CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #6

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Just getting back, been busy on a high priorty project, just been stoping in to read last few posts every 6-8 hours. Guess everyone is gone for the night. Usually someone here. oh-well, I have a of couple days posts to read up on.
Another search for the missing Fremont boy is planned for this Saturday. Organizers said this time they'll focus their efforts on the Rockridge neighborhood where his foster father reportedly last saw him.


I just don't understand why they are covering places police scoured. Police returned to Rockridge over and over again to ensure everyone was interviewed, including paperwork and asking to see backyards/sheds/etc. I'm all for thoroughness, but feel this is more to draw attention to the "story" (Fremont Lake Elizabeth/Coyote Hills/Don Edwards search including an improbable location and duplicating police efforts, Rockridge doing the same). I feel it's more PR-oriented than goal-oriented.

I do applaud those searching for Hasanni, period. However, I feel the last search was meant to turn up nothing and "prove" it wasn't JC and LR, and that this search is meant to reinforce their story of the abduction.

When do we expect OPD to have the contents of the last house search processed and analyzed? They haven't released any forensic evidence yet -- do you think that indicates the lack of it, or strategy in the case in not disclosing it yet?
Thanks for that info about the search. I'll add it to the time line later this a.m. (Why is it just when I get online something happens here? And it doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is!)

IMO Lake Elizabeth was a needle in a haystack UNLESS they know something we don't. Still, it does not seem possible that that huge area could have been searched in such a short time (even with 100 volunteers).
San Jose Search and Rescue, a nonprofit rescue response team, handled the logistics of the search on both land and water. Trained workers from the group, who wore blaze orange uniforms, led volunteers dressed in yellow “Hassani Campbell Search Team” T-Shirts made by Sherri-Lynn Miller, a San Leandro print shop owner who launched a campaign to find Campbell when he went missing and organized today’s search.

Even with professional help, I still think that to search all these areas within ONE DAY (if I understand that correctly) could not constitute a careful search. Something about this bugs me. But it's early morning and I've had little sleep. BBL

I just don't understand why they are covering places police scoured. Police returned to Rockridge over and over again to ensure everyone was interviewed, including paperwork and asking to see backyards/sheds/etc. I'm all for thoroughness, but feel this is more to draw attention to the "story" (Fremont Lake Elizabeth/Coyote Hills/Don Edwards search including an improbable location and duplicating police efforts, Rockridge doing the same). I feel it's more PR-oriented than goal-oriented.

I do applaud those searching for Hasanni, period. However, I feel the last search was meant to turn up nothing and "prove" it wasn't JC and LR, and that this search is meant to reinforce their story of the abduction.

When do we expect OPD to have the contents of the last house search processed and analyzed? They haven't released any forensic evidence yet -- do you think that indicates the lack of it, or strategy in the case in not disclosing it yet?

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Hopefully Hasanni isn't being exploited for political or personal reasons - Karma will seek out those that do.

LE everywhere are hurting for funds, short on staff, and behind in the DNA input. Collecting forensic evidence may be slow. I think that's the sign of the times right now.

Let's say there is video of Ross on his way to Shuz with NO Hasanni in the car; that proves he is lying. Let's say there is some evidence of blood droplets, hairs, and fibers from the back seat of his car; that may translate into 'suspicious' activity. There is an angry, violent text message; that proves Ross is capable of thinking 'violent' outcomes for Hasanni. Ross may be guilty of murder but that has to be proven to a jury beyond a 'reasonable doubt'. There is no body, no crime scene, no real motive - and that makes it difficult to get a conviction for murder. They need a break or someone to step up with concrete evidence. mho
[bolded by me]

Hopefully Hasanni isn't being exploited for political or personal reasons - Karma will seek out those that do.

LE everywhere are hurting for funds, short on staff, and behind in the DNA input. Collecting forensic evidence may be slow. I think that's the sign of the times right now.

Let's say there is video of Ross on his way to Shuz with NO Hasanni in the car; that proves he is lying. Let's say there is some evidence of blood droplets, hairs, and fibers from the back seat of his car; that may translate into 'suspicious' activity. There is an angry, violent text message; that proves Ross is capable of thinking 'violent' outcomes for Hasanni. Ross may be guilty of murder but that has to be proven to a jury beyond a 'reasonable doubt'. There is no body, no crime scene, no real motive - and that makes it difficult to get a conviction for murder. They need a break or someone to step up with concrete evidence. mho

LE has SOMETHING...LR shrugged off the fact his computer had searches for lie detectors on it....maybe there were other things on his computer/phone(if he could use it to get online) that leads LE to believe Hasanni is no longer 'missing'...To find out what we don't know about this case...first we have to verify what we KNOW TO BE THE TRUTH...

o/t long hours at work the next few days...(Labor Day Sales...gotta love them :clap:)
I think it's very telling that LWR is so quiet. I cannot believe SOMETHING shut his mouth for him. I wonder why? I have to wonder if he knows what that 'thing' is LE has and he knows he's teetering close to the edge of rearrest.

( I'm guessing, so correct me if I'm wrong) If LE has a 'thing' then it can't be evidence of decomp or enough blood to justify a murder, correct? If they had either of those LR would still be in jail, right? What if it's video, of LR coming into Oakland just before the 4:10 pm mark? Would he likely be in jail then? That would prove he did 'something' with Hasanni and that he never made it to Oakland, but not that LR murdered him.

I'm just trying to figure out what this "thing" LE has could consist of that tells them, without a doubt, Hasanni wasn't in Oakland that day AND was murdered, and that still isn't enough to justify murder charges. Obviously LE feels that they KNOW it but can't prove it. They must have something concrete that tells them Hasanni was gone before Oakland, at 4:10 pm AND that he was murdered, but what, if it's not enough to charge LR?!?!

ETA: Odd isn't it. LE specifies that Hasanni wasn't in Oakland, not that Hasanni wasn't in Rockridge.

I just don't understand why they are covering places police scoured. Police returned to Rockridge over and over again to ensure everyone was interviewed, including paperwork and asking to see backyards/sheds/etc. I'm all for thoroughness, but feel this is more to draw attention to the "story" (Fremont Lake Elizabeth/Coyote Hills/Don Edwards search including an improbable location and duplicating police efforts, Rockridge doing the same). I feel it's more PR-oriented than goal-oriented.

I do applaud those searching for Hasanni, period. However, I feel the last search was meant to turn up nothing and "prove" it wasn't JC and LR, and that this search is meant to reinforce their story of the abduction.

When do we expect OPD to have the contents of the last house search processed and analyzed? They haven't released any forensic evidence yet -- do you think that indicates the lack of it, or strategy in the case in not disclosing it yet?

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You really hit the nail on the head, here! The volunteers have the best intentions; it's the leadership's (not Sherri-Lynn) motives that I question.
ETA: Odd isn't it. LE specifies that Hasanni wasn't in Oakland, not that Hasanni wasn't in Rockridge.

snipped for space

You know that's my line of thinking, too! Otherwise, they would have sd, we have NO IDEA WHERE HE IS...So they're saying everything up to LR taking the kids to SHUZ Aug 10 (AFTER 4pm for sure), is just LR opening and closing his mouth...:liar:
Maybe we need to look, not at what LE IS saying, but look at what LE ISN'T saying.
San Jose Search and Rescue, a nonprofit rescue response team, handled the logistics of the search on both land and water. Trained workers from the group, who wore blaze orange uniforms, led volunteers dressed in yellow “Hassani Campbell Search Team” T-Shirts made by Sherri-Lynn Miller, a San Leandro print shop owner who launched a campaign to find Campbell when he went missing and organized today’s search.

Even with professional help, I still think that to search all these areas within ONE DAY (if I understand that correctly) could not constitute a careful search. Something about this bugs me. But it's early morning and I've had little sleep. BBL

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It bugs me too! It's been bugging me for awhile. There's this inference in everything the search leaders (not Sherri-Lynn) say, that Hasanni is still alive. And thus, LE is wrong in saying it's a homicide. The underlying tone is implicitly anti-law enforcement. IMO. Nobody wants Hasanni to be dead, but why is there such blatant disregard of LE's statement?

Besides, why isn't at least one of the foster parents, the one who isn't pregnant, out there looking for him?
snipped for space

You know that's my line of thinking, too! Otherwise, they would have sd, we have NO IDEA WHERE HE IS...So they're saying everything up to LR taking the kids to SHUZ Aug 10 (AFTER 4pm for sure), is just LR opening and closing his mouth...:liar:
Maybe we need to look, not at what LE IS saying, but look at what LE ISN'T saying.

snipped by me from Shutterfly post: ETA: Odd isn't it. LE specifies that Hasanni wasn't in Oakland, not that Hasanni wasn't in Rockridge.

I interpret LE's statement as meaning Hasanni never even got as far as Oakland that day. Not that he might be in Rockridge, since Rockridge is part of Oakland. Hope I am not confusing the issue here. Anyhow that's my take on it.
snipped by me from Shutterfly post: ETA: Odd isn't it. LE specifies that Hasanni wasn't in Oakland, not that Hasanni wasn't in Rockridge.

I interpret LE's statement as meaning Hasanni never even got as far as Oakland that day. Not that he might be in Rockridge, since Rockridge is part of Oakland. Hope I am not confusing the issue here. Anyhow that's my take on it.

Exactly! So LE is in essense saying that Hasanni never made it to Rockridge OR Oakland, right? Well how on earth would they know that unless they had video of LR in the car, outside of Oakland, and there was no Hasanni in the car?!?! They've said no witnesses can pinpoint Hasanni's whereabouts after Walmart on the 6th. There's no mention of whether or not anyone saw LR on the 10th, in the car alone, before he got to Oakland...could that be it?

EA: Well no, not 'alone' but without Hasanni.
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It bugs me too! It's been bugging me for awhile. There's this inference in everything the search leaders (not Sherri-Lynn) say, that Hasanni is still alive. And thus, LE is wrong in saying it's a homicide. The underlying tone is implicitly anti-law enforcement. IMO. Nobody wants Hasanni to be dead, but why is there such blatant disregard of LE's statement?

Besides, why isn't at least one of the foster parents, the one who isn't pregnant, out there looking for him?

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If one of MY kiddos were missing(heaven forbid)...I'd be running around screaming from the highest mountain, "where in the world are you??"...I wouldn't leave ANY stone unturned, I'd lose my job, my friends...EVERYTHING...not because I had something to do with it, but because I'd BE OUT THERE LOOKING, EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY!!! I'd be bugging the H**L outa anyone that would listen to this raving loonie...(rant over, for now:blowkiss:)

It seems that since they GOT OUT OF JAIL:behindbar They haven't done anything other than the vigils...That just isn't what I would expect from 'loving,caring 'parents'.
LE said Hasanni was never in Oakland. That means he was never in Rockridge either since Rockridge is a neighborhood in Oakland.

As far as JC or LR searching ... it could have been recommended that they not search.

If they found Hasanni, it could be said they knew where to look.
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It bugs me too! It's been bugging me for awhile. There's this inference in everything the search leaders (not Sherri-Lynn) say, that Hasanni is still alive. And thus, LE is wrong in saying it's a homicide. The underlying tone is implicitly anti-law enforcement. IMO. Nobody wants Hasanni to be dead, but why is there such blatant disregard of LE's statement?

Besides, why isn't at least one of the foster parents, the one who isn't pregnant, out there looking for him?

[bolded by me]

Seems to be coming down to...Ross and Jennifer against LE...where is little guy Hasanni in all this. What's wrong with this couple that they can make a political battle out of an adorable missing child? And it's been like this since the beginning. Politics, Civil Rights, and somewhere way down on the list of priorities is little Hasanni. This case is outrageous!! Jennifer and Ross should be ashamed of themselves. :behindbar
I suppose LE could have gathered surveillance footage from businesses on his route from Fremont to Oakland.

I remember some discussion about taking the freeway versus surface streets but I don't know whether it had to do with LR's trip to Shuz.

But there must be surveillance cameras on some of those businesses in the Rockridge area. Maybe it was clear from those that Hasanni was not in the car when LR ultimately (is that the word he used?) parked behind Shuz.
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If one of MY kiddos were missing(heaven forbid)...I'd be running around screaming from the highest mountain, "where in the world are you??"...I wouldn't leave ANY stone unturned, I'd lose my job, my friends...EVERYTHING...not because I had something to do with it, but because I'd BE OUT THERE LOOKING, EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY!!! I'd be bugging the H**L outa anyone that would listen to this raving loonie...(rant over, for now:blowkiss:)

It seems that since they GOT OUT OF JAIL:behindbar They haven't done anything other than the vigils...That just isn't what I would expect from 'loving,caring 'parents'.

Me too too.
Exactly! So LE is in essense saying that Hasanni never made it to Rockridge OR Oakland, right? Well how on earth would they know that unless they had video of LR in the car, outside of Oakland, and there was no Hasanni in the car?!?! They've said no witnesses can pinpoint Hasanni's whereabouts after Walmart on the 6th. There's no mention of whether or not anyone saw LR on the 10th, in the car alone, before he got to Oakland...could that be it?

EA: Well no, not 'alone' but without Hasanni.

They could be basing their statement on the search dogs not finding his scent in the parking lot behind Shuz...but I hope they have a video or other proof they aren't telling us about.
LE said Hasanni was never in Oakland. That means he was never in Rockridge either since Rockridge is a neighborhood in Oakland.

As far as JC or LR searching ... it could have been recommended that they not search.

If they found Hasanni, it could be said they knew where to look.

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I guess you are right. Would LE (or Burris) recommend that they not search ? But if they really think he's alive, wouldn't they want to be there? If I were his parent I'd be going nuts wanting to search everywhere!
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