GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #6

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Forgive me if this has already been addressed...
When the cops went in searching, was it not an indepth search? just a curious walk through? Erin had been gone a week or so already...they had a warrant...why wouldn't LE search a garage????? apparently they didn't even walk through the garage? Was it to early to peek in every nook and cupboard? I am seriously having an issue with that statement. Of course she was not going to tell them to go look there...but again this indicates she KNEW from the beginning what happened to Erin and probably where she is....

Yes that is odd. Would they really have missed the garage? How does NL know that? Would she be able to follow them around while they searched?

Alternatively, this could be seen as evidence of NL's extraordinary arrogance (e.g. "I'm smarter than my dumb, lying husband and these dumb, evidence-missing cops") as well as NL's prior knowledge of the fact that some sort of evidence for this crime was in their garage.

I'm wondering if it isn't that they didn't look in the garage, but rather, they hadn't recognized the significance of something that was in the garage, and that something was left behind.

In that case, what could that significant object(s?) be???
Yes but CL's the one who married very young and was tired of an iron handed wife. He probably deserved her too. But what guy, in this day and age, has only experienced one partner at age 24? He wanted a new, younger version if you know what I mean. Erin was his prey if this story ends up being true and accurate. She was probably seduced by him.

Agree. He was married even younger. Totally agree. It was the perfect ugly storm. Was there not another case where a Soldier killed the former lover and wife and/or Girlfriend assisted? Just to prove his love? I think that poor Gal was burned after the kill. Cant remember the case. Just sayin....
ICYMI This article is from July 11 - Marine's mother breaks silence on search for daughter-in-law

Sounds like a nice woman; what a nightmare for this entire family, and especially the poor husband.
The more I read about this case, the more chilling I find it. Such an evil, sick, sick person to do something like this to a pregnant woman. As they say, there is a special place in the underworld waiting for someone who would do this.
Time to exert pressure on the next door neighbor that went "hunting". He will spill the beans; it appears the wife is the puppet master. ALL SPECULATION and opinion only.
Ok, I *think* you're asking why LE jumped on this asap, instead of just putting out a generic BOLO and pic of a "woman may be lost in the desert" kind of press release? IMO when Erin's husband called her in as missing, and the Deputy turned up to take the report, the Deputy was given information as part of his/her routine questions that immediately made that Deputy put the dept on high alert and that there were very valid reasons for this MP case to be treated with urgency from the get go.

I hope I didn't misunderstand you, and I hope I explained MOO a theory of why Erin's case may have been treated with urgency from very early on.

To reiterate, LE responded to a report of a missing woman who was lost, broken down or injured and that's how they approached the search for her on Sunday and up until the car was found on Monday. We heard the officer's end of the 911 call and they had a helicopter up in the air right away on Sunday. LE responded, as they should, right away to find Erin, a woman who didn't return from JT.

I'm thinking LE didn't think criminal until Erin's car was discovered near the base. I mean, LE may always have that possibility cross their minds but I don't think they immediately went there. It didn't take long though because I recall hearing homicide very early on. Later, LE backed away from the word.

I was responding to someone else's post though (was that yours?) so, without that too, wait I'm confused. I believe LE jumped on this right away as someone who may be lost in JT. Then Erin's car was found. I wasn't asking why though.

So you believe as early as Sunday, LE was already treating this as a potential crime versus missing, lost person? I do recall LE saying in the 911 call that the husband didn't have a description of what Erin may have been wearing.
While there's no real logical or justifiable reason to have an affair, I've been wondering why Erin would go down this path. Everyone described her as sweet and shy, JC as the perfect husband, and the two of them as very much in love for several years. So why??? [modsnip] We've discussed some possibilities: extremely young, away from home, brains don't fully develop until 25, etc., but there had to be something that made her see CL as a better catch than JC so what was she really thinking. (Most stupid decisions at that age involve the "thrill" of it, but that doesn't sound like Erin.)

What if Erin saw CL as her "ticket" out of the Marines lifestyle? His time was almost over and if she convinced him to leave his wife for her (possibly the pregnancy wasn't real, but a ploy???), she would be leaving 29 Palms very, very soon. If this was her line of reasoning, it might have influenced her state of mind and made her take risks she wouldn't have otherwise taken. It's easy to think the ends justify the means when you feel trapped. Then anything seems "worth it" just to get out of the current situation.

Just a thought, and ultimately I'm not sure it matters, but I wanted to throw it out to see if anyone else was thinking along those lines???
shoot, somehow I just deleted two posts one of which was a duplicate. I don't know how that happened.
While there's no real logical or justifiable reason to have an affair, I've been wondering why Erin would go down this path. Everyone described her as sweet and shy, JC as the perfect husband, and the two of them as very much in love for several years. So why??? It's not like JC was a prize by ANY stretch of the imagination! We've discussed some possibilities: extremely young, away from home, brains don't fully develop until 25, etc., but there had to be something that made her see CL as a better catch than JC so what was she really thinking. (Most stupid decisions at that age involve the "thrill" of it, but that doesn't sound like Erin.)

What if Erin saw CL as her "ticket" out of the Marines lifestyle? His time was almost over and if she convinced him to leave his wife for her (possibly the pregnancy wasn't real, but a ploy???), she would be leaving 29 Palms very, very soon. If this was her line of reasoning, it might have influenced her state of mind and made her take risks she wouldn't have otherwise taken. It's easy to think the ends justify the means when you feel trapped. Then anything seems "worth it" just to get out of the current situation.

Just a thought, and ultimately I'm not sure it matters, but I wanted to throw it out to see if anyone else was thinking along those lines???

I've thought about it for the very reason I haven't been able to figure out why she would plan to spend the day with CL when she knew he was leaving in the very near future. Either plans for the future were made between CL & EC to be together (whether it was a lie on his part or not) or she was planning to stay with JC whether "the baby" was his or not.

Instead of text messages of sorrow and dread that CL would soon be leaving her, she texts her friend in TN that she and CL would be spending the day together to celebrate her pregnancy. I can't put that together in my head.
That's all I know. He made bail on July 6 and, according to IM, left for Alaska on July 16.

Do we know if the only condition for CL's release was bail ? Could the Judge restrict his movements but the public not know about it ?

I do not believe he ever saw a judge. He was given $25,000 bail based on the SB County bail schedule. His specific offense is not listed on the schedule -- PC 18710(a) -- so his bail defaults to the felony chart at the end of the PDF below. $25,000 for a felony that has a maximum of one year.

If you just bail out without seeing a judge (based on the schedule above) I think you are allowed to leave the state as long as you come back for your appearance date. However, you may still need to get permission from your bail bond company to leave the state. I found this link below online, but not sure what bail bond company CL actually used. (He did use a bail bond company. The court confirmed this to me).

I think I saw something on the subject somewhere but know if he got out after six years, he probably spent at least three of them at 29. He was deployed during this time (or possibly before) as well. Someone posted earlier he was in Afghanistan and another deployment location as well. That would be the times when NL was back home holding down the fort.

His deployment timeline is here:

For the probably cause affidavit , LE did not need to include everything said in the text EC sent to her friend in TN. Perhaps the text read something like this

" This may be our last chance to be alone before he leaves for Alaska. Going to make a special day of it , celebrate my birthday and pregnancy "

maybe ??

Did the friend forward the detective the actual text messages? Why didn't LE write word-for-word the texts as they appeared when received by Erin's friend. They're not written like that in the affidavit. It sounds as if someone was telling LE about the messages received versus providing the actual text messages (which is why a NCIS person went to TN).

I'm not certain but so far it is hearsay versus real evidence. Do others recognize the distinction I'm making or am I missing something?

I am not an attorney but remember we only have the affidavit from one search warrant. It was written 20 days ago. That affidavit only included enough information to convince a judge there was probable cause to search the ranch, and search it right now at night while CL and NL were "detained" at the scene.

And so, you see statements like "Detectives believe if Erin was injured and left at an undisclosed
location, she would not able to call for help." Or, regarding the duffel bag incident, detectives "believed they were concealing evidence and discussing further plans of action to likely conceal or destroy evidence."

These statements are meant to convey immediacy to the judge and that is pretty easy in the beginning stages of a missing person case. So, detectives will only include enough probable cause to get what they want. They don't have to lay out the entire case.
Forgive me if this has already been addressed...
When the cops went in searching, was it not an indepth search? just a curious walk through? Erin had been gone a week or so already...they had a warrant...why wouldn't LE search a garage????? apparently they didn't even walk through the garage? Was it to early to peek in every nook and cupboard? I am seriously having an issue with that statement. Of course she was not going to tell them to go look there...but again this indicates she KNEW from the beginning what happened to Erin and probably where she is....

RUMOR ALERT: I read on another site that the apartments didn't have garages but rather carports with a small shed. If true, then there was no "garage" to search.
RUMOR ALERT: I read on another site that the apartments didn't have garages but rather carports with a small shed. If true, then there was no "garage" to search.

We had a carport once, with "sheds" attached to the carport. We called the "shed" the garage even though it wasn't a proper garage.
Those carports in the pic have storage area with doors and locks..each apartment would get one storage. Though no one would refer to any of that as a garage. I'd say parking lot and storage for those. Garage could mean a garage at the ranch which presumably has horsie trailers and hay moving thingys. It would be bigger than a residential one with some large stuff and less packed with junk.
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