CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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Here's an update from the next day.


It's not clear to me that these are the same divers necessarily as it was 30 or 40 miles away. I'm afraid the oregon live articles don't load for me so TY for C/P it. I do seem to remember the search being called off for a period due to bad weather and sea conditions. The videos I have seen of that coastline show very rough seas normally so finding clothes or anything has got to be looking for a needle in a haystack, so they probably didn't find anything after all. :-(
Wishful thinking on my part only.
But Lilibet, you bring up a good point, and one I've wondered about ever since I read it: Why would a child be punished for having a penny in her pocket??? Okay, let me rephrase: Why on earth would a child be punished for having a penny in her pocket?

When I read the police report, for some reason I got the impression that she had been suspected by the women of taking things from others (maybe her siblings). Then it turned out she had a penny on her (which she said she had found on the ground), and they figured it meant she had been stealing again. I can't remember why I got that impression; it's been a while since I read it.

I believe not being outdoors in sunlight can also have a detrimental effect.

Especially for those with darker skin. They really needed sunlight and it appears they had been inside for months.

But even in a SUV, sitting for that many hours straight, crammed in with 7 other people, would be practically unbearable even if everyone was in the jolliest of moods. The idea of trying to sleep in it sounds even worse, if that's what they in fact did – and the absence of camping gear would lend credence to that theory.. Then add in the apparent lack of sightings during their trip, which means no bathroom breaks, no snacks, no leg-stretching, no change of clothing or washing up ... I cannot fathom this.

Our 3-week road trips have been with 2 adults & 5 kids in an 8-person minivan (much smaller than a Yukon), and yes, we slept in it (once when no campsites were available) without much to-do. We usually drive 2-6hrs/day, but sometimes have easily made a 12-hr drive without much weeping and gnashing of teeth. No, it's not "practically unbearable;" we've done it for years and are used to coloring books, reading, car games, window games, radio, songs, story-telling, etc.

That said, no leg-stretching, no packing, first trip after 18 months of being completely isolated inside the house, starving ... I can't allow myself to think of what *this* trip must have been for those poor children.
The LA Times article I linked up thread mentions they left Newport Oregon around 8.15 a.m. on the Saturday and got to Fort Bragg 8 p.m. that evening. They then stayed in that area and the Cleone area till 9 p.m. on the 25th (Sunday) . Cleone is only about 3 miles North of Fort Bragg so when did they head to Westport where the crash occurred? At 9 p.m. that Sunday evening? They must have these times from the cell phones IMO so surely they will know when they got to Westport and went over the cliff?
I find that reaction to women's breasts very odd.

My niece married her girlfriend as soon as it was legal. They have been very involved in social activism, gay rights and feminist issues for many years. They helped organize the Denver Pride festival and always attend events here in Cali, too. They also share their ideas with us, very enthusiastically. Like the recent protests they took part in up in SF, where women marched topless, in protest to society's 'shameful' view of women breasts/nipples, in comparison to mens. They object to women being arrested for showing something that men can show, with no problem.

I agree that they have a point. LOL

So it seems highly improbable that they would agree with someone slicing off a mannequins nipples. They do disagree with the exploitation of women, but having nipples on a woman breasts is a beautiful thing, and cutting them off with a saw just seems needlessly over the top. IMO

First, I agree with that protest. I can´t understand why men can walk around bare chested and women can´t. Men´s nipples don´t even serve a purpose (that I know of!)
Women´s nipples are a source of nurture and life - why is that "shameful"?
Oh well, we could have a long conversation about that, but back to the case.

To me Jen´s sawing off the nipples tells me she was deeply disturbed. The act (to me) indicates misogyni and sadism. Ultimately, self hatred since she was a woman.
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I am curious why people pretend there is no drug use at hippie” festivals?

I don't see people saying there is NO drug use, so much as denying that it is a pervasive presence (which is a matter of subjective opinion) or that a majority of those in attendance are indulging in illegal substances (which is up for empirical analysis and anecdotal argument). And I have to say I fall on the side of those arguing against the idea that all festivals are awash in illegal substances.

I've been active in the folk/art/cultural festival scene for 25+ years, starting when my child was under 5 years old and we'd take him out for a day of music, facepainting and other fun. We've done this now in 3 different countries. And of course in that time we've seen some attendees partaking in mind-altering substances. But a majority of fest-goers whacked out on drugs? No. An unsafe environment for a child accompanied by an adult? No.

Maybe that's my bubble, and it's different elsewhere, or at truly gigantic festivals (over 20,000). I dunno. I tend to think it's a pretty big bubble I'm in though. There is some intersection between my mostly east-coast US/Canada crowd of friends and artists, and the Harts' west-coast scene. We've got Burners who camp with us. They're not getting stoned either. And I haven't gotten wind of any cultish religious gurus holding sway over the festival organizers or artists, much less the crowd at large.

At one of our annual festivals we run a large camp for longtime friends as well as some musicians, and often outsiders stop by to enjoy an impromptu performance or to socialize. Yeteven with these strangers dropping by randomly during a week out on the farm, there's no problem with establishing boundaries or respecting our own camp's "boring middle aged folks/parents" culture. The hardest substance we generally encounter is alcohol, which flows at our own bar anyway (a bar which is always tended or locked away, so kids can't get into it.) And if some random stroller should perchance bring out a bowl, as has happened exactly once in our camp's 19 years, a request to them to take it elsewhere, away from the kids and the adults who don't want to be exposed to it, is all that's needed. No aggression, no hostility.

I saw way more drugs on the campus of my suburban high school in the '70s, in the bathrooms and courtyard, than I've ever seen at a folk festival. My son saw way more drugs in his own high school a generation later. And there are way more strung-out people on public transit, way more drunks at the stadium during a major-league game – and far more likelihood of being physically/sexually assaulted at either. The festival scene is truly bucolic by comparison, even if the hippies do dress funny, and act blissed-out, and buy their kids animal costumes. As for the performers, they're working a pretty gruelling schedule, multiple performances each day, in conditions ranging from 90ºF+ in the daytime to maybe 45ºF at night, sometimes in full summer-thunderstorm mode, on top of hiking all over expansive festival grounds. Most of them aren't indulging in more than a cold energy drink or a cup of coffee either (or maybe a late-night Scotch) so long as they're on the outdoor-festival circuit.

Just my opinion, just my experience, just my POV.
Because she was never going to let them leave.

If you look at pics from when the kids were first with the Harts, they look healthy and bright. Hannah is actually bigger than Abigail. She also has a bold and light up the world smile.
Look at the Oregon article which speaks of Jen's early life and has photos of when the kids first arrived.

Jen said all that stuff to justify their controlling and abusive ways.

All the kids looked GREAT until those two women destroyed them. What massive tragedy!
The LA Times article I linked up thread mentions they left Newport Oregon around 8.15 a.m. on the Saturday and got to Fort Bragg 8 p.m. that evening. They then stayed in that area and the Cleone area till 9 p.m. on the 25th (Sunday) . Cleone is only about 3 miles North of Fort Bragg so when did they head to Westport where the crash occurred? At 9 p.m. that Sunday evening? They must have these times from the cell phones IMO so surely they will know when they got to Westport and went over the cliff?

Yes, according to reports, they left Fort Bragg at 9 PM Sunday evening. Investigators may or may not know when they got to Westport. If they do know, they are not saying. It could be that the last ping was in Westport, and that is how they knew they had left Fort Bragg.
I too find it quite coincidental that Devonte and Hannah are the ones whose bodies are still missing, considering that incidents involving each of the two, could have put the parents' custody at risk. Wondering if dogs were to do some searching in the other areas where the family was known to have visited on their way to where they were found dead, if something might be found there instead. Morbid thoughts.

I agree. I am afraid that one of the moms grew angry and punished them before leaving, or... dropped them off somewhere in between, along with the words... you think you can go against us, go ahead, make it on your own.

I don't know what is happening there in Oregon, but I pray they are looking for those two, who I'm afraid bore the brunt of the anger in that house hold the anger of the adults.
I agree. I am afraid that one of the moms grew angry and punished them before leaving, or... dropped them off somewhere in between, along with the words... you think you can go against us, go ahead, make it on your own.

I don't know what is happening there in Oregon, but I pray they are looking for those two, who I'm afraid bore the brunt of the anger in that house hold the anger of the adults.
IMO, not dropped off alive. Which scared the other children deeper into compliance.

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Thanks, Gitana...I just sat for an hour in the parking lot crying...but it's to help her heal...and is really hard sometimes. :(

My heart goes out to you in this, as well as to your daughter. The hardest part of being a parent is being so acutely aware when they are badly hurting and we can't make it better. I hope her doctors find effective treatment that restores balance and a healthy outlook. :hug:
Dana Dekalb answered NO ,
to the question from Dr Oz.. "did you see them leave"... I get frustrated with the reporters wording, as I think it was just that... making us think they did see them "pack up the whole family"

Another thing mentioned on here was the family traveling alot .... That was the reason Dana Dekalb knew they had took off when she didn't see them there Saturday morning because she said "They never go anywhere"... Maybe they used to but something was definitely up since moving to woodland house, maybe just settling in enjoying their privacy or maybe Jen was in depression, still wonder about her being bi polar And Even obsessive compulsive personality disorder, DID you see the neatness of the house in videos?! Well I didn't see it all, the garden plots were very square and precise...

Anyway... Wishing the two ran away and they will find them Alive but SOMETHING HAPPENED SUDDENLY AND VIOLENTLY I FEAR
Exactly. The Harts lived on a two acre lot. Presumably the DeKalbs have a similar plot of land. Their houses are not exactly close to each other, if you look at the aerial pictures posted in some earlier threads.

And in mid-March, in Washington state, it would have been getting dark. So I doubt the DeKalbs were counting heads when the exodus next door was going on. They probably just heard some hustle and bustle, saw headlights, maybe heard the driveway wall get bumped as the driver tore out of there, and assumed it was the entire family because they had no reason not to.

I feel that sometimes in this case we get overly hung up on one or two words that have been recounted casually, or paraphrased, in a media interview not a formal LE deposition.

MOO, as always.
Could that indicate depression or mood meds or lack of some needed ones?
No excuses just curious

Weight gain is a very common side effect with anti-depressants, but sometimes people who are depressed gain weight, so it could be either. I think it's doubtful she sought treatment for depression though. JMO because she was so private, and then who would watch the kids, and what if something slipped to a doctor or psychiatrist (like how angry she gets with the kids or how she punished them), etc.

She might have been self-medicating though, and drinking could cause weight gain.
Weight gain is a very common side effect with anti-depressants, but sometimes people who are depressed gain weight, so it could be either. I think it's doubtful she sought treatment for depression though. JMO because she was so private, and then who would watch the kids, and what if something slipped to a doctor or psychiatrist (like how angry she gets with the kids or how she punished them), etc.

She might have been self-medicating though, and drinking could cause weight gain.
I agree, she self medicated. Towards the end definitely. IMO

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I agree, she self medicated. Towards the end definitely. IMO

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Yeah, thinking about it, even if it was her choice she was cooped up in that house all day every day with six teenagers. She had no friends or family close by to hang out with, just Sarah and the kids. No job, no social life. It's just asking to get sick.

Add how hard winters in the PNW can be on a person's mood. The last six months were probably hell for everyone.
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