I'm sure you are right about why the case affected you so much. I can't imagine. I hope the WS thread brought you some feeling of camaraderie, if not closure.
I imagine something like the dynamics you're describing in the Hart home after the 2010 abuse allegations. By the time the investigation was all said and done, there were probably 8 different versions of what happened in that house that day. And they were likely all slightly, or completely, different. Some kids siding with one mom, some siding with the other. Poor Abigail. If you can't rely on your own memory because you have not just the abuser but 2 or 3 or 5 people you love telling you that you're wrong, mistaken, confused, loved... it'll be ok, we're sorry.
The more cases I follow the more I feel like all abuse is a mental health problem as much as or more than a criminal problem. Like substance abuse, I guess.
I don't know whether to start calling legislators or start knocking on doors in the neighborhood for random wellness checks. I'm leaning towards the latter. A good old fashioned neighborhood busy body with a plate of cookies....with gluten free, sugar free, vegan options of course!