GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #7

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Search and Rescue Volunteers Needed

Joshua Tree National Park is seeking new volunteer members for the park’s Search and Rescue team, JOSAR. The team searches for lost hikers, rescues injured or stranded climbers, and supports park rangers in a variety of visitor-safety activities.

JOSAR volunteers may participate as rescuers, field searchers, or in a support capacity for team operations. No previous training or experience is required. The park provides extensive training in land search, tracking, incident management, and high-angle rope rescue techniques.

If you enjoy teamwork, helping others, and the beauty of Joshua Tree National Park, please come to an informational meeting at the Oasis Visitor Center, 74485 National Park Drive (at the junction with Utah Trail) in Twentynine Palms. You can attend either Sunday, August 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. or Tuesday, August 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. Park rangers will discuss the many opportunities, requirements, and the time commitment for each level of participation.

If you would like more information, please call park Volunteer Coordinator Laureen Lentz at (760) 367-5524.

ME: NOT RELATED TO THIS CASE posted as a public service announcement for JTNP
CL and EC were allegedly having an affair, so I don't think it would be too far fetched to think that their scents may be found in each other's vehicles, possibly apartments? That would be my guess, but JMO.
KNX 1070 reports probable rain and thunder in desert areas this afternoon and evening. I hope this will not hamper search efforts.
If Chris admits to the affair, it makes sense her scent would be in his car.

I know that but don't u want to know if they did find her scent in his car?
What if they didnt
KNX 1070 reports probable rain and thunder in desert areas this afternoon and evening. I hope this will not hamper search efforts.

If it does maybe the rain will uncover some evidence for the searchers to find. We can hope for that anyway. IMO
So the twists and turns begin ...

Whatever the truth is, IM has very effectively torpedoed her future testimony for trial. This is the kind of thing defense attorney's love to use to create reasonable doubt for juries.

If Ozcams Razor could be applied to any case, it's this one.

Chris Lee, possibly with help from his wife or someone else (during or after). Disappeared Erin Corwin and the child she was carrying. Crime of passion, or per-meditated murder, and who is involved is what it's coming down to for me.

I hope we're not sitting here discussing red cars, potato guns, and abandoned mines a year from now.

We may be. Can't figure out why LE won't cough up 'last seen' evidence.
Mickey Shunick disappeared in the early morning hours of May 19 and an arrest was made July 7. Her body was recovered August 7 when police got Lavergne to talk.

As Mickey's case unfolded, LE shared video of her from where she was last caught on camera riding her bike.
There was so much police investigation going on behind the scenes that we found out about later. Still, they let the public know a little bit - that they knew she had left her friend's house and was in route riding her bicycle across town toward her home. Still some people wanted to continue to suspect her friend (last seen with person).

LE had no body but through a white truck were able to pin down a suspect. He made lots of mistakes - trying to get rid of the truck, had wounds Mickey inflicted during the attack so he went to the hospital as LE discovered. We didn't know any of these details were unfolding. About six weeks after her murder there was an arrest made even though LE didn't find a body yet.

Where am I going? Missing women - yes. Confirmed last seen with - yes/no. Loved horses - yes. Confirmed last location known - yes.

Why can't we know Erin's confirmed last location known? Does LE have evidence she left the base? Evidence of her at Joshua Tree? Where are all/other cameras she may have crossed?
Why hasn't LE requested any input - like if people saw potential suspects' Jeep (or whatever) at areas where searches are being conducted?

The no information really bothers me.
Can anybody think of another no information case?

Oh, and I believe Mickey disappeared on or very near to her birthday too - :maddening:
I used to have an app on my phone that let me k ow where everyone was.

Based on everything I have been reading, this certainly sounds premeditated....with military precision, so to speak. Someone premeditating, would have told their victim to turn off their phone so as the pings could not be traced. This was well thought out.
If it does maybe the rain will uncover some evidence for the searchers to find. We can hope for that anyway. IMO

One of them is going to talk, because it will be the only way to save their own rear end to a certain degree. LE has enough, and most especially with the statement to the horse rescue woman to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Fleeing to Alaska to attempt to hide would be laughable if this weren't such a tragic situation. If the family of CL has any smarts, they will tell him to go to LE....immediately, before it's too late. He has a chance to save himself to some degree, if he gets to LE before his wifey does.
Of course, this is just opinion and speculation only.
When interviewed by The Desert Sun on Friday, Megli said the first two statements were misconstrued by detectives who wrote the affidavit. Nichole Lee made these statements while chatting casually at the horse ranch, discussing the Corwin disappearance and similar mysteries, comparing them to the clichès of television crime drama.

Megli said Nichole Lee was worried her husband would accidentally incriminate himself — even if he hadn't done anything wrong — if he was grilled by detectives.

Finally, Megli insisted that Nichole Lee never said police "missed something" in the garage, but actually remarked that police had simply not searched the garage at all. Nichole Lee was thankful police skipped the garage because the couple had packed their belongings in preparation to move out of the apartment, and deputies would have torn through the packaging during the search.

There was no conversation about a clue being missed, Megli said.

"I never said that," Megli said Friday. "If I would have heard that there was 'something' in the garage, don't you think I would have called the police?"


I think I'm getting a feel for IM. I think she's just flat out scared and it's caused her to make some poor decisions so far. IMO, she's caught between a rock and a hard place trying to decide what's better, having suspected murderers pissed off at you, or LE pissed off at you. She's making the wrong decision by calling LE liars and pissing them off.
Thinking of Susan Powell and how unlikely it is she will ever be found. Not promising for Erin, Imo. Josh Powell was no brain surgeon either. (Jmo :). )

And try to figure out why in God's name Josh Powell wasn't arrested. Totally mind boggling imo.
A bewildering tragedy as to how the justice system appears twisted sometimes to protect undeserving evil people.
Some weirdos need to be arrested based on reasonable doubt that they're sane.
In order to get the original search warrants on the cars and residence there would also need to be a separate Probable Cause statement, correct? If so, then I would think that would be when the contents of the texts messages would have been included along with corroboration from the neighbor of EC who said they were having an affair.

Can you elaborate please? Are you saying LE can't just write a neighbor said E and C were having an affair?
I was wondering about that due to there being no name or any evidence, just a neighbor said. I mean, really?
That's enough to get my house ripped apart?

I'm interested in the NCIS report - the person who went to TN and talked face-to-face with Erin's friend. There's where the real evidence can be scrutinized.
Can you elaborate please? Are you saying LE can't just write a neighbor said E and C were having an affair?
I was wondering about that due to there being no name or any evidence, just a neighbor said. I mean, really?
That's enough to get my house ripped apart?

I'm interested in the NCIS report - the person who went to TN and talked face-to-face with Erin's friend. There's where the real evidence can be scrutinized.

I was asking as well. It is possible that they could just say the neighbor said they were having an affair but at that point they also had the text messages from EC's friend so I would think those would have been included as additional proof for the judge.

This is what I found about search warrants and probable cause:

An application for a warrant must be supported by a sworn, detailed statement made by a law enforcement officer appearing before a neutral judge or magistrate.

The Supreme Court has said that probable cause exists when the facts and circumstances within the police officer's knowledge provide a reasonably trustworthy basis for a man of reasonable caution to believe that a criminal offense has been committed or is about to take place (see Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132 [1925]). Probable cause can be established by out-of-court statements made by reliable police informants, even though those statements cannot be tested by the magistrate. However, probable cause will not lie where the only evidence of criminal activity is an officer's affirmation of suspicion or belief

So, since the original search warrants were requested on 6/30 and granted on 7/1, I would think a separate statement of probable cause was included with that request and in that I would think they would provide as much detailed information as possible in order to obtain the warrants, especially since they wanted a night search granted.
I don't think IM is in fear of these two. Giving the statement in the first place is her best defense after all if anything happens to a witness who will LE look at first. I think she's backtracking because people are asking why she waited for police to question her instead of giving the information straight away.
Can you elaborate please? Are you saying LE can't just write a neighbor said E and C were having an affair?
I was wondering about that due to there being no name or any evidence, just a neighbor said. I mean, really?
That's enough to get my house ripped apart?

I'm interested in the NCIS report - the person who went to TN and talked face-to-face with Erin's friend. There's where the real evidence can be scrutinized.

I have a feeling, and that's all it is, that the un-named neighbor was 1 of multiple others that shared the affair info. I wouldn't be surprised if JC told LE about the affair as well. According to what I've read in the past, he was well aware of the relationship. If JC was the ONLY one telling LE about the affair that would not be enough ie: trying to set someone (CL) up or just sounding like a paranoid spouse. My point is that I doubt LE just ripped apart the house on one un-named person's tidbit of info. Heck, doesn't even seem like they ripped anything apart now that we've learned they didn't even search the garage. Sheesh.....I agree that the witness in TN will be a huge part of this case.
One of them is going to talk, because it will be the only way to save their own rear end to a certain degree. LE has enough, and most especially with the statement to the horse rescue woman to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Fleeing to Alaska to attempt to hide would be laughable if this weren't such a tragic situation. If the family of CL has any smarts, they will tell him to go to LE....immediately, before it's too late. He has a chance to save himself to some degree, if he gets to LE before his wifey does.
Of course, this is just opinion and speculation only.

I don't know about this. Based solely on what we know as confirmed by LE I wouldn't be able to say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that CL & NL are responsible for murdering EC. I hope that LE has more than what we know however, if we take them on their word, they have zero evidence that a crime has been committed. Unless LE has something up their sleeve, I don't see CL or NL saying a word. If they are responsible for her disappearance I think they feel like they got away with it and are going about their lives up in Alaska (or wherever they are.) Without a body, I don't think either will talk. LE really needs to find Erin and then they will have leverage as neither could be certain of what evidence was found with/on her. I feel the same about the Heather Elvis case. As long as no body is found, I don's see TM or SM saying a word, unfortunately. MOO.
I don't know about this. Based solely on what we know as confirmed by LE I wouldn't be able to say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that CL & NL are responsible for murdering EC. I hope that LE has more than what we know however, if we take them on their word, they have zero evidence that a crime has been committed. Unless LE has something up their sleeve, I don't see CL or NL saying a word. If they are responsible for her disappearance I think they feel like they got away with it and are going about their lives up in Alaska (or wherever they are.) Without a body, I don't think either will talk. LE really needs to find Erin and then they will have leverage as neither could be certain of what evidence was found with/on her. I feel the same about the Heather Elvis case. As long as no body is found, I don's see TM or SM saying a word, unfortunately. MOO.

I hope the Lee's aren't going about their lives as if nothing happened. I want them to be looking over their shoulders, and waiting in fear of that knock on the door.

What I find strange is that the Alaska media has not picked up the story. Erin's case is not as big as some I can think of, but media coverage has been fairly substantial locally. I know a few people have messaged the local stations, asking if they will try and interview the Lee's, guess that's been a no-go.

Here are a few media links in Anchorage.

I wonder if now they are home, like in Heather's case; the family will start defending them? I've never seen anything like Tammy Moorer or some of her family members. What they said about Heather was shocking.
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