CA CA - Jessica Roggenkamp, 44, Anderson, 10 Dec 2016

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No new information, just another news source. Comments on fb say CalTrans travels on Hwy 36 but not Road 30. So, they feel the car was moved after the tire was changed. CalTrans would know where they helped her but I can't find that report in MSM. It's possible she started her trip in her pajamas... she wanted to be comfy and wasn't planning on car problems.

The Trinity Journal
Information sought on whereabouts of Anderson woman whose vehicle was found in Southern Trinity
Updated Dec 16, 2016
Back to the CalTrans workers who stopped to help her - did they report to work as usual the next day? Have they been considered suspect if they were the last ones who saw her? Exactly how much traffic does the road her car was parked on get at that time of day?

CalTrans is the California Department of Transportation. These are state employees, and I'm sure their every move can be documented via gps etc. I agree with Gardner1850 that if they were up to something they wouldn't report it! Good question though.
CalTrans is the California Department of Transportation. These are state employees, and I'm sure their every move can be documented via gps etc. I agree with Gardner1850 that if they were up to something they wouldn't report it! Good question though.

So she got a flat tire... got it fixed then ran out of gas? She also locked her keys in the car but had her purse. She was heading to a party but drove past it. That is either really bad luck or confused? I don't think suicide at all because where is the body but maybe she left on her own or someone took her.

What is the likelyhood of someone getting a flat tire, running out of gas, and locking the keys in the car?
So she got a flat tire... got it fixed then ran out of gas? She also locked her keys in the car but had her purse. She was heading to a party but drove past it. That is either really bad luck or confused? I don't think suicide at all because where is the body but maybe she left on her own or someone took her.

I truly hope she didn't commit suicide, but in cases I've followed it's taken from a week to several months for the body to be found, depending on the location. In some cases it's never found. But I certainly hope she took off on a crazy adventure with someone.

I truly hope she didn't commit suicide, but in cases I've followed it's taken from a week to several months for the body to be found, depending on the location. In some cases it's never found. But I certainly hope she took off on a crazy adventure with someone.

I feel it's almost staged. Drove past a location, flat tire, ran out of gas, locked keys in car. Who has that bad of luck? If it was suicide why take your purse and not your keys. Why get your tire fixed if your going to kill yourself. If it was a bad night and she decided to take her own life why do it far away and not just right there? It seems she would have to go through the trouble of hiking in her pajamas with a purse far from the car. That doesn't make sense to me.

I truly hope she didn't commit suicide, but in cases I've followed it's taken from a week to several months for the body to be found, depending on the location. In some cases it's never found. But I certainly hope she took off on a crazy adventure with someone.
I know if I was gonna commit suicide I don't think I would fix a flat first( maybe I would)
She took her daughter to the area at Thanksgiving, I hope she wouldn't kill herself in the area she showed her child!

The flat makes me think she was sabotaged by someone? Hole in gas tank? Slashed tire, someone didn't want her getting very far.

I'll be honest, I need to read more about this case, just a thought that popped out based on what little I know.

Did Cal trans specify how she got the flat tire? Is it common to be driving a long time and randomly get a flat?

I looked up her car info and for a 2010 mustang they have a tire warning system. So if she had a flat tire from a leak or nail her car would have warned her unless it was something sudden???

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) illuminates a low tire pressure warning light when one or more of your road tires are significantly under-inflated. However, TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver’s responsibility to maintain correct tire pressure. It is possible for your tires to be partially under-inflated even if they are not so severely under-inflated that they trigger the TPMS warning light.
I feel it's almost staged. Drove past a location, flat tire, ran out of gas, locked keys in car. Who has that bad of luck? If it was suicide why take your purse and not your keys. Why get your tire fixed if your going to kill yourself. If it was a bad night and she decided to take her own life why do it far away and not just right there? It seems she would have to go through the trouble of hiking in her pajamas with a purse far from the car. That doesn't make sense to me.

You're right. It certainly could be staged...partly by someone who harmed her. Or to mislead her family if she decided to take off, but somehow I don't see Jessica doing that.

I covered most of your questions about why she might do certain things if she was going to commit suicide in post #138. I'm likely to be wrong, but they seemed somewhat reasonable explanations to me.

Speaking generally and not directing this at you...I hate to sound like I'm pushing suicide as the most logical scenario because I'm not. But I've followed enough threads ending in suicide to realize that neither the act itself nor the preparations leading up to it make much sense. A suicidal person doesn't think like we do.

The other thing I've noticed is that most want to avoid looking at that possibility. It's unsettling and many feel that mentioning suicide is a criticism of the missing person. Suicide is considered a selfish act, when in reality it can seem selfless to the suicidal person (everyone will be better off without me). It can seem like the only way to end relentless emotional pain.

These are things I've learned on threads from suicide survivors who have generously shared their experiences in order to shine a light on this "taboo" subject and educate others. So I'm just passing a little of that information on so we don't ignore a possibility because we are uncomfortable with it. 'Nuff said.

My real hope is that Jessica is somewhere safe. :heartbeat:
You're right. It certainly could be staged...partly by someone who harmed her. Or to mislead her family if she decided to take off, but somehow I don't see Jessica doing that.

I covered most of your questions about why she might do certain things if she was going to commit suicide in post #138. I'm likely to be wrong, but they seemed somewhat reasonable explanations to me.

Speaking generally and not directing this at you...I hate to sound like I'm pushing suicide as the most logical scenario because I'm not. But I've followed enough threads ending in suicide to realize that neither the act itself nor the preparations leading up to it make much sense. A suicidal person doesn't think like we do.

The other thing I've noticed is that most want to avoid looking at that possibility. It's unsettling and many feel that mentioning suicide is a criticism of the missing person. Suicide is considered a selfish act, when in reality it can seem selfless to the suicidal person (everyone will be better off without me). It can seem like the only way to end relentless emotional pain.

These are things I've learned on threads from suicide survivors who have generously shared their experiences in order to shine a light on this "taboo" subject and educate others. So I'm just passing a little of that information on so we don't ignore a possibility because we are uncomfortable with it. 'Nuff said.

My real hope is that Jessica is somewhere safe. :heartbeat:

I will go back and look at your post. I'm mostly leaning towards voluntary leaving. I also looked at the mustang manual on how doors lock and this is what it said.

Smart locks
This feature helps prevent you from locking yourself out of the vehicle if your key is still in the ignition.
When you open the driver’s door and you lock the vehicle with the power door lock control, all the doors will lock, then the driver’s door will automatically unlock reminding you that your key is still in the ignition.
The vehicle can still be locked, with the key in the ignition, using the manual lock button on the door, locking the driver’s door with a key or using the lock button on the remote entry transmitter.
Autolock (if equipped)
The autolock feature will automatically lock all vehicle doors when:
• all doors are closed,
• the ignition is in the on position,
• you shift into any gear putting the vehicle in motion, (for manual transmission, the parking brake should not be engaged) and
• the vehicle attains a speed greater than 12 mph (20 km/h).

I feel everything is very staged. If you are low on tire pressure the car warns you, if your low on gas the car warns you. I feel she left on her own and made it look like something happend or if someone took her they made it look like something happened.
Checking in this morning to see if she has been found or any more news on her.
I have a theory I have been going over in my head and it makes sense to me at least. Stacy Smart went missing in Trinity county she has blond hair and brown eyes same as Jessica who went missing in Anderson California.

Sherri blond hair blue eyed went missing around the same time as Stacy who is blond hair brown eyes now Jessica is around the same age as Stacy and happens to have the same features blond hair and brown eyes.

. Amy Snow. 25 went missing in Trinity county and she has blond hair and blue/green eyes around the same age as Sherri Is it me or do we have a serial killer around?

The news has not made the connection and if they have they are not saying anything. I live very close to Trinity county and Shasta and my sister has the same features I think the news should be warning women about the missing ones and telling them they should travel in groups!
I thought about the Stacy lady also since they are kinda around the same looks. Anyway I read this lady was going through a divorce so what if the ex husband followed her to the place she was going? Maybe a guys place she was now seeing, hence the pjs and he found out and did this or the person was sketchy and she didn't know. Cause leaving in pjs to go to a party makes no sense or at that hour. That's what I would do if going to a bfs place or my friends to get ready to go to a party. But still the hour itself is weird. What about the hunter though? Could he have circled around and followed her? Are there any other women around her age and smarts that look like they do? Not sure how caltrans works does she have to call them to have rhem arrive? Cause why would they be on those roads without being called? If she called in then someone would know if they just didn't go so even if they did do something to her I think they'd need to admit changing the tire otherwise the call logs would show she called to have her tire fixed and that they went out and then they'd have lied and said they didn't see her. So I could see admitting to it plus it makes us think they have nothing to hide and if they're super sure or not getting caught then they're in sure over confident. I guess we will find out hopefully. I get a creepy feeling she's in some abandoned cabin or hunting fishing shack(which the bear hunter makes me worry in that case and is it nearby hunting season there?) or some person living near stopped and tries helping but like it's been said how can you run out of gas and get a flat tire? They could have fixed her tire and then during made sure she would run out of gas and waited and then magically found her or she called them again. Not taking the keys is weird and leaving it unlocked and if killing yourself you don't need a purse and phone
I think if it wasn't some killer found her then it's staged by her and a person she's seeing so that they can run away cause maybe the husband wasn't allowing it. It's almost like overcompensating if it is but I don't think she would kill herself somewhere she recently took her daughter. Despite being sentimental and by now they likely had her walk her all over where her and her mom had gone. Knowing if it's bear hunting season could help because if a bear hunter saw her but it isn't the season to be out st that time hunting them then it's off.
I think if it wasn't some killer found her then it's staged by her and a person she's seeing so that they can run away cause maybe the husband wasn't allowing it. It's almost like overcompensating if it is but I don't think she would kill herself somewhere she recently took her daughter. Despite being sentimental and by now they likely had her walk her all over where her and her mom had gone. Knowing if it's bear hunting season could help because if a bear hunter saw her but it isn't the season to be out st that time hunting them then it's off.
Running with that theory, perhaps we'd then conclude that location was chosen as a way of leaving a message to the daughter.

I don't feel she is voluntarily missing and got lost out there, but I hope I'm wrong. I like your theory better.
MSM does not appear to have many reporters covering Jessica Roggencamp's disappearance. Here are a few tidbits that I collected. Hope all are within TOS. All BBM. Hypothermia is my main concern.

fb - Her hair is brown as reported on poster, she dyed it Tuesday or Wednesday.
fb & WS - Her car was found in a hunting area.
fb - Photos of her and her car have been posted to hunting websites.
fb & WS - Cell reception in the area is hit or miss.
fb - CalTrans patrols Hwy 36 regularly for traffic hazards, slides, rocks, downed trees, etc.
fb - CalTrans does not patrol Road 30.
MSM - Tire in trunk reported as damaged - not reported as a flat tire.
fb - Trinity Search did a 2 mile 360 degree search on 12/15/16
fb - Friends and family searchers scheduled to meet 12/18/2016 at 8 am at the Igo Store.
fb - The searchers will drive to where the car was found, about a 2 hour drive from the Igo Store
fb - The search will be where the car was was found.
fb & WS - It's cold where the car was found

Anderson Woman Remains Missing In Trinity County
December 16, 2016

Searchers Looking For Anderson Woman In Trinity County
December 15, 2016
MSM - Sunday night around Midnight a game warden found the Mustang parked on the 30 Road off of Highway 36 in a remote area of Trinity County.

Searchers Looking For Anderson Woman In Trinity County
December 15, 2016

The car was unlocked with the keys still inside, it was out of gas, and the spare tire was on, with a damaged tire in the trunk. Roggenkamp’s purse and cell phone were not found, but her sleeping bag, pillow, and duffel bag of clothing were in the car.​

There is a comment by CW yesterday that the "out of gas" was in a news report.​

There is a reply by KP to a comment by BE that the "out of gas" was in a news report.​

According to the HFJR FB page, there is a search scheduled for Sunday. Does anyone have a link to the sighting by the bear hunter that gives the location? I'm horrible at maps, and since Mapquest couldn't locate Harrison Gulch, I had to pin the next largest city (Platina). IMO, the party in Harrison Gulch would've been the night before (Friday night), since her friend wasn't expecting her till Saturday in Igo. So, she could've left Anderson Friday night, stopped at the party in Harrison Gulch. She may have had plans to return home that night or head on to the friend's house in Igo. But if she had been drinking (not judging) or it just being late, her sense of direction may have been off and she headed west in the mountains instead of east towards home or Igo.

I don't know where the hunter comes in. But if she had been traveling late Friday night and got the flat tire in Hayfork, I can imagine her staying in the car, keeping warm, until daylight when she could summon help (if no cell reception). If she planned to stay the night at her friend's house in Igo on Saturday, she had pajamas. I would put those overtop of my clothing just to keep warm while I waited it out till sunrise. Then Caltrans showed up to help with the flat tire. We know that she didn't leave the area in her vehicle, but "seemed intent on continuing on with her travels". I would imagine that Caltrans would set her in the right direction (towards Igo). But her car isn't found until late the next evening (some 40 hours later). Do we know if the car was operable? Was it found in the EXACT same location as where Caltrans last saw her? The flat tire had been fixed, but what if she had run the heat intermittently at night to stay warm, charged her phone, etc. resulting in a dead battery or running out of gas a few miles down the road. I would think that Caltrans would check these things, just trying to account for why she wouldn't have left right away. If the vehicle was disabled, it was light out and she could've thought to walk along the road to get closer to town for cell reception. This whole voluntary thing really irks me. She could've gotten a ride with someone shady or gotten lost in the woods. I'm also concerned about the search not happening until Sunday. Maybe there are locals that can weigh in on the delay. All JMO

There was a fb comment that the car was out of gas and you've explained why the car may have run out of gas. Thank you. Even mild hypothermia can result in confusion and poor decision making.

12/10/16 Saturday 3 am, leaves Anderson for Igo
The Anderson Police Department issued a press release asking for assistance in locating Jessica Roggenkamp, last known to be driving from Anderson to the Igo area at 3:00 a.m. Saturday.

12/10/16 Saturday 7 am, changes flat tire with CalTrans Assistance
Investigators have learned that two Caltrans employees had contact with ROGGENKAMP on Saturday, December 10, 2016, at about 07:00 AM. ROGGENKAMP’s vehicle had a flat tire which the Caltrans employee’s assisted her in fixing.

12/11/16 Sunday 11:50 pm, car located by Deputy Warden
On December 11, 2016, at about 2350 hours, a Deputy Warden with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife located ROGGENKAMP’s vehicle parked in a remote area of Trinity County, south of Highway 36

12/12/16 Monday, reported missing by mother
On December 12, 2016, the Anderson Police Department received a report of a missing person from the Anderson area. The mother of 44 year old Jessica ROGGENKAMP contacted the Anderson Police Department to report her daughter missing.
The searchers are meeting at the Igo store. I got the impression it was to car pool to the area. Clear weather today, although it's probably in the mid 30s at the search area.

The reports have mentioned the party at Harrison Gulch, but nothing about finding out where the party was located and whether she made contact with anybody there. There isn't much in Harrison Gulch. I would imagine it wouldn't be difficult to find out where the party was held at.
Hi, Miss! Just wanted to clarify that her vehicle was found abandoned over 40 hours after the last known sighting of her by Caltrans. IIRC, another article referenced it around 11:45 p.m. on Sunday. That's a VERY large window :( I don't understand the running out of gas. I would think if she were low she would've asked Caltrans for assistance. She knew the area and must've known that her options for gas would've been few and far between. JMO

Sunday night around Midnight a game warden found the Mustang parked on the 30 Road off of Highway 36 in a remote area of Trinity County. Roggenkamp is apparently familiar with that area and had recently visited with her daughter.


Last seen Saturday 7am, tire change.
In pajamas ... headed to a party at Harrison Gulch / White Rock Rd. (is that Igo or a different location?)
Car found abandoned 3:00am Sunday, 20 hours after she was last seen.
Was headed to friends in Igo, but car found some distance past that.
Car unlocked, keys and personal belongings inside.
Purse, phone missing.
Car was out of gas.

First a flat tire. Second, runs out of gas. Third, disappears. Just bad luck?


Suicide ...
- Why take her phone and purse with her?

Was picked up by someone ...
- Why not lock the car and take keys?

She met with foul play, someone stole her purse and phone, then ditched the car when it ran out of gas ...
- They fled on foot, in the middle of nowhere, carrying her phone and purse?

Mental crisis / psychological break?


- Why didn't she make sure she had plenty of gas before venturing into the wilderness?
- Why did she drive PAST her destination?

And the entire scene is IRRATIONAL to me. No logic.
Hi, Miss! Just wanted to clarify that her vehicle was found abandoned over 40 hours after the last known sighting of her by Caltrans. IIRC, another article referenced it around 11:45 p.m. on Sunday. That's a VERY large window :( I don't understand the running out of gas. I would think if she were low she would've asked Caltrans for assistance. She knew the area and must've known that her options for gas would've been few and far between. JMO

I'm thinking that she was not the driver that left the car where it was found?

Maybe she thanked the CalTrans helpers and drove away. Then went to meet someone...?
Has it been stated anywhere that she made it to the party in Harrison Gulch or even what direction the car was headed when found? Why haven't we heard from the HG friends?

I'm thinking that she was not the driver that left the car where it was found?

Maybe she thanked the CalTrans helpers and drove away. Then went to meet someone...?

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