GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #12

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That was my understanding.....and I thought the 'brief affair' was discovered in March. Anyone know for sure?

"The 19-year-old was nearly three weeks pregnant and 'super-excited' to be having a baby after a miscarriage in February."

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From same Article:
"But the investigation found that Lee and Erin did have an 'intimate relationship' dating back to at least February, Sheriff's Sgt. Trevis Newport said."

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"The 19-year-old was nearly three weeks pregnant and 'super-excited' to be having a baby after a miscarriage in February."

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From same Article:
"But the investigation found that Lee and Erin did have an 'intimate relationship' dating back to at least February, Sheriff's Sgt. Trevis Newport said."

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I located it and edited my post above. Thanks!
I brought one of IM's interview's over in case some you haven't heard it. Watch the first video, then scroll down to until you get to

Isabelle Megli, Horse Ranch Owner - Extended Interview Clips:
(Interview ends with telephone disconnect)

it's rather lengthy, but notice when she conveniently gets disconnected/HANGS UP :smile:

Isabelle Megli, Horse Ranch Owner - Extended Interview Clips:
(Interview ends with telephone disconnect)

Listen to what IM says about 7 mins into the extended interview about talking then communicating
I think they did. The mine is not technically in JTNP from my understanding. Someone correct me if I am wrong but they talked about something to get the two hours away text, which also says premeditated and CL had already been there and scoped it out ahead of time.
Let me try this.We know from the text that their plan was go two hrs away.They were not going to tell their spouses that so they needed to come up with some story to cover themselves.You would think EC would ask CL "where did you tell your wife you are going to be today" or "what are you going to tell your wife to be able to get away all day" and you would think especially with what we know now CL would ask "where did you tell your husband you are going to be today" yet their cover story's put both of them at JTNP.
Let me try this.We know from the text that their plan was go two hrs away.They were not going to tell their spouses that so they needed to come up with some story to cover themselves.You would think EC would ask CL "where did you tell your wife you are going to be today" or "what are you going to tell your wife to be able to get away all day" and you would think especially with what we know now CL would ask "where did you tell your husband you are going to be today" yet their cover story's put both of them at JTNP.

Yeah.. you would think so but maybe they also both came up with plausible stories that were at least somewhat close to what they really intended to do. It's easier to not slip up that way. For example if CL was going out hunting (if that's the story he told his wife) it makes sense that he was packing up a gun, ammo, and whatever else one would pack to go hunting. It would also make sense that his car was all dusty when he got back (if it was). Although I would think she'd be a little confused as to why he wasn't bringing home whatever animals he was hunting for (if he didn't). Same for EC - if she was scouting out picture taking places it would make sense she was taking her camera, came back with a dusty car, etc. If either of them had said something vastly different, it would be easier to slip up. For example let's say EC came home and commented to JC "whew it was hot out in the desert today... oh wait, no, the mall! I meant the mall! It was hot walking from my car to go clothes shopping."

I can see why they might come up with things that are somewhat close to the truth. It makes it easier to keep one's story/lies straight. I would imagine that even if they were each individually suspicious or concerned, both JC and NL wouldn't bother trying to find or follow their spouses somewhere that's 2 hours away in a massive national park. If JC and NL got talking I can see them putting two and two together, but maybe they didn't really talk that much anymore after the whole affair thing. I can see their relationship being more of a 'politely wave at the neighbor' type of thing after that happened. All JMO and just trying to think of possibilities.
Maybe NL knew where CL was going and with whom before he left.

Is there another way to listen to the extended IM interview. I have an iPad and can't seem to get it on the provided link. Thanks
Maybe NL knew where CL was going and with whom before he left.

Is there another way to listen to the extended IM interview. I have an iPad and can't seem to get it on the provided link. Thanks

The only way I could listen to it was to get on a computer
I don't have access to one. What is significant at the 7 minute mark?
I don't have access to one. What is significant at the 7 minute mark?

In answering a question, IM was speaking about CL & NL and she says something like, "they're not talking, communicating because they're in Alaska trying to get their lives together, hopefully." That's not exact, but close. It sounds as if she almost said "they're not talking to me" but immediately said "communicating" after she said "talking".
Ok I was able to listen on my cell phone.
This woman, IM is, IMO totally disingenuous.

It seems like she is pretty close to the Lee's. The Lee's " Always " come together " as a family" I love the way she minimized the potato gun , " oh that " haha. " They were upstanding citizens" EVEN knows CLs buddies names Cory and Skyler - if he would've only gone with them

She knows some personal details about Erin too, like her work situation ( didn't actually work at the tractor store - she didn't take that one) and how excited she was to be pregnant and then how upset to miscarry. She knew she miscarried in February etc...

She knows who comes together and when. She starts stammering when she doesn't like the questions. I don't believe for one second she didn't know about the affair. Love that laugh about "no body, no case " I could go on and on. WOW

God, I wish I could see her on the witness stand.
Ok I was able to listen on my cell phone.
This woman, IM is, IMO totally disingenuous.

It seems like she is pretty close to the Lee's. The Lee's " Always " come together " as a family" I love the way she minimized the potato gun , " oh that " haha. " They were upstanding citizens" EVEN knows CLs buddies names Cory and Skyler - if he would've only gone with them

She knows some personal details about Erin too, like her work situation ( didn't actually work at the tractor store - she didn't take that one) and how excited she was to be pregnant and then how upset to miscarry. She knew she miscarried in February etc...

She knows who comes together and when. She starts stammering when she doesn't like the questions. I don't believe for one second she didn't know about the affair. Love that laugh about "no body, no case " I could go on and on. WOW

God, I wish I could see her on the witness stand.

IM was either lying or wrong about Erin not working for Tractor Supply. EC's working there was verified by truthbeknown. Which begs the question, "What else was IM wrong about/or lied about?"
Ok I was able to listen on my cell phone.
This woman, IM is, IMO totally disingenuous.

It seems like she is pretty close to the Lee's. The Lee's " Always " come together " as a family" I love the way she minimized the potato gun , " oh that " haha. " They were upstanding citizens" EVEN knows CLs buddies names Cory and Skyler - if he would've only gone with them

She knows some personal details about Erin too, like her work situation ( didn't actually work at the tractor store - she didn't take that one) and how excited she was to be pregnant and then how upset to miscarry. She knew she miscarried in February etc...

She knows who comes together and when. She starts stammering when she doesn't like the questions. I don't believe for one second she didn't know about the affair. Love that laugh about "no body, no case " I could go on and on. WOW

God, I wish I could see her on the witness stand.

It sounds like IM was close to the Lee's, and perhaps that is why NL confided in IM, and with IM's statements made to LE, perhaps
that is why the Lee's weren't/aren't "talking"/communicating with her once they heard about IM's statements.
IM seemed to back peddle quite a lot about LE putting a "spin" on her words.
Looking at this as a whole, it can certainly look like IM knew more, and why would she say LE put a spin on her words? So as to not put the Lee family
in a bad light? Or herself in a bad light? Or for IM to look like she didn't know more (although she could have known more perhaps). After all, IM let the Lee's stay at the ranch after
Erin was murdered. What does that say about IM? Was she blindsighted a little, or not? What does she know, and when did she know...
IM didn't voice any concern for Erin. She just wished CL had gone with Cory and Skyler.
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