CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #2

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Number one there have been substantiated abuse and charges as well as guilty pleas in this case. 2 the children were pulled out of school the day after one of the mothers pled guilty to charges. 3 a friend the couple knew went to the police and reported that a form of punishment by these mothers was to withhold food and emotional abuse. I would think that the women were smart enough not to physically abused their children in front of their friends. But it seems that that would corroborate the story given by the children over and over again that was dismissed by the authorities and adults because of the mother's statements and they just continued moving across state lines. 4. The fact that children are showing up in the middle of the night to Neighbors for help, missing Front Teeth, mothers are lying about their age? These kids are completely isolated from society, not going to school, haven't been registered for home schooling, and almost a year living there the 15 year old starts showing up daily for food. Then at 11:30 at night requesting a stash? No one answers door to child services whom have called to tell them they are coming, where they could have set the record straight, but they all take off/ disappear and end up over a cliff? What more evidence do you need? It's straight out of a sociopaths handbook.
Could she have been moving to protect them or shield them somehow? How do you get stuck in between a row of seats?


I have wondered about this for a while. A frantic move to the back in a futile attempt to protect the children in her last moments? I have no proof, it just rings true to me.
I hope we all know we can't judge a whole by the actions of a few

At any rate MY judgement is that this woman, if not both, was an extreme narcissist. She needed narcissistic supply. They adopted these children to get that supply. The propaganda game also gave Jen her much needed narcissistic supply. The videos they did, Devonte in the news did..... I don't buy that they received death threats when Devonte was in the news so often, they left the area soon after, they didn't want people knowing who they really were. THey didn't want the kids to talk to anyone to get to close. They kept them inside unless on a trip doing a video or a political rally or protest.

These women or atleast the dominant, whom I believe to be is Jennifer, one were sickos, sick in the head psychotic

The subsidies were a bonus! OR maybe the rest was a bonus

At any rate, IM saddened by the way these children were let down by they system. They should have had ongoing monitoring and should have been investigated further.. There is NO reason but laziness this system failed those children. My heart aches for them

I believe it. I've known people who got death threats for much smaller infractions. I've seen the mob mentality in action too many times. That photo angered a LOT of people and the internet can trigger the worst in people. Of all the things she listed that's the only one I have no doubt about.
So the sheriff has determined this was a crime.

Does anyone have a very definitive timeline for these people? Here is what I have:

2006 six siblings are adopted by Sarah and Jen? from Texas.

2008 - Minnesota CPS investigation. One of the daughters claims Jennifer had hit her with a belt. The parents said she had been going through "food issues" and got bruised falling down the stairs. No action. Children not removed.

2009 Three more siblings are adopted from Texas. The family lives in Minnesota?

November 15, 2010- Minnesota CPS investigation. Abigail reports being spanked over a tub with a closed fist by Jennifer. She has bruises up and down her back and stomach. She alleges they withhold food from her and that Jen held her head under water. All the kids report varying stories. All say that Abigail was not spanked or beaten. Some say they parents spank and some say not. Sarah admits "losing control" and spanking her daughter and is charged with child abuse. Children are not removed form the home.

April 14, 2011 - Minnesota. Sarah pleads guilty to a domestic violence charge related to the beating and serves only probation.

April 15, 2011 - All six children are removed from public school and homeschooling begins.

Date Unknown - family moves to Oregon. Continues homeschooling.

July 19, 2013 - Oregon CPS investigation - a friend reports that family alleging they are withholding food from the kids as punishment and that she witnessed emotionally controlling and cruel punishment of the kids. No action is taken. Not enough evidence. Friend says kids were coached. The Harts immediately discontinue the friendship.

November 24, 2014 - Devonte Hart is photographed hugging an officer at an Oregon Ferguson police protest.

@ March 2017 - the Harts move to Washington. Neighbors report children are isolated and family is reclusive.

March 23, 2018 - CPS investigation into the family after neighbors allege abuse. Jennifer is home but doesn't answer the door to CPS. Sarah arrives home soon after CPS leaves. Neighbors see the family loading up the kids soon after.

March 24, 2018 - family is gone, leaving a cat and some livestock behind with no apparent plans for their care.

March 24, 2018 - the family is spotted in Newport Oregon.

March 24, 2018 - @evening the family arrives In Mendocino County CA.

March 25, 2018 - morning, Jennifer Hart is seen at a store in Fort Bragg.

March 25, 2018 - @ 9:00 p.m. the family leaves Fort Bragg

March 26, 2018 - their car is found with the parents dead and three kids deceased after it went off a cliff. No skid marks, no sings of braking or swerving. It looks like the car stopped and then accelerated 70 feet across dirt to the cliff face.
By the suv going off the cliff

The visualize I had made me think it required a lot of effort, but yea impact and turns could help do that. I'd really like to know more about the fall etc. the speedometer at 90, location of the fall, and information about the starting point don't mesh together.

Number one there have been substantiated abuse and charges as well as guilty pleas in this case. 2 the children were pulled out of school the day after one of the mothers pled guilty to charges. 3 a friend the couple knew went to the police and reported that a form of punishment by these mothers was to withhold food and emotional abuse. I would think that the women were smart enough not to physically abused their children in front of their friends. But it seems that that would corroborate the story given by the children over and over again that was dismissed by the authorities and adults because of the mother's statements and they just continued moving across state lines. 4. The fact that children are showing up in the middle of the night to Neighbors for help, missing Front Teeth, mothers are lying about their age? These kids are completely isolated from society, not going to school, haven't been registered for home schooling, and almost a year living there the 15 year old starts showing up daily for food. Then at 11:30 at night requesting a stash? No one answers door to child services whom have called to tell them they are coming, where they could have set the record straight, but they all take off/ disappear and end up over a cliff? What more evidence do you need? It's straight out of a sociopaths handbook.

Excellent post. Well said.
To be clear, I think these moms weren't good parents. A felony child abuse conviction and driving your kids off a cliff tell me that. I just think it's odd the things people are picking apart as being abnormal.

Sarah has a conviction for misdemeanor domestic assault

Hart pleaded guilty in early 2011 to misdemeanor domestic assault and served a year's probation. Neither Hart appears to have any other criminal record.

Hart children may have been abused before deadly California crash, authorities say
I got horrific threats when a family member committed a non-violent property crime. All of a sudden he was not only guilty of that charge (hadn't even pled yet, let alone convicted), but was basically Jack the Ripper, Hitler, the Zodiac killer, and the devil himself all in one, according to strangers online. People were posting our address and photos of minor family members.
We ended up losing our housing and decided to move hundreds of miles away.

People can be completely insane and... Like a mob with pitchforks. I don't believe the story of the burning cross, but I can't automatically discount them getting threats.
The visualize I had made me think it required a lot of effort, but yea impact and turns could help do that. I'd really like to know more about the fall etc. the speedometer at 90, location of the fall, and information about the starting point don't mesh together.


Yeah, car crashes are awful and even at slower speeds people are shot out windshields and other windows. Going off a cliff at least 70 feet in the air- you can't even predict what will happen with the people inside. 3 of those poor kiddos were found outside the suv :( I was hopeful for a bit that the other 3 were out there, alive somewhere. I'm 99% sure the other 3 went out into the ocean. Freaking heartbreaking.

I see little to no reason to comment negatively on adoption subsidies. These things are in place to help families afford to care for children that the state would otherwise have to place in homes. How the Harts used the monies they may or may not have received for the children is not a reason to disparage something that helps families care for abused or unwanted children.

I agree 100% when it last used to care for the children’s welfare and needs. Its just upsetting when it goes into the wrong hands and people like these two women.
Didn't they confirm Jen was driving?

is it a possibility that they weren't trying to commit suicide..but murder? Both adults had seatbelts on. Could they have been trying to stage a car wreck to kill the kids, and it went wrong and they died as well?

Interesting theory! It has been bugging me that the two women were belted.. why would seatbelts be necessary if committing suicide.
I agree 100% when it last used to care for the children’s welfare and needs. Its just upsetting when it goes into the wrong hands and people like these two women.
Again, though, we don't know they received subsidies or assistance, just that they likely qualified. Unless there has been new info about that within the last hour or so? In which case a link is more than welcome...
The kids being thin wouldn't be that's alarming to me if I knew them. They are kids who experienced forms of abuse at early ages, many, or all of them, could have been "drug babies". They could have had a variety of health issues or food disorders related to their births and early childhoods.

also, adolescents, especially boys, get tall and gangly. Plus the family gave the impression they ate organic and healthy, which could also explain their lean appearances.

i don't think they look that alarming, the way the Turpin kids did.

However I do think something was going on and food was being withheld.

I still can't believe the neighbors took that little girl home after she snuck out at 1:30 pleading for help from being abused.
For everyone saying they feel the kids looked fine, I beg to differ very much. I dont think they look fine at all. They never seen genuinely happy and they are too skinny. I struggled with weight issues with my child and while he was very skinny he wasnt ever as skinny as these kids were. Almost every photo they look like theyre malnourished. Add to this several kids themselves said jen and Sarah dont feed them properly and withold food as punishment. Abigail said it, when questioned another of the kids said sarah and jen withold food as punishment and devonte most recently said just days before the family was found dead that the moms were trying to starve him to death. I dont think this is a case of children who aee naturally skinny. Its way worse than that. Why would three kids at three separate times claim they didnt give them food as punishment? Moo

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I was just thinking... why was Hannah up at 1:30 am in the morning anyway?! They didn't say anything about her having a nightmare so what was that all about anyway?

Interesting theory! It has been bugging me that the two women were belted.. why would seatbelts be necessary if committing suicide.

If my theories are correct, seatbelts on or off, it doesn't really matter. I think they were all asleep except for Jenn and seatbelts were the farthest thing from her mind. No one was going to survive with or without being buckled in.
So the sheriff has determined this was a crime.

Does anyone have a very definitive timeline for these people? Here is what I have:

2006 six siblings are adopted by Sarah and Jen? from Texas.

2008 - Minnesota CPS investigation. One of the daughters claims Jennifer had hit her with a belt. The parents said she had been going through "food issues" and got bruised falling down the stairs. No action. Children not removed.

2009 Three more siblings are adopted from Texas. The family lives in Minnesota?

November 15, 2010- Minnesota CPS investigation. Abigail reports being spanked over a tub with a closed fist by Jennifer. She has bruises up and down her back and stomach. She alleges they withhold food from her and that Jen held her head under water. All the kids report varying stories. All say that Abigail was not spanked or beaten. Some say they parents spank and some say not. Sarah admits "losing control" and spanking her daughter and is charged with child abuse. Children are not removed form the home.

April 14, 2011 - Minnesota. Sarah pleads guilty to a domestic violence charge related to the beating and serves only probation.

April 15, 2011 - All six children are removed from public school and homeschooling begins.

Date Unknown - family moves to Oregon. Continues homeschooling.

July 19, 2013 - Oregon CPS investigation - a friend reports that family alleging they are withholding food from the kids as punishment and that she witnessed emotionally controlling and cruel punishment of the kids. No action is taken. Not enough evidence. Friend says kids were coached. The Harts immediately discontinue the friendship.

November 24, 2014 - Devonte Hart is photographed hugging an officer at an Oregon Ferguson police protest.

@ March 2017 - the Harts move to Washington. Neighbors report children are isolated and family is reclusive.

March 23, 2018 - CPS investigation into the family after neighbors allege abuse. Jennifer is home but doesn't answer the door to CPS. Sarah arrives home soon after CPS leaves. Neighbors see the family loading up the kids soon after.

March 24, 2018 - family is gone, leaving a cat and some livestock behind with no apparent plans for their care.

March 24, 2018 - the family is spotted in Newport Oregon.

March 24, 2018 - @evening the family arrives In Mendocino County CA.

March 25, 2018 - morning, Jennifer Hart is seen at a store in Fort Bragg.

March 25, 2018 - @ 9:00 p.m. the family leaves Fort Bragg

March 26, 2018 - their car is found with the parents dead and three kids deceased after it went off a cliff. No skid marks, no sings of braking or swerving. It looks like the car stopped and then accelerated 70 feet across dirt to the cliff face.

Thank you for this. I would love a list of facts but this helps out a lot. With all this speculation I have so much info running around my head that I have no idea what is FACT and what isn't.
I see it more and more, Poppyflower!

Jen must be the killer, since police say she was the driver (until they also recant that?)
I can see her justifying the crime to herself, tucking her babies in, they won´t know.
Very brutal and very motherly at the same time.
I think Sarah was asleep as well as all the kids.

I think it would fit her.
Someone very early on posted what was paid out for adoptions of foster kids. Im sure they got subsidies based on Sarah’s Kohl’s salary for a family size of eight I’m sure they qualified for poverty level assistance. SSI or SSDI if any of the kids had disabilities also.

You cannot simply make that assumption because of earlier speculation. Saying “I’m sure...” because someone else did the math. “I’m sure” is not fact. They may have qualified for assistance but it does not mean they applied for it or received it even if they applied.

Clearly from photos none of the children appear physically disabled. It can take a lot longer for parents to recognize or acknowledge cognitive/social disabilities that may impact a child’s ability to lead an independent life. Parents hope the child may outgrow their “awkwardness” only to realize it is actually a developmental disability. Some parents recognize this sooner than others; sometimes it is more obvious. We’ve read of the Hart children’s behavioral challenges due to early childhood trauma but not certainty that any of the children were deemed disabled yet.

My adopted brother is such a case. He is 35, mildly autistic, smart in a few areas but incapable of living independently - a diagnosis my mother failed to recognize early on or accept until recently - old school hopes her kid was perfect like a lot of parents. It has been overwhelming for her at times. Yet qualifying him for disability has been a 5 year+ struggle and he still hasn’t been approved. They don’t hand it out like candy. You can’t be “sure” just because it fits your narrative of this family and their real struggles, monsters or not.
IMO, reporting on this case has been really shoddy. Pretty much everything authorities have said has been recanted or changed at some point. I’m waiting to hear that the surveillance video is actually someone else now.

She is wearing those printed leggings in that pic that she is wearing in an old pic. I think it's her and I think that LE is convinced, IMO.
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