GUILTY CA - Gavin Smith, 57, Oak Park, 1 May 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Well the 2920 days translates to an 8 year sentence but it looks like they have
already cut that in half by giving him a projected release date in less than 4 years.

Didn't see ANY news reports about his sentence. Just another drug crime,
Wonder how much his wife might have been involved though.

Hm. I never saw anyone in the media or here refer to Creech as a suspect, or alleged suspect, just a POI.
2 rose,

If you are stating something as fact then it is really required to provide a link to back up what you are saying. Hope that helps.


If you want to post info as facts without a link you should get verified by Admin. It is very easy to do and everything is confidential. Without being verified you will need to link to main stream media and or law enforcement.

If you would like to be verified as a professional poster, such as an insider/local, doctor, lawyer, chemist, or whatever your profession, then please do the following:
Email Websleuths at :
In your email please include:
*The case
*Your Websleuths name
*Your real name
*Your phone number and a good time to call
In the subject line put either the case you are interested in or the profession you wish to verify.
Thank you!

If you have any other questions you can pm me or any Mod so we can stay on the topic of this thread.



Bumping some important, helpful posts by a super mod. :)
Hm. I never saw anyone in the media or here refer to Creech as a suspect, or alleged suspect, just a POI.

<modsnip>. It was Chandrika's relationship with Gavin that made HER a POI, <modsnip>. It was HER house and <modsnip>, nor did LE even question his lawyer about him and Gavin -- NOPE.

Ton's of media reports here to back up the statement above. <modsnip>. :)
It's common knowledge here at WS that Daily Mail is not considered a reliable, factual source. If you search the forum, you'll find posts about it's tabloid, inaccurate reporting. The Daily Mail article linked above is an offensive piece of fiction! *No one noticed that suddenly, supposedly Lisa Smith, a Californian, developed a British accent, within the supposed quotes no less?

"We had furious rows."
"working out like mad."
&#8220;I knew straight away"
"he had to get a proper job."
"He was taken on by 20th Century Fox"
&#8220;I stopped work to bring up the boys."

As Shana said, consider the source (DM). If it's not linkable from LE or MSM, I'd consider every supposedly new piece of info from this sensationalist, libelous piece false.
Yes - that sums it up. Restricted sleuthing is not uncommon around here. It needs to be confined to what is released in MSM, whatever is in LE docs that is released to the public, and there can be speculation based on the fact that she was the last person to see him, if that is the case.

Hope that helps,


ETA: IF she was not the last person to see him - there can be no speculation about that without a link. DOING background checks, posting any arrests, etc. IS OFF LIMITS. RAIDING FACEBOOK OR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA IS OFF LIMITS. Basically - you may speculate and discuss what is in the articles. So there is not a lot of room here, but there is some.

Bumping Salem's instructions regarding Chandrika.
It's common knowledge here at WS that Daily Mail is not considered a reliable, factual source. If you search the forum, you'll find posts about it's tabloid, inaccurate reporting. The Daily Mail article linked above is an offensive piece of fiction! *No one noticed that suddenly, supposedly Lisa Smith, a Californian, developed a British accent, within the supposed quotes no less?

As Shana said, consider the source (DM). If it's not linkable from LE or MSM, I'd consider every supposedly new piece of info from this sensationalist, libelous piece false.

I would be quite shocked if I were to find that the quotes in the DM attributed to Gavin Smith's wife had been fabricated and false. It's always possible they were taken out of context, but to clearly print those statements and stories as her words if they are not would be journalism suicide. I have to believe she said them or they would not have published them. I am not judging her in the least, and have great empathy for the family as they struggle not knowing what happened to this husband and father.
If he has been named by LE and they are obtaining and executing search warrants, he is fair game. Not his mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, etc. But you bet you can sleuth him.

Go Sleuths!


Regarding whether John was/is a POI, a super mod already reviewed the info from LE and articles and approved sleuthing him. We've already discussed what constitutes a POI and linked articles highlighting LE's interest in John. We also discussed the level of information required to obtain a search warrant, the additional higher standards required to seal a warrant, as the Creech warrants were, and that there are very specific legal definitions of homicide in CA. Even if LE highly suspects that's the case, they have to meet a level of evidence to reclassify it as such.

Some think Gavin ran off, some think he had a car accident and hasn't been found yet, some think he may have met with foul play, and some think John Creech was likely involved with that, given the info in this case. Some think he wasn't/isn't a POI, some think he was, some think he still is.

I'd love it to be that, just prior to going to bed, Gavin realized he was out of OJ for the next morning, ran out to grab some, had a freak accident, lost his memory, ended up in some medical facility and will make his way back to his family soon. At least then, there's a happy ending. Thus far, nothing seems to point that direction, IMO.

Or, slightly worse scenario, he ran off but will come to his senses. Police found nothing to indicate that. No financial preparations, he took nothing with him, no traces since.

Hopefully, LE knows far more than we do and his family will have answers soon. And, I hope LE has more to say on AMW. My sense is Gavin was murdered. If that's the case, I pray for justice for him soon.

I would be quite shocked if I were to find that the quotes in the DM attributed to Gavin Smith's wife had been fabricated and false. It's always possible they were taken out of context, but to clearly print those statements and stories as her words if they are not would be journalism suicide. I have to believe she said them or they would not have published them. I am not judging her in the least, and have great empathy for the family as they struggle not knowing what happened to this husband and father.

Why would Lisa use British English even once, much less multiple times? We've had multiple cases here with false reporting by DM, and others. Unfortunately it's not nearly as uncommon as we'd like to think.

It wouldn't be the first time DM committed libel.

University tutor wins £60,000 libel damages from Daily Mail and Standard

Daily Mail, Star Mag Apologize to Nicolas Cage for Wrong Claims
The Daily Mail apologized and paid Nicolas Cage "undisclosed damages" in a libel settlement over a September story claiming he was "evading taxes," according to a post on Russell Jones & Walker Solicitors' website.

The UK's Daily Mail snagged photos from Cruikshank's own Facebook page without her permission, she said.

Knightley wins libel claim against Daily Mail

Diana Rigg wins libel case against Daily Mail

Elton John gets £100,000 for Daily Mail libel

Daily Mail loses in Ivereigh libel case

Daily Mail and Sun pay out to Tamil hunger striker

Carol Caplin Wins Libel Damages from Daily Mail

Daily Mail Used My Photos Without Permission and Without Payment
It's common knowledge here at WS that Daily Mail is not considered a reliable, factual source. If you search the forum, you'll find posts about it's tabloid, inaccurate reporting. The Daily Mail article linked above is an offensive piece of fiction! *No one noticed that suddenly, supposedly Lisa Smith, a Californian, developed a British accent, within the supposed quotes no less?

As Shana said, consider the source (DM). If it's not linkable from LE or MSM, I'd consider every supposedly new piece of info from this sensationalist, libelous piece false.

I see. So all the family pictures from their wedding etc. are all Photoshop-ed paintings or gleaned from the family garbage without their knowledge?


Her house was raided. I believe she's listed in tax records as the owner of the house raided, <modsnip>?

I didn't notice any British accent in the DailyMail piece, but after all, it is in print and British accents, if any would have come from the fact it IS a British publisher and writer.

<modsnip>. Why hide stuff? He cannot be found until all the facts are out. Lisa may have realized this and decided to let the truth out. Some reporters are better at getting people to speak about the unspeakable. I consider the piece reliable.

<modsnip>. We need ALL the facts, not just the nice ones that make Gavin look like such a perfectly wonderful husband. Lisa has given up on that and we need to also.

Additionally, we should not be determining which articles are perfectly factual and those which are not because we do not like what the articles say.
I see. So all the family pictures from their wedding etc. are all Photoshop-ed paintings or gleaned from the family garbage without their knowledge?


Her house was raided. I believe she's listed in tax records as the owner of the house raided, but a couple of people here made sure the mods made her off limits. Why? Women cannot be POIs -- only a man?

I didn't notice any British accent in the DailyMail piece, but after all, it is in print and British accents, if any would have come from the fact it IS a British publisher and writer.

I was the one who connected C. Pelisek at The Beast to talk to Von Tassel and he spilled the beans on Gavin's women. Why hide stuff? He cannot be found until all the facts are out. Lisa may have realized this and decided to let the truth out. Some reporters are better at getting people to speak about the unspeakable. I consider the piece reliable.

If people control the facts here, there is no way anyone can determine what happened to him. We need ALL the facts, not just the nice ones that make Gavin look like such a perfectly wonderful husband. Lisa has given up on that and we need to also.

Additionally, we should not be determining which articles are perfectly factual and those which are not because we do not like what the articles say.


Mods are not trying to limit facts here. They do need to be facts though and as such need to be linked to thru the media and or law enforcement. Its the same with any case here. We try very hard although not perfect to limit rumors. You can speculate with the facts that are known as long as it is your opinion.

I do agree no one should be determining for someone else which articles are factual or not. You can argue what is said in the article and of course disagree. The Daily Mail is considered msm here whether you choose to believe it is up to each of us.

Didn't mean to pick you out alone, this goes for everyone here, I did want to talk to the bolded part you posted though.

FWIW, I think the DM is as reliable as any other msm out there. Each has their own story to tell and uses the info they have to state the information in their own way. Kinda like the glass half full/half empty.

I think most people consider a POI to be male simply because of Gavin's size. He is 6ft.6! If Gavin was murdered, body disposal for a man that size for a man would be very difficult, nearly impossible for the average woman.

Thank you, Ima. I understand your points. I think it is harder for Mods to determine what is going on, since they usually only come and read a thread by being alerted by someone who doesn't like some posts.

Mods cannot be expected to know ALL the details of the case that has been previously posted here from LE and the media, and this is a very long thread with many citations, so they are limited in what is a reality based complaint and what is a personal preference. Thanks again.
I think most people consider a POI to be male simply because of Gavin's size. He is 6ft.6! If Gavin was murdered, body disposal for a man that size for a man would be very difficult, nearly impossible for the average woman.

So no one has ever known of a woman killing someone with a gun and getting a friend to help dispose of the body? Only men do that? Even a man would frequently have to have another man to get rid of a large adult corpse and the car from watching lots and lots of true murder on TV. ;)
Daily Mail is extremely inaccurate in reporting on these cases...they made blatant errors in other cases, always a little detail that made things more interesting, but didn't happen to be true as reported by LE...

That comes from a not very reputable tabloid-y source (Daily Mail UK).

Caught my eye, too, but appears to be a poor source.

O/T I think you are being too kind. I would rate the Daily fail below a one man blog personally.

News International are on "trial" here at the minute with the Leveson enquiry. The Daily Mail isn't any better.

I would chalk up the daily mail thing to bad reporting.

Daily Mail is disreputable and libelous. See successful lawsuits above. Please see previous posts by other websleuthers above. My objection to their accuracy is not unique or new to WS. I'm shocked some can't recognize that "straight away" etc are British phrasings. :dunno: Since those were supposedly direct quotes from Lisa, the reporter being British should have zero impact, IF they were factual. They're not, IMO. As posted and linked above, Daily Mail has stolen photos from Facebook and online postings before.
I would be quite shocked if I were to find that the quotes in the DM attributed to Gavin Smith's wife had been fabricated and false. It's always possible they were taken out of context, but to clearly print those statements and stories as her words if they are not would be journalism suicide. I have to believe she said them or they would not have published them. I am not judging her in the least, and have great empathy for the family as they struggle not knowing what happened to this husband and father.

Just jumping off your post because I found the quotes quite interesting. When you quote someone - you use their words exactly and give them credit. So the question for me is: "Does LS speak like a British citizen, or does she speak like a Californian?" Has she ever done a live interview? Anyway we can determine if she uses British English in her speaking?

Just interesting, I think.

Thank you, Ima. I understand your points. I think it is harder for Mods to determine what is going on, since they usually only come and read a thread by being alerted by someone who doesn't like some posts.

Mods cannot be expected to know ALL the details of the case that has been previously posted here from LE and the media, and this is a very long thread with many citations, so they are limited in what is a reality based complaint and what is a personal preference. Thanks again.

Not directed at you Libra, just a jumping off spot. One way to help the mods out is to always link your factual statements. If you can't link them, then be sure to let others know that it is just your opinion. By providing a link, you not only backup your comments/speculation, but it makes it easy for the mods to make sure the comments/speculation is on track.

Just jumping off your post because I found the quotes quite interesting. When you quote someone - you use their words exactly and give them credit. So the question for me is: "Does LS speak like a British citizen, or does she speak like a Californian?" Has she ever done a live interview? Anyway we can determine if she uses British English in her speaking?

Just interesting, I think.


Yes, Salem, we do have videos of Lisa speaking in this thread and the media thread. Thanks for pointing that out. :) Not only is she not British in those, she's also very reticent to say much, and declines repeatedly to discuss whether Gavin was having an affair, etc. Combine her not being British, so the quotes aren't accurate, her consistent reticence, Daily Mail being the source, and their previous libel, and you're left with nothing of value in this piece, IMO.
Yes, Salem, we do have videos of Lisa speaking in this thread and the media thread. Thanks for pointing that out. :) Not only is she not British in those, she's also very reticent to say much, and declines repeatedly to discuss whether Gavin was having an affair, etc. Combine her not being British, so the quotes aren't accurate, her consistent reticence, Daily Mail being the source, and their previous libel, and you're left with nothing of value in this piece, IMO.

Understand your points, Seek, but the bottom line is that the Daily Mail is accepted here and each Reader/Poster gets to determine for themselves what they think is true/untrue. LS may have changed her mind and decided to speak out. If not, we may see a lawsuit in the future.

I do think the quotes are interesting, but I also think LS must have participated in the interview, so it is up to each of us to read it critically and figure out what we think is true/untrue.

Yep, that's why I said, IMO. :)

And I wouldn't be surprised to see a lawsuit or disavowal by family and/or LE soon. Moo

Final DM point: we've had other inaccurate DM pieces in this case. Here's one that said LE had reclassified the case as a homicide. Numerous links since show LE stating it's still classified as a missing person, including here. Here's a DM piece dated 10/5 referring to John Creech as the drug dealer boyfriend when we've known for some time that he's the husband, and it still cites the Morro sighting that LE clearly stated was not Gavin months ago.

Five days til AMW apparently with more info from LE. Hoping more facts are released!

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