GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Some random, "thinking aloud" thoughts on this case...

I can understand both the husband and alleged male friend both giving vague or seemingly evasive answers if they were trying to disclose information they thought could jeopardize their military careers, or just expose embarrassing family details. What I mean is, perhaps the poor husband knew of the "friendship" with the other man, and was trying to quietly work with his wife on getting their marriage back on track. This could be a motive for the husband staying tight lipped, or seeming to withhold information. And what husband wants to look like a patsy?

In addition, what if the alleged boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, but was evasive because he didn't want to (further) disrupt his marriage or potentially harm his military career?

What a mess!

The car. Where it was found and placed is really, really interesting. Let's think about this alleged boyfriend for a moment. Unless he is dumb as a box of rocks, why on earth would he leave that car anywhere even near that base knowing it would be found? Makes no sense whatsoever. It almost seems as if she left it there and had someone pick her up? I think the car was left so it could be found, on purpose.

Even though the alleged boyfriend seems like a likely suspect and has motive (or his wife, or both), I am still leaning in the direction that this young woman has had a meltdown and has taken off. Let us hope I am right, and that she can come home and sort through her life with the support of her friends and family.

Anyone think there is even a chance of this, or am I way off track with this theory?

All of the above is speculation only.
I do find it strange MSM media has not picked up "the affair". Typically an angle such as this is exactly what the press loves. Perhaps they are unable to confirm it. I'm not believing a word of it until it is confirmed. Especially coming from Jon's side of the Family. IMO.
So, if other sources won't pick it up because they can't confirm the sources, well, JeannaT said that Jon's aunt confirmed it, and I can't find that link, so wouldn't they want to talk to someone that has confirmed it?

I don't have a link - it was on the facebook page and then got deleted. The part I saw, during a rapid fire deleting sessions, was someone from a crime website saying, "just to be sure, are you saying Erin's baby isn't her husband's and the father wanted to harm her" words to that effect. That was several days before the radio station news story appeared. I didn't get to see the exact comment JR had said that made the crime website poster reframe the information so clearly.
I do find it strange MSM media has not picked up "the affair". Typically an angle such as this is exactly what the press loves. Perhaps they are unable to confirm it. I'm not believing a word of it until it is confirmed. Especially coming from Jon's side of the Family. IMO.

The "press" currently doesn't love stories like this, bravo. The press loves stories were MEN do questionable things, but not when women do things that used to be considered shameful. *advertiser censored* shaming, I believe is the current term. I doubt they will ever touch this story, unless to report on testimony at a trial.

Just to be clear, I am not calling Erin any names, just pointing out the current philosophy in our culture. Questioning a young woman's sexual behavior is not tolerated in MSM. In my opinion.
Some random, "thinking aloud" thoughts on this case...

I can understand both the husband and alleged male friend both giving vague or seemingly evasive answers if they were trying to disclose information they thought could jeopardize their military careers, or just expose embarrassing family details. What I mean is, perhaps the poor husband knew of the "friendship" with the other man, and was trying to quietly work with his wife on getting their marriage back on track. This could be a motive for the husband staying tight lipped, or seeming to withhold information. And what husband wants to look like a patsy?

In addition, what if the alleged boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, but was evasive because he didn't want to (further) disrupt his marriage or potentially harm his military career?

What a mess!

The car. Where it was found and placed is really, really interesting. Let's think about this alleged boyfriend for a moment. Unless he is dumb as a box of rocks, why on earth would he leave that car anywhere even near that base knowing it would be found? Makes no sense whatsoever. It almost seems as if she left it there and had someone pick her up? I think the car was left so it could be found, on purpose.

Even though the alleged boyfriend seems like a likely suspect and has motive (or his wife, or both), I am still leaning in the direction that this young woman has had a meltdown and has taken off. Let us hope I am right, and that she can come home and sort through her life with the support of her friends and family.

Anyone think there is even a chance of this, or am I way off track with this theory?

All of the above is speculation only.

I dunno. Given the fact Erin was preparing and excited about her Mom's visit I cant see her picking this time frame to take off. It was reported in MSM that Erin and her Mom are very close.
I dunno. Given the fact Erin was preparing and excited about her Mom's visit I cant see her picking this time frame to take off. It was reported in MSM that Erin and her Mom are very close.

Her mom didn't know Erin was pregnant, nor did she know Erin got married until after the fact. I don't think that's "close" although she did seem to love her and talk to her a lot on the phone. I wonder what they found to talk about on the phone - it certainly wasn't about what was going on in Erin's life.
I did some online research of 29 Palms Base, when my son was assigned there. I came across a forum for daily life at 29 Palms Base. They were spot on in their description of the area and had great advice. They did suggest that if their Marine's MOS was ever going to require they be stationed there at any time during their career, that they volunteer to do that early and get it over with before marriage and kids. As it's a strain on couples and families that have to live there.

Here is the info SuziQ. It isn't a blog, so it complies with websleuths rules:

And I think it is OK to add the 29 palms facebook page link:
I guess one thing based on reports of cameras at the JT's entrances and emphasis on search areas it appears Erin was seen entering the park. IMO. Wish LE would give us a bit more.
Her mom didn't know Erin was pregnant, nor did she know Erin got married until after the fact. I don't think that's "close" although she did seem to love her and talk to her a lot on the phone. I wonder what they found to talk about on the phone - it certainly wasn't about what was going on in Erin's life.

Perhaps Erin was waiting until she was past the risky phase having suffered a miscarriage. Mom knew about the first pregnancy as it was on FB. Perhaps she was going to tell Mom in person. My Brother eloped despite a close relationship with our Parents. They were not happy about it in the start but it didn't define their close relationship.
Jon is a Marine, not a soldier.

Respectfully, what is the difference? My son is in the Navy and I've heard many people refer to military people in general as soldiers. I'm guessing your answer will be soldiers are army? TIA
In addition, what if the alleged boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, but was evasive because he didn't want to (further) disrupt his marriage or potentially harm his military career?

Thank you!! (as in, finally someone's saying what I'm thinking)
Her mom didn't know Erin was pregnant, nor did she know Erin got married until after the fact. I don't think that's "close" although she did seem to love her and talk to her a lot on the phone. I wonder what they found to talk about on the phone - it certainly wasn't about what was going on in Erin's life.

Has it been confirmed that Erin's mom did not know about the marriage until after the fact ? To "elope " these days or at least to my early 20's daughter, means to skip the big wedding , but the parents still have knowledge of, have given their blessings and often attend the " elopement" Justice of the Peace/ Vegas marriage ceremony
Thank you!! (as in, finally someone's saying what I'm thinking)

Then let me expand on this point....

If the alleged male friend harmed her, why on earth would he leave her car where it would be found rather quickly? That does not make sense at all, but then again, maybe he just panicked and ditched it. But what about his DNA in the car?
This is not adding up for me at all.

It just seems so much more likely that she ditched the car where it could be found, and bolted. I think we need to remember that if this young girl had the poor judgement to *allegedly* have an inappropriate friendship with a male Marine (knowing it could irreparably harm his and her husband's military careers), she has the poor judgement to just bolt and take off.

Again, I hope this scenario turns out to be accurate vs. the alternative of her being harmed. Regardless, this young gal needs to be found. Where are you Erin?!
Some random, "thinking aloud" thoughts on this case...

I can understand both the husband and alleged male friend both giving vague or seemingly evasive answers if they were trying to disclose information they thought could jeopardize their military careers, or just expose embarrassing family details. What I mean is, perhaps the poor husband knew of the "friendship" with the other man, and was trying to quietly work with his wife on getting their marriage back on track. This could be a motive for the husband staying tight lipped, or seeming to withhold information. And what husband wants to look like a patsy?

In addition, what if the alleged boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, but was evasive because he didn't want to (further) disrupt his marriage or potentially harm his military career?

What a mess!

The car. Where it was found and placed is really, really interesting. Let's think about this alleged boyfriend for a moment. Unless he is dumb as a box of rocks, why on earth would he leave that car anywhere even near that base knowing it would be found? Makes no sense whatsoever. It almost seems as if she left it there and had someone pick her up? I think the car was left so it could be found, on purpose.

Even though the alleged boyfriend seems like a likely suspect and has motive (or his wife, or both), I am still leaning in the direction that this young woman has had a meltdown and has taken off. Let us hope I am right, and that she can come home and sort through her life with the support of her friends and family.

Anyone think there is even a chance of this, or am I way off track with this theory?

All of the above is speculation only.

Unfortunately, I don't think she has had a meltdown and taken off. She would need cash and/or credit cards for that and her cards have apparently had no activity on them. If she had taken enough cash to get by without using credit cards, I think either her husband would know that or the police would have realized it by now, and it would have changed the course of the search for her.

To take off, she would have to get away from 29 Palms and it's more than 20 miles from the base gate to Yucca Valley. She would need transportation to get anywhere and she has no car. Plus, now that it's national news that she's missing, I think she would find it difficult to go unrecognized for long. Also, if she and her mother are close, I think she would find it even more difficult to allow her mother to continue thinking she and the grandbaby she's carrying are missing and possibly dead. Remember the runaway bride a few years ago? Once the search for her became national news, she called home and tried to pretend she'd been kidnapped to justify her vanishing act.

I can think of a plausible explanation of how her car ended up where it did, and this alleged boyfriend not being stupid. If he walked off base and she picked him up, and the killing was not pre-meditated, he would have to get back to base somehow. If he called for someone to pick him up, or called a cab, then there is hard proof he was off base during the window of time in which she vanished. If he parks her car there and walks back, then he still might avoid having the situation linked to him. With those two options, I think leaving the car there and walking home is the better option. JMO, of course. :)
I think the perp did panic and leave the car where he could still walk back. I feel like whatever happened was not planned, so neither was the location of the car. Jmo
Has it been confirmed that Erin's mom did not know about the marriage until after the fact ? To "elope " these days or at least to my early 20's daughter, means to skip the big wedding , but the parents still have knowledge of, have given their blessings and often attend the " elopement" Justice of the Peace/ Vegas marriage ceremony

Based on a post from Erin's mom on FB I believe she was one of the few people that knew they were getting married.
Some random, "thinking aloud" thoughts on this case...

I can understand both the husband and alleged male friend both giving vague or seemingly evasive answers if they were trying to disclose information they thought could jeopardize their military careers, or just expose embarrassing family details. What I mean is, perhaps the poor husband knew of the "friendship" with the other man, and was trying to quietly work with his wife on getting their marriage back on track. This could be a motive for the husband staying tight lipped, or seeming to withhold information. And what husband wants to look like a patsy?

In addition, what if the alleged boyfriend didn't have anything to do with her disappearance, but was evasive because he didn't want to (further) disrupt his marriage or potentially harm his military career?

What a mess!

The car. Where it was found and placed is really, really interesting. Let's think about this alleged boyfriend for a moment. Unless he is dumb as a box of rocks, why on earth would he leave that car anywhere even near that base knowing it would be found? Makes no sense whatsoever. It almost seems as if she left it there and had someone pick her up? I think the car was left so it could be found, on purpose.

Even though the alleged boyfriend seems like a likely suspect and has motive (or his wife, or both), I am still leaning in the direction that this young woman has had a meltdown and has taken off. Let us hope I am right, and that she can come home and sort through her life with the support of her friends and family.

Anyone think there is even a chance of this, or am I way off track with this theory?

All of the above is speculation only.

In re reading some if the posts and news stories last night (the timeline article) it is possible that Erin left so early to drive her car to the spot that it was found and then met up with some one there, hopped in their car and....who knows then. In one of the early articles the guy who found the car said he saw a second set of tire tracks (which may have been messed up by the helicopter-my editorial note). It has always bothered me that she left so early on her own to go there and it seemed like an excuse to meet up with someone. If she was in her first trimester she might have been feeling awful and/or should have been tired. Yes-generalizations, I know. I think we are generally assuming that someone else drove it there after JT. Not sure that was the case. If she was planning to be back after she spent the day with someone leaving the car there so she could drive herself back makes perfect sense.
If Erin was planning to meet up with someone why not just drive to the meeting place. Especially if they were to meet at JT? Would she risk somebody from base seeing her car. It is all so very strange.
Please keep in mind that facebook chatter does not confirm anything, for WS purposes.

So far, to my knowledge there is only one link available regarding a boyfriend and that is the radio link. If someone has found an additional link, please let me know.

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