CA CA - Heidi Planck, 39, left son’s football game in Downey, dog found in Los Angeles, 17 Oct 2021 #2

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In the video he says he needs the order to put his son into therapy because he is so distraught at his mothers disappearance. I'm not sure I guess maybe you need both parents approval for medical treatment when you have shared custody?
Yes! Lots of custody agreements require approval from both parents for medical and school related decisions.
Seriously what would be the urgency in doing that so soon? Have they solved the case and told him she's not coming back? Did she leave voluntarily to avoid jail time? Looking side eye at JW. MOO

It's very common when there's shared custody and one parent is unavailable for any reason for an indeterminate period of time. I had to do that when my child's father was very ill for a long period of time. It gives the person obtaining full custody 100% decision making power for the child -- for example, to receive medical care, and 100% physical custody -- so you're not technically in violation of a custody order and so that child support stops during the period of time the person receiving the support is not actually caring for the child. jmo based on personal experience.
hmmmm....what changed?

"Wayne declined to comment when CBSLA reporters reached out to him on Friday."

Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case
I really hope he has gotten a lawyer or someone to help stop the flow of (muddled) information and stories. I personally do not think JW has anything to do with HP’s disappearance, and seems like an attentive and sensitive dad. I’m sure their son is struggling - he is at a tender age, his own sporting event is being reported as the last place she was seen, etc. I hope for both their sakes they can focus on getting through this time. IMO
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So, so, so many questions.

What caught my attention first is that she was seen in an "alley". Why was she in an alley? The answer that makes the most sense is that she wanted to let the dog pee before she went into the building.

I'm also surmising that she parked on the street - especially given what we know about the assigned parking spaces and the security necessary to park in that garage - then lets the dog walk a bit before she goes inside.

Her car is obviously not parked there now so how did she leave the building and who drove her car away from the area - all without the dog?

Unless she left her dog on purpose and drove away to escape what she was afraid of, the outcome is going to be a sad one.

I think the natural assumption is that since Heidi was allegedly seen on video at the back of the H+F complex, then she drove there, and her RR was there as well. While that is most likely the scenario that played out, it is possible that she had a rendezvous with someone at another location, and she and the dog were driven there in the other person's vehicle, or a vehicle provided by someone else. Perhaps someone did not want her RR to be seen around that location, for whatever reason. JMO
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So, now the latest video evidence places Heidi and her dog in the vicinity of the H+F building. What we still don’t know is why was she there?

She leaves her son’s game early (which the ex said was not usual at all) and goes to this downtown LA area, with her dog in tow. It wouldn’t be simply to enjoy walking the dog. That’s not an area one would seek out for that, and certainly not drive out of the way for. @SuperScout (post #251 of our Thread#2—pg 13 for me) had an interesting thought as our new poster discovered there is a French bulldog breeder in that building. With her son’s birthday coming up, and her friend saying she would have been planning for him, who knows? It would totally fill in some holes.

Did the news say she and the dog were alone, just she and her dog outside H+F?

I hope we learn more today.
So, I just did a re-listen, and the statement doesn’t say she was with anyone else in the alley. Doesn’t rule out that she could have been, though, I guess!

“Meanwhile, a source close to the investigation said detectives now have video of Heidi downtown LA with her dog the afternoon of her disappearance, walking in the alley behind the apt building, where her dog was strangely found walking alone in a hallway on the 28th floor.”
Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case
So, I just did a re-listen, and the statement doesn’t say she was with anyone else in the alley. Doesn’t rule out that she could have been, though, I guess!

“Meanwhile, a source close to the investigation said detectives now have video of Heidi downtown LA with her dog the afternoon of her disappearance, walking in the alley behind the apt building, where her dog was strangely found walking alone in a hallway on the 28th floor.”
Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case
Is this what they are calling the alley?
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Of all the new information that came from this story, one of the things that was only mentioned briefly was that the ex allegedly removed Heidi's work laptop and personal phone from her home on the 20th, and kept them for a week and a half before turning them over to LE, which raises a huge red flag from me. First of all, this is a new variation of a story both he and one of Heidi's neighbors, that supposedly went to the home at the request of Heidi's son, have previously stated in interviews. I am not accusing JW of having any part in her disappearance, but I have several questions about this that I would hope LE has as well.

1) Why would he remove what he clearly had to suspect may contain information vital to the investigation into her disappearance?
2) Why did he allegedly keep it for a week and a half before turning it over to LE?
3) While in his possession, did he copy, delete, or alter any files on her work computer, and if so, why?
4) Did he voluntarily turn it over, or did LE have to take possession by legal means?

Perhaps JW had what he felt were legitimate reasons for doing what he allegedly did, but it certainly moved the needle on my hinky meter. JMO

Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case
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Trying to wrap my head around his thought process!! What a strange thing to do when you should be focused only on finding your child’s mother.
It sounds like the child needed therapy because mom was missing. IDK, but maybe both parents have to give approval when a child needs treatment if there's a share custody agreement. So it makes sense JW would need to go to court to obtain full custody so the child could be treated. IMO
On Wednesday, detectives seized security video footage from the apartment complex building where Planck’s dog was found wandering alone on the 28th floor. The complex had previously been noncooperative when it came to the investigation, refusing to turn over any security footage without a warrant.
Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case

Are they going to release this new video?

Probably not, unless the muffin man was making a delivery there. JMO
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On Wednesday, detectives seized security video footage from the apartment complex building where Planck’s dog was found wandering alone on the 28th floor. The complex had previously been noncooperative when it came to the investigation, refusing to turn over any security footage without a warrant.
Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case

Are they going to release this new video?
Is the video of Heidi and her dog walking outside the H+F from the recently seized security video footage? MOO
Why do they keep changing the facts…didn’t they report that JS was at her house with the muffins sometime after she was missing?

Now, this article says, “On Thursday, investigators revealed that they had found new videoof Planck’s boss, Jason Sugarman, at her home just two days before her disappearance.” (Bolded by me)

It’s late, and my mind is fuzzy, I think. o_O

Information Continues To Mount In Heidi Planck Missing Person Case

I watched the video, they said the was there at her house 1 or 2 days after she was last seen
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