GUILTY CA - Gabriel Fernandez, 8, tortured to death, Palmdale, 22 May 2013

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No verdict today (Tues 12/12). The jury will continue with deliberations tomorrow.
Do they start at 8:30am PT? So, that it almost 2 hours now they have been deliberating today....

here's an article I found!

The seven-woman, five-man panel began deliberating Monday afternoon, meeting for about two hours before leaving for the day without reaching a verdict. The jury submitted a question to the court late Monday, asking what the outcome of the case would be if the panel is unable to reach a unanimous verdict.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge George Lomeli told the panel Tuesday morning the question was “premature,” since the jury was in the early stages of its deliberations.

Only 2 hours into deliberations and they sent the note?? No wonder they are still there today....

Told you I only get Google Alerts 2 days later.... :gaah:
Miriam Hernandez‏
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Judge says #Aguirre jury wants 3 items. 1) to see a prosecution slide showing scale of evidence 2) closing arguments 3) prison expert testimony.@ABC7Courts
Miriam Hernandez‏
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Judge says he will tell jury "no" on 1 and 2nd request. "Arguments are not evidence." On 3 OK. Testimony of prison expert. Waiting to tell jury.@ABC7Courts
Miriam Hernandez‏
Follow Follow @abc7miriam
In read back of prison expert testimony,#IsauroAguirre"Aguirre more likely to be prey than predator," in prison. Jury to decide LWOP or death.
There's a verdict! It will be read in approx. 45 min to 1 hour!

Miriam Hernandez‏
Follow Follow @abc7miriam
#BREAKING Aguirre jury just buzzed again. VERDICT.@ABC7COURTS

�� Meow Meow ��‏
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We have a verdict! Announced in 45 minutes, approximately.

Death Penalty! I feel totally drained emotionally. I'm glad one trial is over. Two to go.
Jurors vote for the death penalty for mother's boyfriend in torture killing of 8-year-old Palmdale boy

Jurors on Wednesday voted for a death sentence for a man convicted of fatally torturing his girlfriend’s young son — a savage slaying that led to sweeping reform within Los Angeles County’s child-welfare system.

The verdict ended a murder trial in which jurors heard and saw disturbing evidence about how 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez suffered repeated abuse at the hands of Isauro Aguirre
I should be against the death penalty, raving liberal that I yam, but I am very glad to see the verdict of Death in this case. Very like the death penalty verdict in the horrible Teghan Skiba case here in NC -- that case was similar to this -- she wasn't horribly abused for years, although the boyfriend did punish her too severely -- but during 10 days' time, the boyfriend (boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend) kept her in a storage building (no electricity, no toilet) in his parents' backyard while her mother was on Army Reserve 2-week active duty. He abused her every minute he was with her. When he finally took her to the local county hospital ("She fell off the bed"), the nurses/doctors said there was not one area on her little 4 year old body that was not burned with a live wire, bruised, beaten, or bitten; she was vaginally & anally raped, etc.,etc.. She was then taken to a trauma hospital, and died after a couple of days. The trauma doctor who testified at the trial broke down during his testimony.
The jury came to a verdict of death in three hours.

Yes, Death.
LaborDayRN said:
Jurors vote for the death penalty for mother's boyfriend in torture killing of 8-year-old Palmdale boy


The right decision! and Yes - on to his "mother" and the social workers!!

and a BIG :gthanks: to LaborDayRN for giving us updates!


Please let us know "when" "Mom" goes to trial!

from the article in post #571:

Aguirre is scheduled to be sentenced on March 8.

from the article in post #571:

Aguirre is scheduled to be sentenced on March 8.


Thanks for being here Niner and for your kind words. :tyou:
March 8th will be the official sentencing. I believe it's very rare for a judge to discount the decision of a jury and change the sentence. I think the death penalty will stand.
Thanks for being here Niner and for your kind words. :tyou:
March 8th will be the official sentencing. I believe it's very rare for a judge to discount the decision of a jury and change the sentence. I think the death penalty will stand.

I hope the dp does stand. If anyone deserves it, it’s these two!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This happened in the county I live in. I went and sat in several days earlier this month as it was open to the public. I almost didn't go because i was aware it was the worst case of child abuse on record , and the fact it includes actual planned torture over 8 months--as reported by officials (paramedics, detectives even the hospital medical staff)
When I sat in the , I mean the defendant had either zero emotion and once I did see a smirk cross his face. His whole persona was completely that of having zero remorse, he would do it again if given half a chance.
So good. Good. Death carried the day. I had a feeling it would. I was there the day a long time pediatric physician from children's hospital Los Angeles Kay Imagawa testified for quite a while on the stand regarding what her medical experience entails and her decades on staff there at children's. She also heads up the child abuse dept there that identifies child abuse cases so she is no newbie to seeing or evaluating injuries on a child and she said THIS WAS the WORST case she had EVER seen- hands down and that he looked like a prisoner of war.
My younger brother has done crim defense for close to 20 yrs- about 8 of those were spent up in San Fran at a law organization dedicated solely to death Penalty **appeals**. During his time there because all of his clients were obviously on death row, he would have to meet with his death row clients in Quentin regularly.

I got the inside scoop on something that went down regarding the hold being put on the dp. Anyways now apparently there was something about prop 66, and a bill that was passed created by district attorneys and sherrifs organizations to restart use of the dp and passed albeit narrowly in the Supreme Court if I got all that right. For the most part it's not a good deal me and my brother discussing dp cases when it has to do w a case like this that I believe it is necessary although I don't like the dp in vast majority of cases- for the rare monster child torture killer like Aguirre it's necessary but he doesn't agree w dp ever so it wouldn't be good for us to talk about this case specifically. But in the past when it didn't involve a certain case he did share with me quite a bit. All the staff at his firm took it pretty hard when one of the clients they had was executed I think in 2006?
Anyways good. Relief and tears of relief and vindication for little Gabriel. May his memory be a blessing and comfort to some in his family like his grandfather, real dad Arnold Contreras, his poor brother and sister who are reportedly deeply (of course) affected and apparently the sister of Gabriel , Virginia who's now 14 struggles tremendously and has tried to harm herself on two occasions from the pain of it all, also his first grade teacher Jennifer Garcia who really cared about him and tried so badly to help him trusting or hoping dcfs was doing something.
Their turn to come, fingers crossed for the d card for them- not literally but that they will go down like a deck of cards. They are the exception of social workers who need to serve prison time- let them suffer some of what Gabriel did although it won't come close to what the poor angel endured.
The mother Pearl has a very low iq reportedly so low they are going to have a hearing from believe , there is some code or law that if an inmates iq falls below a certain level they aren't eligible for the dp.

Ladybug21 !! We're glad you're here!!

Thanks for the great post and the thoughts it provokes. Little Gabriel's body finally just quit trying to heal all the horrible-ness, probably after Gabriel gave up hope. Now he is pain free and is everywhere around us, happy & safe.

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