GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
From Tori - just had to let you know looks like it may be going to Trial, no deals as of court date is 01/24/11

I have not gotten the details yet - but as soon as I do I will post them here.

From the bottom of my heart, :blowkiss: thank you all for giving your opinions at Now Public ~ your comments were all direct and well written. Apparently DDA Cromer thought so too! :dance:

We have been aware both sides have followed our blogging for months - I'm so glad we were able to give them something really worth reading! :deal:

As long as the AV is not snowed in, I will be at the next hearing and very much looking forward to sharing the events as they unfold.


Merry Christmas in Heaven Baby Emma ~ Justice Is Coming
Another excellent job by Tori -

No date yet for trial... But no deals either! It was a long day, they did not start until just before lunch...

All were in attendance except BB. The Grandparents, Ange, Tiff, Me, Nurse and Craig. The 2 Grandparents were not happy we were there <<again>>, the one Grandfather could care less, the other one made remarks loud enough for us to hear and stared down Craig. <<The reporter from the AVPress.>>

Craig was a little taken aback, he said to me, "I am just doing my job, why the looks?" So non confrontational!

The LEOs were there also - Det Sgt. Nava, Det Sgt. Walls and the Little Sheriff that we never knew who he was...His name is Sims and he is a module officer at the men's Jail in the high power section of the Jail.

<<So Friday was enlightening! The "special witness" as it turns out really is special! He was in court and questioned - due to his status as a "High Power Inmate" he is now being referred to as Mr X or Witness X! They do not want his name said in court!>>

First up on the stand is Sheriff Sims, Dager is asking Judge Z to make Det Sgt S. Nava leave the room during Sims testimony, as she is going to testify next and he does not want her to hear what Sims has to say, so she cannot change her testimony.

Cromer said she needs Det Nava to help her in the questioning. She is allowed to stay.

Dager said he wants it on the record that he does not like it, JZ said "Det Nava will be under oath and I don't feel she will change her testimony based on Sims testimony"

Sims is sworn in and takes the stand, DDA Cromer asks about his Job, then she asks him how he knows Mr.X, Sims explains; he is one if the officers of the unit that Mr.X was housed in in Men's Jail.

It is a Protective Custody Unit and Mr.X is a "High Power Inmate", he then was asked why Mr.X contacted him, Sims said X told him that he had info on a case and wanted him to contact the Homicide Det's for him. Sims said OK - he was not sure if he could, but would try.

Dagers turn to cross. He wanted to know if Sims and X are friends? Sims said there is a line of Inmate and Officer and Sims does not cross that line with any Inmate.

Dager says, "Well do you have friendly conversations with him?" Sims said, "What do you mean?"

Dagar replies, "Like do you talk about football and stuff?" Sims said "Football?'s just a Inmate, Officer relationship, sir!"

Dager then asks if Sims trusts X, Sims said "I trust no one, sir"

Dager next asks; "Has X has discussed the reason he is in Jail with you?" Sims said not really.

Dager asks some questions that NO one understands and JZ has to ask the question in a way that the officer and others understand

Dager asks, "How is it every time SB and X had to go to court they seem to be next to each other?" Sims said "I don't know X may have asked the Transport driver or the bus officer to let them sit next to each other".

Dager said, "Oh so you get to pick your own seat on the bus? Sims said, "NO!"

Dager asks "Then why was HE allowed to pick where he sat? Sims said he did not know he was not the bus officer.

Now Dagar asks - "Did you put X in contact with Det Nava at some point?" Sims said "Yes, he set up the phone calls between Det Nava and X."

Dagar asks, "How many calls did he get from Det Nava?" Sims said "A few." Sims is finished.

Judge Zacky calls lunch break - be back at 1:30.

We go to have lunch and we are under the impression that X was there and going to be on the stand, because somewhere in the testimony we hear about X "You can ask HIM that question yourself" I don't remember what question it was!

We go back after lunch and the Judge asks everyone in the front to move back two rows. They bring out Mr X; he is in chains so tight that his hands look deformed in front of chest. He is wearing glasses and does not look as evil as he did the first time we saw him. I think he knows that we are the bloggers because he looks right at us and SMILES, a broad smile.

JZ tells him his is Witness X today.

DDA Kelly Cromer starts; "How did you meet Ms.Barker?" He said he "conversated" with her on the bus ride to court, she was in the cage next to his. He said that she started talking about her case and he thought she was innocent, at first.

Kelly asks, "How did you come to talk to with Det. Nava?" X said, "He asked to speak with her, when he no longer believed SB's story. Because she told him so many different stories of what happened, on every bus ride and he wanted justice for a dead child. So no matter how much drama he had to go through it was the RIGHT THING TO DO!"

DDA Cromer asks if he works for the Government in any official way? "NO!" was his answer. Are you a Agent for the Government? Again, "NO!" Did you get any special deals for your testimony against Ms. Barker?" "No I didn't. I did not ask for anything in return."

Dager is on cross. "WIT X, how did you come in contact with Det. Nava?"

X: "I had been talking with SB and she loves to talk about her case. I started not believing her story and asked to talk to the Det's on her case."

"So you talked to Nava and told her that you had Information and wanted to get more out of SB?" "Yes."

"What did Nava say during your phone call?" "She was not interested in this info, that she would contact the DA and ask if they needed what he knew, or could get from her."

Dager asked some dumb questions and X as well others looked dumfounded. So Judge Z asked the question another way and X without missing a beat, said "Oh, OK and answered the question, then shook his head and said, "This guy is making me dizzy"

LOL....Judge Z asked if he wanted some water and he said "Yes, please."

Dager started asking about how he ended up next to SB on the bus. X said, "Because I asked and you know, they know I don't see girls that often, so it was nice."

Dager, asked "Why did you want to get information from Ms. Barker?" X replied, "Because like I said at first, I started to think she was guilty and if she was I wanted her to spend the rest of her life in jail!

Dager asked, "Why were you in love with her?"....OBJECTION... X answered anyway, laughing and said "NO WAY."

Dager then asked "Why did you want her in jail for life?" X said, "because I thought it was the right and moral thing to do for this child. I am against abuse and murder of women and children."

Dager kinda smirked like sure buddy... "So you get what you want huh?" X said "no."

Dager asks, "Did the bus driver know you were trying to get info from SB?" He said, "Yes." Dagar retorts, "Oh so that is why you got the seating...."

Asked how long he has been in the system, X said, "Since 1993."

"How long was your first stint in prison?" "About 4 years." "And the second time?" "About 5 years, I don't know something like that."

Dager says, "So you know the system and know how to work it..."

Kelly objects.. argumentative...sustained..

Dagar: "How many times have you been to court here?" X say's "A lot."

Dager: "So you have a friend in lock up that can do things for you? X: "I have no friend here, I think all the officers don't really like me."

Dager: "What about so and so, a lock up officer at the court that is a woman, you say on tape to SB that you can get special treatment from her..."

X said "What like? Extra lunch or what kind of special things?"

Dager said, "Sure."

X said "No, nothing special. I eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a apple, just like everyone else!"

Dager: "Do you know what a SNITCH IS?" X said "Sure."

Kelly spoke up and said "DEFINE Snitch" (Tori - I am sure Mr.Dager can.)

Dager then asks X; "Are you a jailhouse Informant and have you testified as an informant in other cases?"

X said; "I testified in one other case."

Dager said did you get anything special for that testimony? X said "No."

Dager asked; "What about the apartment and money? X answered "Oh, well I was in the Witness Protection Program, that is why..."

Dagar: "So you gave information on the MEXICAN MAFIA?" X: "No, I gave Information on the gang I was in, that was part of the MM."

Dager: "What kind of Gang was that?"

X: "It was a local street gang here that I was trying to get out from under."

(Tori: I know what gang it was but will not put it here, I think he still needs the protection, he might have a GREEN light on him and that is why so many LE are around him and he is a HIGH POWER inmate.)

Dager asks about his Agent status: X replies, "No I am not a Agent."

Dager: "Then why on the tape do you say do I get a badge and one of the officers say OK you will get a badge?"

X laughed and said that was a joke....

<<LCM - Jeeze, I wasn't there and I knew that was a joke!>>

Dager: "Who suggested you wear a wire?"

X said he did.

Dager: "Who wired you?"

X: "It is not really a wire. It is a tape recorder and it is was in my pocket."

Dager: "Did they tell you how to question her?"

X: "The only thing they told me was to let her talk. Do not question her about her case, just let her do the talking and if she goes on to other things just guide her back to her case."

Dager: "So they told you what to ask her?"

X: "NO, They me NOT to question her. Just let her talk, she does talk a lot.."

Dager, who wrote who first?" <<Jail house letters.>>

X: "She wrote me first."

Asked about his own case, X said, his first trial was hung and when it was going to go to trial again, he was offered 10 years..."

<<LCM - X was facing life for assaulting the convicted child molester who offered X's daughter private guitar lessons.>>

Dager asks; "How does a 25 to life, 3rd strike felony get a deal for 10 years?"

X said he was offered that and it was sweet, so he took it.

Tori - X did not give Dager an INCH...he stood his ground, he knows his way around the court as Dagar said!

Long story short, Dager wants to know if the DA gave him a sweet deal in the other matter because he was working SB for them.

Det S Nava is next on the stand, Dager asks her most of the same questions about the wire, the bus how many times was X on the bus when he had no hearing (6 to 8 times)...she was on only a short time...

<<LCM - Interesting that SB didn't question X being in court, all the same days as she was!>>

They called Ted Swanson he was the DDA on X's case. He was asked by Dager if he had given X any reward for ratting on SB? Swanson said "No, he did not. He did not know what or who X had info on at the time, he was working X's case from the file..."

When asked if Swanson's boss knew that X was working with LE and DA, he said he might have but he couldn't be sure...

Dager now wants to talk to X's Public Defender, the DDA's boss and he also wants to revisit the motions he talked about before. COV, Media, and what ever else he thought of.

Next court date is Jan 24th, 2011 to finish up what was going on. Although no trial date set as of this date, yesterday was a big deal

<<It was interesting to learn that X was in the Witness Protection Program. We had really tried to find his history and here was none!>>
OK You would think that was enough information for anyone but no I had to hit Tori up for more! Sorry for the typos - I just scanned real quick over the last post and found several - that I missed originally.

Tori tells the story in such a way that it feels like we were all along for the ride - because I'm used to her patterns I have no trouble understanding where she is coming from but I spruced the post up a little before putting it here - all typos were my mistakes, not hers.

<<LCMoms thoughts>>

So SB arrived with her hair in a pony tail, curled and with full make up on. She walked in acknowledged her family (quick smile) and sat down next to Dager.

When X came in, he and SB shared looks, he had a joker grin and she just had a sour look on her face.

X was relaxed on the stand and did not get mad at questions asked, he kinda laughed at a lot of them asked by Dager.

Some of the questions asked of and answered by X - SB would make a look and lean into Dagers ear and tell him things.

<<I was not sure what Dager was getting at asking X if he was in love with sb>> Tori replied - About the being in love, I think Dager was trying to say that SB didn't return his affections so he is trying to retaliate against her....whatever!

<<IMO she nailed it, but from what we have heard of sb's relationships I believe she opened up to X because she needs male attention all the time - I told Tori - It's hard to believe that sb never questioned X having all the same court dates as her own, that would have been what; 6 to 8 months straight! (Note to self, if you are ever in jail and another prisoner is always on the same bus and wanting to listen to my life story chances are he / she is helping to convict me.)>>


Yeah, I wondered the same thing, how could he have been on the bus everytime she was and her not suspect a thing?

<<Maybe we are just getting old and jaded - while sb is young and naive IDK>>

<<I asked Tori about the 3 strikes law - my experience was from reading about a young male - the first to be handed 3 strikes in VTA Co. CA - soon after the law went into effect. He stole a bottle of perfume (his third strike) I don't remember what caused the theft from a drug/discount store to be a felony - but recall the DA saying his hands were tied once convicted - the defendant got a mandatory life sentence.

The DA was unapologetic - saying "Can't do the time - don't do the crime.">>

Tori explained - 25 to life for the 3rd strike law.....

Dager asks Swanson how does a 25 to life felony get a 10 year sentence? Swanson said that the 3rd strike law is based on the merits of the case..(3 strikes law has changed since it's inception) <<makes sense>>

Dager asks Swanson why X said "he got a sweet deal" and Swanson said well anything other then life is a sweet deal I would guess.

Dager is taking X'S words and phrases as a man of 45-50 or so would, some of the things that X said are in street terms and young adult lingo, I am sure Dager does not know that.

Sweet deal to Dager means he got some type of concideration for ratting SB out....

To X it means....hell yeah, sweeeettt (good) I don't have to do life behind this child molester.

<<I'm a 50 yr old woman - so far without an arrest record or prison sentence, I understood Mr X just fine, IMO PD Dager - is only hearing what he wants to hear.>>

in X's words a new trial could have gone either way as they caught the witnesses in lies and other things. <<perjury and drugs while testifying>>

In X's case the jury was hung in a 7 to 5 split to convict...when they went to the table I guess they (DA) thought it might be better just to make a deal with him, as he had almost half of the last Jury doubting his guilt.

<<I think the state worried that a retrial could go either way too, 5 to 7 is too close to call - they probably gladly gave him 10 yrs and see it as a win - after all he assaulted a convicted pedophile who was trying to get private time with X's 12 yr old daughter - not someone's granny who was minding her own business.>>

Dager seems to think that Swanson's boss made a deal with him for the Information against SB but as Swanson said " I knew little or nothing about what Information X had" so Dager is going to interview Swanson's boss to see if he might have made a deal with X.

<<Well Mr X was arrested back in Dec 2007 - In Dec 2008 he knew he would be retried after a hung jury and he knew his fate back on April 26th when he blogged "Well it's all over now....we know what the outcome is! If you're a friend and want to know just send me a private message and I'll explain!"

Dager didn't pull sb's visitor status until 08/2010!>>

Quote from AV Press Saturday 12/18 edition -

"What exactly Barker said was not discussed Friday" Judge Z said that this was just a fact finding hearing and that he would offer a ruling next month. should he find the inmate was acting as a Government Agent, he suspects his only order would be that all audio tapes be given to Dager before trial. "the reality is the Information gathered by this witness was recorded" Judge Zacky said and the documents and recordings speak for themselves.

<<IMO Public Defender Dager has launched a spectacular attempt at defending SB but in all likeliness she hung herself - first when she assaulted her precious daughter and again when she blabbed more inconsistent stories to another prisoner, who also believes babies should be allowed to live regardless of their momsters social life.>>
I wasn't following this one from the get and your plea for help LCoast, is what caused me to go diggin back through Emma's thread. Will be keeping a close eye on this one from here on out. TY
I wasn't following this one from the get and your plea for help LCoast, is what caused me to go diggin back through Emma's thread. Will be keeping a close eye on this one from here on out. TY

Thanks ticox - we had a strong following for quite a while - we've lost some along the way but many still pop in occasionally - when there's been news to share I PM folks I know were following but haven't been here in awhile.

Your knowledge and experience is a great addition to this group!

The first plea offer taught me a lesson, don't get excited till the ink is on the paper. This time I barely flinched - but I also thought it only fair for everyone who wanted to make their choice known to have the chance to do so, and I so appreciate everyones help.

I almost drove to the AV for this hearing (a 9+ hour drive from here) - I kind-a wish I had - but I should be in CA for the next hearing. The drive is about 3 hours from where I stay, in CA.

Mr Dager has not been very complementary to us as a whole - he actually called us names in court - I think we've all grown to begrudgingly have some respect for each other - he has done his job (over and above IMO) to try to defend an un-defendable act and we have been respectful and not blabbed conversations that were overheard / not intended for our ears.

Mr Dager is very passionate about his job - I can only hope if one of mine needed a PD, we would find the same commitment.
I'm going to refer you to KatFish's latest (excellent) post at the Pond. HH has granted a short delay for PD Dager to investigate the latest. Next hearing 2/7.

Thank you T and KatFish.
There was a continuance until 2/14.
Any updates on this??

Sorry yes, I'll get to it ASAP - my computer time / personal time is cut to nothing right now due to carp in my other RL.

There was a hearing today that I missed due to the above - I'll get with Tori and put up all that has happened at the last two hearings in one post.
I can't believe it's been almost 2 years since Emma was murdered. :(
We have been listening to this Secret Government Agent bull-ony for what seems like forever, it appears after a hearing in chambers Mr X's testimony, plus 5 others who are currently unknown to the general public (including his "handler" in jail) are all in. There are a total of 21 people on the sealed witness list.

"The reality is, the information gathered by this witness was recorded " Judge Zacky said adding, "The documents and recordings speak for themselves." Says it all.

At one very loud hearing in February Miss Cromer stated there are depos from defense witnesses that she hasn't received - followed by PD Dager complaining that he has not gotten the whole file from Mr X's prior trials. 100 tapes and over 8,100 pages that Dager wants Judge Zacky to read before deciding the fate of Mr X's testimony.

Judge Z said he didn't think that was going to happen, he wants this trial to start already, it has been going on too long and he is sure that everyone involved wants it to start also, Ms. Cromer and Mr. Dager both know that if something is not disclosed in discovery that this is not a good thing and no one wants to try this case a second time.

At the following hearing Judge Z gave the PD & SA until 3/2 to complete the exchange of discovery or he is going to impose sanctions. At that time the case was already 563 days old, he said; "I understand the severity of the case, it carries a potential of LIFE, but we need to get it to trial already."

This is the first time we have heard Judge Z say a LIFE sentence and not 15 or 25 to Life. when Grandma heard that, Ange said she saw her shudder in her seat. SB looked shocked and scared too. It caught everyone off guard!

Tori said: "I don't think Dager had mentioned that it could be a Life sentence to anyone."

The hearing this week (3/2) was short, but not sweet. A new hearing was set for 3/9.

Judge Zacky has had it with delays, he gave it to both sides, they will be ready for trial within 30 days of the 3/9 hearing or he WILL impose sanctions on both of them, Monetary, exclusion of further Discovery and witnesses after the 9th and a report on conduct to the State bar. Zackey was VERY firm about trial within 30 days.

We did learn Dr. Arroyo, the shrink for the defense is out - either she won't get back to Dager to give a report or he doesn't like what the report said. Ms Cromer asked Dager if he still wanted to talk to Mr.Franklin - he said 'No.'

Since Judge Z is counting, I'll point out at the hearing on 3/9 this case will be NINE days shy of the 2 year anniversary of Emma's murder - 721 days. Little Emma Leigh, who had only 562 days in her life is all but forgotten in the attempt to thwart justice and spare her killer from spending the rest of her days behind bars. Don't forget SB admitted she killed Emma! There's no justice in that, but I hope and pray come April we will see a jury hand down the strongest sentence the law allows, 25 years to Life.
Wow, Justice for Emma already. The poor child was murdered,mother's own admission! Get to the trial NOW, give her the punishment already!
I'm sorry to say this but I'm happy there were some shocked people when Life was mentioned, such a beautiful child lost her life because her mother was selfish.

Thank you LCOASTMOM for the update!
Yesterdays hearing was pretty incredible! Present and accounted for, GB (SB's father) and his parents. Absent BB (last boyfriend on the outside) and maternal Gparents (SB's aunts have been MIA for some time, her mother and brothers have not been at a hearing since the police interviews were revealed in court).

There was some mix up at the courthouse so when Judge Zacky began calling cases, no one made an appearance. Not a good start to his day. At one point an attorney (whose client was absent) approached the bench, he and Judge Zacky had an animated conversation where the judge clearly said, "I don't put up with that cr@p". And why should he...

Judge Z, DDA Kelly Cromer and PD Zacky had a sidebar before SB was brought into court. It wasn't friendly, as Dager kept pointing his finger towards Ms Cromer. The judge called a 15 minute recess and SB was brought in after the break. The usual school bus yellow prison garb was gone, replaced by traffic cone orange - not a great color on her - she looks more pale and smaller than ever. No make-up, but she had braided her hair wet, so it looked slightly wavy. She walked into the courtroom quickly, only giving the quickest glance towards the family.

Still at issue, discovery not turned over by the defense. Last week Judge Z ordered both sides to finish this up or they would be sanctioned - Ms Cromer handed over a diagram to PD Dager and some notes he requested, she did not turn over further discs of Witness X and she doesn't plan on it, siting his history does not change the fact that SB is caught on tape giving him information on her case. At this point Dager was upset, he was pointing at Ms Cromer and flinging his arms around, asking Judge Z why he was being treated unfairly! SB watched quite attentively while this heated conversation took place, occasionally stealing a glance at her father who sat behind her.

The defense went on and on about Witness X, he was reminded that this had been discussed at length in camera and the judge was not going to participate in the conversation due to confidentiality.

PD Dager handed over a two or three inch stack of black and white photos - all so dark as to be useless, Ms Cromer asked for and Judge Z told Dager she will receive a copy of the original disk and copies of the photos in color. These photos were of the "nice home SB provided for Emma" - in reality the nice home SB's parents provided for both of them!

He also gave diagrams of the holding cell in the Courthouse where SB was harassed and abused (she arrived at court with a bruise on her cheek and jaw a few weeks ago), interviews with the witnesses - former supervisor Jennifer G at BOA, BFF Amber B, GB, a name we never heard before thought to be another BOA employee or Supervisor and Brendan B.

The defense brought up that SB was a B student in high school (handed over her transcript), he had a large book titled BLENDER BABY FOOD, two photo albums with pictures of Emma with SB, and a photo copy of a receipt from Target for Children's clothes dated 3/17/09. All this is supposed to support SB (A) being a good mom. (B) SB is not a premeditating baby murderer. Maybe she was a good mom for most of the 18 mos baby Emma had on this earth. I don't care, because on March 18, 2009 she placed her hand over Emma's mouth and nose until she stopped fighting her, lost consciousness, turned blue, then covered her with a blanket and dumped her precious little body in deep weeds off the Golden State FWY.

Judge Z asked Ms Cromer if there was anything else? Her reply, "Yes there is!" Apparently there is a Courthouse deputy on the witness list who SB has been involved with! Ms Cromer wants details about their relationship!

The defense witness list still contains names Ms Cromer has never received statements from, including Dr Bonell who has an issue with Dr Ribe's COD. Judge Z asked if he feels this was not a homicide - Dager went off again about Dr Ribe. Judge Z followed up with does he feel this was not a deliberate homicide? DDA Cromer says the autopsy protocol was followed and has been in Dager's possession all along - stating you just need to know how to read it! (Included in this was a diagram of a body with bruises around the mouth.) Judge Z sited the DDA's ability to read this to her many years of service, but did not question Dager's not being able to read the report as well. Asking again about Dr Bonell's testimony, Dager was given three choices; here in court - now, in a written paragraph to the SA, or via 402 in camera. Dager declined making a comment because if he states one thing and Dr Bonell answers differently "someone will write about it, somewhere!" Judge Z stated on the record this was an amendment issue - again, discussed at length in camera and Dager just has to deal with it! LOL! Dager chose in camera, with both doctors present. No surprise.

PD Dager also brought up a COV, he was told for the nth time this will be handled after the jury pool is polled regarding pretrial media coverage (and those darn bloggers).

Ms Cromer was in excellent form and asked Judge Zacky to go on the record with the deadline for PD Dager to turn over discovery (AGAIN!!). New deadline is 4PM Friday (today). No mention of sanctions.

SB was led out by Johnny, Judge Zacky's bailiff - she lipped the quickest "love you" to her family as the door to the holding cell was opened.

I want to bring up that three times during this hearing Judge Zacky made reference to EMMA! Not the victim, not Baby Barker, EMMA! This seems personal to him, he does not want a COV. He wants SB right there in his Courtroom when she is found guilty and sentenced! I love watching him and DDA Kelly Cromer in action! On the way out, Ms Cromer remarked that she loves seeing us in court!

Next hearing date 3/21/11.
Thank you for the update!

Judge Z asked Ms Cromer if there was anything else? Her reply, "Yes there is!" Apparently there is a Courthouse deputy on the witness list who SB has been involved with! Ms Cromer wants details about their relationship!


The defense brought up that SB was a B student in high school (handed over her transcript), he had a large book titled BLENDER BABY FOOD, two photo albums with pictures of Emma with SB, and a photo copy of a receipt from Target for Children's clothes dated 3/17/09. All this is supposed to support SB (A) being a good mom. (B) SB is not a premeditating baby murderer. Maybe she was a good mom for most of the 18 mos baby Emma had on this earth. I don't care, because on March 18, 2009 she placed her hand over Emma's mouth and nose until she stopped fighting her, lost consciousness, turned blue, then covered her with a blanket and dumped her precious little body in deep weeds off the Golden State FWY

I totally agree with you on this, who cares what she did before she admitted to what she did to her beautiful baby!
This business of PD Dager not wanting to share discovery is old, from 02/2010:

PD Dager told the court that Dr. Harry Bonnell, a Forensic Pathologist will testify there are tests that Dr. Ribe failed to perform on Emma that would change the cause and manner of death. DDA S. Kelly Cromer asked Dager what tests weren’t performed? Dager said. “I forget what tests he told me they were. Cromer continued to press for details about Dr. Bonnell’s testimony until Dager told the Judge, I forget what he said, I didn’t keep notes or write it down. Dager continued, The people can call him just like I did and he will tell her like he told me. I don't want to be like some LE who get up there and lie or make things up.

13 months later he was doing the same song and dance (but now blaming the bloggers).
Two years ago tonight baby Emma Leigh Barker was murdered by the one person who she should have been able to count on forever.

Her momster is still in county lock up awaiting trial after confessing to smothering her precious baby and dumping her body along the freeway. She told detectives she didn't want Emma to end up like her - pregnant too young, stuck at home with her parents and unable to live her own life.

She has pleaded innocent.


Emma's friend Cin made this collage of her pictures.


Precious Angel's final resting place - breaks my heart. RIP Angel


Emma Leigh you were born an Angel and an Angel you will ever be.
Emma you were precious here on earth, but even more precious as the angel that you are now.
Hearing canceled due to DA Cromer being snowed in. Rescheduled - Dager made another comment about COV and smirked at the girls. He doesn't get it...
More hemming and hawing! DDA K Cromer and PD R Dager managed to get together at 1130 - a long time for anyone to sit and wait in those uncomfortable seats. Only Gma & Gpa Barker present - Judge Zacky called SB in and things heated up fast.

Dager starts off with "I think Mrs Cromer has been untruthful. Mr.X HAS testified as an agent in a Federal case!" Dager started to site the case name and Kelly jumped in and said that she objected! She said, "If he said the case he would be going against the protective order of X - that he has tried to LEAK information about all along!" Ms Cromer wants to do an in camera ex parte with Judge Z... Dager objects. Judge Z said that he will have a in camera ex parte with Ms Cromer and if it is something Dager needs to know about - he will tell him, after the meeting... Dager threw his arms up.

Kelly asks about Dr. Bonell's statement. Dager claims she has talked to him and knows what he is going to say. Ms Cromer said, "He was supposed to be here for a 402, your honor". Judge Z asks, "Where is he?" Dager replied, "I am not going to have him come down here from San Diego for this special occasion!" <<WHAT??>> Then Dager complains, "I want to know why you are singling me out. I thought you were going to do a 402 with Ribe also? (They were supposed to be done together!) Dager states, "Everything I know, she knows!" Ms Cromer says, "Your honor, does he expect this court to believe he does not know what his own witness is going to testify to? He is just trying to stall the case and drag his feet again and I would ask the court that if I don't have what Dr.Bonell is going to testify to, that he be excluded as a witness." (This was due by 3/11!) Judge Z told Dager to just have Dr. Bonell write a small report and give it to or email it to Ms Cromer.

Then Dager said something about Ms Cromer talking to Dr.Ribe about the mistakes she said he made... Wooooooahhhhh she yelled, ''I DID NOT SAY HE MADE ANY MISTAKES, YOUR HONOR WHAT I SAID WAS I FOUND SOMETHING IN THE REPORT THAT I MISSED BUT IT WAS THERE THE ENTIRE TIME! I do not want it in the press that I said Dr. Ribe made a mistake! He knows that is not what I said, but he wants to say that in court so people will think that is what was said! And no I have not talked to the doctor at this time." (This was from the 3/9 hearing - the diagram. Ms Cromer never said Dr Ribe made a mistake!)

Dager then said that he wants to know what the purpose of the diagram of the body with the injuries is, who drew it and why. Ms Cromer said, "Your honor, the purpose of that diagram, who drew it and why IS in one of the disc's I gave Mr. Dager six or more months ago!" Dager is annoyed by this, he said, "Oh, I will go through the 30 or 60 CD's I have!"

Ms Cromer said that she has an ariel photo of the Park n Ride. The drawing they were given is not good so she wants to use the color photo from a another case as a representation of the scene. Dager wants to know who took the picture and wants to subpoena them... (@@) - eye rolls!

Next Ms Cromer holds up a sheet of paper, saying that she got it from Dager and wants to know why half of the image is cut off. Judge Z asked her what it is and she said; "It is similar to the stub half of our paychecks." She took it to Judge Z. He looked at it and said, "Some of the right half of it is here, it looks like vacation time may be on this side that's not showing. Dager replied, "It is not really important anyway." Judge Z and Ms Cromer wanted to know what it's for. Dager said "It was just to show that she worked for Countrywide/BoA and was gainfully employed. I just wanted to be open and honest!" He held both his arms up... He and Ms Cromer traded a few barbs. Dager was acting like a baby and the other attorneys in the courtroom were laughing at him again...

Judge Z said that on 4/1 he will rule on all the motions that were brought up earlier in the case. He wants to set the trial date for the week of April 4th. This may change if the trial he is currently seated goes longer but he does not think it will.

Fingers crossed... Jury selection will be soon and the trial will be starting the first full week of April.

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