CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
As an adult survivor of child abuse, I wouldn't be surprised if the visit from CPS was the catalyst for Jen's mental break. In my experience if CPS shows up, you better pray they remove you then and there. I received some of the worst beatings of my life after someone turned my fathet in.
Someone on WS staff posted this update on the Media thread, thought I'd share it here:
Human remains found near Hart family crash site in California confirmed to be teen girl
  • Posted on Jan 9, 2019
    MENDOCINO COUNTY, CA (KPTV) - Human remains found near the deadly California crash site involving the Hart family from Woodland have been confirmed through DNA testing to be 16-year-old Hannah Hart.
In May 2018, skeletal remains of a foot in a shoe entangled inside pants were discovered near the crash scene.
DNA testing was inconclusive and the remains could not be positively identified. However, in October, the mother of Markis, Abigail and Hannah Hart contacted investigators and provided a DNA sample that was used for comparison testing.

This week, deputies said those test results showed a positive identification of the partial remains found in May 2018 as being Hannah Hart.
Before Harts Plunged Off a Cliff, Strain Dogged Family.
Jan. 17, 2019
At 3:38 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 2018, a German tourist called the authorities from the Juan Creek crossing on California’s scenic Highway 1. She had spotted something jarring: a brown sport-utility vehicle, upside down, in the Pacific Ocean.

When Highway Patrol officers arrived, they found the S.U.V. Jennifer Hart was at the wheel, and her wife, Sarah Hart, was trapped between the roof and the seats in the back. Both were dead.

Within about three weeks, the authorities would also discover the remains of four of the Harts’ six children — Markis, 19, Jeremiah, 14, Abigail, 14, and Ciera, 12 — and declare them all dead, too. They eventually discovered skeletal remains inside a woman’s shoe, and announced this month that they belonged to 16-year-old Hannah. Devonte, 15, is still considered to be missing, but is presumed dead.
Broken Harts , Episode 7: Full Transcript

Drew, who spent a lot of time, with Jen, in the online gaming world, and also chatted with her outside of the game, had some unique insights into the family.

To read now that she was reportedly depriving them of food, it is infuriating, not just to me but to all of us who spent so much time online with her, because we can't help but think that the hours that she was devoting to us and to our clan and to our game, the money that she was devoting to the game, it should've gone to the children. When I realized that she was a homeschool mom, I'm like, There's no way in hell those kids are learning. I mean, really. It's impossible with the amount of time she’s spending on this game and with the gaming community; it's impossible that six kids could be learning.

Drew describes Jen as highly competitive. Another gamer we spoke to called her a stone-cold narcissist because she kept her clan members on such a tight leash, bossing them around at all hours of the day. It was common for Jen to sit near the top of the rankings, not just the clan rankings but the individual ones, which is a bigger deal. Team members teased her about how she was the first to crack a really complex part of the game. Drew told her she must have developed a diagram to figure it out. In fact, she had. Sometime in the summer of 2017, Jen abruptly left the game, claiming she wanted to spend more time with her kids. Drew believes her hasty departure was because of a conflict with a fellow gamer who she believed was cheating. Jen refused to continue on if he stayed in the clan, and when he didn't leave, she signed off the chat with a picture of her kids at the beach.
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Thank you @Breezie for continuing to post these updates. The shocking revelations just keep coming. And quoting below from your link, apparently there is more to come and it might be among the worst:

Justine Harman:
Next time, on Broken Harts.
Speaker 3: The coroner's inquest is going to, in my opinion, give evidence that will shock the consciousness of people who are following this case. This will be a water-cooler conversation throughout our nation.

Before Harts Plunged Off a Cliff, Strain Dogged Family.
Jan. 17, 2019
At 3:38 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 2018, a German tourist called the authorities from the Juan Creek crossing on California’s scenic Highway 1. She had spotted something jarring: a brown sport-utility vehicle, upside down, in the Pacific Ocean.

When Highway Patrol officers arrived, they found the S.U.V. Jennifer Hart was at the wheel, and her wife, Sarah Hart, was trapped between the roof and the seats in the back. Both were dead.

Within about three weeks, the authorities would also discover the remains of four of the Harts’ six children — Markis, 19, Jeremiah, 14, Abigail, 14, and Ciera, 12 — and declare them all dead, too. They eventually discovered skeletal remains inside a woman’s shoe, and announced this month that they belonged to 16-year-old Hannah. Devonte, 15, is still considered to be missing, but is presumed dead.

In this article, it is reported that Jenn told the neighbor that Hannah had bipolar disorder and was upset about the recent death of a cat (to explain why she jumped out of a second story window and pleaded for help). That's the first time I've heard that explanation given and it makes me quite livid. A 12-year-old with bipolar disorder, really? Come on, now. I mean... a child that young being diagnosed with bipolar disorder may not be totally unheard of but I'd be willing to bet there are less than 20 documented cases of such a thing happening in the whole world... in the history of all time. I realize that the age of onset may not be common knowledge for everyone on the planet, but this still infuriates me for some reason.

ETA: I stand corrected. After doing some research, it appears that most medical websites state that bipolar disorder can occur at any age but the average age of onset is 25. Nevertheless, the prevalence of bipolar disorder in children is not well-established due to the ongoing debate and controversy among medical professionals, in regards to the appropriate definition of caseness (or the boundaries of diagnosis) that should be considered when diagnosing pre-adolescents. And that's with good reason, IMO, as a large majority of pre-adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder also have other disorders with similar symptoms (such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, anxiety disorders, etc.)

Mommy, Am I Really Bipolar?

"...there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that bipolar disorder surfaces in childhood. In fact, the opposite seems to be the case: the evidence against the existence of pediatric bipolar disorder is so strong that it’s difficult to imagine how it has gained the endorsement of anyone in the scientific community."

"In adults, bipolar disorder is characterized by cycles in which a patient rotates between two extremes, or poles, of feeling: depression and mania. The description of childhood bipolar disorder by its advocates is dramatically different. Where adult bipolar disorder expresses itself in episodic, out-of-character behavior, a child diagnosed with bipolar disorder will have symptoms that characterize the child’s typical behavior. In this telling, an elementary-school-age child with the disorder may be chronically enraged and have several tantrums per day. But this only points to another problem with the diagnosis: it’s nearly impossible to distinguish between children alleged to have bipolar disorder and those with straightforward anger-control issues. The symptoms may look like mania: irritability, distractibility, and talkativeness. But most of these symptoms can easily be matched to less-trendy conditions like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). My view is that a diagnosis of bipolar disorder in a child is almost always a case of severe ADHD combined with severe ODD, both fairly common in elementary-school children."
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