GUILTY CA - Faith Tsarnas & Kiya Kitchen, Both 14, Die In Hit & Run, Fortuna, 12 July 2016

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Could this have been a silly game of "chicken" turned tragic? If Kiya and Faith saw MK driving toward them they would assume she would either stop or go around them, so did they stay in the lane as long as possible as a joke? Did MK speed up to tease the girls and wasn't able to stop? An accident caused by being silly I could "sort of" wrap my mind around, as irresponsible as it is, but running and hiding while leaving your daughter and her friend dying in the road is beyond the pale IMO.

I've wondered exactly the same scenario, and... I hate typing it but, we've all seen the Jeep, she had to hit them with a good deal of force/speed.

The bottom line is... she left them, and hid the Jeep, and has hidden herself.

(ETA: Even if children make mistakes (playful but dangerous)... they look to adults to BE adults and act accordingly.)
I've wondered exactly the same scenario, and... I hate typing it but, we've all seen the Jeep, she had to hit them with a good deal of force/speed.

The bottom line is... she left them, and hid the Jeep, and has hidden herself.

(ETA: Even if children make mistakes (playful but dangerous)... they look to adults to BE adults and act accordingly.)

Exactly. What MK did afterward negates any possible reason for the collision. If her attorneys try to use this "playful" scenario in court, it won't fly. First of all, playing games with a vehicle is not adult, and leaving them to die while hiding her vehicle is criminal and amoral. No defense.
I used to have a job scrapping cars. I've seen a lot of wrecks from accidents, including high speed smashes. I have never ever seen a fender knocked clear off a vehicle. What an impact that must have been!

Exactly. What MK did afterward negates any possible reason for the collision. If her attorneys try to use this "playful" scenario in court, it won't fly. First of all, playing games with a vehicle is not adult, and leaving them to die while hiding her vehicle is criminal and amoral. No defense.

She was observed to be under the influence less than an hour after she killed the girls. Can they prove that in court? Probably not, since a test wasn't performed.
She was observed to be under the influence less than an hour after she killed the girls. Can they prove that in court? Probably not, since a test wasn't performed.

Thank you for mentioning this, Knox. It has been "nagging my brain" for weeks now. Even without a test, is it possible to prove Marcia Kitchen was DWI while behind the wheel of the Jeep? I have been searching past cases with similar circumstances--no test taken but plenty of incriminating circumstances that show the suspect was most likely DUI/DWI. That someone was affected in such a way that rendered them too impaired to operate a motor vehicle I believe is absolutely something which can be/should be allowed and argued in court, even without a BAC test...especially when something results in harm or death to another.

JMO, but I firmly believe a circumstantial case can be made here. There are certain particulars that are already known and other factors which can be discovered.
Should not proof beyond a reasonable doubt also apply in a court even if a specific BAC level wasn't obtained? Even so: state BAC levels are merely averages and only a best close estimate re: every individual and each person's unique physical makeup (and other uniquely personal traits.)

Here are just a few examples of why I believe arguments should be permitted in court: Marcia's height and weight are known. Friends, family members, and acquaintances are likely aware of her tolerances for certain things and likely can attest as to how she spent much of her day prior to the hit-and-run. There were, in fact, police and hospital witnesses who stated she seemed intoxicated "moments after" the collision.

If she (and JP) were in a bar prior to returning home that night as many people have alleged: how long was she there, did she eat anything, is a bar tab still on record, any surveillance cam footage, any other customers or the bartender(s) willing to give sworn statements as to her behavior, any witnesses that actually saw her driving erratically, etc....etc...

She was at least seen by her son, his friend, her daughter and Faith and also JP that day--both before and by some: after the collision--the very people probably closest to her. Also: kids KNOW when their parents are drunk and acting differently than when sober. And then: WHY did she leave the scene only to return "moments" later?

JMHO but I think a strong case can be made in court that she was intoxicated. I firmly believe all needed facts are present or can be discovered to prove this beyond reasonable doubt. If the case isn't strong enough on this particular point: it will not be heard anyway--so why not TRY to press for getting it admitted?

I just don't believe it to be impossible nor too far-fetched of an idea, and moreover: I want to see MK charged with EVERYTHING for which she is truly guilty.
I still have faith that if there is sufficient solid evidence to actually make a case...there will be arrests. It's one thing for LE to know what happened and who did it, but it's a very different matter for the DA to prove it. Pulling together phone records, interviewing witnesses, analyzing damage to jeep...all the little details that have to be correct...can take months. Another good reason for LE silence is not tainting the very limited jury pool in Humboldt. I believe this case is a top priority and if there are never any arrests it won't be for lack of trying or because of corruption. The refusal of MK and JP to answer questions (their legal right) would be the biggest factor IMO. THAT's the WD-40 needed for this case, and you can be quite sure they aren't going to provide it, no way, no how. Let's hope the good citizens of Fortuna have provided enough information to grease the wheels of justice.

John Chiv's blog had a mention of this case today. The rumor that someone was with Marci when she hit the girls is probably incorrect. The man who called 911 originally said he only saw a woman in the car per Scanner traffic that evening. Here is the link to John's blog;
The person mentioned (not JP), gave a statement to LE. His statement is contrary to what Chiv says in his post. He was not in the car, he was at the home with Marcies son when the accident happened. Posting from my phone and can't link, maybe someone else can bring it forward.

Lilibet, you are correct as always.
The person mentioned (not JP), gave a statement to LE. His statement is contrary to what Chiv says in his post. He was not in the car, he was at the home with Marcies son when the accident happened. Posting from my phone and can't link, maybe someone else can bring it forward.

Lilibet, you are correct as always.

Whew! I'm glad Chiv was able to get a positive quote about the investigation so that the limb I crawled out on didn't break off. :)

The person who was at home with Marcie's son is "her friend" David Reed, according to this article. He is more her son's contemporary and friend from what I can tell.

The affidavit states that investigators spoke with Marcia Kitchen’s friend David Reed at the Fortuna Police Department on July 13 who told them he was at the house when Kiya and Faith left to go skateboarding.
“Some time later, (Pearlston) came in and told them there had been an accident on the quarter mile with some kids,” the document states “... Josh and (Marcia) showed up shortly after that in (Pearlston’s) black Chevy.”
Reed told investigators that he did not see Kitchen’s Jeep Wrangler at the house when he left, but said the Jeep was parked at the house when he returned later that night. He did not notice the Jeep was damaged.

Does anyone else think JP lured the two boys out of the house so he and MK could hide the jeep?

The person named "K" who Chiv mentioned in this and a previous article may also be a friend of the family, but I could be wrong and don't want to speculate on Chiv's rumors. I'm sure LE knows who he is, where he was and what he knows.
Oh carp thank you for correcting me!!

Knox, if you're talking to me, your confusion was understandable. :) Chiv's story and comments were all extremely complicated and took me a bit of digging to untangle. It clarified some things for me, so it was good. Chiv can be a really good source when he sticks to facts, but when he talks about rumors...he's not any better source than any other news blogger. Actually, Kym Kemp is more careful than Chiv. But he is invaluable for court reporting and keeping up with local issues that no one else does.
Whew! I'm glad Chiv was able to get a positive quote about the investigation so that the limb I crawled out on didn't break off. :)

The person who was at home with Marcie's son is "her friend" David Reed, according to this article. He is more her son's contemporary and friend from what I can tell.

The affidavit states that investigators spoke with Marcia Kitchen’s friend David Reed at the Fortuna Police Department on July 13 who told them he was at the house when Kiya and Faith left to go skateboarding.
“Some time later, (Pearlston) came in and told them there had been an accident on the quarter mile with some kids,” the document states “... Josh and (Marcia) showed up shortly after that in (Pearlston’s) black Chevy.”
Reed told investigators that he did not see Kitchen’s Jeep Wrangler at the house when he left, but said the Jeep was parked at the house when he returned later that night. He did not notice the Jeep was damaged.

Does anyone else think JP lured the two boys out of the house so he and MK could hide the jeep?

The person named "K" who Chiv mentioned in this and a previous article may also be a friend of the family, but I could be wrong and don't want to speculate on Chiv's rumors. I'm sure LE knows who he is, where he was and what he knows.

If by "lured" you mean "your Mom ran over your sister and she's lying in the street" Then Yes.
'we need to hide her Jeep so go see if she's OK Then we need to call a lawyer.'

BTW I get the impression that the son's friend was also the mothers 'friend' IYKWIM.


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