CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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I agree with you. Also, I don't want people to get into an abortion debate. That's the last thing we need. I believe in serious extreme circumstances to warrant one. This is why I am pro rights. I should have been more specific in my post and I apologize for that. I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control. People that do that should be responsible enough to use birth control, imo, rather that use abortion as an afterthought. Also, I'd like to add that those same boycotters don't believe in birth control, at all, and are against Planned Parenthood supplying condoms, pills, etc. Most of those same people believe in abstinence only, no compromise. I'm against that b/c it's not realististic. Still, though, nobody should be forced to have a child that was placed in their body as the result of rape.

Now, back to Stacey...I'm on the fence pertaining to this being 100% intentional. I'm still not finding proof that she was a meth user, just a few posters on forums saying they heard something or other. I'm still searching. Usually we'd find more by now, especially given Stacey's age, if her drug use was high. Again, please remember that I just now this morning discovered this thread...thanks to Lovejac. Trying to find whatever I can.

Isn't that weird that there aren't more people posting about her in blogs????? This is the only case that I've followed, where people who knew the family and/or perp weren't coming out of the woodwork to talk about them!!

Very strange to me.
Isn't that weird that there aren't more people posting about her in blogs????? This is the only case that I've followed, where people who knew the family and/or perp weren't coming out of the woodwork to talk about them!!

Very strange to me.

Love, this is the exact reason I'm on the fence regarding her intentionally killing her daughter. She could have been charged with 2nd degree murder due to negliegence (falling under abuse) if it's true she let her play with the plastic sandwhich bag that the sandwhich was in. Maybe Emma was chewing on the bag with the sandwhich in it and it got lodged in her throat. Maybe it wasn't a zip-lock but a cheaper fold over sandwhich bag. They are very thin plastic and would show no signs of trauma if it blocked her airway. Her cause of death would be suffocation if such an "accident" happened. I wonder if there's truth to this scenario considering the fact she was charged with 2nd degree instead of 1st. It doesn't necessarily have to be murder on a whim, negligence by giving her such a thing as this bag with a sandwhich (or even an empty one) would fall under this...according to it's law. I honestly believe the reason for her high bail is b/c she was either a flight risk or she's a suicide risk. I think alot of people are ready to kill her b/c we're all sick & tired of stuff happening to babies/kids, but I'm still not ready to convict her...not yet. Also, I'm still not finding anything to even suggest she frequented the use of meth, or was even a minor user. If somebody is going to go on the internet and post something about her being a user, yet they are or were not one themselves, then they shouldn't be afraid to put their name out there...that is if they're so angry and upset about Stacey doing such a thing. You yourself put your real name on those emails to the did that b/c you're passionate about it...I'd think if these people have dirt on her and they're innocent themselves, then they would be doing the same thing as you did in your email. I'm just not sure. BTW, I did the same as you, sent a couple of emails. Might not have done anything but it makes me feel better...did that in the Caylee Anthony case. I'd think if the people that said she used meth or drugs were on the up & up, then they'd share that with the popo and be suppoenaed (sp?) to court. Stacey could have reacted in a panic b/c at her age she might not be using good reasoning. She might have reacted like a kid reacting right away to something that somebody else did to them...reacting without thinking about what would be the right thing to do. In other words, maybe she thought she was going to be in trouble for doing something wrong, making a mistake, and her daughter died b/c of she panicked and reacted disgustingly. Maybe she thought the worst thing would happen to her, like her being charged with murder, so in her mind she went crazy and made this nutty story up. Right now, as far as I know, I'm not even finding evidence that backs up her story of her hitting her head on the steering wheel. I'm wondering if she in fact tried to kill herself by banging her head on something b/c she couldn't live with herself over such a mistake...then when she wasn't successful, she made up that story. I have no idea if this is the case, just throwing out a different scenario to contemplate. I despise how she dealt with this, accident or not is beside the point. Either way, she'll definitely do time for handling it the way she did. However, I'm not finding anywhere where she was a party gal like Casey, nowhere where people are talking about her treating her daughter bad, nowhere where she would be talking about wishing she never had a kid, etc. Nowhere on the net am I finding that she she's conniving and manipulative like Casey, and that gives me reason for pause. I'm still searching, though...will be back...

BTW, thanks for telling me about Emma. I just may not be able to sleep tonight!
Does anyone have any updates? It's 9:30 and I'm hitting Google strong! Been on MySpace & Facebook, some other forums, etc. Still haven't found sufficient proof of drugs...also haven't found anything bad on Stacey (before this). It's just not adding up.
Just speaking about her pic's I think they are very well done. She is an attractive gal and I wish I had been blessed with her body!!! If we compare these to those of Casey A. :eek::eek:
It's not the posed pictures, it's not the lack of pictures of Emma but rather the totality of what we see of SB that makes me raise an eyebrow.

And then to add the observation of another poster that she doesn't seem to have that many friends. We could look at that as someone that is shy or reserved (as I am, myself, and I don't have a great many friends, just a few that I feel close to) but when we look at the big picture, each facet begins to tell us a story.

So while looking at one aspect of her life at a time, none scream out in absurdity, but all together...we see a picture emerging. We see a social networking page that really isn't important in the grand scheme of things, we see professionally done pictures of her in tasteful yet revealing positions, which also isn't indicative in of itself of anything. We see pictures of her partying with her friends, again, proves nothing. She lives with her parents who by all accounts are the ones that were Emma's primary care-giver, again, this happens in many families.

But what we have here is a dead child. This woman has been charged in her death.

However, it's the big picture when all of these are put together. Selfish, self-centered, manipulative, liar, now, more than likely, murderer. She is no different from the countless other young women we have seen dispose of their children like objects.

Well said Kat, and snipped resp, for space, and bolded by me :)

I think we need to let the picture issue go. I don't understand why we care? I personally don't. Unless we find some hidden photo bucket accounts or scandalous pics, I personally feel its a mute point. The pics are NOT pornographic, and are done in a tasteful manner for a girl her age that just had a baby (more power to her to pull it off, IMO).

I think the media is starting to jump to false conclusions, when this is one of the tightest sealed cases I can recall in a while. It could be that more will come out after discovery, and if not, we need to stop starting rumors (ie-drug usage).

PS- I am not singeling you out Kat, just liked your post. :blowkiss: I just think we all need to chill till we hear more- AND believe me, I DESPISE her just as much as y'all do!!! :furious::furious:
My DH brought up a pretty interesting point on the choking on the baggie theory and the charges that they charged her with........

He suggested that maybe she was with a drug dealer and they were packaging,or even using for that matter, therefore the baggies,and therefore the charges against Emma, and the fact she was found in the ghetto after she died. You know how toddlers are into EVERYTHING~ This could also explain the wait for tox results. :eek:

He also suggested that the reason it took so long to let her go was that she may have "talked" her way and shared some names and addresses to save her azz and that may have been what bought her the extra time at home. :confused:

It also explains the security hold on her case and the gag they have on every thing. Maybe some gang-bangers are involved and they are keeping it sealed for her protection? :chicken:

IDK if I agree with ALL of his theories, but wanted to throw them out since I havent heard it yet and there is definately something amiss here,and to see what y'all think . :blowkiss:

One thing my DH brought up was that fact if she WAS doing meth, it was probably easier to score on her side of the hill than in the valley where Emma's body was dumped. She lived in a semi-rural area with LOTS of drug activity in the hills. Emma's body was found in city limits.- It just doesnt make sense!
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! :blowkiss:

Please take a minute to say a prayer or send some positive thoughts to Sue Barker. Today is going to be a very sad day for her.

To all the mothers that give their all and try to do the best they can, to all the mothers that see their children as the beautiful gift that they are, to all the mothers that make their children their top priority, God bless you!
just an FYI for non-myspacers:
when users upload pics to their account there is a feature that allows you to make each album private if you wish to do so. These are the options: 1: public is allowed to view, 2: only your friends can view, 3: only you can view... there is also a new option that allows you to invite, by email non myspacers to view your pictures.

I have tons of family on myspace, photobucket takes too long (IMO) to upload pics so I post all of my pictures on myspace. My myspace is private and all of my albums (except my nature one that has no people) are individually set to be viewed only by my friends. (I ONLY allow people, groups, and bands that I know personally or that I know are reputable) My MIL does not use myspace, so inorder for her to see the pictures, I had to send her an email granting her access to my kids pictures

there is also a feature on the blogs that lets you choose who in your friends list can read a blog entry. I imagine it's only a matter of time before myspace makes this feature available with the photo albums as well.
My DH brought up a pretty interesting point on the choking on the baggie theory and the charges that they charged her with........

He suggested that maybe she was with a drug dealer and they were packaging,or even using for that matter, therefore the baggies,and therefore the charges against Emma, and the fact she was found in the ghetto after she died. You know how toddlers are into EVERYTHING~ This could also explain the wait for tox results. :eek:

He also suggested that the reason it took so long to let her go was that she may have "talked" her way and shared some names and addresses to save her azz and that may have been what bought her the extra time at home. :confused:

It also explains the security hold on her case and the gag they have on every thing. Maybe some gang-bangers are involved and they are keeping it sealed for her protection? :chicken:

IDK if I agree with ALL of his theories, but wanted to throw them out since I havent heard it yet and there is definately something amiss here,and to see what y'all think . :blowkiss:

One thing my DH brought up was that fact if she WAS doing meth, it was probably easier to score on her side of the hill than in the valley where Emma's body was dumped. She lived in a semi-rural area with LOTS of drug activity in the hills. Emma's body was found in city limits.- It just doesnt make sense!

yeah. I'd take Sylmar over Quartz Hill.
My pictures didn't show anything remotely close to this, I never felt comfortable with that, but Stacey's pictures were still done with taste. I remember an old boyfriend of mine snapped a pic of me on the toilet, tinkling, in my college years....I got out, punched him in the face, smashed his disposable with a meat tenderizer, and broke up with him.

I'm still going through the thread. How can a mother smother a child to death by accident? In a fit of rage maybe? From what I've learned in school, if the child died from the heat in a car, then her insides would show signs of a change in temperature, since her body was found shortly after her demise.

I'm not sure about the take on meth yet. I'm still reading through and Googling at the same time. Something people should realize, meth almost always shows signs of usage, no matter how it's taken. It's like acid, which leaves scarring on your brain. If the user isn't habitual, then it could be hidden. If the user is affluent, then they can afford good cosmetics and dentistry. All one has to do is use Fergie as an example, as she is a self admitted recovering/ed meth addict. Sometimes looks can be deceiving...

Yeah. Chronic meth users look old fast. And, their teeth rot from the roots up.

It's because meth is a vasoconstrictor. It diminishes blood flow to the capillaries.
...the reason I was mentioning the pics was not at all because I thought they are distasteful,on the contrary,they're beautiful and I don't think it's strange for her to have a full page of her pics.It's HER myspace,she also had a full page of emma's pics on there.
What I think is strange is that there are no comments on her pics,there's a lack of friends,amber seems to be the only one and defends her hand and foot.
It seems she was rather obsessive about the boyfriend and it seems to me that she is mentally quite unstable.I don't understand why everything in this case is so hush,hush.That's how her myspace is.Like only a small select group of people know anything about her.It's just odd to me.
A few not so nice comments Id like to leave.

Me too! What is it with these young mothers with infants and toddlers..posting semi/nasti pics out there for all to see??? Is the new norm on the already meat market at MySpace????

Do they not think that when the kids grow up some of this stuff is going to be OUT there still?? Cache/PDF or not?? :confused:

I thank God every day my girls weren't around when the internet first broke loose............... Wheww!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise, I'd be in a loonybin by now! lol :crazy:
Court tomorrow guys! I hope we get some better media coverage.
I've been lurking on Emma's thread since the beginning but to answer your thought..Yes, methies are HIGHLY impulsive. I am a meth addict and boy impulsive shouldn't even be the word. When I was on meth time would pass by so fast. You look at the clock one min and then look again and then bam 8 hours has passed. I'm wonder if this was the case with Emma.

Hi, Coley, I haven't read or posted on this thread since around May 3rd or
4th, but as I was catching up, it occurred to me that perhaps, SB went to that Sylmar area to score some dope, leaving Emma in the car for what she meant to make a "quick stop." Hours later, she leaves and finds Emma dead in the car. PURE speculation on my part--I have no idea what the weather was that day or how far away she was from the Park n Ride, but if she did stop to score, used a little while she was there, it would be very easy for her to have forgotten about Emma. Dumped her right where she shopped- or close to it. Tweaking on meth, forgetting about the baby. Seems easy to do. Now, maybe LE is getting info from her on her connections, thus the tight lips.

BTW, congrats on stayin clean 7 years. People like you help me to keep faith in God and humanity.
Yes, it's going to be very interesting if it's blocked like last time. I do think at least 2 local TV channels will cover it. And when I say 2, I don't count the SoCal-3 very local station as one of those. The weinie station is what all of us and all of our local friends have called it for YEARS! :waitasec:

Sure they try and show up, but when they replay the court coverage at 5PM it's more like the Gumby show... They get names wrong..the volume jumps up and down.. and they always miss the stuff that the Los Angeles local news zeros in on....such as Nbc4, Kabc7, Ktla5. cbs2/9 and Kttv11.

My advice....skip the weinie news channel. :D
My DH brought up a pretty interesting point on the choking on the baggie theory and the charges that they charged her with........

He suggested that maybe she was with a drug dealer and they were packaging,or even using for that matter, therefore the baggies,and therefore the charges against Emma, and the fact she was found in the ghetto after she died. You know how toddlers are into EVERYTHING~ This could also explain the wait for tox results. :eek:

He also suggested that the reason it took so long to let her go was that she may have "talked" her way and shared some names and addresses to save her azz and that may have been what bought her the extra time at home. :confused:

It also explains the security hold on her case and the gag they have on every thing. Maybe some gang-bangers are involved and they are keeping it sealed for her protection? :chicken:

IDK if I agree with ALL of his theories, but wanted to throw them out since I havent heard it yet and there is definately something amiss here,and to see what y'all think . :blowkiss:

One thing my DH brought up was that fact if she WAS doing meth, it was probably easier to score on her side of the hill than in the valley where Emma's body was dumped. She lived in a semi-rural area with LOTS of drug activity in the hills. Emma's body was found in city limits.- It just doesnt make sense!

The baggie theory makes no sense to me. The cause of death came back undetermined pending toxicology. Choking on a baggy would not be undetermined considering how quickly they recovered the body. If she "accidently" suffocated her that would have been visible by the coroner in the eyes.

Does anyone know what the temperature was that day? If she was somewhere she shouldn't have been and left her in the car, leading to her death that could explain the choice of charges.
IIRC, shgrbkr it's her arraignment today. She made one appearance after her arrest, and she made no plea.
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