law enforcement has much interest in that now that MG is dead. Though at least it might help to establish Ember is not alive any longer.

IMO it would be so wrong of LE to stop trying to find out what actually happened to Ember now that MG is dead. If it isn't proven absolutely that he was responsible, then there is a chance that someone else could get away with a terrible crime. I'll admit that I have never been convinced of his role in her disappearance, despite his panic and actions which lead to his death.

I think I've asked this some time back, but given that he was LE's named person of interest - I'd like to know if cadaver dogs were used when searching his home and truck back when Ember first went missing? If they were used, and didn't hit on any scent, I know this could just mean that poor little Ember was still present and alive then - but at least folks wouldn't be still speculating about the possibility that she had passed away in the truck or at home.
This video was shared on the KCRC7 Facebook page (on the thread regarding MG's autopsy report):¬if_t=share_comment
A local recorded the drive from the pacifier recovery site to the Happy Stop.


The drive took 11:50. They didn't speak or narrate the video (only saying "stop" at the end).

Here is a screen grab of the very end of the video. I tried my best to capture the gas pump and the front of the store.

What is so notable to me is how remote the starting point is. They appeared to make the drive earlier in the day (than the timestamped images we've seen of MG, based on the lighting - but I could be wrong. That said, they passed only a handful of other motorists (more as they got closer to the Happy Stop).

The distance is significant. They weren't driving slow. It puts the sheer magnitude of the SAR grid into heartbreaking perspective. I truly hope today's search revealed information to direct LE in future searches, because the terrain is simply vast between Ono and the Happy Stop. Add in the distance to Ember's home, and it is just more ground to cover. :(

I truly hope the Mods will allow this post to remain. :please:
It was beyond eye opening to view.


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Found this interesting message from the person who did this video of the drive from where the soother was found to the "Happy Stop" ( does not match the mood here)

They seemed to have found another potential route by the water tower.
Found this interesting message from the person who did this video of the drive from where the soother was found to the "Happy Stop" ( does not match the mood here)

They seemed to have found another potential route by the water tower.

Thank you Mountain! Here's the comparison video, which includes the Graham residence. It was actually posted yesterday:


The post Mountain linked is a must-read. It will explain why the road was travelled above the speed limit (on the video I posted upthread). I tip my hat to this local for doing this.

It is this approach - the willingness to look at the big picture and all possibilities - that will lead searchers to Ember Skye.

I believe this with all my heart.

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For the longest time I was giving MG the benefit of the doubt. I was assuming that he innocently found his baby dead in her playpen, from a seizure or SIDS----and he covered it up in a panic.

But now, the way he ran, and left no note nor explanation, took a gun, took the easy way out in a suicide by cop, etc---I think it might have been more malicious than I first believed. :mad:

I have to say the same thought crossed my mind. I wondered if something worse than we imagined happened.
i feel that he killed Ember, wrapped her in something (blanket, etc) and put her in the back of the truck. He did not want to drive with her body next to him. He planned this -- that's why he brought the shovel. He found a place, put the tailgate down, took her out and buried her in a shallow grave. His agitation was too great to think of the tailgate again. Driving back he realized he still had her pacifier and lobbed it out the window.

This is horrible to imagine but I feel it is what happened.

I would like to see a cadaver dog go over the truck but I don't imagine law enforcement has much interest in that now that MG is dead. Though at least it might help to establish Ember is not alive any longer.

I think she was deceased in the car seat when he carried her into the gas station. It would be much easier to hide a deceased child in a car seat than one that might be rolling around in the back of the truck. Trunk bed is far too risky. It could be that the ground was too hard to dig, it was loud and he was spooked thinking someone might hear him and then made the decision to toss her in the creek?

There are quite a few missing persons cases where we know the person is deceased. If LE believes the remains are recoverable they will continue to look. We've followed cases where msm shows the authorities combing through garbage dumps searching for remains. They'll keep looking provided they have an area to search. It's only when there really is such a large area it is not feasible to search. (Timmy Pitzen case). Searchers combed through a garbage dump for little Aveion Lewis.

I just hope and pray she's found.
I think she was deceased in the car seat when he carried her into the gas station. It would be much easier to hide a deceased child in a car seat than one that might be rolling around in the back of the truck. Trunk bed is far too risky. It could be that the ground was too hard to dig, it was loud and he was spooked thinking someone might hear him and then made the decision to toss her in the creek?

There are quite a few missing persons cases where we know the person is deceased. If LE believes the remains are recoverable they will continue to look. We've followed cases where msm shows the authorities combing through garbage dumps searching for remains. They'll keep looking provided they have an area to search. It's only when there really is such a large area it is not feasible to search. (Timmy Pitzen case). Searchers combed through a garbage dump for little Aveion Lewis.

I just hope and pray she's found.


I mentioned before that he might have found softer ground right at a creek's edge, and was able to dig fairly deep and to pack wet mud & brush or whatever on top afterward. I'm afraid that, if this is the case, it will be very difficult (or impossible) to find. Next winter's rains might uncover remains and wash them downstream, though.
Found this interesting message from the person who did this video of the drive from where the soother was found to the "Happy Stop" ( does not match the mood here)

They seemed to have found another potential route by the water tower.

Thank you Mountain! Here's the comparison video, which includes the Graham residence. It was actually posted yesterday:


The post Mountain linked is a must-read. It will explain why the road was travelled above the speed limit (on the video I posted upthread). I tip my hat to this local for doing this.

It is this approach - the willingness to look at the big picture and all possibilities - that will lead searchers to Ember Skye.

I believe this with all my heart.
After viewing all the FB comments, please see my post #399.
Has LE announced the EXACT location the pacifier was found? I can't find the info or map detail anywhere. I can only find info we have been posting here, which is based on FB speculations and assumptions.
In looking at the image of the truck returning , is it just a white mark / glow in the rear of the truck ? at first, it almost looked like a bundle of cloth but I am probably staring too long . wish it was clearer.
PLT, I do think there is something in the back of the truck.
PLT, I do think there is something in the back of the truck.

I thought it could have been outside the truck but when I read the post about the bed being down - I outlined the frame and it seemed to have to be inside. Then I thought maybe a reflection. If I let my imagination go I think - blanket, bag?
I just can't comprehend where LE are even meant to start here. A 7 month old baby could be dumped anywhere. And the radius of the search area is just so huge. He could have gone anywhere. I wish he had left a clue for the mother as to where to find Ember. That pacifier could either be a clue or a red herring. It could be leading the LE on a wild goose chase. I can't imagine how Ember's mom is feeling.
This story has been updated:

Deputies: Pacifier found in Ono belonged to Baby Ember via @BreakingNews_RS
A forensic examination of the handgun used by Matthew Graham is also pending further analysis, Siskiyou investigators said.

Sheriff's officials have said the baby's pacifier was found on the road, though they have not provided the specific location.

A week ago today, searchers had been combing a sparsely populated area roughly surrounding Platina Road north of Highway 36, some 20 to 25 miles due southwest of central Redding.

(That narrows it down, a BIT... :sigh:

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My thought is that he wouldn't have just randomly tossed the pacifier out the window (but this assumes rational thought). It would be perfectly normal for a pacifier to be dropped on the floor of the truck, for instance.

I think his extreme reaction to the discovery was that it was dropped, unbeknownst to him, as he was going to dispose of the body.

I think something specific led LE to the pacifier location (cell phone pings?). Otherwise, how in the world did they find it?

I think/hope she is near the pacifier location. JMO.
Has LE announced the EXACT location the pacifier was found? I can't find the info or map detail anywhere. I can only find info we have been posting here, which is based on FB speculations and assumptions.

See BBM3:
This story has been updated:

Deputies: Pacifier found in Ono belonged to Baby Ember via @BreakingNews_RS
A forensic examination of the handgun used by Matthew Graham is also pending further analysis, Siskiyou investigators said.

Sheriff's officials have said the baby's pacifier was found on the road, though they have not provided the specific location.

A week ago today, searchers had been combing a sparsely populated area roughly surrounding Platina Road north of Highway 36, some 20 to 25 miles due southwest of central Redding.

That narrows it down, a BIT... :sigh: that is one of the more detailed MSM descriptions I've seen though, GigTu.

IIRC, LE has been purposely keeping the exact location of the site the pacifier was located under wraps. In the beginning, when searches were underway, MG was a fugitive and we were being told it was to keep JG safe (in case he showed up). Later, I recall reading somewhere that they did it to preserve the investigation. :dunno:

Remember, you have LE searches, and people out doing their own searches for Baby Ember, especially after the announcement came that searches were suspended.

I could be wrong, and if there's an official (or MSM) statement with a pinpoint location and/or a map, I must have missed it.


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My thought is that he wouldn't have just randomly tossed the pacifier out the window (but this assumes rational thought). It would be perfectly normal for a pacifier to be dropped on the floor of the truck, for instance.

I think his extreme reaction to the discovery was that it was dropped, unbeknownst to him, as he was going to dispose of the body.

I think something specific led LE to the pacifier location (cell phone pings?). Otherwise, how in the world did they find it?

I think/hope she is near the pacifier location. JMO.

I agree with you and think maybe the pacifier was in Ember's lap and he may not have noticed especially if it was clear. I envision it dropping when he took her out of the truck. I don't think it was purposely put there to throw LE off because why bother doing that at all? if it werent for the pacifier - there would be no trace of Ember at all thus far . The fact that he ran indicates to me that he thought it was only a matter of time before they found her.
IMO, there's no way Ember was deceased at the store. With it being so hot, and Ember's age, she wouldn't be covered by a blanket. Babies also draw attention. Young guy and a baby, females typically want to see the baby, small talk about and to the baby,
IMO, there's no way Ember was deceased at the store. With it being so hot, and Ember's age, she wouldn't be covered by a blanket. Babies also draw attention. Young guy and a baby, females typically want to see the baby, small talk about and to the baby,
On that note, we are assuming Ember was "disposed of" in the missing 1 hour. If so, he would have chosen a remote location off the main road that might include a little bit of a more rugged terrain.

However, it's more likely MG took her under the cover of darkness. Knowing the location of the pacifier is key to finding her. In the "dark" scenario, he would likely park on the side of the road and leave her in an "easier access" location that had trees or water, but was more flat and easier to navigate. In the dark he probably would not have noticed the pacifier falling out and landing under his truck or something.

The missing 1 hour is key, but I don't think Ember was harmed yet at that point. I think he put his hand over her mouth to stop her crying when she kept waking him up in the night, and he kept it on too long and 'accidentally' suffocated her. Which still equals murder.
IMO, there's no way Ember was deceased at the store. With it being so hot, and Ember's age, she wouldn't be covered by a blanket. Babies also draw attention. Young guy and a baby, females typically want to see the baby, small talk about and to the baby,

I'm not so sure. Babies sleep. I don't think anyone would attempt to wake her up to say hi. So how would anyone know? How quickly was he in and out.? Did he talk to any women in the store? Was there anyone else in the store? Or just the cashier? He had more risk in drawing attention by leaving her in the car should someone notice a baby left alone in a car during triple digit temps. I don't think he went to find her burial location then accidentally killed her and took her back in the night. I bet it was done during that hour then he went home and got stoned.

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