CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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I think they could easily had got medical for the kids to pay for braces. I know alot of medical insurances will fully paid for almost all childrens dental procedures.

Texas Medicaid doesn’t pay for braces anymore unless it’s due to a significant issue like a cleft palate. Now, the kids would have had MN, OR, and WA Medicaids; and I have no clue their policies. Just saying that it’s an issue.
Something I found odd I believe ita mentioned in that Article at some point. Why was Jen so insistant that the kids would never be able to live proper adult lives?She supposedly said to people that Markis would not ever be able to have a job, the kids would never be able get married, the kids would never be able to live normal adult lives. What kind of a mother would say stuff like that? I cant see a normal parent saying those things. If the kids were as messed up as Jen claimed she should've gotten them therapy and help so they could reach their full potential. She also apparently repeatedly claimed the kids were disabled. You have six adopted kids, I'd find it highly unlikely every one of them is disabled. The only disablity those kids had were the monsters who adopted them.

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This was what really stuck with me from that article, the fact that she said Markis would never be able to work, the kids wouldn’t be able to either, no relationships etc. I find it hard to believe that that blanket statement would truly have applied. Perhaps for one or two but for all? And we don’t know when she said that. It seems she was focused on keeping them from being able to “grow up” - no friends, no contact with outside world. I know that with my mother, the abuse worsened as I got older, because I was becoming my own person, not a child who just adored her and didn’t ask questions, who was useful in portraying what she thought about herself. I wonder if Jen was the same way, wanted to keep them young, and as they got older, she got worse. Would coincide with her statement they would never lead normal adult lives. Keep them home forever.

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Maybe some of them would keep on running.

People need Vit D for bone growth From sunlight is the best source.

What did those kids do in the house all day?All day everyday for 18 months.

Get ordered around, stand in corners and get beaten with a belt.

I apologize if this already has been addressed, as my attempts to keep up with this case invariably fall about 20 pages short, but I would like more elucidation on the possible Portland-area festival/Osho cult link which now has been mentioned a couple of times. Are there any MSM sources for this, or just hearsay?

I'm suspicious of any report that sounds like it's simply branding the hippie/alternative community at large with a perceived-negative characteristic (i.e. 'they all tolerate and associate with this anything-goes so-called religion/sex cult that's tried to take over small PNW towns, and they might even be part of it!'), without evidence or reliable reporting backing up that supposition. As far as I've read neither the Harts, their friends, nor the musical acts or protestors they associated with have anything to do with Osho, and the possibility that a few Osho-ites might attend a local festival whose attendance could number in the thousands is no more relevant to this case than if Boy Scouts or Rotarians were present. In other words, big fat red herring – albeit a juicy and lurid one. It doesn't take cultish sympathies for parents to savagely abuse and even murder their children. It would be nice to be able to distance it from everyday life like that – but we know it's an ordinary and mundane reality. People do horrible things to other people in weaker positions all. the. time.


Great points.
Has anyone seen pics of them at Gay Pride events or any events that deal with gay issues?

Where I live,some tourists go topless. I have to say it is boring. My husband says he never knows where to look if a woman talks to him.

Most of the young muscular men wear shirts because of skin cancer issues, The old guys who are nit attracttive wear their speedos and no shirts.

People are more concerned about the sun and many wear rash guards.So showing *advertiser censored* is kind of yesterday.

Jen’s reaction is bizarre.

My friend’s long dead MIL who would be at least 100 now said that when she was growing up, the women who started wearing bras were considered hussies.

I wonder how many mannequins she altered?

I bet her issue was not with nipples in general but with those in particular. Like maybe they were unrealistic, small, perky. We all know mannequin body parts aren't right. Her reaction though .. Wtf.
Reposting with link.

IMO- whatever happened to Hannah, she was the one who intuitively saw through all the BS...

The contrast is stunning and stark.

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View attachment 133271

It is not inconceivable to me that Devonte and Hannah plotted to run away and actually did before the family took off for parts unknown. Devonte had asked the DeKalbs for a stash of non-perishable food. He also was concerned about CPS reports because he was afraid of the kids being separated (not because they would be taken from J and S). He and Hannah were the "tattletales" and both of them knew the score. Neither of them could trust that authorities or any adults could or would protect them. They may have taken off before Sarah even arrived home.....speeding up the driveway to deal with the emergency that Jen had called or texted her about. The actual emergency may not have been so much that CPS had been there, but that the kids were missing. They knew that the sham was over for them and that whether or not Devonte and Hannah went to authorities there was no turning back for them. They may have waited to see if the kids returned, and then decided to just run away themselves rather than look for them. This is just what I HOPE happened.....JMO
My husband was just telling me about a radio program he heard about children who grow up in abusive situations having stunted growth and delayed puberty as a result of stress. (The program was about J.M. Barrie who apparently suffered from this and was inspired to write about Peter Pan as a boy who never grew up.)

From the Wikipedia entry on this:, BBM:

Very interesting and fitting for this case, IMO. Poor kiddos
Put me on the train with those who refuse to believe that ALL of those kids were so devastatingly disabled that they'd never be able to live independently or hold jobs. This, to me, is signaling her need to control their lives and her inability to cope with the idea that she may not have her little dolls to play dress-up forever.

It's really sick and sad. :(
When she was 12, her parents divorced. She stayed with her mom and siblings in the blue house where she grew up.

When Jennifer asked to move in at 14, he drove home from work sites every day, sometimes hundreds of miles. The arrangement worked for a while, he said. But Jennifer started breaking the rules in the hours between school and his arrival home. He told her she had to move back to her mother’s house.

“I thought maybe when she got older she would understand,” he said.


She also wrote more than once about the abusive world that her children had left behind. She described Devonte’s birth and early childhood in 2012. “Born into a world of drugs (pumping through his newly born body), weapons and extreme poverty, one would assume his future was bleak. ... By the time he was 4, he had smoked, consumed alcohol, handled guns, been shot at and suffered severe abuse and neglect.”

Attorney Shonda Jones, who represented the aunt, said Hart’s account was false. “Those are all lies, that did not happen. Devonte was not born on drugs. I’ve never heard anything about being shot at or anything like that.”

But a blogger noticed Jen Hart’s online claims about her child’s horrific start in life in 2014 and incredible turnaround. She published it in a New Zealand outlet, then Huffington Post, all before his hug photo went viral.

“The adoptive mother fed a lie to the public,” Jones said. “She fed into a stereotype that reinforced other people’s racism.”


After the photo of Devonte and the police officer went viral, she said reporters staked out the family home for weeks. Their mailbox filled with positive messages from people worldwide, she wrote on Facebook. “Kim Kardashian = #breaktheinternet. Devonte Hart = #healtheinternet,” she wrote.

She attended two post-election rallies with her children and said people responded with questions about why she would put her kids in danger.

Soon after, she disappeared from Facebook for six months. She changed her phone. The family moved to Washington.

A few things stand out from the latest article in OregonLive.

1. Bbm: Rejection. Original wound. Child of divorce at 12 years old, a pivotal turning point in adolescence. She never came to healing even in severing contact with her own family. And in the darkness of that wound never addressed she killed her adolescent children.

2. Pathological liar? Bbm: -Really struck by the power of Atty Jone's statement. What did the spin of this yarn serve? And how it is juxtaposed with her choices to directly engage (not protect) these children in one of the most heated and divisive times in this country. These politically charged events serve what purpose? Her own injustice?

3. Bbm: The hashtags. The superficiality of fame, of her own importance living through Devonte's short lived fame. And she used him. By the time the post election rallies came around and emotions were really heated, people started to question her as a parent. She cut everyone off.

I'm thinking it is J&S that were hitting the breaking point. Kids in adolescence, Jen hits that crucial point where her own family fell apart. Depression, self medication, out of control? No way out? How do they handle a divorce? Each stressed to the max in different ways.

Article states all the kids went to CT for J&S marriage. This means Jen was the one who adopted the children? But after they married, both are legally responsible for them? Therefore both could be facing a lifetime in prison if CPS &LE uncovered the truth. This is why I think they were both in on the decision to end it the way they did.

Yes and I think the part where people question her decisions and ask why is she putting her children in danger probably pushed her to isolate the Hart children. It seems that whenever someone showed concern for any of the children and their well being, they would flee, cut contact, and change settings quickly.

It seems that she identified with Devonte somehow vicariously or wanted him to grow up and be the man that she wished her father could be and care for her emotional needs. Did she have siblings?

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Because she was never going to let them leave.

If you look at pics from when the kids were first with the Harts, they look healthy and bright. Hannah is actually bigger than Abigail. She also has a bold and light up the world smile.
Look at the Oregon article which speaks of Jen's early life and has photos of when the kids first arrived.

Jen said all that stuff to justify their controlling and abusive ways.

That's cause Jen was not going to live a normal life. Her transition into adulthood was terrible and she had low expectations for the children. She probably couldn't believe they could function better than her.

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That's cause Jen was not going to live a normal life. Her transition into

adulthood was terrible and she had low expectations for the children. She probably couldn't believe they could function better than her.

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I think she couldn't stand the fact of them growing up and leaving her. They were *hers* not individuals.
I think she couldn't stand the fact of them growing up and leaving her. They were *hers* not individuals.

Yep and that ties to her wanting them to fulfill her needs. This is typical of a narcissistic parent

Yes and I think the part where people question her decisions and ask why is she putting her children in danger probably pushed her to isolate the Hart children. It seems that whenever someone showed concern for any of the children and their well being, they would flee, cut contact, and change settings quickly.

It seems that she identified with Devonte somehow vicariously or wanted him to grow up and be the man that she wished her father could be and care for her emotional needs. Did she have siblings?

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Per the article she had two brothers. They were all four years apart. I can't tell if she was middle or eldest, unless I missed it.
I do not know if there was an Osho link, but it has been stated on this thread.

I wrote this post on the possibility of Osho links to some northwest festivals. I simply picked it up from here and other places I've been following on this case. That's why I mentioned all the disclaimers. Thank those of you who mentioned your experience at alternative-lifestyle (aka "hippie") festivals. But in the end, almost everything on this thread is conjecture. And I'll repeat, your experience at festivals is one thing. Photos of Devonte on top of a musician (which I'm assuming we've all seen and I have no idea where) on the ground are one thing. Free hugs are one thing. My following the Osho idea was my way of trying to understand the photo which seems very inappropriate, no matter how innocent the festival. I haven't seen behavior like that at Walmart, baseball games, or the Rotary. IMO, free love is is not unconditional love. So I'll drop it now.
Per the article she had two brothers. They were all four years apart. I can't tell if she was middle or eldest, unless I missed it.

Yea, I can't say for sure either but it would make sense if she was the oldest... to be the one to ride in a bike alongside the car. Seems weird that the dad would want the middle child to do that but we will not know for sure unless it's stated. Interesting that the mom will not comment until the Devonte and Hannah are found. Maybe she feels they can offer the truth that she probably already suspects is true but uncomfortable to say? Seems to me that she wanted to recreate her childhood with the children and their adolescence could have reminded her of her rocky adolescent years. That penny in the pocket could have reminded her of her desires to steal and by punishing them, she could help suppress those memories of herself. Sometimes people have a shaky childhood and vow to be better parents but they end up with a chip on their shoulder and worse parents. I'd like to learn more about Sarah's background because she had a hand in this too.

I just wanted to chime in with the WTH was wrong with Jen (and/or Sarah) conversation. NPD and BPD are thrown around a lot and both seem fitting to some degree, but Histrionic is an intriguing possibility in this case, to me.

For anyone unfamiliar with Histrionic Personality, here are the criteria. This article is comparing Histrionic to Borderline, but I've seen it compared with narcissism too.

HPD is one of 10 personality disorders recognized in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). HPD is one of the Cluster B disorders, which are characterized as dramatic, overly emotional, and/or erratic.

The DSM-5 defines histrionic personality disorder as a pattern of extreme emotionality and attention seeking behavior that begins by early adulthood and is obvious in different situations. In addition, you must have five or more of the following signs or symptoms to be diagnosed with HPD:

Discomfort in situations in which you're not the center of attention

Interaction with others that's often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior

Rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotion

Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self

Style of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail

Shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion

Is easily influenced by others or by circumstances

Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are

And, moo, I believe Sarah probably had her own disfunctional personality going on, maybe from cluster C (OCD or avoidant perhaps), but...

I'm not convinced there wasn't partner abuse in this relationship either. But unless someone who lived in that house is miraculously found alive, I wonder if we'll ever know for sure. I suppose there is plenty of time for more information to come out.

(OT I cannot thank the person who posted the Lundy Bancroft book enough. I can't locate your post right now, or remember the name, but thank you.)
I wrote this post on the possibility of Osho links to some northwest festivals. I simply picked it up from here and other places I've been following on this case. That's why I mentioned all the disclaimers. Thank those of you who mentioned your experience at alternative-lifestyle (aka "hippie") festivals. But in the end, almost everything on this thread is conjecture. And I'll repeat, your experience at festivals is one thing. Photos of Devonte on top of a musician (which I'm assuming we've all seen and I have no idea where) on the ground are one thing. Free hugs are one thing. My following the Osho idea was my way of trying to understand the photo which seems very inappropriate, no matter how innocent the festival. I haven't seen behavior like that at Walmart, baseball games, or the Rotary. IMO, free love is is not unconditional love. So I'll drop it now.

I am searching for the MSM source but Beloved festival is apparently put on by two former (current?) Rajneeshis.
Some posters don't think that looks like JH. Does anyone have recent photos of them all? I.e. a few months ago from their FB perhaps?.

She used her safeway club card. So it is likely her.

And there was a post way back upthread, which showed that pic, side by side, with one of her from earlier---and they are identical in facial features. She just gained weight recently it seems.
Per the article she had two brothers. They were all four years apart. I can't tell if she was middle or eldest, unless I missed it.
From the article, it states "...Jennifer Jean Hart grew up with her parents and two brothers in Huron, a town of 13,000 in the eastern South Dakota plains. She would pile into a wagon with her brother Jonathan and the family’s rabbits. Her dad pulled the crew around the neighborhood. Eventually, Douglas Hart recalls, Jen started riding her bike alongside the wagon to make room for her youngest brother, Christopher.The siblings, each four years apart, were talented artists and musicians. Jen played the trumpet at church Christmas services. She defied barriers, playing boys baseball rather than girls softball. ..." The part about her youngest brother leads me to think Jen was the oldest.
It is not inconceivable to me that Devonte and Hannah plotted to run away and actually did before the family took off for parts unknown. Devonte had asked the DeKalbs for a stash of non-perishable food. He also was concerned about CPS reports because he was afraid of the kids being separated (not because they would be taken from J and S). He and Hannah were the "tattletales" and both of them knew the score. Neither of them could trust that authorities or any adults could or would protect them. They may have taken off before Sarah even arrived home.....speeding up the driveway to deal with the emergency that Jen had called or texted her about. The actual emergency may not have been so much that CPS had been there, but that the kids were missing. They knew that the sham was over for them and that whether or not Devonte and Hannah went to authorities there was no turning back for them. They may have waited to see if the kids returned, and then decided to just run away themselves rather than look for them. This is just what I HOPE happened.....JMO

This is where I have a sliver of hope. Teenagers, desperate ones, can be very savvy. These kids were well traveled. Maybe they spent time on trips reading maps. Visually knew the local routes of where they lived?

Woodland to Portland is approx 30 miles, Vancouver even less. That's about a half an hour away. There is a desperation in Devonte's runs to the neighbors. Was Jen out that day, erranding, or whatever? Did he know that was his chance to make a run for it with Hannah? And was desperate for CPS to come for the others? Did he leave a note? We are going to the Goonies?

Did he have a plan? Take some cash from the cookie jar? Did he have some festival contacts hidden away? Could they have figured out the walk into Woodland town, catch a bus? Maybe even hitchhike? Maybe slept in the woods the first night?

No authority knew they were missing.,-122.7298805,10z?gl=us

Jenn taught these children how to navigate crowds at a very young age. Maybe taught Devonte much about navigating people, too. Every account of those who met these children speaks to how well behaved, bright, wise, loving, & talented they were. Tons of accolades.

That's far from the disabled descriptions that Jenn spoke about.

I am sure these kids spoke about their memories of life before being adopted, especially the older ones. But whatever was going on now, for sure Devonte and Hannah were on to it, and knew it was wrong.

So, I hold out hope for that sliver of rebellion that just might turn up these two, someday, having survived.
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