CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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After watching some of the videos around, I'm wondering if the 'parents' (one or both) were hoping that one or more of the kids might become material to be broadcast on 'AMT' or something similar. ($$$?)
I too find it quite coincidental that Devonte and Hannah are the ones whose bodies are still missing, considering that incidents involving each of the two, could have put the parents' custody at risk. Wondering if dogs were to do some searching in the other areas where the family was known to have visited on their way to where they were found dead, if something might be found there instead. Morbid thoughts.
After watching some of the videos around, I'm wondering if the 'parents' (one or both) were hoping that one or more of the kids might become material to be broadcast on 'AMT' or something similar. ($$$?)

I don't think so. They wanted to stay isolated and in control. A deal like that would bring strangers in to their life, scrutiny, other people would form relationships with the children, there might be questions and criticism, etc. They were all about cutting off the outside world from the beginning.
What is in the Naselle area? Were there events there? Great camping?

I think too much is being made out of Naselle. If they stopped in Naselle for any length of time, they couldn't have made it to Newport by 8AM. So they were just passing through Nasella. If they started driving toward the coast, and they didn't cross over the Columbia River at Longview WA, their next chance to cross over to Oregon would have been at Naselle.
I can't help suspect that Hannah may have had some kind of developmental disorder/issue/delay, both physically and mentally perhaps, just from pics and what little I've seen on videos. Her small stature may be related to some kind of a disorder (and possibly also gum/teeth condition which could potentially have contributed to her permanent teeth coming out in the first place?)? Just my thoughts.

Possibly. I have a rare type of a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. (I have Vascular EDS with crossover HEDS.) It has caused my small stature (4'10" and 95 lbs) and has given me a lot of oral issues: TMJ, frequent periodontal disease, and tooth loss. I am 38 and actually getting a whole set of dentures this year, which I am THRILLED about. My mouth has been painful for so long and it's pointless to keep doing root canals and crowns on me-the disorder won't hold them. Although EDS causes my organs to randomly rupture (I've lost my spleen, gallbladder, appendix, uterus, and a kidney), has given me a thoracic aneurysm, and causes pretty severe pain throughout my body on the PLUS side it makes me totally flexible! ;-)

You can't diagnose anyone from a few pictures on the internet but Hannah's overall size and stature look very similar to my own. So yes, it is possible that she has something genetic. We may never know, however. If the Harts didn't have testing done then THEY may not have known. And EDS (especially VEDS) is so rare that most doctors don't test for it-some haven't heard of it.

Note: not implying that Hannah's size is ONLY a result from a condition and not malnutrition. She still could have been malnourished. Just agreeing that there could have been a contributing factor to her small size.
Human, I was just thinking this today! It seems like her life started when she met Sarah. Nothing before. Considering the publicity of this case, I'd think there would be people who would say they knew her from college, high school, etc.

Is it possible that JH changed her name at some point, or perhaps was previously married and kept the married name, making people from her younger days not necessarily recognize her from the past?
I don't think so. They wanted to stay isolated and in control. A deal like that would bring strangers in to their life, scrutiny, other people would form relationships with the children, there might be questions and criticism, etc. They were all about cutting off the outside world from the beginning.

True, but look at all of the SM, all of the videos, and.. it seemed glaringly obvious that at the 'Xavier' festival, they wanted at least one of their children to be noticed by all. It seems like such an incongruency to me, to have this kind of 'look-at-me/us' stuff going on a LOT, while at the same time, being distraught when they get perhaps *too much* attention. I guess it's all about 'control'... control the centre of attention, but then become totally depressed, scared, etc. when they aren't able to control the amount, or the 'right kinds' of attention. jmo.
Article with FBI press release about continuing the search for Devonte and Hannah. It includes the hugging Xavier Rudd video for those who haven’t seen it.

I wasn't able to notice any other kids at that concert? And here we have a little kid all dressed up in an animal costume with a tail and an attention-getting haircut, and a sign offering free hugs, along with 5 siblings. I truly wonder how Devonte felt about being this show-person? Ugh, poor kid. jmo.

Is it possible that JH changed her name at some point, or perhaps was previously married and kept the married name, making people from her younger days not necessarily recognize her from the past?

I am reading a lot of posts that are saying there is not much about JH and SH past. If you google, the info is available. They are from South Dakota and met when they were both at university there. No criminal records found for either of them in SD.
In the beginning it was said that the vehicle had been going 90mph (that's almost 150kph!) with no skid or brake or tire marks.. but then I thought it had been later said that after closer scrutiny, the vehicle was determined to have been stopped at some point, and then was only going something like 20mph when it went over the cliff... I think I'm now seeing again that it was 90mph.. so I'm confused as to which it was, or do they not know?

If the vehicle was going super slow off the cliff, like 20mph that I'm sure I had read somewhere.. it made me wonder if going over the cliff could have been a mistake. (Yes, I may be suffering from denial :( ) I have been at least a couple of times in my lifetime, at a stoplight/stopsign, when the car was not in 'park', and my foot was on the brake pedal.. but I became distracted, probably by conversation with another in the vehicle, and ever so slightly and slowly, my foot lightened off the pedal, which made my vehicle start to move ever so slowly forward.. I mean, if JH was going 150km straight off the cliff from a stopped position, that is one thing.. but if the vehicle was barely going forward, that *could* potentially be a different thing, no? Thoughts?

I am reading a lot of posts that are saying there is not much about JH and SH past. If you google, the info is available They are from South Dakota and met when they were both at university there. No criminal records found for either of them in SD.

I think people were saying that they were surprised that friends from the past, from their college and high school years, weren't coming forward and talking about them-not that you can't find anything out about those years. It is weird because in high-profile cases you usually DO find people coming forward to say, "Well I knew them 22 years ago and..." It doesn't matter how long ago it's been or how well they actually knew them, there's always at least someone from the past who steps forward and seems to want the limelight.
I think people were saying that the were surprised that friends from the past, from their college and high school years, weren't coming forward and talking about them-not that you can't find anything out about those years. It is weird because in high-profile cases you usually DO find people coming forward to say, "Well I knew them 22 years ago and..." It doesn't matter how long ago it's been or how well they actually knew them, there's always at least someone from the past who steps forward and seems to want the limelight.

I have to agree. Even if only to say, yeah, knew her, and back then she liked to keep to herself... or whatever... nothing.. yet something.. seems weird to have just nothing. jmo.
In the beginning it was said that the vehicle had been going 90mph (that's almost 150kph!) with no skid or brake or tire marks.. but then I thought it had been later said that after closer scrutiny, the vehicle was determined to have been stopped at some point, and then was only going something like 20mph when it went over the cliff... I think I'm now seeing again that it was 90mph.. so I'm confused as to which it was, or do they not know?

If the vehicle was going super slow off the cliff, like 20mph that I'm sure I had read somewhere.. it made me wonder if going over the cliff could have been a mistake. (Yes, I may be suffering from denial :( ) I have been at least a couple of times in my lifetime, at a stoplight/stopsign, when the car was not in 'park', and my foot was on the brake pedal.. but I became distracted, probably by conversation with another in the vehicle, and ever so slightly and slowly, my foot lightened off the pedal, which made my vehicle start to move ever so slowly forward.. I mean, if JH was going 150km straight off the cliff from a stopped position, that is one thing.. but if the vehicle was barely going forward, that *could* potentially be a different thing, no? Thoughts?

I don't think it was accidental because the vehicle traveled 70 feet across the parking lot, without braking. That is a long way to go, accidentally.
In the beginning it was said that the vehicle had been going 90mph (that's almost 150kph!) with no skid or brake or tire marks.. but then I thought it had been later said that after closer scrutiny, the vehicle was determined to have been stopped at some point, and then was only going something like 20mph when it went over the cliff... I think I'm now seeing again that it was 90mph.. so I'm confused as to which it was, or do they not know?

If the vehicle was going super slow off the cliff, like 20mph that I'm sure I had read somewhere.. it made me wonder if going over the cliff could have been a mistake. (Yes, I may be suffering from denial :( ) I have been at least a couple of times in my lifetime, at a stoplight/stopsign, when the car was not in 'park', and my foot was on the brake pedal.. but I became distracted, probably by conversation with another in the vehicle, and ever so slightly and slowly, my foot lightened off the pedal, which made my vehicle start to move ever so slowly forward.. I mean, if JH was going 150km straight off the cliff from a stopped position, that is one thing.. but if the vehicle was barely going forward, that *could* potentially be a different thing, no? Thoughts?

My understanding is that the speedometer needle was pointing at the 90 mph spot, but LE thinks it’s likely that it may have happened as the car was being pulled up or may have been because if her foot was still on the gas pedal, the sudden lack of resistance on the tires could have made the tires revolve at 90 mph as it fell.

I don’t recall hearing a specific speed mentioned other than that. Just that the vehicle was at a full stop and then accelerated and went 70 feet before going over the edge. And I’m not even sure how that was determined.
In the beginning it was said that the vehicle had been going 90mph (that's almost 150kph!) with no skid or brake or tire marks.. but then I thought it had been later said that after closer scrutiny, the vehicle was determined to have been stopped at some point, and then was only going something like 20mph when it went over the cliff... I think I'm now seeing again that it was 90mph.. so I'm confused as to which it was, or do they not know?

If the vehicle was going super slow off the cliff, like 20mph that I'm sure I had read somewhere.. it made me wonder if going over the cliff could have been a mistake. (Yes, I may be suffering from denial :( ) I have been at least a couple of times in my lifetime, at a stoplight/stopsign, when the car was not in 'park', and my foot was on the brake pedal.. but I became distracted, probably by conversation with another in the vehicle, and ever so slightly and slowly, my foot lightened off the pedal, which made my vehicle start to move ever so slowly forward.. I mean, if JH was going 150km straight off the cliff from a stopped position, that is one thing.. but if the vehicle was barely going forward, that *could* potentially be a different thing, no? Thoughts?

One of the articles I just posted mentioned the 90mph could have been as a result of the impact so I'm not sure either. I guess we have to wait for official LE reports.
If it was deliberate, wouldn't there have been some sort of evidence like a suicide note or texts showing some indication?
BBM (Article from 2014)
It was a life with little hope and a future that seemed over before it began.
That is until Jen Hart and her wife Sarah entered Devonte’s life and adopted him and his two siblings seven years ago.

Jen says the day she met Devonte was frightening and traumatic.

“That night, after we finally got him to sleep, I cried harder than I had ever cried in my life. I felt like there was no way we could raise this child, and the five others we had adopted.”
Yet, she says, there was something inexplicable pulling at her heart.
“I felt more connected to this fragile little boy more than I had ever felt to anyone in my life.”
With their unconditional love, nurturing natures, patience and acceptance, Devonte defied all odds and has grown into a young charismatic man with a heart of gold.

Devonte supporting one of his favourite charitable campaigns, Free Hugs.

“He inspires me every single day. He has proven doctors, psychologists and teachers wrong. His future is most definitely not bleak, he is a shining star in this world. His light shines bright on everyone on his path.

“People always tell us how lucky he is that we adopted him. I tell you, we most certainly are the lucky ones. Yes indeed he is living proof that our past does not dictate our future.”
Devonte’s charm and genuine kindness has surprised his parents on many occasions including the time he asked if he could spend his 11th and 12th birthday raising money for charity. Or the time he clung to musician Xavier Rudd while festival-goers watched an emotional and powerful moment unfold between the two. And then again earlier this week while standing in the grocery store’s checkout line.
One of the articles I just posted mentioned the 90mph could have been as a result of the impact so I'm not sure either. I guess we have to wait for official LE reports.
If it was deliberate, wouldn't there have been some sort of evidence like a suicide note or texts showing some indication?

Only about 25% of people who complete suicide leave notes. It's probably a lower percentage of family annihilators who do. I think LE might find clues in their electronic communications - J and S wouldn't have needed to exchange emails or texts discussing their plans, but they might find info like map routes or googling effects of benadryl.
Only about 25% of people who complete suicide leave notes. It's probably a lower percentage of family annihilators who do. I think LE might find clues in their electronic communications - J and S wouldn't have needed to exchange emails or texts discussing their plans, but they might find info like map routes or googling effects of benadryl.

It also could have been an impromptu decision. We don't know that this drive over the cliff was planned. If it was a sudden thing, brought on by strong emotions (panic, vengeance, fear, etc.) or psychosis then there probably wouldn't be a note.
One of the articles I just posted mentioned the 90mph could have been as a result of the impact so I'm not sure either. I guess we have to wait for official LE reports.
If it was deliberate, wouldn't there have been some sort of evidence like a suicide note or texts showing some indication?

It seems like they left quickly after CPS was there.

Maybe they looked around for an alternative to move away but nothing was working out. Sarah did text at 3:00 am that she was sick and would not make it to work.

I don’t know why they would drive that far. Driving a long distance is not fun. What was the conversation for hours and hours? Jen and Sarah could not be

How did the Benadryl come into play ( the ingredient that makes up Bemedryl. Who knows if it was Benadryl)

LE did not find anything amiss at the house. I would think if there was an altercation, they were not going to straighten the house. Or maybe they would, but why go on such a long drive? If something dire had happened at the house, why not a quicker “accident”?
It also could have been an impromptu decision. We don't know that this drive over the cliff was planned. If it was a sudden thing, brought on by strong emotions (panic, vengeance, fear, etc.) or psychosis then there probably wouldn't be a note.

True, but if you consider the alcohol and benadryl how close to the time they drive off the cliff do you think their decision could have been? Like I think it's possible they didn't have it planned before they left, but for sure hours before they pulled off the road they knew what they were going to do.
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