CA CA - Jennifer Wilmer, 21, Willow Creek, 13 Sept 1993

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Very little about the investigation is available.

It is strange that Opie and Mingo are not named by their legal names in the Billy Jensen article -

My questions begin there. These are general questions, and at the end, I have a question for the more experienced Websleuthers.

Why were the roommates not named by their legal names in the article? What is Rebecca's last name?

Were any or all of the three of them still living in the residence they shared with Jennifer by the time that Jennifer's mom made it out to California?

Does Jennifer's mom know their real names (having visited them)?

Did Jennifer's mom believe that her daughter left to go to the farm (as the roommates and Jennifer's boyfriend said)?

Did the roommates and the then-boyfriend expect her back that evening? The next day? How long did people usually stay at the farm, before returning to their homes? I know some folks who do itinerant farming these days (not marijuana farming, though). The farms provide living quarters, food and necessities for them while they are there (folks also share clothes, sometimes, with other itinerant farmers). Someone with more experience with these Northern California marijuana farms may be able to confirm whether this may have been the case back then. If it is the case, it could explain why Jennifer left so much stuff at home. Also, I have friends with cats. They do not ever ask anyone to feed them unless they are not planning to be back for at least 24 hours. Sometimes, not even if they are going away for 48 hours. This makes me think that, if the note were really written by Jennifer, she was not planning to come home that night.

I agree with others that it is eerie that the note says, "Hopefully, I'll see you guys later." Other than Mingo (who it sounds like may have taken a trip out of town on the same day that Jennifer went missing), shouldn't she expect to see everyone "later"?

Did Jennifer's mom think the note was truly written by her daughter? Has handwriting analysis been done on the note? Has the note been tested for DNA/fingerprints?

Some reports state that the farm owners confirmed that Jennifer was on her way to the farm, but never showed up. If so, why wasn't the other account of her last sighting discounted completely (or was it - the Charley Project post is unclear)? Why do some accounts say that she was going for an interview if the farm owners have confirmed she was coming for work? Who are these farm owners anyway?

If the farm was a marijuana farm, why didn't the police investigate them for growing? It sounds like it was widely known at the time that there were marijuana farms all around this area of California.

Did the police ever think that possibly both accounts of her last sighting were true (that is, that she traveled first from Hawkins Bar to Willow Creek, and then from Willow Creek to the farm on the same day)? Or were the farm and Willow Creek in totally opposite directions?

For Websleuthers: Has anyone tried posting on Deadhead web pages (linked to Northern California) to try to find Opie and Mingo? I have met some Deadheads who have used the same nicknames for decades. It may be possible to find them this way and to ask them what they remember about the weeks and days leading up to Jennifer's disappearance, and afterward.
FigTree - we need a link for the plaza picture, or we will have to remove it. You can pm it to one of the mods and ask them to add it for you.

Great questions Stratford258!! Getting the answers would help a LOT.
I wonder if LE would be receptive to inquiries about this case? Would someone in the dept. be willing to dust off the files?
On its way to you now :)
Sorry about that - I had the pdf and not the link - got a link now to text as well if needed quoting form

Website for text of Long Islands Lost Girls article by - Bill Jensen


So I have been re-reading these posts and my notes I have been taking during my investigation and I went back and read the linked article again and again. And sometimes I get an lightning thought about the information provided there.

One is a given, The LE up there is incompetent. For what ever reasons they didn't take Jennifer's disappearance seriously at all. She wasn't a local after all. And I am suspecting that is who they truly protect, Their Own. Who ever that is.

Can a deadhead be a local person too? Someone who lives the lifestyle but don't actually travel with the band? They mention some nicknames in the article and mentioned Susan Wilmer was looking for Happiness back in NY. Home state of Jennifer Wilmer. Trying to find that person would hopefully lead to Cowboy Fred. Other nicknames mentioned beside that of JADE's was her Roommates. Opie and Mingo. Rebecca even though her last name isnt mentioned sounds pretty normal to me. Maybe went by Becky for short? And Tro Patterson who was listed by full name. Detective Mendosa gives a few that he seems to have heard around Arcata Plaza were names like. Skinny Bob and Ragman Pete. Truth is people dealing in the drugs I would assume have nicknames too. So was this Happiness or Cowboy Fred local dealers or out of towners?

Jennifer at the end of the summer had been vacated from her apartment when her roommate NEEDED TO BAIL. what does that even mean? What happened to her that she had to split on what seems rather fast motives. New Concert, New Band, New Boyfriend, Or got spooked maybe?

She was ready to go home and susan even purchased a ticket she could have picked up at any travel agency. But she changed her mind when she decided to move with said roommates TRO, OPIE, MINGO, and Rebecca in the desolate, marijuana crop growing mountains of trinity co. She was told by one of her friends, that there is a farm up the road THEY WERE NOT HIRING!!!!!!!! HELLO NOT HIRING!!!!!!! but she should go introduce herself to them.

It was then She set out to hitch hike the nine miles to what seems like willow creek ca. nearest town 9 miles away. and she left a note for her roommates.

So here are some confusions. What she wrote i put in capitals and what I wrote follows each sentence.

Why start out the letter with goodbye at all sounds, a little final to me.
A farm that she was told by said friend was not hiring, So she must have taken friends advice and was head to introduce herself? Mention she was living in the area and looking for work? saying it the way she did "first day" makes it sound like she had a job.
luck on what first impressions and hoping they call on her for future employment?
Where is MINGO. later in the article the mother states she met three kids that were pleasant and sweet. Had he already left? Makes it sound like he was to be gone for months? But she would see him...... Was she to leave her boyfriend to be with Mingo and they set it up like they were both headed in different directions?
Sounds like she would be back. maybe kitten would need more food throughout the day. Depending on its age. Did the kitten have a name? no idea why I ask, but did wonder it. And the Hoping to see the folks later might imply that they were planning on meeting up else where or back at home if they were around. Who knows when someone maybe coming or going.
And because she had a place to stay with her boyfriend this house in Hawkin's bar she didnt need to take all of her belongings to go to the farm. She was coming back. However I do believe even to just go out for a walk I would think she would take at least her ID if not her banking card too.

The article continued about the local pd doing little to nothing. Calling it a runaway. Even though she left her sleeping bag at her HOME in Hawkins Bar, Ca.
With no word from Jennifer by Sept 19th, her roommates finally went to this so called farm and found out she never arrived there. Mind you this sounds like a farm that was not even expecting her as it was said they weren't hiring.

and my thought about the FARM, is maybe it wasn't a flower or vegetable farm but a "POT FARM".

When the eerie coincidence of the abduction of Polly Klaas also linked to the Patterson family Susan Fed exed a picture to the police department who seemed to have opened it and sent it back to her roommates and not Susan. Unable to file a missing persons with the trinity co LE she filed one in New York where Jennifer was from. She had to go to her local department to find out if Jennifer has been placed in the NCIC database. She had not been, and even the Cali. Bureau of Investigations was treating it as a walkaway. So she filed a Missing persons report from half way across the country in that local NY PD. Which supposedly created confusion according to Trinity Co. I can see now why Susan fought hard to get Jennifer's Law passed.

It was then she found sitters for her son and they were able to fly out to Cali. They met the roommates first where they found out her picture had gone back to the Hawkins Bar address and not Susan. She Met 3 of the roommates who had newly SHAVED HEADS. what happened to their dreads? didnt Jennifer also have Dreads. Could they not get the evidence out of them so chopped them off? whats with that? Where is the fourth roommate. who of them did she meet. Which brings me to Jennifer went missing on a monday and Tro was known to spend weekends in Arcata, Ca, Till tuesday so he could catch the monday night football game. Was he at the house when she left? Questions Questions Questions. She moved in with 4 but mom only met 3? does that mean MINGO was missing from the meeting and questioning of Susan and authorities? or was it Tro who was missing from said meeting with Susan? Maybe Mingo is missing too but his family never reported it?

It is Mendosa's theory that maybe "IT COULD BE TOTALLY INNOCENT" and stumbled into someones pot farm. "TOTALLY INNOCENT?" does he know of which locals have these POT FARMS and were they ever questioned.

I still think there is a lot more going on in those northern California Counties that LE brushes aside because it is revolving around Local Families in the illegal business.

I still havent given up on looking into my primary suspect E.S. Christie Jr. and still wonder how and if he fits in to any of this. From what I have found out Christie had been picking up hitch-hikers since at least 1963. He is a druggy and into selling drugs in the area since 1968.Where did he get the drugs back then to sell? Seems most of the paper trail on trials go cold and never know what exactly he was convicted of. He was a local man who i assume knows the area and highways pretty well. Even the back roads and waters.His wife went missing under suspicious circumstances in 1977. Second cousin said he wasnt above abusing and threatening her life on a boat in who knows when. But suggested he had been abusing her since the 1970's The 1970's still has 4 unsolved rape/murders. [modsnip] I think the Humbolt County and Trinity County LE should start sharing some notes and doing some investigating. Who wants to be the one to call them and inquire about them dusting off that old case? Not me I was so nervous just to post comments.
My first thought after reading that her roommates shaved off their dreads was lice. When your dreads get lice, you usually have to cut them off.
Just my $0.02.
My first thought after reading that her roommates shaved off their dreads was lice. When your dreads get lice, you usually have to cut them off.
Just my $0.02.

That may be so, but why so shortly after she went missing? I'm not a big believer of coincidence. There is more to it then just lice. And still don't explain why the mom met only 3 of the 4 roommates.
Just a few random thought inspired by Mysticjynx and Stratford's no particular order. Somehow your names didn't get attached to the quotes.

One is a given, The LE up there is incompetent. For what ever reasons they didn't take Jennifer's disappearance seriously at all. She wasn't a local after all. And I am suspecting that is who they truly protect, Their Own. Who ever that is.

Based on my observation of a few missing persons cases in pot growing areas, IMO it's a combination of incompetence/resource limitations and some LE apathy about protecting people who are involved even peripherally in that lifestyle. But I think one of the biggest obstacles for LE is the wall of silence from those who may know something. LE is viewed as an enemy. These folks do not want any attention from LE and if they cooperate, they may face retribution from those involved. The POI in my signature case (Stephanie Warner) has even lashed out at Websleuths! In many of these cases, there is not enough evidence of a crime for LE to get deeply involved. Further south, in Fortuna, Danielle Bertolini's (Brooks) family is very frustrated with LE and doing a lot on their own.
CA CA - Danielle Nicole Brooks, 23, Fortuna, 29 Jan 2014 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Why were the roommates not named by their legal names in the article? What is Rebecca's last name?
Were any or all of the three of them still living in the residence they shared with Jennifer by the time that Jennifer's mom made it out to California?
Does Jennifer's mom know their real names (having visited them)?

I wonder if there were legal reasons for not using their legal names in the article. Or else, they have refused to provide them. Some people abandon the identities they didn't choose for themselves. That way they can fly under government radar. I would love to know how much Jennifer's mother knows. I hope she pushes to get this cold case reopened.

I did a little googling of Opie and Mingo in Humboldt and Trinity counties. There is a Mingo Creek (a stream, not a town) not far from the town of Willow Creek. Could they have lived near there and he took the name? In Trinity county there is an instagram account, which I won't link, of a guy who goes by Opie and looks like he's the right age and "lifestyle".

If the farm was a marijuana farm, why didn't the police investigate them for growing? It sounds like it was widely known at the time that there were marijuana farms all around this area of California.

It is Mendosa's theory that maybe "IT COULD BE TOTALLY INNOCENT" and stumbled into someones pot farm. "TOTALLY INNOCENT?" does he know of which locals have these POT FARMS and were they ever questioned.

I still think there is a lot more going on in those northern California Counties that LE brushes aside because it is revolving around Local Families in the illegal business.

I lived in Humboldt county, and starting in 1983, finding and raiding pot gardens was handled by CAMP, a multi-agency task force, not just local LE. Now that CA is no longer participating in CAMP, it's up to the Feds. But when Jennifer disappeared, there is no way local LE would take on a pot farm in order to find her. JMO

Although a few of the old time locals started growing, most of the growing in the '60's and 70's was done by "hippies" who moved in and bought land. I suppose they might be considered "locals" after a few decades. :) In more recent years, much of the growing has been taken over by Mexican nationals or others who come to the area seasonally to grow on government land. It's a big business and extremely dangerous for anyone who stumbles upon a grow. Even 30 years ago, when we left there, it was dangerous.

Campaign Against Marijuana Planting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I really think it will take pressure from Jennifer's family to get this case reopened. Or they will need to hire a PI. In my county, a couple of people retired from LE have reopened two five year old cold cases as volunteers. I hope Jennifer's cousin comes back and answers some of our questions.
I hate to even ask this, but has suicide ever been considered? Jennifer was experiencing depression. She left her belongings behind. To me, this seems more consistent with suicide than leaving to work on a farm. Her cryptic note (if she actually wrote it) might have been a way to keep her roommates from missing her right away. I've forgotten if we know who called in the missing persons report and when.

Maybe she never intended to go to "the farm." Did anyone search the woods near her house and along Hiway 299 nearby? Or the river? Have any unidentified remains been recovered in the past 20 years?

If not suicide, then I think it's likely she was killed, either murdered or by accident, by someone she lived with. That person could have forged or even had her write the note somehow under duress. And after disposing of her body, concocted the story about the farm.

If all her roommates knew about her demise and were protecting each other, they might have shaved their heads in symbol of mourning and penance. Her boyfriend committed suicide ten years later.

I'm not saying that she couldn't have been abducted and murdered by a random stranger, but suicide or death at home seems to fit the few clues we have at the moment. JMO
I lived in Humboldt county, and starting in 1983, finding and raiding pot gardens was handled by CAMP, a multi-agency task force, not just local LE. Now that CA is no longer participating in CAMP, it's up to the Feds. But when Jennifer disappeared, there is no way local LE would take on a pot farm in order to find her. JMO

Although a few of the old time locals started growing, most of the growing in the '60's and 70's was done by "hippies" who moved in and bought land. I suppose they might be considered "locals" after a few decades. :) In more recent years, much of the growing has been taken over by Mexican nationals or others who come to the area seasonally to grow on government land. It's a big business and extremely dangerous for anyone who stumbles upon a grow. Even 30 years ago, when we left there, it was dangerous.

The only reason I think there is a Local part in the growing and selling of pot before it came to be Legal. Is the fact that the man known to have killed LYSANDRA TURNIP was a local man. Ernest Samuel Christie JR. She was missing since 1988 and only found in 2010 when his own son lead them to her body. His family pioneered the area long before hippies were even around. His father Ernest SR. was born there in 1907. They had issues with Taxes when counties wanted to appraise their lands to be charged property taxes. That was in the 50's 60's and 70's.

In 1968 Lysandra's Murderer Ernest Samuel Christie JR was picked up outside a GRATEFUL Dead concert. In which he was then linked to a drug ring that included not just pot but LSD too. (And it seems he was also a user of drugs for most if not all of his adult life.) This ring included 20 of the high school students in the area. LOCALS! Where was he getting the pot back then in the late 60s???? Family farms? Did the drug business continue till his death in 2006 and how many women can he be linked to Raping, Torturing, Abducting and killing that have been happening since he was first picked up for drinking and driving, claiming the HITCHHIKERS did it in 1963?

And there are two women that escaped his abuse but little is known about them. Had they not escaped what would have been their fate? One being his own Second cousin.

[modsnip] Other fun fact... In Blue lake 1970's the first of 4 girls found raped strangle and murdered between oct 75 and July 76, was found on Hwy 299 in Blue lake. Her name was Janet Lee Bowman.

Ernie Christie was fined and partitioned for cutting down trees illegally in the woods in 76 for his Timber company. And arrested for Assault of a bar employee. A bar that was mentioned several times by raped women in the area. Women would get picked up outside of this bar with offers of rides (hitchhiking) and they'd be taken else where raped and abandoned. Seems there were a lot of rapes in the area.

The only reason I say that they were in competent is because its very plain to see that the facts didn't add up. As investigators they didn't even try to add 2+2 so how can they get 4? Its a damn shame they treated it like a simple runaway. Suicide I don't think so. Depressed people don't always contemplate suicide and even if they do doesn't mean they will actually give in and try to do it. And from the sounds of it Jennifer was a strong willed free spirit, who wasnt ready to give up or give in. Did anyone ever talk to her therapist? Or get her medical records? Just maybe if the LE in the area took it more seriously there would have had more evidence to go on. The fact that nothing was even looked at for at least a week after shed gone missing. Evidence could have been cleared of the area. Like blood soaked dreads of three roommates? HMMM And did they have a part in these FARMS? where did they work? to many questions went unanswered.

just my thoughts and opinions. All of my posts are.

Wonders who the two retired detectives are opening cold cases. Maybe they'd like to take on another one?
I hate to even ask this, but has suicide ever been considered? Jennifer was experiencing depression. She left her belongings behind. To me, this seems more consistent with suicide than leaving to work on a farm. Her cryptic note (if she actually wrote it) might have been a way to keep her roommates from missing her right away. I've forgotten if we know who called in the missing persons report and when.

Her mom reported her missing. the police up there wouldn't take the case so the missing persons report came from out of New York. Her mother reported her missing. I assume cause she hadn't heard from her daughter. And knowing her daughter was having a hard time when her original roommate had to bail, before moving to hawkins bar with her boyfriend and 3 others. She bought her daughter a plane ticket to be picked up if and when she wanted to come home. She could pick it up at any travel agency....

And yes the investigation should have started at home. One roommate was missing. Another supposedly left and the three left over recently shaved their dreads. All Suspicious. this is the article I had been reading.

Opie and Mingo were not the only "HIPPIES" being looked for. A person named Happiness was being looked for to get information on someone he may have knew that went by Cowboy Fred. But not only transients or hippies used nicknames. Why couldn't the local people involved in the drug business, call themselves by nicknames, I think they would to protect their identity. Someone should really open Jennifer's case again. And with that in mind also the missing person of Hannah Jane Rowell. She went missing on Sept 1st 1993 from eureka ca. Just 12 days before Jennifer Wilmer. Also suspicious.

And id also open the case of Claire Lousie Christie, Ernie Jr's wife, WHO IS ALSO MISSING. Supposed to have drowned after his boat capsized. Does anyone even know if she was on that boat? No state or federal agency has listed her as dead. but no where is she listed as missing. Strange dont you think?
Respectfully, I agree that it's possible that Ernie Christie may have had something to do with Jennifer's disappearance. It's also possible that his earlier illegal activities were "overlooked" by LE because he was from an old Humboldt family. However, even though you're a very good researcher, I don't think we are allowed to sleuth his family on WS per TOS, as tempting as it might be. :)

Although a few old timers did get into growing when they saw how much money could be made in the '70's, pot was readily available in the 60's without going to the work of growing it. We bought it in Haight-Ashbury in SF in 1967 and I have no idea who grew it. So Ernie Christie and his friends would have had easy access, even from suppliers in SF. They may have bought several kilos of pot at various times to bag up and sell. No family farm was necessary. Same thing with LSD. All you needed were connections.

I agree that LE dropped some balls. It happens all the time, and it's very frustrating. Both Humboldt and Trinity counties are large, rural and spread out with insufficient LE. When we lived in Humboldt we were at least 30 minutes away from the sheriff's substation. There were a few times it was pretty scary when our crazy neighbor was threatening us and we had to wait for help. When our house was burglarized, I took matters into my own hands after talking to the detective, followed up on clues and solved the case. I knew there wasn't enough manpower to investigate. Jennifer's mother was wise to come out and poke around. It would have been a dangerous mission. I hope she can share some info with us so we can brainstorm.

Although suicide is a longshot, I just came off Leanne Bearden's case on WS, so it's fresh in my mind as a possibility. She was a strong, vibrant young woman who went missing on a neighborhood walk in San Antonio, TX. I was convinced she'd been abducted. Sadly, she was found a month later hanging from a tree in someone's two acre back yard. It was shocking because we had gotten to "know" her through her travel blog, and she seemed like the last person to commit suicide. But she had struggled with depression, and it does happen more often than we'd like to admit. So I think it's good to keep it as an option. It would be good to know what Jennifer's therapist had to say, although I doubt that info would be available.

The two retired detectives are in my county in Oregon. The Sheriff turned over all the case files to them and they are interviewing a lot of people. It's possible there are people like that in Humboldt and Trinity counties. It's worth a try, if Jennifer's family could get the ball rolling.

I agree that a number of cold cases should be opened. I believe Christie's son believes Ernie killed his Mom. I have read the link about Jennifer, but couldn't remember all the details. :)

All JMO of course.
Respectfully, I agree that it's possible that Ernie Christie may have had something to do with Jennifer's disappearance. It's also possible that his earlier illegal activities were "overlooked" by LE because he was from an old Humboldt family. However, even though you're a very good researcher, I don't think we are allowed to sleuth his family on WS per TOS, as tempting as it might be. :)

Although a few old timers did get into growing when they saw how much money could be made in the '70's, pot was readily available in the 60's without going to the work of growing it. We bought it in Haight-Ashbury in SF in 1967 and I have no idea who grew it. So Ernie Christie and his friends would have had easy access, even from suppliers in SF. They may have bought several kilos of pot at various times to bag up and sell. No family farm was necessary. Same thing with LSD. All you needed were connections.

I agree that LE dropped some balls. It happens all the time, and it's very frustrating. Both Humboldt and Trinity counties are large, rural and spread out with insufficient LE. When we lived in Humboldt we were at least 30 minutes away from the sheriff's substation. There were a few times it was pretty scary when our crazy neighbor was threatening us and we had to wait for help. When our house was burglarized, I took matters into my own hands after talking to the detective, followed up on clues and solved the case. I knew there wasn't enough manpower to investigate. Jennifer's mother was wise to come out and poke around. It would have been a dangerous mission. I hope she can share some info with us so we can brainstorm.

Although suicide is a longshot, I just came off Leanne Bearden's case on WS, so it's fresh in my mind as a possibility. She was a strong, vibrant young woman who went missing on a neighborhood walk in San Antonio, TX. I was convinced she'd been abducted. Sadly, she was found a month later hanging from a tree in someone's two acre back yard. It was shocking because we had gotten to "know" her through her travel blog, and she seemed like the last person to commit suicide. But she had struggled with depression, and it does happen more often than we'd like to admit. So I think it's good to keep it as an option. It would be good to know what Jennifer's therapist had to say, although I doubt that info would be available.

The two retired detectives are in my county in Oregon. The Sheriff turned over all the case files to them and they are interviewing a lot of people. It's possible there are people like that in Humboldt and Trinity counties. It's worth a try, if Jennifer's family could get the ball rolling.

I agree that a number of cold cases should be opened. I believe Christie's son believes Ernie killed his Mom. I have read the link about Jennifer, but couldn't remember all the details. :)

All JMO of course.

I don't believe I posted anything wrong. Terms of Service Terms of Service - Long, Detailed Version - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community per TOS here. However with that being said I would hope that ADMIN would kindly write me if I am breaking the rules.

Sleuthing his family that has gone on public record about Ernest Christie should also be open for discussion.


The other information about the Christie Family was found in the newspapers of Eureka, Humboldt Co. Public information to all. Got a free account for 7 days which will be ending soon. I have saved most of what I read other then then notices of unpaid taxes and many fictitious business names. Cause there were so many. Another article about Ernest and his son is this one
And His Second cousin goes on record here.

And now that you say that he may have had connections in SF CA maybe I should expand my search of missing women from SF up the major hwys into Oregon. That's a big area this man and his friends had access to.


Respectfully snipped by me...
I don't believe I posted anything wrong. Terms of Service Terms of Service - Long, Detailed Version - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community per TOS here. However with that being said I would hope that ADMIN would kindly write me if I am breaking the rules.

Sleuthing his family that has gone on public record about Ernest Christie should also be open for discussion.

I think it might need some clarification as well via the mods :) as I would like to also discuss further the details and words of the Christie family.
The more I read of them, and the sons writings, I think there maybe a possibilty of their involvement in Jennifer's disappearance.

I will contact a mod and see where we stand with the Christies as POI and the timeline frame, as well as others.

This is actually a better story about the finding of Lysandra Turpin. killed by Ernest Samuel CHristie JR. More details comes from the same paper I have been reading on Unfortunately they end in 1977 so I cannot continue the search into his publicized activities any further. Unless its been posted like this one above.

This one states that Sammy Christie told the detective that He held her captive for months before killing her in JUN of 1988. June 7th 1988 Penelope Jo Milbourn went missing from the area. Is that a coincidence? He also states and they find a Hollowed out tree where he kept a woman captive. Police tried to contact that woman but she had since then passed away. So no clues forth coming from her either. I chose to start with his missing wife. And if you read my other posts above you will see What the news articles said about her missing. NOT MUCH! I did find one other that was listed before the identities of the Christies was made public and that goes as follows..........

Front page news March 31 1977 THE TIMES STANDARD

The Coast Guard said today it will continue its search for a woman reported missing after the fishing vessel she was on capsized and sank Wednesday noon near the entrance to Humboldt Bay.
Three Humboldt County Sheriff's Marine Posse divers will explore a site 2 or 20 missing ink... miles south of the jetty at about noon today, according to Petty Officer Red Fuller. He reported that a Coast Guard 44 Rescue boat "latched onto something substantial" at 84 ft below the surface at that spot while conduction a search Wednesday. Heavy seas made it dangerous for divers to descend this morning, Fuller said
Coast Guard spokesman Don Morris said Wednesday night that the vessel El Dorado Collied with the Fame L. The boat on which the missing woman and her husband were fishing. The Fame L's caapsizing was reported to the Coast Guard station by Eureka fishing boat "DAWN" which reportedly observed the hull of the fame L. drifting south.
Two Coast Guard boats were dispatched to the scene and seamen pulled the woman's husband from the water. According to Coast Guard spokesman, one diver searched 90 per cent of the Fame L and did not find the woman. The only section not searched was the boat's engine room. he said indicating that it was not likely she would be inside.
Earlier reports that the woman was wearing a life preserve were unsubstantiated. Petty Off. Fuller said though he did not deny that she might have been wearing one.
Fuller also noted that the cause of the capsizing remains under investigation. He pointed out the seas were heavy at the time of the accident, with waves ranging from 10-20 feet.
The 35 foot crabber reportedly sank after two hours.
Jeeps from the sheriffs posse will assit in the search for the woman, checking beaches for signs of a body.
The woman's name, as well as those of her husband and Eldorado crew members have not been revealed
The Eldorado continued out to sea after the collision, possibly to avoid the rough seas at the bar, a spokesman said. The vessel returned to Humboldt Bay, its home port, several hours after the alleged collision......

That is where I started this investigation. Cause that leaves 20 30 years of possible others. I have read somewhere that serial killers are usually linked to killing someone close to them first. And where he may have spent time traveling. That would be those family members and friends. who were spread out all over Northern California by the 1990's. Maybe there is more in his SKELETON closet. We know Lysandra was in it. My Guess is everyone was to afraid to do anything about. Hiding behind that door of silence. And as long as their families came home safe whats a few transient people gone missing? You know they could have just walked away, as some thought Jennifer Wilmer did. And yet shes still missing, presumed dead. SS # is in the death index but you know who isnt. MISSING CLAIRE CHRISTIE! Why in 2010 when this new information was brought to light on an old missing persons case. Did the LE not go back and start looking at coincidences to Lysandra's case? They keep dropping that ball don't they? Wouldn't bet on them in a ball game.
It seems to me, just involved in reading these posts on Jennifer Wilmer, that we need some involvement with her mother to see what she knows. With this website, it is amazing as I believe that the posts are always stated in my local time. The last post was done at 4:51 am today. I am in central standard time.
My education is lacking. I don't know what 'dread locks' are.

Thank you for your dedication websleuthers to bring about justice and some closure for these families affected.
It seems to me, just involved in reading these posts on Jennifer Wilmer, that we need some involvement with her mother to see what she knows. With this website, it is amazing as I believe that the posts are always stated in my local time. The last post was done at 4:51 am today. I am in central standard time.
My education is lacking. I don't know what 'dread locks' are.

Thank you for your dedication websleuthers to bring about justice and some closure for these families affected.

Yeah im on a crazy schedule was busy sleuthing to sleep. lmao I too am in central standard time. Anyway, We had her cousin Jess helping out but she hasn't been back to answer questions or post any comments. I did try her privately but got no return. It would be great for someone in her family to join in on this discussion, however it seems that its all up to them to do so.

And in answer to your question.. Dread locks are matted coils of hair. Like Bob Marley. Which is hard to wash and brush out I assume the only way to get rid of them would be to shave your head as Jennifer Wilmer's roommates had done. Which still brings me to the question as to Why they all shaved them? blood in those locks maybe?
This is actually a better story about the finding of Lysandra Turpin. killed by Ernest Samuel CHristie JR. More details comes from the same paper I have been reading on Unfortunately they end in 1977 so I cannot continue the search into his publicized activities any further. Unless its been posted like this one above.

This one states that Sammy Christie told the detective that He held her captive for months before killing her in JUN of 1988. June 7th 1988 Penelope Jo Milbourn went missing from the area. Is that a coincidence? He also states and they find a Hollowed out tree where he kept a woman captive. Police tried to contact that woman but she had since then passed away. So no clues forth coming from her either. I chose to start with his missing wife. And if you read my other posts above you will see What the news articles said about her missing. NOT MUCH! I did find one other that was listed before the identities of the Christies was made public and that goes as follows..........

Front page news March 31 1977 THE TIMES STANDARD

The Coast Guard said today it will continue its search for a woman reported missing after the fishing vessel she was on capsized and sank Wednesday noon near the entrance to Humboldt Bay.
Three Humboldt County Sheriff's Marine Posse divers will explore a site 2 or 20 missing ink... miles south of the jetty at about noon today, according to Petty Officer Red Fuller. He reported that a Coast Guard 44 Rescue boat "latched onto something substantial" at 84 ft below the surface at that spot while conduction a search Wednesday. Heavy seas made it dangerous for divers to descend this morning, Fuller said
Coast Guard spokesman Don Morris said Wednesday night that the vessel El Dorado Collied with the Fame L. The boat on which the missing woman and her husband were fishing. The Fame L's caapsizing was reported to the Coast Guard station by Eureka fishing boat "DAWN" which reportedly observed the hull of the fame L. drifting south.
Two Coast Guard boats were dispatched to the scene and seamen pulled the woman's husband from the water. According to Coast Guard spokesman, one diver searched 90 per cent of the Fame L and did not find the woman. The only section not searched was the boat's engine room. he said indicating that it was not likely she would be inside.
Earlier reports that the woman was wearing a life preserve were unsubstantiated. Petty Off. Fuller said though he did not deny that she might have been wearing one.
Fuller also noted that the cause of the capsizing remains under investigation. He pointed out the seas were heavy at the time of the accident, with waves ranging from 10-20 feet.
The 35 foot crabber reportedly sank after two hours.
Jeeps from the sheriffs posse will assit in the search for the woman, checking beaches for signs of a body.
The woman's name, as well as those of her husband and Eldorado crew members have not been revealed
The Eldorado continued out to sea after the collision, possibly to avoid the rough seas at the bar, a spokesman said. The vessel returned to Humboldt Bay, its home port, several hours after the alleged collision......

That is where I started this investigation. Cause that leaves 20 30 years of possible others. I have read somewhere that serial killers are usually linked to killing someone close to them first. And where he may have spent time traveling. That would be those family members and friends. who were spread out all over Northern California by the 1990's. Maybe there is more in his SKELETON closet. We know Lysandra was in it. My Guess is everyone was to afraid to do anything about. Hiding behind that door of silence. And as long as their families came home safe whats a few transient people gone missing? You know they could have just walked away, as some thought Jennifer Wilmer did. And yet shes still missing, presumed dead. SS # is in the death index but you know who isnt. MISSING CLAIRE CHRISTIE! Why in 2010 when this new information was brought to light on an old missing persons case. Did the LE not go back and start looking at coincidences to Lysandra's case? They keep dropping that ball don't they? Wouldn't bet on them in a ball game.


Looking at surrounding Countys Missing Persons - from NAMUS:

Humboldt - 1977-2013 - 18 missing
14 Female
4 Male

Mendocino 1974-2013 - 10 Missing
3 Female
15 Males

Shasta 1976-2013 - 10 Missing
3 Female
7 Males

Trinity 1980-1993* - 3 Missing
3 Females *Jennifer Wilmer
0 Male

Siskiyou 1989-2006 - 4 Missing
3 Female
1 Male

Repeatedly over and again ESC confirms in his blogposts that Claire Christie was murdered by Ernest Samuel Christie Jr. (father to ESC, and husband of Claire Christie) - I am wondering what the official COD listed as now.

There are many clues inclusive in the writings of ESC that suggest other scenarios which could be translated to apply for the goings on in that area and to explain Jennifer's disappearance. Has anyone ever asked ESC what happened to Jennifer 'Jade' Wilmer?

Looking at surrounding Countys Missing Persons - from NAMUS:

Humboldt - 1977-2013 - 18 missing
14 Female
4 Male

Mendocino 1974-2013 - 10 Missing
3 Female
15 Males

Shasta 1976-2013 - 10 Missing
3 Female
7 Males

Trinity 1980-1993* - 3 Missing
3 Females *Jennifer Wilmer
0 Male

Siskiyou 1989-2006 - 4 Missing
3 Female
1 Male


ESC jr is dead no way to ask him. ESC III. In article the police didnt arrest him even though he help dispose of Lysandra's body. Cause he was underage and under duress. I believe in one article I read theLE asked him if he thought his father committed anymore crimes and he had said no. But reading his blog i have to wonder if Sammy just dont know due to the long time abuse and having to block certain things to maintain life. His blog reads like hes learning more about himself and his dad, during his childhood and teenage years, himself. So maybe in time he will come to know more and reveal more. Or maybe daddy didn't kill them anymore in front of him after that. ESC JR did know the woods and hollowed out a tree for another women he held captive. The question is did LE see this as enough to not want to search other areas known to Ernie? I would have searched after the find of Lysandra. but that is just me.

The mother Claire Louise Christie, I dont think there is a death certificate for her. But if she does I assume it says Presumed Drowned at sea. I think Sammy should submit his dna or ask his mothers side of the family to. Maybe some of those unidentified remains are hers. And if they were found not at sea, theyd re open her case as well. I find it odd shes not in any of the data bases for the missing and lost. Shes not in any that Ive searched. Maybe as part of JENNIFERS LAW, Claire christie should be added to these databases. But i dont think the LAW is that they have to add such names to the database just that they are allowed to use funding from ncic? Im not exactly sure i understood exactly what jennifers law entails but maybe they need to make it law that every past present and future missing, unidentified persons are put in this database to help cross reference things from one town to another, county to county and state to state. But what the heck do I know its 9 30 am and i have yet to sleep. So this last blog before i do so maybe jumbled worse than any other.

Oh and there are more i found in the paper that havent been listed in the databases either and no other info is found on them in the papers either. For example there was two girls i had found as missing people but were found and it was in the paper just like the notice of them missing.

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