GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

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Wow MMB,

Great post and new info!!! I could just picture you on the side of the freeway with your signs- Good sleuthing on the reports, and I heard Dr Perper in that same interview- They never did say it, but.............

I cant wait for that *advertiser censored* to get her day. Women don't have much on the food chain except baby killers and smother-mothers. They will have LOTS of fun with her- Maybe its a good thing that SB didn't get too much press- Easier to keep her on a level 1-4 yard with no PC- YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Her predecessors before her will no doubt teach her how to become part of a prison "family"- Hey, maybe she can be the baby????

Love the BFFE- they are two peas in a
Greetings all!

I have been in touch with my LA connections, so far they have heard nothing!! And so far the girl who goes to the hearings hasn't checked in. I checked the LATimes the newest update they had was 5-12 and then they didn't have an article, just the blurb about the trial being held over.

Emma, sweet heart we are going to hang in there for YOU sweet heart.

Will return as soon as I hear anything!

OK The pre-trial started today **= by me

Stacey was in court in her canary yellow jail duds. She is being rep'd by a public defender, I believe that is because all the atty's who take on momsters for free have moved to FL for the duration.

According to an eye witness her hair was done in a very unfashionable rats nest as if someone had stolen her hair brush and now she must go with out.

Her family, possibly her grandparents and Emma's daddy with her other gma and her most recent boyfriend were all there.

The defense is claiming Emma had a peanut allergy and say that Dimetapp was the RX given to her for the peanut allergy.

The coroner ruled out the peanut allergy as a cause or factor. Emma had 2x the recommended amount of dimetapp in her system when she died.

**My guess is that the defendant was trying to make Emma sleep. Evidentially it didn't work.***

The SA wanted to play a 3 hour tape made when the defendant was released from the hospital to show her lack of care, lack of emotion, she was flat, she didn't care. When LE met her from where the 911 call was made she claimed to have a headache and only mentioned her baby twice!! The judge declined asking for the short version due to the time being 3pm.

The only change in emotion from the defendant was when she rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth when she wasn't pleased with what was being said.

Everyone was told to be back in court Monday at 930am.


***Baby girl I'm so very sorry for what you went through the last time you went out in the car. I'm soo very sorry you were hurt and you were frightened. You are so very precious and such a good, sweet baby. It wasn't your fault at all, not for a minute or a second. not you at all You are forever safe now with GOD and all the angels in heaven. You are so missed by so many people. Good people who would never ever hurt you. You are loved.*** :blowkiss: :baby: :blowkiss: :baby: :blowkiss: :baby::blowkiss:
Posted by Toria@ page 8 (Link on page 1 Officials Probe possible Abduction#2) (Part 1)

This B!tch was as usual non emotional except when the coroner or Det said something she didn't like then she sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes and b!tched to the PD...anything but tears!

Her hair was a rats nest so someone must have stolen her down almost covering her face.

Family was there, the father Anthony and his mom were there also. Uncle Nick and his partner were there along with brendon (Last boyfriend she is likely to ever have!!) and some aunts.

Nick has a flare for fashion...his attire was a Lavender Dress shirt, Grey slacks and white saturday night fever shoes. his partner was all up on him, touching and putting his head on NB shoulder, how touching! girls and Max GOT THE PIXS TO PROVE IT!

OK, **Max come clean now, you know more then you let on!!! tell us how you know..LOL

We were right about A LOT OF THINGS!

To start.....

SB AND BB were out until about 2 or 3 am on St.Patty's day at Coaches or some other bar and grill, the Det could not remember the name SB told her (Judge Chung did not want to hear the 2 hour tape interview) SB'S mom was watching Emma.

SB got up the at her regular time and got dressed like she was going to work, went to *BB house where they slept most of the day and other things, watched tv and then went to pollo loco for lunch then she redressesd in her work clothes and goes home like she worked all day!

**Brian/BB= Stacey's boyfriend who has been reported to be undecided about wanting children. That's one of the reasons he was a perfect boyfriend for Stacey.

**Max is a fellow poster who is well versed in many things criminal and/or legal.

Anthony is Emma's daddy who unlike KC's baby-daddy paid child support and had visitation.
con't Part 2 First day of Pre Trial By Toria

She feeds Emma dinner.....real dinner a lunchable! Her and her mom get into a fight because mom feels SB is spending more time with BB and not Emma, so mom tells her that she is not going to watch Emma anymore for her to go party only for work! SB the little B!tch gets pissed off and tells bro that she is taking Emma to the park, in reality she is heading to Long Beach (MAX) to see if Anthony will give her more support money for Emma, I guess the answer was no!!! back to the AV (Antelope Valley) the freeway is packed, stop and go traffic, Emma is getting restless at the length of the drive, SB gives her a purse to play with and it has a empty zip lock baggie in it (I always carry a empty baggie don't any of you?) and Emma puts it in her mouth SB notices it and starts to play peek a boo with beautiful Emma putting a blanket over her face, while the baggie is still in her mouth, she put her hand over Emma's mouth and nose and held it there for 2 to 3 mins, Emma was trying to get B!tches hand off her face pulling at her arm with one hand at first then struggling pulling at her arm with both hands...then EMMA'S LITTLE HANDS JUST FELL (hearing this the whole family was crying even BB..Anthony and his mother were sobbing..and I cried too), she removed the blanket and Emma's head is slumped to the side and the baggie is still in her mouth, she drives another 45 mins with Emma dead with the baggie in her mouth, finds the offramp Roxford and rids herself of Emma takes the baggie out of her mouth drives for 15 Mins and throws the baggie out the window, goes to the park and ride and fakes the rest.

When the sheriff arrives all she does is complain about HER HEAD..SHE MENTIONS EMMA 1 OR 2 TIMES ONLY! B ! T C H......

Truth is BB did not want a ready made family, he claims to be single and loving his life with no kids to hold him down, that is what he told Det's!
Thanks so much for the updates missmybaby.

Emma's story just breaks my heart. I'm glad the pre-trial started, and hope that justice is on it's way for little Emma.
Cont Part 3 1st day of pre-trial By Toria

OK Emma was allergic to Peanuts so the Dr. gave her dimeatapp(?) wellllll, she had 2x the dose for her age! she also had white rock type material in her belly (SB states was a piece of granola bar) Blood in both nosterals among other things they found hairs on her vagina(coroner did not elaborate on what kind of hairs), blanket material on her face and grass and dirt on her back!

They are going to continue in Monday! they will show pics of Emma's dead body and autopsy pics, I caught a peek at then when the DDA was looking at them....Just horriable, made me sick to see them.

I will be back on Monday for Emma.......... please excuse any misspellings I was typing fast and if you have any questions I will answer them if I can, it was 3 hours long so there is more but sometimes my memory needs to be jogged.

Court ended at 4:30 and I couldn't wait to tell you all....... I will check back later

**************************************************below by me...

2x the dose of Dimetapp tells me SB was trying to get precious Emma to take a nap. Didn't work evidently. No testimony that Emma had been given any Peanut product, possibly bi-product in her dinner box? Maybe hadn't had any allergy problems at all that day? The ME said it was not related to her demise.

For the life of me I can't imagine why an 18 month old baby would have hairs of any kind in her vagina... anyone?

Any questions from anyone for Toria I would be glad to forward them. She has been wonderful about going to all the hearings.

Pre-trial day 1 by Toria

Some after thoughts...

also I think she was trying to get Anthony to take Emma because when the Det said SB went to Long Beach to ask for money for Emma he was shaking his head NO....THAT POOR GUY AND HIS MOM WERE A MESS, I FELT SO SORRY FOR THEM, also SB mom was tore up because it made it seem like it was her fault that ***** SMOTHER MOTHER got mad and killed Emma.

(some more after thoughts)

Thanks everyone,

No AB was not there. yeah this B!TCH has the nerve to roll her eyes and suck her teeth!

OH NO NB has a asian BF........

Everything said was from a Det's Sandra Nava's Interview tape with SB the morning she got out of the ER. The DDA wanted the Judge to listen to it so he could see her cold demeaner when SB was telling the story, no tears or emotion...the judge said it is already 3 and that tape is 2 hours long so just do a summery for now.

(more again)

Thanks, but the more I hear the more I feel like EMMA belongs to the people that care about us.

I will see her fathers face sobbing for a long time, his fist balled up and looking up as if to let her know that he still loves her and is there listening to all the bad stuff for HER, my heart broke for him, all his mom could do was rub his back between her sobs. It was sad!

I saw that BB was also weeping at times. everyone there had guilty feelings, Her mom because of the fight, Anthony because he didn't take her or do what SB asked him to do that fateful day, BB because he didn't want to have any part of Emma, he wanted to have SB only, NB because he didn't do anything when he saw SB mad and take Emma from her that day. I am sure they won't get over the guilt, yet that shark has no guilt at all, she may blame each one of them for the death as long as she has no part of the guilt. she is a sick *****.


Hey again,

Sure cut and copy anything you wish.

Also I forgot something really important......she told the Det that she did it because she didn't want Emma to turn out like her, knocked up early and living at home with the parents! her mom and dad lost it when she said that! witch!


**by me

**AB or Amber= SB long time bff who has been very vocal about anything negative from anyone on several of the blogs. One of the bloggers knew SB very slightly, SB and the bloggers husband were coworkers at one time. Through SB she had also met AB although the blogger didn't recognize her. AB called her on it on the blog site. The blogger has also run into AB twice out and around town twice since the arrest. I'd be curious to know if Amber is still singing SB's praises after today's testimony.

While Toria's notes just break my heart, I am so glad to know that sweet precious Emma was so loved by so many people. With the exception of Amber we have seen/heard nothing in the press from her family acting like people don't have the right to be upset. They have not been standing in front of their house building up SB's character, nor have they been tearing her down. They have been grieving in private and I haven't heard a bad word about any of them!

Thank you SOO much for the updates!!! I have been praying for an update,and have been pre-occupied with some family drama-

MMB- I will TTYS- Got LOTS to share ! :blowkiss:

All my other peeps in support for Emma, lets pray SB gets the max!!!! :bang::bang:

***Baby girl I'm so very sorry for what you went through the last time you went out in the car. I'm soo very sorry you were hurt and you were frightened. You are so very precious and such a good, sweet baby. It wasn't your fault at all, not for a minute or a second. not you at all You are forever safe now with GOD and all the angels in heaven. You are so missed by so many people. Good people who would never ever hurt you. You are loved.*** :blowkiss: :baby: :blowkiss: :baby: :blowkiss: :baby::blowkiss:

I couldnt have said it better myself- Nicely said GF!!!!
That is just sick!!! I feel so bad for everyone who loved Emma. this has to be the horrible to hear.

2x the dose of Dimetapp tells me SB was trying to get precious Emma to take a nap. Didn't work evidently. No testimony that Emma had been given any Peanut product, possibly bi-product in her dinner box? Maybe hadn't had any allergy problems at all that day? The ME said it was not related to her demise. Ok, My neice has a peanut allergy and has an epi-pen to shoot her with (ephedrine? - not an MD) when she has a reaction. Maybe Emma or other kids ARE prescribed Dimetapp, but IMHO, Dimeptapp is a basic OTC expectorant to help dry up mucus and running noses- Not a cough syrup, but SEASONAL ALLERGIES- not PEANUT ALLERGIES- TOTALLY DIFFERENT SB, and if my child were deadly allergic to peanuts (as most nut-allergy peeps are, Dimetapp would NOT be my drug of choice). I may be completely wrong, but I have asked 4 parents from church, and they all agree- just sayin :rolleyes:

For the life of me I can't imagine why an 18 month old baby would have hairs of any kind in her vagina... anyone? MMB, I have NP FREAKING IDEA, and it makes me sick. It could be transfer from SN while hcanging her, but there must be a reason they didnt elaborate on it- I would think if there were add charges, they would charge who ever else they could in this horrible crime. I love Toria's style- Ive read with y'all from the

get and admire all of you- Wonder where AB was? I wish I could see SB's hair. The image is priceless- Cant decide if Id rather see the cornrows or the rats nest? hmmmm??

Any questions from anyone for Toria I would be glad to forward them. She has been wonderful about going to all the hearings.


Im am SOOO happy to hear something is actually happening- I had to step away, but great timing in coming back- Ive got to catch up with the Musketeers later tomorrow :) - Gots lots to share with ya- TTYS :blowkiss:
Ok, My neice has a peanut allergy and has an epi-pen to shoot her with (ephedrine? - not an MD) when she has a reaction. Maybe Emma or other kids ARE prescribed Dimetapp, but IMHO, Dimeptapp is a basic OTC expectorant to help dry up mucus and running noses- Not a cough syrup, but SEASONAL ALLERGIES- not PEANUT ALLERGIES- TOTALLY DIFFERENT SB, and if my child were deadly allergic to peanuts (as most nut-allergy peeps are, Dimetapp would NOT be my drug of choice). I may be completely wrong, but I have asked 4 parents from church, and they all agree- just sayin

I agree 100%. There is a Dimetapp (DM or XP) that is for seasonal allergies with a cough. Plain Dimetapp is an antihistamine, similar to plain Benedryl. for seasonal allergies. Never ever heard of this being used for a P-nut allergy either. But I suppose there's always a first time for anything (as i sit in the background, sneezing bull sh!ttt, BULL SH!Ttt )

The ME said there was no connection to an allergy in regards to Emma's death. But at the time of her death she had twice the amt of Dimetapp in her system than would be prescribed. IMO this is a red flag yelling premeditation, she was trying to put Emma to sleep, to avoid a struggle. If it is true that Emma got cranky on the ride, this would suggest to me that giving her a double dose, backfired, it made her hyper instead of sleepy. She gave her just the amount of time after dosing her that it takes to get fully into her system before she did the deed.

For the life of me I can't imagine why an 18 month old baby would have hairs of any kind in her vagina... anyone? MMB, I have NP FREAKING IDEA, and it makes me sick. It could be transfer from SN while changing her, but there must be a reason they didnt elaborate on it- I would think if there were add charges, they would charge who ever else they could in this horrible crime. I love Toria's style- Ive read with y'all from the get and admire all of you- Wonder where AB was? I wish I could see SB's hair. The image is priceless- Cant decide if Id rather see the cornrows or the rats nest? hmmmm??

This was pre-trial, I think they were just hitting on relevant topics that will be brought up at the trial. But what a sick, sick _______ (fill-in the blank) if she was trying to make it look like the baby was sexually assaulted.

The SA wanted to play the whole taped interview (3 hours) but the judge said 'no, give the cliff note version'. I hope this is not a sign of days to come with this judge!!

Amber has 2 little ones of her own. She may not have babysitting available to be at all the hearings, IDK. but she hasn't been posting on line for quite a while, singing the beotch's praises either....

Im am SOOO happy to hear something is actually happening- I had to step away, but great timing in coming back- Ive got to catch up with the Musketeers later tomorrow :) - Gots lots to share with ya- TTYS :blowkiss:

I am so glad you're back!! :hug: This is perfect timing too!! I've been re-reading all the old posts at the site. Amazing how much stuff we have found by being persistent, even without help from LE or the press!

Hey everyone! I'm back after receiving a PM to my email from MissMyBaby saying new info has came to light since the hearing. Can anyone please tell me where the posts start for all of that? I have looked but to no avail.

Hope everyone is doing great!!!!

Great to 'see' you, Coley! I can't help you, but did want to say hello.

Are the margins blown? I would love to read all of this but cannot because of the margins. If I reduce the page to less than 100%, then my old eyes cannot read it!
Hey everyone! I'm back after receiving a PM to my email from MissMyBaby saying new info has came to light since the hearing. Can anyone please tell me where the posts start for all of that? I have looked but to no avail.

Hope everyone is doing great!!!!


Hey Cutie- Havent seen ya @ in a while either :) Im not MMB, but she's a gf of mine, and I dont think she would mind me postin this for ya sweetie. Read the comments on some of the links they are referring to- ALL except KTLA, they tore it down.

Officials Probe Possible Abduction Of 18-Month-Old - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This should lead you to part one- We did some awesome sleuthin on this and got this baby national attention, IMO. :blowkiss: :clap: :clap:
No boyfriend is worth the life of a child!!!!!!
No boyfriend is worth the life of a child!!!!!!
I agree- Although SB hasnt out-right said it, its obvious thru her actions-

I am still seething from the comment about her not wanting Emma to grow up with with a single parent and grandparentss- I bet her mother wanted to jump up and grab that rats nest of hers and wring her neck. After ALL of the Barker Family has done to help this lil twit,let alone Baby Emma, and thats the best defense she can come up with? She deserves to call Chowchilla home for the rest of her short life!!!!!! UGHHH!!!!!!!

BTW- IF you KNEW you baby ha a peanut ALLERGY, you would be UUBER-sensitive to it being in their diets- Still havent found one who would treat it with Dimetapp, but when your child has a life-threatening allergy, you would HAVE an EPI-pen, your insuranc would GIVE you one, and if your ins wouldnt cover it, you r doc will get you one from a rep, or get one ordered on MEDI-CAL- thats welfare in CA and they would pay and DO!!!!!!!!!!

What a tangeled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive...............................
Hi all.. sorry to be absent on posting, (Vacay, family stuff, aging parents & work) but I read/heard the actual court proceedings from Toria.. Toria.. if you're here..Thank you for being our eyes and ears there at the court! Your report stunned me to say the least!

I was SICK to my soul, hearing the info from the coroner. I'm sure tomorrow will uncover more. One thing is guaranteed.

The AVPress won't print it in their paper..why NOT??? What gives this monster a free pass from being reported on in the local printed press?????? I am soooo steamed about this.....there is NO excuse for hiding out public information from the citizens like this!

Our poor little Emma didn't have a chance at all. The "peekaboo" game is one of the lamest thing I've ever heard of! How can you do that to a lovely babygirl... when thousands would've sacrificed anything to have their own baby to love and create a loving family with.

My heart goes out to the parents and sib/sibs...they must be in total agony.
Hey Cutie- Havent seen ya @ in a while either :) Im not MMB, but she's a gf of mine, and I dont think she would mind me postin this for ya sweetie. Read the comments on some of the links they are referring to- ALL except KTLA, they tore it down.

Officials Probe Possible Abduction Of 18-Month-Old - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

This should lead you to part one- We did some awesome sleuthin on this and got this baby national attention, IMO. :blowkiss: :clap: :clap:

Thanks Chico!!!!

LaLaw & Chico~Glad to see you guys too. I'll be in and out but at the same time trying to catch up. Got a lot of stuff I'm dealing with in my life right now so you might even see me back on here like I was during my Caylee months. It's my great escape.

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