GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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If it wasn't Erin in Erin's car, they would have fingerprints, etc and probably a lot more to go off of.
If it wasn't Erin in Erin's car, they would have fingerprints, etc and probably a lot more to go off of.

But why would she leave her own car parked off the road in the desert behind bushes? I'm not feeling 'voluntary' since LE is adamant that her missing status isn't voluntary and their warrants mentioned probable felonies committed.
So....for everyone that believes the witness, do you think that the red car is owned by the same person that owns the dark jeep in the warrant? And, if so, why no warrant for the red car (especially if LE knew about this witness statement before the warrants were obtained?)
Since the search warrants are posted online and they mention a guy with a Jeep from Alaska, I would think he is fair game for sleuthing as long as we don't name him. The cops raided his Jeep (and most probably his apartment on base, too) so it is already out there on MSM.

Not to say he is is a POI. Maybe he was just having an affair. Maybe he admitted it to the cops. Maybe JC knew about the affair a long time ago. Maybe the new information was the pregnancy. That angle is all speculation. That info doesn't mean he's a murderer. Still, it seems pretty clear LE has tunnel vision on him.

I am looking at a guy who fits the description. Some people on this forum know his name as well because you all are AMAZING.

Publicly available information indicates he grew up in Alaska, then moved with his wife to Yucca Valley, then moved onto base into a building with 12 apartments. Confirmation of that address is hard to come by. Confirmation of that Alaska plate is difficult, but not impossible.

There are other connections to Erin in the online universe. So, is it cool to sleuth this guy here without naming him?
If it wasn't Erin in Erin's car, they would have fingerprints, etc and probably a lot more to go off of.

We don't know if they have fingerprints and, if you believe the witness, someone had to move her car from the first location to the second location much farther off of the road. I am having a hard time coming up with a reason why Erin would come back and move her own car 100 feet from where it was left originally.
Because she most likely arranged to meet up with someone, away from the base to avoid being seen. Also, LE is saying she isn't voluntarily other words, she didn't run off, according to whatever information they have. But it doesn't mean she didn't voluntarily get in the car with that other person. If that other person was someone she was connected to or involved with, then of course she would not have a problem getting into his car. It's whatever happened to her that was not voluntary.
But why would she leave her own car parked off the road in the desert behind bushes? I'm not feeling 'voluntary' since LE is adamant that her missing status isn't voluntary and their warrants mentioned probable felonies committed.

Let's say Erin did go to Joshua Tree in her car. Something happened there. Another gal drove her car back followed by/or met by guy in red car. Witness sees gal get into red car after she checks to make sure it UNLOCKED for access later if they need to move it.
This is a total guess and probably has holes all over it.
So....for everyone that believes the witness, do you think that the red car is owned by the same person that owns the dark jeep in the warrant? And, if so, why no warrant for the red car (especially if LE knew about this witness statement before the warrants were obtained?)

Is it possible the red car was a rental??
I can only think that she moved the car, just to be further away from the road, so it didn't get towed or tampered with or something or further out of sight and went off with the guy in the red car, thinking she'd come back to get her car and go home. Just speculation of course. I have a hard time believing someone else would have driven her car because of fingerprints and leaving traces of something. I think she was the only one to have been in the car and why it was moved, if not for the reason above, I honestly can't say.
Let's say Erin did go to Joshua Tree in her car. Something happened there. Another gal drove her car back followed by/or met by guy in red car. Witness sees gal get into red car after she checks to make sure it UNLOCKED for access later if they need to move it.
This is a total guess and probably has holes all over it.

If it were someone other than Erin and they were still there when Witness drove by I could see them sitting there and quickly going over the location of the car, should they move it, etc. and then her getting out and moving it another 100 feet or so behind some brush and then getting back into the red car and leaving.

ETA - I guess Erin could have done the same thing. Did the Sister Witness say if the blue car she saw on a prior occasion had been parked in the closer location or in the 100 feet away location when she saw it?
Let's say Erin did go to Joshua Tree in her car. Something happened there. Another gal drove her car back followed by/or met by guy in red car. Witness sees gal get into red car after she checks to make sure it UNLOCKED for access later if they need to move it.
This is a total guess and probably has holes all over it.

Keep in mind that mine is a total guess too, but I have a hard time believing that a young pregnant woman would go to Joshua Tree National Park by herself, considering she's not from the area. I believe that she told her husband that as an excuse in order to meet up with that other person. And, after they were talking in the car awhile, maybe that person suggested they go somewhere and she wanted to move her car away from the road more... I think that's a logical viewpoint. Now, she may have told that person in the car that she told her husband she was going to the Park and they then drove to the Park and perhaps that person did something to her and that's why LE keeps searching the area. I don't know, but I'm sure the person in the car would have asked what she told her husband if she did indeed meet up with him instead of going to the Park at first.
She left at 7am. Witness saw them at 10am ish. What happened in those three hours?
Maybe the guy she was to met was followed?
How many of us have checked up on a boyfriend or spouse in our lives? Drove by a house? or work? Followed them at 7am to check out a story of where they were that didn't quite make sense.
Maybe the other person couldn't leave right at 7am or get there by the time she did? Or maybe she went to the store, got gas, or really anything before meeting up.
Regarding the height of the driver in the red car, he could have been slouching. If I was driving somewhere and didn't want to be seen by a passerby, I would slouch down in my seat and that would alter a height estimate. I've also had some male friends who preferred to drive that way - slouched down with their seat reclined a bit and one arm controlling the steering wheel. My husband is 9 inches taller than me. When we had a small convertible, he had to slouch down a bit since there wasn't that much room above his head - my head was close to the ceiling without me slouching. We've had friends express disbelief that my husband could fit in such a tiny car because of his height. Also, as someone else has probably already pointed out, if the driver had long legs and a short torso, they might also appear shorter. I believe the Beasley's account but also think it is almost impossible to accurately gauge someone's height while they are in a car and we shouldn't get hung up on the approximated height.
I can only think that she moved the car, just to be further away from the road, so it didn't get towed or tampered with or something or further out of sight and went off with the guy in the red car, thinking she'd come back to get her car and go home. Just speculation of course. I have a hard time believing someone else would have driven her car because of fingerprints and leaving traces of something. I think she was the only one to have been in the car and why it was moved, if not for the reason above, I honestly can't say.

I was thinking... what if this guy has been in her car before? Especially if they have been having an affair for a couple weeks (that the police know about) he possibly could have had his finger prints, hair, etc... all over the car many times before the day Erin went missing. So finding his finger prints on the car now would only prove he was in the car at some point, which they might already know. It couldn't prove that he moved the car.

Hope that makes sense im like half asleep and new at this!!
Hello! I've been following along lurking and reading as I had registering problems so my first post! Lobe this site and looking forward to participating. I thought I was the only crazy one that got glued to stories like this and read every piece of news there was! Has anyone considered that possibly the crime was committed between 7-10 and perhaps that wasn't EC at all parking the car? Maybe it was a planned event with a husband/wife team. I also wondered about who this person she met if indeed it was EC was pending on rumors being true or not but she could have been meeting someone from like a chat room or craigslist etc.
Hello! I've been following along lurking and reading as I had registering problems so my first post! Lobe this site and looking forward to participating. I thought I was the only crazy one that got glued to stories like this and read every piece of news there was! Has anyone considered that possibly the crime was committed between 7-10 and perhaps that wasn't EC at all parking the car? Maybe it was a planned event with a husband/wife team. I also wondered about who this person she met if indeed it was EC was pending on rumors being true or not but she could have been meeting someone from like a chat room or craigslist etc.

:welcome: to WS. Nice first post. I agree that it could have been a 'team' involved. It might have been someone she met online, but I am still leaning towards it being someone she knew in real life from the base.
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