ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

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I'm a total leftie and I agree. My politics haven't even changed since I was a teenager until now decades later and I still agree with you. If an individual child develops an interest in politics based on their own desires, that's one thing. This kind of forced showboating is gross and obviously coming from the parents.

When we were in our mid to late teens, we would have lively political discussions during dinner. But the time frame was important- Nixon was in office and so much was swirling around then. The news was full of protests and events. My parents were on the liberal side, but not as much as us kids as teens. The debates were more how we could back up our opinions with facts that we learned by paying attention to the news and reliable sources.

I have no idea how the Hart kids were exposed to information outside of their parents. Reports are that they did not have access to electronic devices and we don't know if the kids could watch TV or read newspapers.
Oh I’m sure that was to pacify the friends suspicions as to why they took off.

Was anyone looking for them? Only Sarah had a place to be; Jen didn’t have to be at a job and the kids certainly weren’t missing any school. They’d pulled back from friends.
I know I am a broken record but the eating from garbage cans really bothers me.

Their first? foster girl apparently did that. Then they said other kids did that.

If I had children who ate out of the garbage, the first thing I would do is make the garbage not accessible. How hard is that!

I think it was all part of the false narrative as to the tough situation they had with the kids and how much of great saviors they were. And to explain something very weird the mothers had re food,

Their whole rant on how all of these tragedies has befallen them and leave them alone was a way for them to get sympathy and get cash.

Over the course of time I have seen this approach used. It works. The poor me, but me never asking, They manage to get plenty. More than if it was an actual appeal.

As far as friends defending them, I wonder how they raise their own kids. Just because someone says that the Harts were great parents does not mean the admirers are great parents themselves.
Was anyone looking for them? Only Sarah had a place to be; Jen didn’t have to be at a job and the kids certainly weren’t missing any school. They’d pulled back from friends.

So I wonder what was the purpose of her 3am text to C. Hart? There must be more to the message. Was she telling

her friend that she was hurt or injured or sick/nauseous or having a psychotic episode after something happening in the home?
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The worst one I had was when I was screaming at the police in my classroom because the officer came up with the stupidest excuse. It was about a boyfriend who shot a kid with a beebee gun. The cop said that the child wanted it done. I lost it then and there.

This was in the morning, At noon and army of people arrived and took the child and siblings away,

There is more to the story, but it took a lot of thinking to get the police to act, I told them they had to get the bf for discharging a beebee gun in the city limits then.

It was absurd.I learned that you have to be persistent and firm with LE. I could go on with other instances where I discussed the siblings with other teachers to present a united front of concern. It rarely worked. We raarely got action.Adult bite marks, hand prints from a hit on the face, Nothing.

I can relate. When I taught we had a child whose father used a heated belt buckle to burn the inside of his legs for punishment. Four times I reported incidents. Three more times the counselor reported incidents. The child was &#8216;removed&#8217; from the home once, for 24 hours, and placed with the grandmother. The grandmother he was &#8216;placed&#8217; with lived in the house with the parents. Nothing was ever done.
This makes me wonder what else Cheryl might have known or suspected. Because sure, if a friend who lives alone sent me a text like that and then went radio silent, I might call for a welfare check. But not a friend who has a spouse. UNLESS I thought that spouse was a and sketchy as all get out. A friend who lives with a spouse or family who went silent, I would wait a bit and assume their spouse/family was caring for them and they would contact me when they were ready for visitors. UNLESS I thought that their spouse might be the one to put them in the hospital in the first place.


Although it did seem that the friend tried to contact Jen and couldn’t. Even then, I’d assume they were pretty busy with hospital stuff and not call THE POLICE.
And no other children. Like I’m sure the Hart kids really interested in politics. Oh how fun for them. NOT. Most kids would be playing sports, playing catch, throwing a football, shooting some hoops, riding bikes, skateboards, girls going shopping, playing with makeup, having silly crushes on a boy, what the heck was wrong with these psycho, selfish women? Kids didn’t even get a normal childhood. Instead parading them around in politics. Pathetic!

You know, I grew up in politically turbulent times, and the times they were a changing... My sibs and I, friends, town leaders, clergy, and theater troupes, and some really goodhearted LE, gathered at our house and others. We held multigenerational "salons" as I like to call them. Smaller groups. But we were a mix. I learned so much. Different times.

But, I also had all the other goodies, great town, parents, revelations, friends traveling in little packs, dances, musical join in some band, secret codes, on the loose, romance, biking, and sports, adventure. Independent.

Independent. What strikes me as different is we were not all dressed up in a collective way. Last time my sibs and I dressed the same is Easter, 1962! There is much more political merch these days, back then there were subtle political buttons.

I get the fun of dress up, as these kids experienced, their goonies, their 60's wild child expressions and that is theater. I guess I'm mystified by the "Thing"' thing, and the we are all Bernie Bros, thing, etc... But it is all so very staged. Sometimes I wonder if social media is just a layer we didn't need? But that is a whole other topic.

What I am not getting is independence, individuality, any spontaneous expression between and among these siblings. I mean it's like you can cut and paste the same "say cheese" onto every photograph. And in this way they are hauntingly like the Turpins.

We see Devonte posing with the guitar, but we don't hear him. And one of the inexplicable sadnesses is that while there are these iconic photos, ironically there is no voice.
Sarah texted her friend at 3 am and said she was so sick she may have to go to the hospital on March 26th. She made several attempts to get back to Sarah with no reault so she phoned 911 and asked them to do a wellness check on the family. 3 hours after ahe called 911 was when the suv was found. <modsnip>

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Although it did seem that the friend tried to contact Jen and couldn’t. Even then, I’d assume they were pretty busy with hospital stuff and not call THE POLICE.

This article has the transcribed 911 call.
OK I have updated the timeline. Is there anything that should be added or changed?

March 2004: Earliest known public record that shows Jennifer Hart and Sarah Gengler, both from South Dakota, residing in Alexandria, Minnesota.

May 2005: Sarah Hart petitions to change her last name from Gengler to Hart.

September 2006: Jennifer and Sarah Hart adopt siblings Markis, Abigail and Hannah.

September 2008: According to a police report from Alexandria, Minnesota, Hannah, then 6, tells authorities that one of her mothers bruised her with a belt. Asked about the beating, Jennifer and Sarah Hart tell a police investigator and social worker the girl had fallen down the stairs.

February 2009: Jennifer and Sarah adopt Devonte and two of his siblings &#8212; bringing their number of children to six. An article from Paper Trail, a New Zealand-based news outlet, describes his adoption. The article said by age 4, the boy had been abused, neglected, shot at and had endured other traumas.

November 2010: Police in Alexandria, Minnesota interview Abigail Hart, 6 at the time, after a teacher discovers bruises stretching from her sternum to her navel. The girl says Jennifer Hart hit her with a closed fist, put her head in a cold bath, then hit her again, court records show. She was then grounded, the girl told police, which meant she had to stay in bed and miss lunch.

April 2011: Sarah Hart pleads guilty to abusing Abigail Hart and is sentenced to a year of probation for misdemeanor domestic assault, court records show. Sarah told police she was the one who hit Abigail, even though the girl told authorities her mother Jennifer had done it. The next day, all six of the Hart children are taken out of public schools. They never attend public school again.

October 2011: The family lives in Alexandria, Minnesota, for a time and takes part in local activism. Hart family members including Devonte and Jennifer Hart participate in an Occupy Minneapolis demonstration.

2012: According to friends in Oregon, Sarah Hart travels to Portland to look for work. Jennifer Hart and their children later join her.

2013: After the family moves to West Linn, family friend Alexandra Argyropoulos tells Oregon child welfare officials that the Hart parents have been depriving their kids of food as punishment, she says. The Harts break off contact with her when they learn of it. Argyropoulos says she was told the Hart children had been interviewed by Oregon officials; it was apparent that each child had been coached by their mothers on what to say; and nothing more could be done by the Oregon Department of Human Services.

July 2013: The police department responds to a call to the Hart's house.

November 2014: Family members participate in a Portland protest of a Missouri grand jury declining to indict a Ferguson police officer in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown. Devonte and a Portland police officer hug, and the photo of the moment goes viral.

March 2016: Family members join U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont onstage during a presidential campaign rally in Vancouver.

May 2017: Jennifer and Sarah Hart buy a two-story, 3-bedroom home on 2 acres of land in the Woodland area of Clark County, Washington, property records show.

March 23, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services opens a Child Protective Services investigation in which the Hart children are "identified as potential victims of alleged abuse or neglect."

March 23, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services attempts without success to make contact with the Hart family.

March 24, 2018 - 3:00 AM: Sarah Hart sends a middle-of-the-night text message to friend Cheryl Hart, only hours after child protective services first visited the family's home, saying she was so sick she might have to go to the hospital. The friend never made contact again.

March 24, 2018 - 8:14 AM: The family is in or around Newport, Oregon, police say. It's believed they continue south on Route 101 until they reach State Route 1 in Leggett, California.

March 24, 2018 - 8:00 PM The Harts travel south on State Route 1 until they reach the Fort Bragg area in Mendocino.

March 25, 2018 - 9:00 PM: The family leaves Fort Bragg.

March 26, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services again unsuccessfully attempts to make contact with the Hart family. They call 911 and ask the Sheriff's Department to do a welfare check on the family.

March 26, 2018 - 1:15 PM: Cheryl Hart calls 911 and asked the Sheriff's Department to do a welfare check on Sarah Hart. "Nobody has been able to get ahold of her, talk to her or seen her since," she told the dispatcher.

March 26, 2018: A passer-by along Highway 1 in Westport, California, calls 911 after looking down a 100-foot embankment and seeing an SUV upside down on the rocky shoreline. Five people are found dead: three children outside the SUV and two women inside.

March 27, 2018: The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services makes a third unsuccessful attempt to contact the Hart family.

March 28, 2018: The women are identified by the Mendocino County's Sheriff's Office as Jennifer and Sarah Hart and their children as Markis, Jeremiah and Abigail. Three of their other children: Devonte, Hannah and Sierra, remain missing. Sheriff Tom Allman said a search is ongoing for the remaining three children.

March 29, 2018: Police continue to search for the three missing children, including Devonte, and to investigate why the SUV plunged off the California cliff. Authorities don't know if the kids were also in the car, but are basing their search on the assumption that they were thrown from the car into the cliffs or the surf.

March 31, 2018: Officials reveal the speedometer on the Harts' wrecked SUV was "pinned" at 90 mph.

April 2, 2018: Officials say the crash may have been intentional, saying data taken from the family's SUV shows the vehicle came to a complete stop at the Route 1 pullout before speeding off the cliff. The search for the missing children becomes a "recovery effort."

April 2, 2018: "I'm to the point where I'm no longer calling this an accident, I'm calling it a crime," Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman tells HLN's Ashleigh Banfield.

April 7, 2018: An unidentified body, believed to be that of a black female, is found in the ocean near the site of the crash. Officials said an identification could take weeks.
Is Cheryl Hart a relative of Jen? In-law? JMO

Posting a screenshot of the transcript, can someone please alert a mod on this post in case it isn’t allowed?


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Is Cheryl Hart a relative of Jen? In-law? JMO

no, no relation. I wonder if she is a co-worker or supervisor at Kohl's and SH was telling her she wouldn't be in to work.
Not sure if this has been posted. From the San Antonio Express News:

AUSTIN — The woman who drove a family vehicle over a cliff in California last month had adopted her six children out of foster care in the Houston area and likely received more than $270,000 in state money to help care for them.

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I don’t know how many people on here are mandated reporters, but even with training once a year for several years, it is not easy.

The DeKalbs had no training. I would discuss with the volunteers and my assistant as to what they thought. One we talked about for a couple of weeks and kept watch and documentation. It was not enough but they did flag it, I guess.

The worst one I had was when I was screaming at the police in my classroom because the officer came up with the stupidest excuse. It was about a boyfriend who shot a kid with a beebee gun. The cop said that the child wanted it done. I lost it then and there.

This was in the morning, At noon and army of people arrived and took the child and siblings away,

There is more to the story, but it took a lot of thinking to get the police to act, I told them they had to get the bf for discharging a beebee gun in the city limits then.

It was absurd.I learned that you have to be persistent and firm with LE. I could go on with other instances where I discussed the siblings with other teachers to present a united front of concern. It rarely worked. We raarely got action.Adult bite marks, hand prints from a hit on the face, Nothing.

Right all great points. And one of the biggest ones is in order to be persistent you have to care.

Posting a screenshot of the transcript, can someone please alert a mod on this post in case it isn&#8217;t allowed?


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Hm. No known medical hx
My older kids are quite interested in politics and will send me links to news stories, have very interesting and thoughtful discussions at the dinner table, etc.... but they are 17 and 14, the 12 year old couldn’t care less. They have friends across the political spectrum and are eager to learn about different stances as they are religion, philosophy and other subjects. However, they spend little time at home but a lot out with friends, extracurriculars or with the oldest at work and on dates. They spend time wandering around town taking artsy photos for Instagram and snacking at fast food joints and while it’s a small and relatively safe town and they’re both very responsible I still keep tabs on them constantly. They have a lot of friends they spend time with and aren’t really ever cooped up in the house. I can’t imagine trying to deal with even one teen with no outlet for socializing with peers outside of a family group or time away from family and be their own person, much less six of them.

The newly released text and 911 call have just made me that much more suspicious that Jen did something nefarious all on her own.


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