GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Yes, I immediately thought of Casey Anthony as well. They thoroughly covered her actions, along with photos, in MSM.

Neither were crime victims, though. ( Casey/Miley)
But I believe MSM did report on the relationship between Heather Elvis and the man charged with her murder.
Lol it was in reference to above post about calling a marine a back :)
The two car rendezvous at the dirt lot could go either way. They could have gotten in either car. I would tend to think they would both get into her car, so as not to leave her vehicle in sight of Valle Vista Rd. The marine could have driven Erin in her car to Amboy Rd. then returned to dump Erin's car and get back inside his own vehicle. Which vehicle gets left behind in the dirt lot may also depend on whether Erin and Jon had a second vehicle, and whether the marine lover had a second vehicle. If both families only have one vehicle, there is no chance of the other spouse driving off base and seeing a car parked in a dirt lot.

Also, in driving from base to Amboy Rd. I do not believe the car would have traveled through a JTNP gate with surveillance cameras. Maybe someone in the area could confirm this? The surveillance gates appear to be only on the entrances to the green park section on Google maps.
They both check out on that piece of information, but the second Marine may actually be delusional ... we aren't to know. :abnormal:

FIRST ONE: July 10th, 2014

SECOND ONE: July 11th, 2014

Regardless, it's not looking good :notgood:

I did notice that the radio station article stated that the husband reported to LE that his wife was 2 months pregnant which has been corrected to 3 months. Did he just make a mistake in his report or did Erin purposely tell him the wrong due date to hide the fact the baby wasn't his?
There have never been cameras there, and there were still none Friday when we were there. It's not even posted as an entrance to JTNP, and you have to go south on Gold Crown Road (from hwy 62) for a bit before you are "officially" in JTNP. There are some mines south of the 62, before you get to JTNP, in the area. There was no LE presence that we could see Friday in this area - didn't even pass an LE car on the way there.

I have a feeling that if they do have Erin on video entering the park it is of her entering and exiting. I believe one area they are searching in JTNP may be accessible from a dirt road off of Twentynine Palms Highway and there doesn't appear to be cameras there. Can someone familiar with the area confirm if there are cameras at Twentynine Palms Highway and Gold Crown Road? Also, is that area considered JTNP? If I am correct, it is outside of the green area on my map but contains a lot of the old mines that are considered part of JTNP (??)
Correct, Casey's was not a crime when they were reporting, but it was a suspected crime at that time, just as this is in most people's opinion. Since LE has said it doesn't appear she left willingly, that only leaves unwillingly, so I interpret that as it is suspected a crime was committed. In Casey's situation, LE and everyone else knew Caylee didn't leave willingly, so again it was suspected a crime was committed.

(In my opinion, there WAS a crime in Casey's situation...they just couldn't prove it in a court of law!)

Neither were crime victims, though. ( Casey/Miley)
But I believe MSM did report on the relationship between Heather Elvis and the man charged with her murder.
That's correct. The base and Amboy Rd are north of hwy 62. JTNP is south of hwy. 62.

The two car rendezvous at the dirt lot could go either way. They could have gotten in either car. I would tend to think they would both get into her car, so as not to leave her vehicle in sight of Valle Vista Rd. The marine could have driven Erin in her car to Amboy Rd. then returned to dump Erin's car and get back inside his own vehicle. Which vehicle gets left behind in the dirt lot may also depend on whether Erin and Jon had a second vehicle, and whether the marine lover had a second vehicle. If both families only have one vehicle, there is no chance of the other spouse driving off base and seeing a car parked in a dirt lot.

Also, in driving from base to Amboy Rd. I do not believe the car would have traveled through a JTNP gate with surveillance cameras. Maybe someone in the area could confirm this? The surveillance gates appear to be only on the entrances to the green park section on Google maps.
I've seen both 2 and 3 months. We can only speculate as to the reason for the confusion, but I've pretty much lost hope that Erin will ever return and provide the answer. So sad!

I did notice that the radio station article stated that the husband reported to LE that his wife was 2 months pregnant which has been corrected to 3 months. Did he just make a mistake in his report or did Erin purposely tell him the wrong due date to hide the fact the baby wasn't his?
The two car rendezvous at the dirt lot could go either way. They could have gotten in either car. I would tend to think they would both get into her car, so as not to leave her vehicle in sight of Valle Vista Rd. The marine could have driven Erin in her car to Amboy Rd. then returned to dump Erin's car and get back inside his own vehicle. Which vehicle gets left behind in the dirt lot may also depend on whether Erin and Jon had a second vehicle, and whether the marine lover had a second vehicle. If both families only have one vehicle, there is no chance of the other spouse driving off base and seeing a car parked in a dirt lot.

Also, in driving from base to Amboy Rd. I do not believe the car would have traveled through a JTNP gate with surveillance cameras. Maybe someone in the area could confirm this? The surveillance gates appear to be only on the entrances to the green park section on Google maps.

Has it been confirmed that they sAw her car on camera? Or just a possible sighting in the park? I took the sighting to mean a ranger or someone saw a car like hers but did not ever hear it was confirmed that it was hers or that it was on camera. I was assuming (and I read it earlier) that they were searching there because they had no better info. Then around the time that the alleged affair was"reported" LE narrowed their search-so I thought they actually had talked to the person who was giving conflicting stories and narrowed search off that and maybe cell info.
I think I saw something somewhere???? That Erin had a Dr's appt. to determine how far along she was
So LE may not be going on Erin being seen on camera but perhaps somebody's cell phone pings? I know there was conversation earlier regarding cameras around the Base. I cant recall what exactly was said???
Sounds like a logical timeline! Good interpretation of the limited info we have!!!

Has it been confirmed that they sAw her car on camera? Or just a possible sighting in the park? I took the sighting to mean a ranger or someone saw a car like hers but did not ever hear it was confirmed that it was hers or that it was on camera. I was assuming (and I read it earlier) that they were searching there because they had no better info. Then around the time that the alleged affair was"reported" LE narrowed their search-so I thought they actually had talked to the person who was giving conflicting stories and narrowed search off that and maybe cell info.
Does anyone know if the mines in JTNP are mapped and therefore could be systematically visited? Also, is LE using dogs in their search? If LE is right about her location (and sadly, her fate), and the killer hid her away to any degree, it's difficult to imagine they'll find her without dogs.

Some mines are mapped but there are 288 mines with 747 mine openings. Some are noticeable but many are not. From what I have read....most, if not all, need ropes and repelling equipment to enter and many, if not most, are too dangerous to go inside. The roads to a lot of the mines are also dangerous and most are for 4 wheel drive vehicles only (would be interesting to know what kind of car the alleged boyfriend drove.) Below is a link to some photos online that show an example of an area mine (picture #7) that would be very easy to conceal someone inside but very hard to access. Some of the mines are hundreds and hundreds of feet deep, too. I visited a website of a group of men who have visited mine locations throughout this region and documented their trips both inside and outside of the mines (they have the most comprehensive map I could find of where specifically a lot of mines are located in JTNP) and one of the 288 mines in the area took them all 8 hours to explore thoroughly.

Since Border Patrol is involved some have speculated that perhaps they have brought in dogs to help with the search. I sure hope they are utilizing dogs in their search. I personally haven't heard anything about anyone seeing dogs out in any of the search areas but the information accessible to the public is very, very minimal.
Why are we calling it a "dirt lot" like it's a regular place of parking or 'pull off' on the side of the highway? My understanding is that the car was located on the side of the road in an undesignated, unkempt desert area with bushes and the like.
I just spent 20 minutes looking and cld not find it either. :). ( in response to post by Bravo)
You are right, there is no parking lot - it basically looks no different than any other roadside spot in the area. There was an informal "parking lot" at the NE corner of Valle Vista and Adobe Rd, near the entrance to the base, that we saw Friday but Erin's car was approximately 1 mile or so east of that spot.

Why are we calling it a "dirt lot" like it's a regular place of parking or 'pull off' on the side of the highway? My understanding is that the car was located on the side of the road in an undesignated, unkempt desert area with bushes and the like.
I just spent 20 minutes looking and cld not find it either. :). ( in response to post by Bravo)
Thanks for trying. IIRC it "may" have been a quote from Mom. If that's the post you are referring too LOL
You are right, there is no parking lot - it basically looks no different than any other roadside spot in the area. There was an informal "parking lot" at the NE corner of Valle Vista and Adobe Rd, near the entrance to the base, that we saw Friday but Erin's car was approximately 1 mile or so east of that spot.

Right, so a 'meet up' at a disheveled desert location on the side of the road seems pretty far fetched and bizarre to me. Like, highly unlikely. JMO.
Sure wish LE would throw us a few more crumbs. I get that they have an Investigation to protect but......
Then let me expand on this point....

If the alleged male friend harmed her, why on earth would he leave her car where it would be found rather quickly? That does not make sense at all, but then again, maybe he just panicked and ditched it. But what about his DNA in the car?
This is not adding up for me at all.

It just seems so much more likely that she ditched the car where it could be found, and bolted. I think we need to remember that if this young girl had the poor judgement to *allegedly* have an inappropriate friendship with a male Marine (knowing it could irreparably harm his and her husband's military careers), she has the poor judgement to just bolt and take off.

Again, I hope this scenario turns out to be accurate vs. the alternative of her being harmed. Regardless, this young gal needs to be found. Where are you Erin?!

If there is a bf maybe he is not a marine and is a civilian.
She waits in her car he pulls up and off they go.
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