GUILTY CA - Faith Tsarnas & Kiya Kitchen, Both 14, Die In Hit & Run, Fortuna, 12 July 2016

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This article has a brief statement that Marci Kitchen was sent to prison. More details from those close to the victims.

Deputy DA Stacey Eads:

“Prison is where she belongs, so the news of Marci Kitchen’s transfer to state prison is good,” Eads said Thursday. “My thoughts really are not with the defendant, but with the families and friends of Faith and Kiya. It is my hope the prison commitment provides them with some sense of closure, allowing them to move beyond this aspect of their tragic losses. I admire their strength, patience and courage. The families’ tremendous love for Kiya and Faith, and for each other, will never be forgotten.”

A pastor who knows both families, sold the Kitchens a house, married the Baldwins and gave a victim impact statement:

Delamarian said that he’s an equal opportunity pastor and he is still more than willing to reach out to Marci Kitchen, as he did when she was incarcerated at the county jail, an attempt he said he believed was misrepresented by Kitchen’s defense attorney, Meagan O’Connell of the Conflict Counsel’s office.

“I tell you if she called me from prison and asked if I would come and visit her I would make an effort to do that,” Delamarian said. “At the sentencing hearing, I felt I needed to make a call for justice. Nobody wins here, if it’s eight, 10, 15 years it isn’t going to really bring justice but it does mean we can focus on these young girls and remind us that those lives had worth.”

“I honestly believe a true and contrite confession would have gone a long way. You can’t go back and redo the timetable, but if that had happened early on that would have brought some healing.”

Faith’s mother Stephanie Baldwin:

“I’m angry that Marci Kitchen chose to drive drunk and affect so many lives,” a tearful Stephanie Baldwin said at the hearing. “I’m angry that in two-plus years Marci Kitchen has shown no remorse. I’m angry that she tried to use her sweet son to lie and I’m furious Faith and Kiya were left like pieces of trash in the road.”

Marcia Kitchen sent to Chowchilla to begin eight-year prison sentence – Times-Standard
That is truly horrifying!! There has been no justice for these girls. I would hope these girls haunt every moment of the rest of her life but honestly, I think she’d need to give a damn for that to happen.

All MK ever cared about after killing these two girls was herself! All we can hope for is that she is not paroled even sooner because of “good behavior” and that she messes up and does not received parole in 2022. Thankfully, her son claims she will never be part of his life, and if he sticks to that it’s a life sentence. That’s as much justice as possible, I guess.
From your first link:

When addressing the court in a short statement, Kitchen said in part, "All of my life, all I've ever wanted to be was a mom..." She went on to say, "Most of the victims in this case are people I love, and people who used to love me." She ended her statement saying, "I hope with the sentencing today, we can have closure." She then apologized - to the judge.

Seriously? Crying for herself and not the beautiful, innocent little girls she mowed down. Her narcissism leaks out from her statements - Most of the victims, we can have closure. The woman puts herself at the center of everything and has to get her digs in. And who's this "we?" Faith's family? Kiya's dad and brother? No Marci, they won't ever have "closure" from your ugly, preventable crime but apparently you have already moved on.

There, now I feel better. Lilibet, thank you so much for monitoring this case for us!
I don't think MK could have said anything that wouldn't have been viewed as self serving. Faiths Mom's statement was also all about herself, "I've lost something so precious...I can never get that back, I talk to the box, but it doesn't talk back" ect... But no one would ever suggest she was selfish for speaking of her loss, or being disrespectful or disregarding that the girls lost their lives, and others also suffer.

I don't see how MK could have said a word that wouldn't ring false. Most people probably didn't want to hear a word out of her.... just shut up and go go to jail already.

I do hope some closure can be had for all those who loved these girls. Wounds don't heal without it. The scars will remain forever, of course... But I agree with MK here. She told the truth for once. She WAS a horrible mother, an inhuman, incomprehensible miserable excuse for a human being.

Now she is nothing but an evil, soulless prisoner, one of many, but worse than most... No one knows what might happen to her, in prison, she may never actually get released...Perhaps some terrible karmatic "accident" might occur and no one shows up to render aid...seems like a lot people want want the worst possible fate to befall her.... in my opinion, it already has...

I have a a theory about why this case isn't more widely reported on, MK not more publicly vilified.

There are a LOT of people who still drink and drive. Far more we are led to believe. I know for a fact there are a lot of LEO's that do it because I've seen them in the officers clubs in the city. Business people do it, and just your average Joes stopping for a few a on the way home, liquid lunches and so on...It's not as rare a behavior as we like to believe it is...

It's not talked about, of course, but most everyone knows people who do it... I can imagine this case being difficult for people, I can imagine some of them might wonder if their darker shadow side might also have tried to cover up a crime like this...I'm sure they all have the heartfelt belief, that THEY would never do such despicable things, if they faced the same situation as MK, but that can never be a FACT until they live it. And those that still drive under the influence, just as she did, are obviously in denial about what they are capable of doing...

There are probably other factors at play as to why this case doesn't seem to get as wide coverage as it deserves, but I would bet there are a lot of people being made very, very uncomfortable in their own skin, by this case imo.
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I don't think MK could have said anything that wouldn't have been viewed as self serving. Faiths Mom's statement was also all about herself, "I've lost something so precious...I can never get that back, I talk to the box, but it doesn't talk back" ect... But no one would ever suggest she was selfish for speaking of her loss, or being disrespectful or disregarding that the girls lost their lives, and others also suffer.

I don't see how MK could have said a word that wouldn't ring false. Most people probably didn't want to hear a word out of her.... just shut up and go go to jail already.

I do hope some closure can be had for all those who loved these girls. Wounds don't heal without it. The scars will remain forever, of course... But I agree with MK here. She told the truth for once. She WAS a horrible mother, an inhuman, incomprehensible miserable excuse for a human being.

Now she is nothing but an evil, soulless prisoner, one of many, but worse than most... No one knows what might happen to her, in prison, she may never actually get released...Perhaps some terrible karmatic "accident" might occur and no one shows up to render aid...seems like a lot people want want the worst possible fate to befall her.... in my opinion, it already has...

I have a a theory about why this case isn't more widely reported on, MK not more publicly vilified.

There are a LOT of people who still drink and drive. Far more we are led to believe. I know for a fact there are a lot of LEO's that do it because I've seen them in the officers clubs in the city. Business people do it, and just your average Joes stopping for a few a on the way home, liquid lunches and so on...It's not as rare a behavior as we like to believe it is...

It's not talked about, of course, but most everyone knows people who do it... I can imagine this case being difficult for people, I can imagine some of them might wonder if their darker shadow side might also have tried to cover up a crime like this...I'm sure they all have the heartfelt belief, that THEY would never do such despicable things, if they faced the same situation as MK, but that can never be a FACT until they live it. And those that still drive under the influence, just as she did, are obviously in denial about what they are capable of doing...

There are probably other factors at play as to why this case doesn't seem to get as wide coverage as it deserves, but I would bet there are a lot of people being made very, very uncomfortable in their own skin, by this case imo.
".... just shut up and go go to jail already." Well said, lol!

As for hit and run drivers, drunk or not, I hear you - we don't really know until it happens to us. But I do believe the majority of us would likely come clean and unlikely to pull a Marci by hiding the car and asking loved ones to lie and cover for us.

It's never happened to me but based on my reactions in other situations I'm pretty sure I don't have it in me to turn away from the consequences of my own mistakes.

My Christmas wish for Marci is that her boyfriend gets tired of waiting for her and moves on. Partly because I want her to feel abandoned like she abandoned Kiya and Faith and partly because IMO the two made a deadly duo with neither having much of a conscience. MOO.
I don't think MK could have said anything that wouldn't have been viewed as self serving. Faiths Mom's statement was also all about herself, "I've lost something so precious...I can never get that back, I talk to the box, but it doesn't talk back" ect... But no one would ever suggest she was selfish for speaking of her loss, or being disrespectful or disregarding that the girls lost their lives, and others also suffer.

I don't see how MK could have said a word that wouldn't ring false. Most people probably didn't want to hear a word out of her.... just shut up and go go to jail already.

I do hope some closure can be had for all those who loved these girls. Wounds don't heal without it. The scars will remain forever, of course... But I agree with MK here. She told the truth for once. She WAS a horrible mother, an inhuman, incomprehensible miserable excuse for a human being.

Now she is nothing but an evil, soulless prisoner, one of many, but worse than most... No one knows what might happen to her, in prison, she may never actually get released...Perhaps some terrible karmatic "accident" might occur and no one shows up to render aid...seems like a lot people want want the worst possible fate to befall her.... in my opinion, it already has...

I have a a theory about why this case isn't more widely reported on, MK not more publicly vilified.

There are a LOT of people who still drink and drive. Far more we are led to believe. I know for a fact there are a lot of LEO's that do it because I've seen them in the officers clubs in the city. Business people do it, and just your average Joes stopping for a few a on the way home, liquid lunches and so on...It's not as rare a behavior as we like to believe it is...

It's not talked about, of course, but most everyone knows people who do it... I can imagine this case being difficult for people, I can imagine some of them might wonder if their darker shadow side might also have tried to cover up a crime like this...I'm sure they all have the heartfelt belief, that THEY would never do such despicable things, if they faced the same situation as MK, but that can never be a FACT until they live it. And those that still drive under the influence, just as she did, are obviously in denial about what they are capable of doing...

There are probably other factors at play as to why this case doesn't seem to get as wide coverage as it deserves, but I would bet there are a lot of people being made very, very uncomfortable in their own skin, by this case imo.

You make good points, Safeguard. There is nothing Marci Kitchen could have said that would be acceptable, except to apologize right away to Faith’s family and face the justice system immediately. She didn’t. Faith’s mother gets a pass talking about her loss because she didn’t cause it. It was thrust upon her by MK’s actions. And MK’s actions before, during and after killing Kiya and Faith have caused her own losses. No sympathy.

I agree that the worst has already befallen her. Losing access to her son and possible grandchildren will stay with her always. For his sake, I hope he will be able to let go of his anger and move on...without having contact with Marci.

What interested me about the lack of publicity is that the local community was incensed by MK’s actions, if one goes by the comments on news stories. Those commenting are generally a driving-while-stoned and lawless community, but they have their limits. Even they couldn’t imagine doing what she did afterward. But their hue and cry went unheard beyond local news blogs. MK had locally powerful people on her side (attorney’s known for defending drunk killers). Whether they were able to stifle this story nationally may seem far-fetched, but it’s something I’ve wondered about because MK got preferential treatment throughout the two years until her sentencing. So your theory may well be right.
Filed under "You can't make this **** up"

CHP Identify Jeff Tsarnas as Driver in Fernbridge Pedestrian Hit-and-Run

Watch him get more time.

I debated whether to post this when it happened, but I’m glad you posted it now. I’m not going to go looking for a link, but IIRC Jeff is the one who allowed his daughter to visit Kiya’s home, despite her mother’s objection. And now, full circle. And yes, he may well get more time than Marci.

More from Kym Kemp and others:

Jeff Tsarnas, Father of Faith Tsarnas, Victim of Fatal Hit and Run, Arrested Today on Charges Stemming From November Hit and Run

Father of Faith Tsarnas Turns Self in for Ferndale Hit-and-Run

He looks blind in one eye.
Father of Kitchen victim arrested Tuesday for felony hit-and-run causing injury
I debated whether to post this when it happened, but I’m glad you posted it now. I’m not going to go looking for a link, but IIRC Jeff is the one who allowed his daughter to visit Kiya’s home, despite her mother’s objection. And now, full circle. And yes, he may well get more time than Marci.

More from Kym Kemp and others:

Jeff Tsarnas, Father of Faith Tsarnas, Victim of Fatal Hit and Run, Arrested Today on Charges Stemming From November Hit and Run

Father of Faith Tsarnas Turns Self in for Ferndale Hit-and-Run

He looks blind in one eye.
Father of Kitchen victim arrested Tuesday for felony hit-and-run causing injury

These are dangerous and reckless people!
Can anyone figure out who Patrik Greico (Marci’s former attorney) is representing? Headline says Jeff Tsarnas and article his victim. It also says Jeff is being represented by public defender O’Connell, who also defended MK. And where is the DA in this mix?:

Jeffry Tsarnas told a witness that at the time he hit the woman, he had been using methamphetamine and drinking, attorney Patrik Griego told visiting Judge Joseph Hurley at Tsarnas’ arraignment this afternoon. Griego, who once defended Marcia Kitchen, the woman who ran over and killed Faith Tsarnas and her own daughter Kiya Kitchen, is now representing Jeffry Tsarnas’ alleged victim Marie Kelley.


Deputy County Counsel Meagan O’Connell, who also served as Marcia Kitchen’s attorney, was appointed to represent Jeffry Tsarnas. O’Connell said Tsarnas is a Humboldt County native who works as a wood supplier and has a residence. Tsarnas does have car insurance, but he told the judge he doesn’t know what the liability limits are.

Jeff Tsarnas Pleads Not Guilty to Fernbridge Hit-and-Run, Will Be Represented by Same Attorney as Marci Kitchen
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OK, I had more coffee and figured out they are talking about Meagan O’Connell having been MK’s attorney after MK couldn’t afford Greigo anymore. At least someone in the comments section was as slow on reading comprehension as I was! :D

I wasn’t aware that a victim would have an attorney representing them before the judge in addition to the Deputy DA who asked for bail to be raised to $35,000.
Original articles just after the accident happened. The LoCO article consists of LE reports, including earlier ones about a woman walking in the middle of the bridge. After Kym Kemp’s article the victim’s boyfriend made several comments explaining why she was walking on the bridge.

Emergency Personnel Responding to a Reported Vehicle vs. Pedestrian Collision at Fernbridge

[UPDATE 6:12 p.m.] Woman Struck Near Ferndale Bridge; Vehicle Fleeing West

Fernbridge hit-and-run suspect wanted after causing major injuries to female pedestrian - KIEM-TV | Redwood News

Here is a webcam showing the bridge. It’s a very narrow bridge, difficult for large vehicles to pass each other and not built for pedestrians.

Live Eel River Webcam | USGS Califoria Water Science Center

So I would say that IF Jeff Tsarnas had not been drinking and drugging AND had stopped when he hit the victim, he may not have been at fault. But as it seems to stand now, he has done the exact same thing (minus fatality fortunately) that he is suing Marci Kitchen for doing to his daughter Faith. I have lots of words for this, but they aren’t ones I can type here. :mad:
Original articles just after the accident happened. The LoCO article consists of LE reports, including earlier ones about a woman walking in the middle of the bridge. After Kym Kemp’s article the victim’s boyfriend made several comments explaining why she was walking on the bridge.

Emergency Personnel Responding to a Reported Vehicle vs. Pedestrian Collision at Fernbridge

[UPDATE 6:12 p.m.] Woman Struck Near Ferndale Bridge; Vehicle Fleeing West

Fernbridge hit-and-run suspect wanted after causing major injuries to female pedestrian - KIEM-TV | Redwood News

Here is a webcam showing the bridge. It’s a very narrow bridge, difficult for large vehicles to pass each other and not built for pedestrians.

Live Eel River Webcam | USGS Califoria Water Science Center

So I would say that IF Jeff Tsarnas had not been drinking and drugging AND had stopped when he hit the victim, he may not have been at fault. But as it seems to stand now, he has done the exact same thing (minus fatality fortunately) that he is suing Marci Kitchen for doing to his daughter Faith. I have lots of words for this, but they aren’t ones I can type here. :mad:

I think I just came up with a lot of the same words. Just stunned.
Some ramblings:
Jeff Tsarnas has an address in Myers Flat and since we did too several decades ago, I did a little sleuthing of the family. It turns out that the county road leading to our property passed by the dirt and gravel “Tsarnas Road” where his parents had a home and where Jeff now lives with his very old father. They moved after the ‘64 flood and lived in Healdsburg while we were in SoHum and returned in the early ‘90’s. His mother passed away a few months before Faith was killed. In her obituary I noticed that her sister, Jeff’s aunt, cut my hair back in the day. His younger cousin was a classmate of our daughter’s.

I mention all this because, like most of those living in SoHum in the late ‘60’s, these were good, solid, hard-working people. Salt of the earth, would give you the shirt off their back, and help you out at a moment’s notice.

Sadly, although many still live there, they are dying off and are outnumbered and overrun by the marijuana “industry” and the greedy criminals who moved in. Yes, there were bad apples among some of the long-time locals back then, but few and far between. The big growers who moved in and the younger locals who got sucked up into the “culture” have made it a scary place to live. Meth and heroin have joined alcohol and marijuana.

I don’t know what happened to Jeff, but it sounds bad. It’s hard to know if he was just a hard-working guy until his daughter was killed and that tipped him over into a dark place. Or was he always a mess? Either way, his extended family will suffer again as they did at the loss of his daughter Faith. Such a shame. :(

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