Found Deceased CA - Erin Valenti, 33, from Utah, en-route from Palo Alto to San Jose, 7 Oct 2019

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San Jose Police Department

San Jose has a 26% increase in murders from Jan-Jun 2019 vs. the same time period in 2018, and a 21% increase in rapes.
It is easy to see why trying to track down an errant visitor from Utah didn’t make the P1 triage list.
It’s no Mayberry RFD; they are trying to police a large, diverse population with very thin staff.
This is a very sad tragedy at many levels.

Amateur opinion and speculation

I'm going to bump this up here. we don't know exactly what she was saying when she spoke to SJPD. this is a sprawling city of over a million people. it is a shame that this happened, and i understand her family's frustration. But we don't know if SJPD knew if she was driving, we don't know that she even wanted to be found, and to be honest if she wanted to be hiding out high on drugs (NOT saying that is what she was doing), then she would be free to do that in the eyes of SJPD.
I don't believe that at all. There were plenty of opportunities to break the chain of events. Unfortunately it was mostly up to her relatives and friends who weren't there. One alert sent to locals could have changed everything.

If she was under the influence of a drug and it was affecting her prior to 3:30 when she located her car, it would need to be some pretty long-tail stuff like LSD or shrooms. Even that is a stretch, with a normal dose of LSD wearing off before midnight. If we consider her husband's take, she was manic and not acting normally. Something was going biologically awry. Her decision making and mental capacity was already diminished by 3:30 when she found her car. That is the first point someone could have stopped her, but it isn't clear if she was already alone when this came on or not. Over the next several hours, she was in contact with people who by all accounts were doing everything in their power to help her. I'll agree the welfare check must have checked the boxes, or that officer has some 'splainin to do. If it turns out Erin died in the few short hours between last contact and sunrise, the only one that could have saved her is herself. Perhaps pulling over and curling up in the back seat was the best thing she thought she could do. Why no one looked in her windows or smelled her decomposing is a sad truth to ponder and I'm really shocked the fire dept wasn't notified. They would probably have found the car the very next day.
I have had two friends that “lost it” while taking their prescribed amount of adderall. Both were diagnosed with “amphetamine induced psychosis”. One was so bad he went into a catatonic state, almost died and required electric shock therapy to “wake up”.
She was such a busy girl and a go-getter. A lot of people like that rely on adderall. It could have been that she wasn’t even “abusing” an illegal drug, but just taking what was prescribed to her.

I totally could believe that she might have been using Adderall. However, I just do not know of any sudden deaths from it?? What would cause the death?

I get what you’re saying but I don’t necessarily agree. If police spoke to her on the phone Monday night- (which supposedly they did), and they agreed she seemed “off”/etc (which supposedly they did), and they did drive around for a bit to try to find her (which supposedly they did)- then LE should have (IMHO) considered her endangered, or a potential danger to other drivers at least. If they thought she was on drugs and driving then all the more reason to try longer to find her! Gasp. To think LE lets people they think might be on drugs continue to drive around late at night freaks me out. Gasp gasp gasp.

I do understand that SJPD may be short-staffed, have a myriad of crimes to deal with, etc, BUT. I remain baffled as to why- at the least- they didn’t file a missing person report until Thursday and when they did they labeled it “voluntary”.


I am a bit stuck on this factor, as well. Her family knew something was not right. They called the police. Police spoke with her and expressed back to her family; they agreed something was not right. At that point, regardless of planned PG&E blackouts, understaffed police, and emergency services, they should have listed her as missing and endangered. A BOLO should have been put out immediately to my understanding one was never issued. A BOLO, at the very least, would have alerted all police to be looking for her rather than one cop car.

On a side note, I am pretty sold on the fact this could not have been just a psychotic mental break or manic episode only for the sheer fact that most people don't die from that, especially in the manner she did. It wasn't like she was manic and running around the streets and got hit by a car, or caused an accident, etc. She was in her vehicle, crawled into the back seat, and died. There has to be more to it than just the onset of some undiagnosed bipolar episode. What that is we don't know, but I would imagine preliminary autopsy results should be coming soon, maybe that will shed a little more light while the toxicology results are run.
Sounds kind of "cultish" to me...moo
Just reading the webpage made me feel uneasy. Definitely a male dominated group. The bio’s were wordy, no commas, and a couple of disjointed sentences. Also, they used a lot of tech/leadership/motivational jargon, (fluff words) but didn’t give any concrete examples of their methods or strategies to achieve the desired results. My sixth sense was activated. No way would I enter that matrix of creepy manipulation. (My own opinion, of course)
I'm somewhat surprised the results of the prelim. pm have not yet been released. Heart attack? Brain haemorrhage? Neither of above require a known existing illness- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, congenital aneurysms- brain or heart.
So many young people get lost this way..

I did some searching following @Seattle1 post on the weekend course.
I found no bad reviews, just 1 , which was positive..
I too was thinking about the pyramid cult theory but I found no evidence of that.
I'm not sure whether she attended as a networking opportunity or felt she genuinely needed more skills.
It may be irrelevant but might be worthwhile asking other participants if she complained of any illnesses during the 3 days, or whether the course involved physical strenuous exercises?

I'm only seeing vascular emergency here, cause of unknown origin.
Because that is what we usually see in sudden deaths of young people.
Speculating on drugs we dont know she used will neither bring her back nor solve the mystery.
AND LE was able to talk to her on the phone and confirmed she was confused and not making sense. I wish they had put more effort into finding her right then. They had her car make/model & license plate! And ping area.
AND LE was able to talk to her on the phone and confirmed she was confused and not making sense. I wish they had put more effort into finding her right then. They had her car make/model & license plate! And ping area.
AND LE was able to talk to her on the phone and confirmed she was confused and not making sense. I wish they had put more effort into finding her right then. They had her car make/model & license plate! And ping area.
They had the whole ball of wax, what more did they need?! This was urgent, IMO.
IMO based on what the family described as the state of EV, the only person 'who could be fooled', would be a 'fool'!

We will have to wait for the transcripts and some eventual investigation of this tragedy to see exactly what LE did/didn't do.

But the fact that EV was found within .8 mile from last ping spot and less than 2 blocks from a fire station IMO raises many more questions than it answers.

Did SJPD even look for EV? Was a BOLO issued for the rental car? We saw no missing poster on SJPD Social Media or Website? Did a bulletin go out internally such that the Fire House near where EV was found would have awareness of a missing person, vehicle description and picture etc.?

It doesn't look like anything was done by SJPD and the family was on their own to resolve this tragedy.
This may be a stupid question, but I’m going to ask anyway. Why is SJPD so understaffed/funded. Don’t they have a lot of companies headquartered there? Don’t they get revenue from the casino?

The town of Greenwood Village, CO has it’s own SWAT team. It’s one of the safest cities in metro Denver but part of the Denver Tech Center (DTC) is located there so the city has more revenue from corporate tax revenue than they probably need, thus the SWAT unit. They responded to the Columbine shooting in Littleton because Littleton, though far more populated didn’t have it’s own.

Elgin IL receives so much money from a local casino that years ago their fire department got a hook and ladder truck that would service buildings taller than the tallest in Elgin at the time.

I’m sure there are many other examples like this across the country.

I assume SJ gts more tax revenue than the average city (and if they don’t they should). And understand that SJ may have lots of funding needs many municipalities don’t, but I’d hope the police department would be one of the first places funded.

If I was EV’s family or friend, I would be livid beyond words. I’m mad and I never even met her. If I was a resident of SJ I would be angry not just about this incident, but crime and underfunding of local LE in general. And though I’m usually a staunch supporter of LE. if I was a member of SJPD I would not be particularly proud right now. Even if understaffed, a medical BOLO could have come out. And while it may not have saved her she certainly could have been found a lot sooner had they just tried.

I’m sure it’s not simple, but to a casual observer it seems SJ city official’s priorities are way out of whack. Curious to hear perspectives of people who live there.

Just reading the webpage made me feel uneasy. Definitely a male dominated group. The bio’s were wordy, no commas, and a couple of disjointed sentences. Also, they used a lot of tech/leadership/motivational jargon, (fluff words) but didn’t give any concrete examples of their methods or strategies to achieve the desired results. My sixth sense was activated. No way would I enter that matrix of creepy manipulation. (My own opinion, of course)
It’s got the eye of providence on the website too. Just creepy IMO.

Personally I’d beware of and not trust any of these “self improvement”or “leadership” type groups. Nxivm was a self improvement group and now the leaders are in prison for all the terrible things they did to their cult members after they were roped in. Branding, blackmail, sex slavery. And they took all their money.
Not saying this group is like Nxivm but I don’t think I’d take the chance.

I get what you’re saying but I don’t necessarily agree. If police spoke to her on the phone Monday night- (which supposedly they did), and they agreed she seemed “off”/etc (which supposedly they did), and they did drive around for a bit to try to find her (which supposedly they did)- then LE should have (IMHO) considered her endangered, or a potential danger to other drivers at least. If they thought she was on drugs and driving then all the more reason to try longer to find her! Gasp. To think LE lets people they think might be on drugs continue to drive around late at night freaks me out. Gasp gasp gasp.

I do understand that SJPD may be short-staffed, have a myriad of crimes to deal with, etc, BUT. I remain baffled as to why- at the least- they didn’t file a missing person report until Thursday and when they did they labeled it “voluntary”.

Yes. This. Exactly!
This may be a stupid question, but I’m going to ask anyway. Why is SJPD so understaffed/funded. Don’t they have a lot of companies headquartered there? Don’t they get revenue from the casino?

The town of Greenwood Village, CO has it’s own SWAT team. It’s one of the safest cities in metro Denver but part of the Denver Tech Center (DTC) is located there so the city has more revenue from corporate tax revenue than they probably need, thus the SWAT unit. They responded to the Columbine shooting in Littleton because Littleton, though far more populated didn’t have it’s own.

Elgin IL receives so much money from a local casino that years ago their fire department got a hook and ladder truck that would service buildings taller than the tallest in Elgin at the time.

I’m sure there are many other examples like this across the country.

I assume SJ gts more tax revenue than the average city (and if they don’t they should). And understand that SJ may have lots of funding needs many municipalities don’t, but I’d hope the police department would be one of the first places funded.

If I was EV’s family or friend, I would be livid beyond words. I’m mad and I never even met her. If I was a resident of SJ I would be angry not just about this incident, but crime and underfunding of local LE in general. And though I’m usually a staunch supporter of LE. if I was a member of SJPD I would not be particularly proud right now. Even if understaffed, a medical BOLO could have come out. And while it may not have saved her she certainly could have been found a lot sooner had they just tried.

I’m sure it’s not simple, but to a casual observer it seems SJ city official’s priorities are way out of whack. Curious to hear perspectives of people who live there.


because chuckie reed cut their pensions. there was a mass exodus. then for awhile ppl were applying to get sent to POST then bailing. they made it so you had to sign a retention contract it got so bad.
because chuckie reed cut their pensions. there was a mass exodus. then for awhile ppl were applying to get sent to POST then bailing. they made it so you had to sign a retention contract it got so bad.
Clearly a problem, but ought to be solvable if competent people w/public’s best interest at heart were trying. IMO heads should roll.
The town of Greenwood Village, CO has it’s own SWAT team. It’s one of the safest cities in metro Denver but part of the Denver Tech Center (DTC) is located there so the city has more revenue from corporate tax revenue than they probably need, thus the SWAT unit. They responded to the Columbine shooting in Littleton because Littleton, though far more populated didn’t have it’s own.
hey, neighbor!

It should be noted Greenwood Village PD is in Arapahoe County (not Denver) along with the VERY VERY fine and amazing Aurora PD. Both PD's are HUGE heroes in CO. IMO.

I greatly anticipate the ME's report on this woman. I asked the doc (MD) I work with his thoughts on this and he is also leaning towards something non organic but is anxious to see what the ME says. MOO
I'm somewhat surprised the results of the prelim. pm have not yet been released.
Respectfully snipped.
Perhaps the prelim results are already in. However, the family is under no obligation to share them with the public. As such, we may never know.

Amateur opinion and speculation
On a side note, I am pretty sold on the fact this could not have been just a psychotic mental break or manic episode only for the sheer fact that most people don't die from that, especially in the manner she did. It wasn't like she was manic and running around the streets and got hit by a car, or caused an accident, etc. She was in her vehicle, crawled into the back seat, and died. There has to be more to it than just the onset of some undiagnosed bipolar episode. What that is we don't know, but I would imagine preliminary autopsy results should be coming soon, maybe that will shed a little more light while the toxicology results are run.


It is usually not the mental disease that kills a person, but the impaired decision making. At the barest and most kind scenario, it did get down to 56F that night which is enough to cause hypothermia no matter what the precipitating factors were, especially if she was dehydrated, intoxicated, low blood sugar or had a thyroid problem, was thinly dressed or had been increasingly cold all day.

But don't get me wrong guys, the maybe-illuminati/satan conference and the m8trix casino are interesting points. (sincerely)


It’s got the eye of providence on the website too. Just creepy IMO.

Personally I’d beware of and not trust any of these “self improvement”or “leadership” type groups. Nxivm was a self improvement group and now the leaders are in prison for all the terrible things they did to their cult members after they were roped in. Branding, blackmail, sex slavery. And they took all their money.
Not saying this group is like Nxivm but I don’t think I’d take the chance.

I read the “rules of the course” document and I skimmed a couple of their other publications, and I get major MLM/pyramid scheme vibes.
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