GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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Just for fun I tried to guess what my own height would show up as at a gas station that had one of those measuring decals on the wall. I KNOW my height but I still thought I "looked" about 2" taller when I walked by it, while hubby guessed 1" shorter than my actual height. I'm 5'4" and swore I measured 5'6" while hubby said I was 5'3". And that's when I was up walking and there was a measuring stick next to me. Seems like it'd be pretty hard to get very close guessing about someone sitting in a car from a distance. Again nothing against the witness(es), I can just see where it would be difficult to get all that close.

ETA: I do agree that "tall" or "short" would be easier, just saying I'm not taking the exact height as definite. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised to find out the guy's 5'7" or 5'11". (or 'gal' but I'm guessing guy at this point)
Thank you. And I don't really care for the "rendezvous" reference.
Imo, it was just an estimate by the witness or witnesses. If a person is six foot, in a smaller car, their head will often basically touch the roof, Imo. So this guy seemed shorter. Jmo
Imo, it was just an estimate by the witness or witnesses. If a person is six foot, in a smaller car, their head will often basically touch the roof, Imo. So this guy seemed shorter. Jmo

Not trying to be a total pain in the butt, I promise, but there's also the factor of adjustable seat heights particularly in newer cars. I look so tall when I adjust my seat higher while if I put it all the way down I feel like I'm sitting on the ground. From a distance I'm sure it would cause a huge difference in height guesstimates. If the driver or passenger were in an unfamiliar car, I can see them adjusting the seat a lot. I don't know if it even matters at this point, but in case it does wanted to throw it out there. I don't think said driver is some sort of tall basketball player, but I would hate to see him (her?) overlooked due to a missed guess on the height.

That said I do think LE knows who they're looking for, which is what makes me say it may not matter that much anymore. I think these witnesses may be important to the case they're building. I hope I'm right that they have this much of a handle on it.
Okay, just FYI. In case you are wondering, some posts were deleted above (I assume) regarding a dense discussion.

On a new topic, is there any way to confirm that there are 12 apartments in the 6650 Jasmine Dr. building (mentioned in the search warrants posted by a MSM outlet)? Moonbeams?
The definition is to meet at an agreed time and place. That seems accurate?

We don't know that. EC left 3 hours before the supposed sighting. And the witnesses could not possibly know how tall the driver was having only seeing him in the driver's seat.
Not trying to be a total pain in the butt, I promise, but there's also the factor of adjustable seat heights particularly in newer cars. I look so tall when I adjust my seat higher while if I put it all the way down I feel like I'm sitting on the ground. From a distance I'm sure it would cause a huge difference in height guesstimates. If the driver or passenger were in an unfamiliar car, I can see them adjusting the seat a lot. I don't know if it even matters at this point, but in case it does wanted to throw it out there. I don't think said driver is some sort of tall basketball player, but I would hate to see him (her?) overlooked due to a missed guess on the height.

That said I do think LE knows who they're looking for, which is what makes me say it may not matter that much anymore. I think these witnesses may be important to the case they're building. I hope I'm right that they have this much of a handle on it.

I agree about the adjustable seat heights. I really think the guys was just giving his best guess because he was asked. I don't think his description of the height is going to change the investigation at all. LE knows who is responsible. Moo.
We don't know that. EC left 3 hours before the supposed sighting. And the witnesses could not possibly know how tall the driver was having only seeing him in the driver's seat.

It seems like this salt-of-the-earth guy is just doing his best to try to remember what he saw. He is not by any means claiming to know exactly how tall the short-haired guy is. He is not even claiming to know for sure it was EC, although he seems certain it's the same blue Toyota Corolla she was getting out of. He is doing is best to recollect a brief encounter approximately three weeks ago. Can we give him the benefit of the doubt at least until some other evidence is reported to the contrary? Eyewitness accounts can be wrong and inaccurate. But do you honestly think he's lying?
Okay, just FYI. In case you are wondering, some posts were deleted above (I assume) regarding a dense discussion.

On a new topic, is there any way to confirm that there are 12 apartments in the 6650 Jasmine Dr. building (mentioned in the search warrants posted by a MSM outlet)? Moonbeams?

I don't know if this helps but here is a link to photos of the apartments on Jasmine Dr.
The witness is credible. Mark my words, the red car guy will be 5'9" or smaller.
It seems like this salt-of-the-earth guy is just doing his best to try to remember what he saw. He is not by any means claiming to know exactly how tall the short-haired guy is. He is not even claiming to know for sure it was EC, although he seems certain it's the same blue Toyota Corolla she was getting out of. He is doing is best to recollect a brief encounter approximately three weeks ago. Can we give him the benefit of the doubt at least until some other evidence is reported to the contrary? Eyewitness accounts can be wrong and inaccurate. But do you honestly think he's lying?

Totally agree... I for one don't think he's lying. I don't know that his account is 100% accurate but if not I think it's just natural human error. I applaud him for coming forward with whatever he can.
It seems like this salt-of-the-earth guy is just doing his best to try to remember what he saw. He is not by any means claiming to know exactly how tall the short-haired guy is. He is not even claiming to know for sure it was EC, although he seems certain it's the same blue Toyota Corolla she was getting out of. He is doing is best to recollect a brief encounter approximately three weeks ago. Can we give him the benefit of the doubt at least until some other evidence is reported to the contrary? Eyewitness accounts can be wrong and inaccurate. But do you honestly think he's lying?

I absolutely agree. As I posted on the news website, if you are asked to really give an estimate as if your life depended on it, you would have to go off of something. It's rather desolate out there. You would notice a red and blue car. Not much else to see. I grew up in Joshua Tree and could give countless stories of things we saw on the way to places. For instance, my brother and I were in "Rattlesnake Canyon" out near Indian Cove a few months back and on our way there, this guy passed by us in a white Lexus heading in a totally different direction. When we were there for only about 20 minutes, this guy walked by us and we both were like, hey, that's the guy from the Lexus. Not that it was any big deal, but I just can recall that instance of how you just happen to notice things without even trying! And my brother noticed too.
The witness is credible. Mark my words, the red car guy will be 5'9" or smaller.

I completely believe in the witness. He would have no reason to voluntarily come forward with information if he was the suspect. Also, it's people who jump on this guy as a person of interest that scare others from coming forward with things they may have seen. I give him props. That's not an easy thing to do at all... it's putting yourself on the line and on the dart board at times, judging by all these comments on all these websites of people who have already convicted him. Just sad!
Anyone thought of the possibility that the girl getting out of Erin's car may not have been Erin?

Heather Elvis. Just sayin'
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