GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

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Bump today is Monday July 26, 2010. Here for Emma and waiting.
The hearing scheduled for yesterday, 7/26 was delayed - The court is now in need of some information from DD - Mr Erin Sutton. Mr Sutton will be in Judge Zacky's court on Aug 11 to answer some questions....

No telling what Mr Sutton has to share at this point but we should all know shortly.

Little Emma's momster mouthed an "I love you to BB" - while being returned to the holding cell. Two 90 minute rides to the court and back to the jail - all for a two minute hearing. Thank goodness sb is jailed in America, where her rights are so much more important than her daughters' right to breathe.
I just wanted to say thank you for keeping us updated!! Without your wonderful reporting, I would never know if we get Justice for Emma!
Who is Mr. Sutton? I don't remember him being mentioned before. I'm sure he probably was and I don't remember it. Why is he important enough to hold up the case? I thought Judge Zackey was determined to keep things moving?
What is with the boyfriend hanging on? They weren't together that long before her arrest. Why is he even attending these court hearings? I find that very strange. Could it be he feels guilty for telling her he didn't want kids and feels partially responsible?
Who is Mr. Sutton? I don't remember him being mentioned before. I'm sure he probably was and I don't remember it. Why is he important enough to hold up the case? I thought Judge Zackey was determined to keep things moving?

He is, but this maybe important, the next hearing is 8/11, this is not another postponement yet.... and as long as this is nothing but one crazy talking to another crazy - I hope there is no postponing -

Judge Z needs to find out what these two fools talked about! And if they were both in lockup how did they have a phone conversation???

Dager (I just discovered) also claims to be needing time to interview more witnesses - sb has been locked up for 15 mos - he could have interviewed the whole AV by now - I hope he is done 'pdq' - Zacky can tell him he has had enough time (let's hope he does just that if Dager claims not to be ready)

(From hearing 7/02) Cromer hands Dager a disc. She says there's a wire tap conversation on the disc ( it isn't clear whose line was tapped) there are also taped phone calls the defendant made and (most interesting IMO) are letters she has exchanged with an inmate Sutton. Judge Zackey asks, "Is that the Erin Sutton who was in my courtroom?" Cromer, Dager and another attorney (unidentified) all respond, " Yes it is your honor." Judge Zackey looks puzzled and maybe a bit shocked when he finds out it was the same guy. (Evidently he didn't make the connection at the last hearing when this was mentioned.)

Mr Sutton AKA Devil Dude.

Two jailed "innocents" remember sb calls Emma's death "an accident" - Mr Sutton who is jailed on robbery charges, but claims his trial was over lies of a convicted child molester offering private guitar lessons to his daughter.

DD Has a blog - the following was from 12/07

(snipped) I am not in Slumber (dead) I have been removed from the freedom I adore by the FALSE accusations of my Guitar Intructor/Betraying Friend who turned out to be a CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER! I now sit here within the belly of this Beast fighting my case. Your thoughts and letters are indeed welcome!

The second was 12/08 with pretrial starting 1/09

(snipped) The first trial resulted in a Hung Jury for the falsely accused father in which his accuser, the CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER: Wilson, was impeached & proven to be a liar several times while testifying under oath! As was another so-called witness for the prosecution...who also admitted to being on drugs at the time!

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT for Mr. Sutton, his daughter and for Real Justice! Show your disgust at a perverts ability to pervert justice by showing up and attending Round TWO in this families fight for FREEDOM & HEALING in what is a sad and twisted situation that MUST be made RIGHT!!!

He had a message I can no longer find that was dated April '09 'It has been decided, if you are a friend send me a PM I'll give you the details.' This is not exact quote it is as close as I remember. Last access was 11/09

sb was arrested in April 2009....

Originally Posted by Belinda >What is with the boyfriend hanging on? They weren't together that long before her arrest. Why is he even attending these court hearings? I find that very strange. Could it be he feels guilty for telling her he didn't want kids and feels partially responsible?

BB has been to every hearing! It appears from his MySpace this has really effected him. I cringe every time she acknowledges him, I wonder if he does too?

From what it appears BB and sb had been dating a few months - he was completely up front in his desire to be childless (at least for the time being) including with his LE interview. His parents know sb and didn't approve of their relationship.

Yes, I think BB feels guilty - the rumor mill has always said she murdered Emma to keep him or to be able to spend more time with him.

LE claims to know her motive, the only one they have said out loud was sb not wanting Emma to grow up and be like her - pregnant too young and not have the freedom to do her own thing because of being stuck living with parents. (spoken like a truly loving momster)
So a hearing or so ago I commented on the other site where the gals and I chat - questioning whether this witch ever thinks about her her baby - about the life she stole and the lives she has ruined and ended it with I bet her family does.

Last week I received the following reply

Auntie (not verified)
at 10:58 on August 5th, 2010

Yes. We think of Emma every day. She is my great niece and Stacey is my niece. You people have no respect for our family. You think all of this matters or helps! Stop for a moment and think of how you would be feeling if it were you? We love them both and our hearts broken at the loss we have had, but all you can do is shovel judgment. Well it doesn't bring Emma back or the truth forward. The DA has nothing on Stacey, that's why they offered a convicted person like Aaron to try and get evidence and it turns up nill! But he gets 18 years off of his sentence??? There's justice at work. You are only hurting us more...

Well my girls did not let me down - but since she called me out and T has verified this is a relative who shows and glares I gave her an answer of my own:

at 10:47 on August 9th, 2010

I'm sorry you feel we have disrespected your family and if this happened in my family - I too would be crushed and devastated beyond words - if I worded the post above your comment poorly, for that I apologize to you and any other member of your family.

My question was aimed at your niece - does she care what she has done to you and her family? She sure doesn't act like it - between whispered "I love you's" and walking into court made up like she was on a date. She is the one you should be talking to about respect. Not those of us who shake our head in disgust over her behavior.

I believe we have tried to be as respectful of your family as possible under these circumstances - and have refrained from uttering words meant to harm them - because we feel such pain over your loss. It is sadly my opinion that Emma's mother doesn't share that pain. BBB, T, KF (and those who can no longer post here) thank you all for caring enough about Emma to be here for her.

It is not judgement we seek - that is for the courts. All we are looking for is JUSTICE FOR EMMA!

So she added this in regards to my question about who wanted to question Mr Sutton - the judge?

Auntie (not verified)
at 15:03 on August 5th, 2010

The answer to your question is Sutton was a plant by the DA on the bus. The intent was to extract some sort of information regarding Emma's death. He was convicted and sentenced to 26 years, for some sort of child molestation. He was offered a deal (and was found guilty bgy his peers of his crime) to get a lesser sentence if he befriended Stacey. So there you have it. Let's talk about the DA making a deal like that to cover her week case on Stacey.

So It was explained to her that we didn't believe a word of it - and T said in spite of his tats not to judge a book by it's cover. Also answering a question about the tat design:

Uncle (not verified)
at 16:40 on August 5th, 2010

Ok let me get this right, Convicted child molestor - claimed he did not do it. Mother suspected of murder - claimed she did not do it. You don't want to judge a book by it's cover, except for Stacey. I am forever at a loss due to the loss of our sweet Emma, our lives will never be the same. And I am willing to let our justice system work because I was not there and that is what civilized people do. You all seem to be willing to play judge and jury with the convicted child molestor and the mom. (you're not alone seems like a common pastime for many) Hope your right about that guy, I would'nt want any more children molested. Remember it's innocent untill proven guilty. I am greatful that you care about what you know about Emma. She is a beautiful baby that now knows no pain. I look forward to seeing her someday in heaven. respectfully. uncle

Now we are being accused of backing a child molester - I can only imagine who gave them that wrong information:

at 10:05 on August 9th, 2010

Auntie and Uncle; there is not a person who has written, commented, recommended or pushed to the front page - a single word about the loss your family has suffered - without at some point early on, and off n on ever since, commenting on our great sorrow for your pain. No one here has uttered a single word disparaging your family and we have all repeatedly commented on the great sorrow we feel for what this has done to everyone who loved little Emma, especially her family.

If this hurts you, before you lash out at the messenger - please remember the source, the acts that brought us to this point. I can guarantee it isn't something one of the writers or supporters here are guilty of doing. If this adds to your pain - from the bottom of my heart - I am so sorry, that is not our intention, all we want is to see justice for Emma - if you don't have the same goal, I would suggest you stop reading here, if you must - because we are not going to go away until we know the guilty party is convicted - if that isn't Stacy - I'd suggest you tell her she needs to speak up - because going to jail for a crime she didn't commit makes no sense and to the best of my knowledge Stacy left home with Emma, Emma didn't return. Stacy told LE where to find Emma's body - after she dumped her along side I - 10. If you believe the DA has such a weak case - there's no time like the present to fill in any missing information.

Presumption of innocence is a great thing the courts in this country up hold - we here don't answer to the courts - but neither do we intentionally print lies. Of course if the courts really thought the accused was innocent, they wouldn't be on trial - they must with hold judgement ie; punishment - until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I for one believe your nieces' own words, spoken to (and recorded by) the LASD are a very strong piece of evidence. Mostly the part where she claimed to hold her hand over little Emma's mouth and nose, until Emma stopped struggling, her little arms dropped to her side - this would have been the point where someone who accidently caused a baby to stop breathing, called 911 - but that never happened. Instead, 18 hours later - after she was deemed healthy by the local ER - Stacy told LEO's where she disposed of lil' Emma's body - after officers, had spent all night searching for Emma - in spite of Stacy's ever changing (ridiculous) stories and fears that Emma was not taken by kidnappers, in spite of the fact LAPD was not paying their officers overtime, in spite of the fact that many of those officers have children of their own who needed them at home. They spent all night - 12 hours looking for a lil angel whose mother left her in a field of weeds, like so much trash. Do you think we haven't cried buckets of tears for Emma?

Erin Sutton, according to the Superior Court of CA in LA Co - claims he is in jail for robbery. Sutton claims he is jailed - looking at a life sentence (maybe 25 to life?) - due to the lies of a former friend who he discovered is a convicted sex offender and who offered to give his 12 yr old daughter private guitar lessons. Nowhere is it written that Sutton is accused of a sex crime. Neither has the state of CA said he is involved in sex a crime - if it comes out on the 11th that he is and the state offered him a deal - you can bet your life we will have a letter writing campaign and phone tree the likes you have never seen!! But honestly I'll be surprised if that happens, as I will be surprised if the state offered him a deal as a secret agent man! That only happens in the movies.

I'm not saying he didn't try to act like one, if you pay attention to the news out of FL - there are several "young women"aka inmates, who thought they could either get a break on their long sentences or a great deal of money, by selling Casey Anthony "secret stories" - one may even be charged for illegal phone calls she made that were forwarded to numbers she wasn't supposed to contact - just say'en.

All of us have children in our lives, many of us have lost a child to a crime - have worked with victims or have families members in social service or law enforcement. All of us wish this crime and all the others against precious babies never happened - but until that time - until so called parents, boyfriends/girlfriends or perverts stop stealing away the lives of precious gifts entrusted to them - we are going to be there, to see justice - that's our right!
LCoastMom! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for aswering for us. It breaks my heart that the aunt and uncle are so upset. The Websleuth forum is victim friendly. Tricia DOES NOT allow members to speak ill of victims family and I know for a fact NO ONE on this forum ever has. I wonder if they are clumping us in with the "other" sites around that name call and such.

I have NEVER doubted that Emma was adored by every one who had the fortune of knowing her. I just wish that Stacey had felt the same way.

Emma's family members are still grieving and they NEED to be able to be mad at someone until the time comes when it's safe for them to feel anger towards the one who caused their heartbreak. I don't mind playing scapegoat for a while if it helps with the grieving process. I continue to keep them in my many prayers.

I cannot fathom what it would be like to love someone who killed someone you love. I would be in denial for as long as I could. Nor can I fathom the fear that Emma felt as she was aware that it was her mom who was preventing her from breathing. She is an angel that deserves justice and I pray she receives it. I also pray that Stacey will do right by her family and plead guilty for what she did so they can start to accept and heal.

To Emma's Aunt and Uncle, if you are reading these words, please know I am so very sorry for the horrible loss you suffered.
Lovejac, this happened at NP - the day of a hearing that sb attended with her hair done and in full makeup - she entered the courtroom looking like she had a date - smiling at BB being cute and coy - it made me angry for her to bounce in like she was all that - I asked just as I said - "does she think about what she did and who she hurt - I'll bet her family does."

Causing Auntie to become angry and lash out - then to reply to my question - did Judge Z want to question Erin Sutton or who?

The answer is the public defender, Dager! He wants to know who else has "made a deal with Sutton"! There were no such comments in court the DA handed over a recored PHONE conversation - so far the DA has said nothing except that she knows sb had a conversation on the bus with IES - who is charged with felony robbery - nothing else.

So when Tori explained Sutton is in for robbery, not child molesting, Uncle got in on the act, someone really told them some wild stories about Sutton - at least he replied that he appreciated our caring for Emma...

Interesting - I received a comment from Katfish to which I replied almost word for word as yours - as I said, I do understand they cannot lash out at sb - and we are convenient - I do care about their pain and mean that from the bottom of my heart. We have not tried to hurt them or make them feel worse than they already do - I have not and will not lash out at the family, have never said a bad word about the family. All I have ever commented in regards to any of them (except sb) is how very sorry I am for their pain and loss (which I believe is the same as others have said).

I cannot imagine what they are are going through and they weren't at the prelim, so they may not have heard what sb said to Det Nava.

But I also believe it is our right to sit in the court room and write about what transpires while we are there. Not to cause the family pain, but to see that there is Justice for Emma.
So our dear friend T went to court on the 11th, when I had a family member, whose needs prevented my traipsing out to the Valley - T was on her way to Vegas for some fun in the sun (AKA gambling) - but, she showed up for the hearing before hitting the road. (((HUGS))) are not enough, T. IOU - big time!

While Judge Zacky's and others comments are in "quotes" - Tori's comments, opinions and thoughts in are in "quotes" where appropriate and also put in italics for clarity. (I hope it helps) When KatFish, who normally transcribes Tori's notes, I wrap the whole text in quote tags - she was not available last night, so I put this together quickly myself - that is why it is in a different format.

When they arrived in court, DDA Kelly Cromer was there when court started at 9AM, while Dagar was not - T, Nurse and Tiff were not sure of the wording of what they heard - regarding Sutton - but it was "He is refusing to talk" or "He should/If he should refuse to talk" along those lines and Sutton would not come out of the holding cell!

Judge Zacky and the Bailiff exchanged some words regarding Erin Sutton - Judge Zacky called Dager, Kelly and then the court reporter with her steno machine to his chambers - while what transpired is not known T said "we speculate that Mr. Sutton was in there and that is where he answered the questions that Dager posed to him, in private."

Saying they were disappointed is putting it mildly.

PD Dager, DDA Cromer, Judge Zacky and the court clerk came back, Judge Zacky said, "On 8/26 we will return to court for wrap up of discovery. Bring Ms. Barker in (from the holding cell) please."

sb was in a snit at this hearing, not bothering to look at family or bf in the gallery. She came in "walking heavy and mad looking. She plopped down into the chair next to Dager and faced forward."

Once sb was seated, Judge Zacky said; "We are still shooting for the week of Sept 26th for trial. We will be back here 8/26 to discuss the motions you have filed (or want to file) 1- CHANGE OF VENUE, like I said we have a large jury pool and we won't know until we poll the jurors if that is nessasary, 2 - Exclusion of MEDIA (ie; bloggers) and ALL the other motions you want to file at that time. You will be bringing in expert witt's right? Also we will finish up any discovery either side may have." (as discovery is a ongoing "problem" for the PD)

DDA Cromer attempted to hand Dagar a giant yellow envelope - saying, "Here are some more letters and phone calls." He just let it fall on the table hard, not pleased - I guess this morning did not go as he had planned...

Judge Z said; "OK, we will see you back here on August 26th" - He is holding fast to that Sept. trial date, there have been enough delays!

sb got up, still not a happy camper - she marched off towards the holding cell; escorted by the Bailiff - at the last second she turned and mouthed "I love you" but BB and the grandparents had alread gotten up to leave and they had their backs to her - so they missed her, this time.

T said, after the hearing she told Craig (the Time-Warner news guy) that she believes "SB will have to go to a TUFF woman's prison to do her time, here she is serving in a county jail that is not that mean, so the longer she stays here - it counts towards her time served... I don't know, just my thoughts, everyone thinks Dager is playing games." He has already Filed the Motions, he wants Judge Z to rule on and Judge Z already went over these issues months ago (he must have a few more and some others he wants heard again)

I am thinking they are the same ones he asked for before... Excluding News, Media and Bloggers from the court...he is like a little kid, Please Please many times does he have to be told NO? We all said, a change of venue will not stop us from attending, we will just carpool! And we will!!!!


It is interesting to me that Craig from Time Warner shows up every time Dager brings up a change of venue, due to the jury pool being tainted by the media exposure and his desire to exclude the media and the bloggers. (Speed dial maybe?) Craig is a good guy IMO - no way he can cover all the hearings/trials everyday - just saying.

Time Warner to the best of my knowledge is a local broadcast - available only to subscribers. On-line they charge to pull up their coverage - IMO it isn't worth their fee.

I still have my doubts about what if anything important Sutton has to add to this case - I believe it is Dagar, still dragging his feet. One of ICA's new bestie's, in FL - was evidently hoping to be sprung back to County Jail - for sharing her info with LE - she said it is so bad in the prison, she would would give up her family visitation - if they will get her out of there. So IMO Tori's thoughts make sense.

I also believe, Dagar knows sb is going down, the LASD has her recorded confession and her admitted lies - he may as well "suck it up" and get it over with. Maybe next time he can get an accused who is actually innocent - but if he is trying to look good, I would suggest he stay away from child abusers/molesters and baby killers.

Once tried, if sb is convicted her home for the next 25 years (to life) could possibly be:

CRDF officially re-opened in 2006, to be utilized as an all female jail facility.
You knew when the media picked up on this and they story they reported something was 'off'. Poor one of Heaven's Angels.
(snipped) It is interesting to me that Craig from Time Warner...

My mistake Craig is from the AV Press Newspaper. Still a good guy and fortunate not to work for TW - MOO!
Yesterday (8/26) was supposed to be the last pre-trial hearing, to wrap up "any loose ends and discovery", for Stacey Barker, at the Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse - with jury selection scheduled for the week of Sept 20 and the trial scheduled to start Sept. 26, 2010.

I finally made it to Lancaster and saw the proceeding in person. Stacey's GParents were front row center right behind the defense table; Tori, TD, Ange and I sat in the 3rd and 4th rows on the "states-side", which put T and myself in the last row, far corner. When PD Dager came into the courtroom he raised his eyebrows and flashed a wide smile in our direction - getting the hearing off to a strange start, as T said; "it was unsettling", as he generally glares or frowns in their direction. T - once commented that Dager has Snidely Whiplash good looks, so "Snidely" he has been ever since and I must agree, it is fitting.

Our sister justice seeker, "ANurse", was out of town and sb's last boyfriend, Brendan AKA BB, was MIA. Ange later told me that Brendan looks more like a wild man from the "far outback" at every hearing, wearing his hair in a faux-hawk and a scruffy beard. They all mimic his nervous ticks (away from the courtroom) and I was sorry he wasn't there - although they insist I shouldn't be.

Judge Zacky, who we figure to be in his mid 40's, is a nice looking man, with a full head of black hair and a ready smile. He seems to enjoy his job, even if he dislikes the reason the defendant is in his courtroom. Unfortunately his good mood was cut short - soon after settling in and Ange commenting that sb was "here", PD Dager, Judge Zacky, DA Cromer and the court reporter headed to chambers, out of our view - when they returned, Judge Z was no longer smiling.

After going thru the list of things he didn't want to happen (cell phones ringing, people talking, chewing gum etc) Judge Z got down to business. While the judge called his first case, PD Dager leaned across the rail and putting his hand up to his mouth whispered something to the Barkers - because I started losing my hearing very young - I read lips very well, unless there is a mustache (like Dager's) or hands over mouths to block what is said. We caught none of the conversation.

There were two other quick hearings before sb was called into the courtroom, shortly after 10:30 in the morning - she came in wearing her school bus yellow 'jail garb' and prisoner "jewelry", neither stomping, nor skipping - she looked at her GParents and nodded her head in acknowledgement of their presence - without any apparent surprise that BB was absent, for the first time. sb hasn't changed much from most of the pictures we've seen; like ICA, her hair has gotten very long - it looked like it was braided wet, then combed out, wavy - soft curls and she wore no make-up today.

sb sat down and immediately huddled with PD Dager; until Judge Z began addressing the motions presented by the PD. Dager is still looking for a Change of Venue - he insists the jury pool has been tainted by the media and more so, by our blow by blow details of each hearing. Originally filed on January 17, Judge Zacky denied the motion on February 18, when he told the defense; "We have a large jury pool and we won't know if that is necessary, until we poll the jurors."

Judge Z is still adamant that the jury will be polled, to see how much, if anything those called to jury duty has heard about the case. The 3 ladies who show up in court for every hearing all live in the AV. The reason they have attended from the beginning, is because there had been almost no media coverage, once sb was arrested in April 2009, I'm doubting if the average person on the street is even aware there is a trial that is about to start.

A point that I would have liked to have heard mention of, was that two months ago, Judge Z asked both Dager and Cromer, if they both still wanted the case to be held in his courtroom; they both replied "Yes." What has changed? I can't answer that, but it is not making Judge Z a happy man, to have this brought up over and over again -

Another point of contention - Exclusion of the media - if the COV is denied, PD Dager wants the media, news reporters and the bloggers banned from the courtroom during the trial - this too has been brought up repeatedly, starting with the hearing on January 17. Judge Zacky told PD Dager - the "Freedom Of Information Act", states the community has the right to know what is going on. Back in January, Judge Zacky told Dager 'he would have to do some research on this' and to date I have not heard any information stating this is something that he will allow.

Dagar also brought up the expert witness he is working with. Judge Zacky said he is still trying to keep this moving towards trial in Sept (but it sounds like we are in for more delays) He scheduled the next hearing for Sept 15 2010.

Whatever was discussed in chambers over and above what has been mentioned, was not discussed and in fact was sealed by the courts, Thursday morning. It is only speculation, but two things that can be sealed - medical information and information that would cause sb to damage her own case - possibly more written messages or phone calls between her and and Erin Sutton. T was very upset, saying this goes against "transparency of the courts". I understand where she is coming from, as hard as it is to watch this unfold from a distance, it is far worse up close and in person.

sb's family stayed seated as she was led out of the courtroom, so they were watching when she turned around and mouthed "Good-bye, I love you." As they stood up to leave, her GMother and one GFather looked down at the ground - very obviously avoiding looking in our direction. Her other GFather, looked towards us, but paid us no more attention than you would any stranger you walk past in the grocery store or anywhere else. As we walked out of the courtroom, PD Dager and the 3 Grandparents had stopped right outside the door to hold a pow-wow, her GMother handed Dager the book she was carrying, The Holy Bible.

TD has known sb for a long time, before Emma was ever born, she said one of sb's former boyfriends would be hanging around at her house, playing pool with her husband and a few of the guys from work, sb would call and badger the poor guy about where he was and who he was with, screeching like a shrew. TD does make it sound like sb has "issues".

sb had been on the lookout for a new baby daddy, almost since Emma was born and BB is the man sb is rumored to have taken her daughter's life for. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I can't reconcile the conflicting images. As a former single mom, I find it odd - this man just doesn't appear to be 'a keeper' to me. First his lack of interest in Emma, his acknowledgment from before their first date, that he likes his life just fine, without kids to tie him down - his constant fidgeting and then, there is his questionable hygiene. I don't get it.
TD picked up her daughter from the Courthouse - Child Care Center, available for any child whose parents have business to conduct in the government center. We went to the Joshua Memorial Park and sat by Emma's little headstone where we talked about the case and things that have been on our minds from the beginning. I have seen photos of Emma's headstone since the early days - there is a close up picture of Emma, taken at the same time the one in my siggy was shot, being there made the case all that much worse. My heart truly breaks for everyone this sad story touched.

I think we could have sat and talked all day, but another little child was going to be laid to rest very near "Our Angel" and we didn't want to intrude on another family in pain, so we packed it in and I returned to the coast - It was a long day and a long drive - one that I am planning on making again as soon as the trial begins.


The weeks in between hearings have been anything but dull this month. KatFishPonders got an E-Mail from Erin Sutton, sent thru a friend. He had gotten word of the remarks made by Stacey's aunt and he wanted to set the story straight.

He stated that he accepted a 10 yr sentence for a robbery and an assault with a firearm - in a plea bargain this year, after confronting the convicted sex offender who offered to give his daughter private guitar lessons. His alleged crime had nothing to do with Barker and he asked for people not to spread malicious gossip about him.

Sutton wrote, his involvement was only to see justice, "for a beautiful child’s life cut short." His crime happened while protecting his daughter - not murdering her. You can read the letter in it's entirety:

We also heard from Amber again, this time I don't buy that she believes what she wrote - after asking us not to be hurtful to Barker's family because...

what i am trying to sum this all up to, is that when her family or friends do come on here, please dont criticize them for having some hope, or for commenting about how the comments hurt them... because to tell you the truth; with putting this current situation aside; Stacey Barker was a great mother, a young mother, a mother that yes went out every now and then to have a fun time....but let me tell you, one phone call from her mother saying that Emma woke up...Stacey was home within minutes..NOT ONCE BY ANYONE WAS THAT BABY EVER NEGLECTED... like i said that was with the current situation aside..

If this is her only example of "a great mother" I fear for her own children - as I told T - I was a great driver until I drank a 12 pack and drove into a tree! Obviously that is just another sick example - but d*mn! I don't care if sb was a perfect mother for all 18 short months of Emma's life!

A great mother would never have put another person in front of her child and aside from the day sb took Emma's life, she still sucks.
Another Birthday Emma wasn't allowed to spend with her family who love her.

As I sit here and listen to my own brand new little granddaughter making baby noises in the next room, my heart breaks for Mr and Mrs Barker and their sons. I hope somehow, they will eventually recover some semblance of a life and be able to move forward out of the pain they have been living everyday for the last 18 months.


~ Happy Birthday in Heaven Lil' Angel ~​
~Emma Leigh Barker~
:cry:~ 09/02/2007 - 03/18/2009 ~:cry:
Happy Birthday, Baby Emma!

LCoastMom - As usual, you, katfishponders and T have rocked the house! I always look for your updates. Thanks so much to everyone that is doing such great in-depth reporting on this case. I know it must be difficult to sit through these endless, often fruitless hearings, but it is awesome to get the information straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak. Please forward my thanks and best wishes to all those who are assisting with this case. I look forward to seeing this case adjudicated and for SB to be declared a murderer once and for all. Surely, Emma will send us a rainbow on that day.
So once again PD Dager needs more time and Judge Z has given him his continuance!! I'll put up what happened in court today as soon as I know!

sb is due back in court on 10/08..... If they don't get this trial on the docket, in the next 30 days or so I am afraid it will be the first of 2011 before Emma sees justice - if last years holiday season is the standard! All that was settled between Nov and Jan was long underwear for sb - come to think about it, there has been very little progress in 2010 at all! But sb has had lot's of field trips to the courthouse! :furious: :furious:

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