GUILTY CA - Gianni, 24, & Sal Belvedere, 22, Ilona Flint, 22, San Diego, 24 Dec 2013 - #2

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From this article:

- Ilona had metabolites of heroin in her system at the time of her death. Several Xanax and hydrocodone pills were found in her purse.

- Gianni had consumed alcohol, opiates, codeine and Xanax.

- Sal had no alcohol or common drugs of abuse in his system.

- Four shots were fired into the car, likely by someone standing outside the driver’s side window.

- Sal’s cellphone and car keys were missing (so maybe they've since been found, possibly in CM's possession?).

Thanks. I hadn't heard these details. I really thought that they all were murdered for reasons other than drugs. But let's say it was over drugs. Suppose Ilona stayed in the mall parking lot to buy drugs for herself and Gianni. It has been said they each had a $250 a day habit. Obviously, that's five hundred in cash (if only buying for one day each) that she may have been carrying. Could CM have been supplying them drugs and he took the money from her, kept the drugs and killed them. That would have been a nice profit since he could sell the drugs to someone else and keep all the money.

Also, another thing bothering me. Ilona was on the phone to 911 before she got shot. I can't recall what made her call 911 originally. There is no sound of Sal's voice that I could hear in the background. Had he already been shot? I am looking forward to what the prosecution unveils tomorrow. Maybe then I won't be so confused!
I'm surprised that Ilona was found in the backseat. If she was in the back the entire time, I think either there was someone already sitting in the front passenger seat when she got to the car, or they were expecting someone to join them.

I'm a little confused about this because in the video I attached up thread the reporter said she was in the passenger seat and the shooter made his aim from the drivers door?
Worth watching this. Also I need help understanding who they're talking about.

"Bought 2 grams of Heroin at 7:00 and went home, then at 11:00 bought more drugs including seven Xanax."

Go to the 7:39 mark on this news video to see what was going on in the court room

(I believe they're saying seven Xanax were found in Gianni's car when he was found.)

Bringing this forward as I had trouble with this link earlier but a lot of info here and I think this is what Best was trying to bring attention to:

The agent told investigators Mercado seemed “dazed” and "drained of emotion." After some questioning, the suspect said he was going to San Bernardino to find a shooting range and that he had an AR-15 in a bag laying on his backseat.

The Febreze canister’s trigger was duct taped down so all of the contents would spray into the trunk and mask the odor of Gianni’s body, the SDPD detective says.

...all the evidence was cross referenced with the California DNA Data Bank in March, investigators could find no suspect matches, according to the search warrant. But one month later, a break came in the case.

I'm counting on you all for updates tomorrow as my day starts at OHHHH 05:00! :facepalm:
Worth watching this. Also I need help understanding who they're talking about.

"Bought 2 grams of Heroin at 7:00 and went home, then at 11:00 bought more drugs including seven Xanax."

Go to the 7:39 mark on this news video to see what was going on in the court room

(I believe they're saying seven Xanax were found in Gianni's car when he was found.)

BBM They are referring to Gianni...
I've seen it too and I've had cosmetic surgery (it was either that or get a master's degree and I don't want anymore student loan debt) coming off the painkillers sucked I remember not being able to sleep for days or get comfortable no matter what I did I could see someone not wanting to go through that especially as I imagine it being way worse for someone using a lot more for a long period of time I had only been taking them for a few weeks. The thing about San Diego is its not hard to acquire opiates from doctors and tijuana is ridiculously easy. Such a shame :/

Yeah, it's really sad! The one friend of my husband's was a WRECK. I remember him coming over when he was trying to come down because he couldn't afford more painkillers. At the time I had no idea why the guy was acting so weird, but he was shaking, alternating pacing with sitting down and staring off into space, and sweating buckets - he went through three large towels and could've used more but I was out of clean ones. He left (had someone come pick him up thankfully) and later that night we found out he broke his hand hitting a steel mailbox. He went to the ER for it, and (surprise, surprise) got painkillers. A few weeks later he was sweating and pacing again, and the next day severely broke his leg. We've wondered if either of those injuries were really accidents. He acted normal when he was 'high' but was a mess when he wasn't (all of which I figured out in hindsight, I always assumed he was on something when he was a mess... nope, it was the opposite). I found out later his habit was costing him roughly $1000/week and unless he ran out and was coming down, he acted totally normal.

Sorry I know probably kind of O/T but I'm saying I can see someone acting really irrationally to get drugs, especially this type (or heroin, the "poor man's painkiller"), if they were desperate. Of course, someone selling them might also know of someone who was desperate enough to spend a lot of money to get some kind of drugs. If he knew Ilona had them, maybe he figured that was an 'easy' way to earn money?

It sounds more premeditated than all that (especially the air freshener in the trunk!), but I can see how it could possibly be about drugs. It's still completely senseless and it seems awfully personal to kill all 3 of them when he could have probably gotten the drugs from Ilona by just flashing his gun. I'm just trying to think of possibilities.
The SDPD homicide detective testified that Gianni and Ilona smoked heroin. Presumably Sal did too before he got sober. Sal was only sober for three months. He traveled to Oregon and stayed with a family member to detox, so IMO the Belvedere family knew all three of them were drug addicts all along.

I don't believe the prosecution has a clear cut motive. They are not sure if CL was a stalker of Ilona or a hired gun. More info from his computer is expected Wednesday and may point toward a motive. It appears the motive remains unclear.

The detective testified that Mario Donato, the restaurant family member, was the last person to talk to Gianni on his cell phone between 11:33pm and 11:43pm. At that time, the phone goes dead and shortly thereafter the phone got shut off. I assume Gianni was killed at that point in time, but that is speculation. However, Gianni's body was found clothed in the same clothing he is seen wearing on ATM surveillance video from the evening of Dec. 23.

At 12:12am, Ilona left work with a female coworker and her coworker's boyfriend. As Ilona walked away from the couple, the boyfriend observed Ilona on a cell phone. He saw a guy in a black sweatshirt and tan pants walk up to Ilona and ask her directions to a restaurant in the mall. She pointed in the direction of the restaurant but the man continued to follow Ilona from a distance as she exited the mall.

Surveillance video also shows the male loitering near the Tilted Kilt bar in the mall around 11:18pm. He then walks away. He returns again at about 12:22am and can be seen exiting the mall about 20 feet behind Ilona, according to a search warrant unsealed today.

The man seen talking to Ilona, and the man in the surveillance video, match the description given by two witnesses, who told police they saw a man in the parking lot walking away from the shooting scene of Sal and Ilona. Days later, as reported by MSM, these witnesses called police back to report they thought the guy in the parking lot was Gianni, based on a photo of Gianni they saw on TV news.

Ilona called 911 at 1:14am.

Prosecutors believe four shots were fired at Sal and Ilona. Three casings were found inside the vehicle, which belonged to Leonard Belvedere, the father of the brothers. Police believe the 4th bullet casing was the single shot at Sal through the passenger window and that casing fell on the pavement outside the vehicle. That casing was never found. Police believe the killer picked up that one casing. They also believe the killer took off with the keys to Sal's (father's) car and Sal's cell phone.

One of the casings police found inside the vehicle tested positive for DNA from the father, LB. Prosecutors believe that DNA was transferred to the casing as it flew out of the gun and hit the inside of LB's vehicle. However, the defense attorney believes LB actually touched this .22 caliber casing at some point in time. LB owns a .22 caliber rifle, CM owned the murder weapon, a .22 caliber Ruger handgun, according to court testimony today.

CM is linked to the crime by:
- his handgun found in his vehicle was the murder weapon.
- his DNA is on duct tape and an air freshener can found in the trunk of Gianni's car with the body.
- his DNA is found on the gas cap of Gianni's vehicle, as if he filled the car with gas at some point over the course of the month the vehicle was missing.
- similar duct tape is found in his Mira Mesa home.
- tan pants and a blue stripped sweat shirt were found in CM's home (but the it appears the sweat shirt may be unrelated, according to the DA).

The defense is clearly pointing the finger at Gianni as the killer. The defense is trying to show Gianni is the man walking away from the scene. The defense also asked several questions insinuating that he was suicidal. The defense is also insinuating that somebody else could have put Gianni's body in the trunk of the vehicle after Gianni committed suicide.

Link to unsealed search warrant:
No judgments made. It just sounds like an expensive, constant hassle addiction.

Heroin, I had to do a search on smoking vs injecting it.
I guess people who snort or smoke heroin eventually build up a tolerance and can't feel it as much. I read that people think they'll get the most out of it and save money by shooting it up instead. However, there's maybe an added rush to shooting it up, and the rush is addictive, psychologically as well as physically. Yet, some people say it hits you faster and there's a rush smoking it too.
No judgments made. It just sounds like an expensive, constant hassle addiction.

Heroin, I had to do a search on smoking vs injecting it.
I guess people who snort or smoke heroin eventually build up a tolerance and can't feel it as much. I read that people think they'll get the most out of it and save money by shooting it up instead. However, there's maybe an added rush to shooting it up, and the rush is addictive, psychologically as well as physically. Yet, some people say it hits you faster and there's a rush smoking it too.

You got it, Curious. The more you use, the more you have to use. If they don't get clean, they end up dead or in jail (wonderful environment for detoxing). My heart goes out to those caught in the web of addiction and have utmost respect for the ones who fought for their sobriety and turned their lives around.
No judgments made. It just sounds like an expensive, constant hassle addiction.

Heroin, I had to do a search on smoking vs injecting it.
I guess people who snort or smoke heroin eventually build up a tolerance and can't feel it as much. I read that people think they'll get the most out of it and save money by shooting it up instead. However, there's maybe an added rush to shooting it up, and the rush is addictive, psychologically as well as physically. Yet, some people say it hits you faster and there's a rush smoking it too.

This would be one of those cases that make me worry what LE would find if circumstances ever lead them to check into my online searches due to stuff I've looked up from WS!

I can't speak to the heroin but I know the people I've known who had painkiller issues mostly crushed and snorted them. The one guy I mentioned who was really bad injected them when he was at his worst, but tried not to because he said it was more obvious to strangers. It was pretty interesting talking to him in hindsight once he got away from it. He said every single day was focused on "when" "where" and "how" to get the next high. It took him about 6 weeks to get through the withdrawals. It occurred to me that the timing of this whole incident could be important. IF it was in any way drug related was it because someone wanted to "stock up" so they weren't trying to meet up with a dealer on the holiday?

Killing all 3 still sounds awfully personal to me and like "more" than just drugs... but it does make me wonder.

Thanks for the link, Best.
Wow, sounds like all of LE involved did a good job tying evidence together pointing to CM.

DNA Evidence Linked Suspect Mercado to Triple Homicide: Warrant

"Analysts also took DNA swabs off the gas cap of Gianni’s car, assuming whoever drove it to Riverside may have had to refuel it along the way."

This is such definite and conclusive evidence!

"The California DOJ worked with the SDPD to transfer evidence in Mercado’s case, including his .22 caliber semi-automatic handgun".

"The SDPD firearms unit examined the gun and compared its shell casings to casings found inside the vehicle where Salvatore and Flint were killed."

"The criminalist discovered Mercado’s gun fired the shots at all three victims, a firearms analyst testified at Mercado's preliminary hearing Tuesday."

Finding out that Sal had just returned from treatment makes this even sadder for me. It should have been a new beginning for his life, not an ugly end.

Kinda off topic but I wonder if Sal would still have been able to donate his organs if he had drugs in his system.

Interestingly, the answer seems to be YES if the donor is deceased (and/or prior to removing life support) but NO if it's someone wanting to be a living donor as they clearly say:

have no alcohol or substance abuse problems.

But articles like this one, from June, clearly indicate otherwise (and I know that's the been the case of a few people I know who have donated organs of children who OD'd, though in all but one case it was prescription drugs which I wondered if that factored in somehow, but apparently not)

Three percent of organ donors died as a result of drug overdoses in 2013, but that statistic has dramatically increased to 18 percent for this year, according to Life Connection of Ohio, a non-profit organ procurement organization serving counties in western Ohio.

But it seems like depending on the drug it can make it harder to place organs and/or to find recipients who agree to take an organ from a donor who had been using drugs (whether they decline it or their doctors due based on concerns, etc.)

Heroin use is one that apparently is especially limiting (and according to the article, in Ohio, at least, largely responsible for the increase in donors there, especially among younger and otherwise healthy individuals (which typically would have made them more favorable organs if it had been something other than heroin)

“(They) can still be organ donors. It does make placing their organs with recipients a little bit more difficult from time to time,” he said. “The Public Health Service classifies these donors as increased risk and that classification decreases the number of people willing to receive those organs. But we usually don’t have a difficult time placing organs with recipients.”

Bailey said some younger and healthier transplant candidates may refuse to accept an organ from someone who overdosed on drugs.

I didn't go hunting a ton once I struggled to find anything indicating a country wide ruling on donations in cases involving drug use, so perhaps it could vary in some states also.

But this case was very recent and heavily publicized because the parents felt like the best thing that could come out of their son's death - aside from organ donation - was to bring attention to the use of (and dangers of) synthetic marijuana that came to mind also.

A nurse announced the first of several helicopters would be landing in 15 minutes. The copters would rush away Connor's heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
The hearing continues Wednesday at 9 a.m.

This article has a lot of information and a news video of CM in court. All these details coming out, but we still don't really know the motive. It's very hard for me to believe CM did all this without anyone else involved.

New Details in Christmas Eve Killings
Tuesday, Sep 2, 2014 • Updated at 7:05 PM PDT

"The evidence presented at Mercado's preliminary hearing will determine whether he will ultimately stand trial for the killings. If convicted, he could face the death penalty or life in prison."

At 12:12am, Ilona left work with a female coworker and her coworker's boyfriend. As Ilona walked away from the couple, the boyfriend observed Ilona on a cell phone. He saw a guy in a black sweatshirt and tan pants walk up to Ilona and ask her directions to a restaurant in the mall. She pointed in the direction of the restaurant but the man continued to follow Ilona from a distance as she exited the mall.

Surveillance video also shows the male loitering near the Tilted Kilt bar in the mall around 11:18pm. He then walks away. He returns again at about 12:22am and can be seen exiting the mall about 20 feet behind Ilona, according to a search warrant unsealed today.

The man seen talking to Ilona, and the man in the surveillance video, match the description given by two witnesses, who told police they saw a man in the parking lot walking away from the shooting scene of Sal and Ilona. Days later, as reported by MSM, these witnesses called police back to report they thought the guy in the parking lot was Gianni, based on a photo of Gianni they saw on TV news.

CM is linked to the crime by:
- his handgun found in his vehicle was the murder weapon.
- his DNA is on duct tape and an air freshener can found in the trunk of Gianni's car with the body.
- his DNA is found on the gas cap of Gianni's vehicle, as if he filled the car with gas at some point over the course of the month the vehicle was missing.
- similar duct tape is found in his Mira Mesa home.
- tan pants and a blue stripped sweat shirt were found in CM's home (but the it appears the sweat shirt may be unrelated, according to the DA).

Link to unsealed search warrant:

I'm curious about how in the world the dark striped sweatshirt found in his home could possibly not be related? :thinking:

They'd used the 'stripe' on the sweatshirt as a key part of the description all along.

If that's NOT what the witnesses said (the ones who supposedly saw him by the car AND the co-workers BF) nor what was seen on video, why wouldn't they have changed that to a solid colour?

Or do they have an entirely different meaning to possibly not related than I must?
- Sal’s cellphone and car keys were missing (so maybe they've since been found, possibly in CM's possession?).

Apparently the phone, at least, has not been:

To this day, the phone has never been found. Investigators said Gianni’s phone received a text message at around 1:30 a.m. on Dec. 24 from Salvatore’s phone, but detectives have no idea who sent that text.

Which brings a few things that really surprise (confuse) me.

Prosecutors believe four shots were fired at Sal and Ilona. Three casings were found inside the vehicle, which belonged to Leonard Belvedere, the father of the brothers. Police believe the 4th bullet casing was the single shot at Sal through the passenger window and that casing fell on the pavement outside the vehicle. That casing was never found. Police believe the killer picked up that one casing. They also believe the killer took off with the keys to Sal's (father's) car and Sal's cell phone.

Did he only fire one shot at Sal b/c he hit him with that one shot?

Or why did he shoot only once at him, but apparently Ilona the other 3? Did he miss the other times? Was she his main target? It sort of seems like the latter given they specifically noted him lingering within sight of the shoe store where she worked that night (and obviously he approached her to ask about the location of TK and then also followed her)

Also, I'm wondering if KNSD has it wrong and it was really the driver's side window as everything else has indicated (although maybe everyone else is saying that because of the witnesses actually saying they saw him standing at the driver's side and not the passenger side.

See here for one other station reporting that (driver's side)
Four shots were fired into the car from the driver's side door. Salvatore was shot in the head and Ilona was hit in the shoulder and back of the head.

And the warrant, among other places also specifically states the witnesses seeing him at least walk away from the driver's side.

Oddly, testimony in court never really clarified which is the case but also indicated likely the driver's side.

Norris said four shots were fired into the car, likely by someone standing outside the driver’s side window. There was no gunshot sound in the recording played in court.

That seems like it ought to be really easy to tell unless the windows were down on both sides, no? (And even then, it still should be apparently based on angle and at least the location of the 4th bullet that didn't hit either (since Sal was hit once and Ilona twice, yet there was a 4th bullet)
As much as they've typically been my preference, KNSD has been increasingly sloppy on details of late. And like Best, they're also the station I have the most contacts at so it makes me very sad to see that having been the case on so many things lately.

In fact, as one of the earlier posts here even shows (and the fact that they didn't just update the article but actually took the entire link down and so it leads nowhere now) they were also the ones saying Ilona had been found in the backseat, NOT in the front seat. Yet the witnesses as testimony in the warrant indicates, clearly state she was found slumped in the passenger seat.

(More coming along these lines but in a separate post)
It also makes me wonder why in the world CM would bother to take the one casing from the ground. :waitasec:

It's not like there weren't going to be casings in the car plus the bullets in their bodies to be evidence that was just as incriminating as one left outside the car.

I mean, they clearly weren't going anywhere after he shot them and thus the evidence wasn't going anywhere.

Plus, why would he also have gone through the effort of taking both the keys and Sal's phone?

Again, he shot them, they weren't about to drive away. And Ilona's phone was apparently visible, so why not take her phone also?

And shooting 2 people AND taking the time to take the keys and phone after seems awfully risky even having used a silencer. I mean, it's more timing hanging around the car.

PLUS means having to open the door - leaving fingerprints - unless the window was down OR this actually (to them) started out as a possible robbery or car-jacking attempt.

As in, perhaps Ilona and Sal were in the car and she was trying to reach Gianni and/or using drugs (apparently the insinuation of them having specified the lighter between her legs along with the drugs being found?) and CM came up and either acted like he was going to either try to talk to them OR walked up with his gun in hand and basically indicated that he would shoot and then ordered them to hand over the keys and Sal's phone?

That could explain a window possibly being down (if that's the case and why there's confusion over which side they were shot from)

And could explain the keys and phone being gone without CM's prints being on the handle, etc. OR him taking extra time AND the risk of possibly being seen opening the door and taking the keys and phone.


Heck, it could also explain Ilona seemingly possibly having been on the phone with 911 already before she said she thought she'd just been shot. Maybe she was calling about him approaching with a gun? Or even him having seemingly followed her after talking to her in the mall and then appearing by the car as well.

I don't know...
Supposed facts are reported differently from news channel to news channel. Trying to keep it straight in my head by leaving a trail here.
I am so thankful for the smart sleuthers here paying attention to all the details.

DNA & ballistics link suspect to Christmas Eve triple murder
Updated: Sep 02, 2014 11:53 PM PDT

"Detectives say cell phone records place Gianni at the Mission Valley Mall around 11:30 p.m. December 23. Around 11:35 p.m. he received a call that interrupted his call with an uncle. Gianni was never heard from again."

"Cell phone records show Ilona called Gianni 15 times that day tried calling that night. When she couldn't get a hold of him she called hospitals and jails looking for him."


Prayers for the families and friends of Ilona, Gianni, and Salvatore.
It's true that links stop working or the article gets taken down. One link from yesterday that worked, no longer works. That's why I like to copy and paste some of the article.

See, darn insomnia, I should not still be awake. :eek:fftobed:
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