CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #13

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I have listened until the end of Part 3... Just a few things that I will comment on for now because I have notes but want to listen to part 4 before I have to go to bed (I work at stupid o'clock tomorrow :( )

the exchange with Rodriquez and TJ about the "argument" ... there is more before and after this, but ... I did kinda laugh when she said "the detective only asked me about that night" <<< This is what I was saying earlier... most teenagers just answer what they were asked, if you don't ask them specifically, they won't give answers. (ETA: Maline goes into more detail about what else the transcript says and it does say something about the "conversation", I didn't type it all out though.. and there were parts that were hard to hear)

R: Where does it say that your parents argued over the whole weekend about that?

TJ : The detective only asked me about that night

R: So you didn't tell the detective what you testified to previously, that your parents argued over the entire weekend about that issue.

TJ: it wasn't that they argued about it over the entire weekend, it was that over the next couple of days when my Dad wasn't able to get a hold of Joseph, it became kinda like okay, this is out of the ordinary, and my Mom continued that conversation by saying well, see, you should have picked up your phone when he called you. You should have picked it up.

R: The question that was posed to you by defense counsel was 'Did the argument extend through the entire weekend?', and you were referred to pages 32-34 of the transcript and you didn't see anywhere in there where you told the detective that that argument extended over the weekend.

TJ: No, he was asking me about the night of the phone call.

In Cathy's testimony...

M: how would you communicate if he or the kids were in the clubhouse? would you call or walk over?

CJ: a lot of the time I would call but couldn't get a hold of him that way, so she would walk over to see what they were doing or when they were coming home.

M: Why was it difficult to sometimes get a hold of him?

CJ: I don't know, sometimes was bad reception.

I wonder if this exchange will open the door to the pro's using the jailhouse tapes? part of that was them talking about the reception between their place and the clubhouse IIRC
And the evidence of this is?

He has a daughter who is going to accrue huge outstanding student loans to become a lawyer because she loves her dad. The proof is in the child. Unless you can point to testimony to support your claims...

This is silly. You assert that the "proof is in the child" You think the daughter accruing student loans to become a lawyer is because she loves her dad". Well, all that your opinion, and nothing but. Not evidence. Opinion.

Seriously, I've followed along on most of the posts here, and yours, in particular, are virtually always demanding "evidence" -"where's the evidence?" "Unless you can point to testimony to support your claims...". Good grief. You're simply applying your opinion to testimony.

I actually have an opposite opinion: I don't think for five seconds that said daughter's becoming a lawyer says anything about love. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

All the testimony in the world can't "prove" that she "loves her dad". Nothing in her testimony is "proof".
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No, it's awful most the way through, the ending is good though, Rodriguez is relentless (if you can hear it above the din).

This is like my worst nightmare.. Maline and Rodriquez's voices with that terrible tap tap taping! LOL Maline still sounds like a slightly angry little elf.. even with his own witnesses :D
55:31 of the video... and no problem LOL I should have just included it in my last post. Trying my hardest to listen to this CJ testimony.

Thanks Missy - so on the 4th from 9:36 a.m. to 9:44 a.m. his phone hit 3 towers (traveling), then from 9:51 a.m. until 5:48 p.m. his cell only hits two towers near their apartment. So if he went to work, he only worked a about 10 minutes. lol CJ said he came home when it was still light out and was home all evening.

ETA: Oh, she also said he met JM for lunch and brought checks home with him, wonder how he managed that when they weren't printed until the following days.
Thanks Missy - so on the 4th from 9:36 a.m. to 9:44 a.m. his phone hit 3 towers (traveling), then from 9:51 a.m. until 5:48 p.m. his cell only hits two towers near their apartment. So if he went to work, he only worked a about 10 minutes. lol CJ said he came home when it was still light out and was home all evening.

ETA: Oh, she also said he met JM for lunch and brought checks home with him, wonder how he managed that when they weren't printed until the following days.

I'm not sure what you mean by 10 minutes? Couldn't he have gone to work before that time and been on his way somewhere? or been buying supplies or something? From what I recall of his records, he was usually active pretty early in the morning. Carmen said he would come and go lots. These aren't phone pings that track a phone, like GPS, they only show an approximate location of where the phone was when there was activity on it.

The one tower location... is also where Joey's phone hit... it is just down the street from Chik-Fil-A... in Boles testimony, he talks about this tower, among others, but he explains that 2 cellular companies will put towers in "prime" locations, and that location is actually a medical center, where the tower would be up high IMO

She also testified that Joey would sometimes give Chase blank cheques. I don't think she said the cheques on the 4th were blank or not blank or that she even saw them.
I'm going to have to listen to Part 4 again tomorrow... it got HEATEDDDDD towards the end of the testimony though. I am not sure how that will come off to the jury.... Rodriquez was trying to get Cathy to read and say it refreshed her memory about some nasty things she said to Chase on the prison phone... but Cathy kept saying I don't recall saying that or that it was taken out of context ... at some points all 3 (2 lawyers and jarvis) talking all at once... will have to listen again tomorrow :eek::eek::eek:
They argued about the call throughout the weekend, the weekend he was mostly absent.

It's funny to me now, a third witness to the call. Taylor now all of a sudden is there watching the movie with Pops, on a "normal night".

How long did the defense prep her for? Three hours?

Yes, I hav a hard time accepting that the daughter was there on movie night, and watched the call come in and be ignored. And that they would fight about it all weekend. Wouldn't he just call JOey back, no harm, no foul? Why a drawn out argument over one missed call?
What's the point of Rodriguez showing the picture of CM in a hole on the desert he had dug? I know it looks dramatic and some are excited to see it. But how does that support the charge? It's his job, wasn't it? Showing that picture adds nothing to the evidence. Say a family of 5 were found murdered with a knife, will thousands of chefs who appear in pictures holding butcher's knife be suspected of the crime?

It is a recent picture of him digging a hole in the desert. There had been testimony about the defendant being in very ill health because of heart issues and such. So to see a strong, vital man digging a large hole in the desert dirt is important for the jury to see, in my opinion.
BBM - not necessarily... I call my mom all the time, I know after a certain amount of rings the machine will answer, so I will just hang up, knowing she will see my number called on her phone and she will call me back. It annoys the heck outta me that I have some family members that will still leave a VM on our home phone knowing full well that I probably won't listen to it before I call them back LOL

I guess the easiest way to think of it is ... your VM is set to pick up after 6 rings.... on the 5th ring, the caller hangs up, it doesn't still go to VM then. It WILL still be logged on the phone if it had call display though, or should be. What I am questioning is if that unanswered (by self or VM) call shows on the call detail record.

So you are saying that is was Joey calling Chase, and he purposely hung up right before the VM would kick in?
Maybe he didn't gamble it away. Maybe he won, but just not enough to cover the overwhelming medical bills he had incurred, along with loss of work. This was before ACA went into effect. I can't tell you how many go-fund-mes I got from folks, like Merritt, who had no health insurance.

Wasn't there testimony TODAY , that CJ only knows of only one time that Chase returned home with winnings from Poker?
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