CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010

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They're planting seeds of doubt in the jurors mind. Perhaps, the conflict between Mike and Summer escalated to a degree that caused Mike to seek revenge.

I see it more as them trying to show that Mike really wouldn't know what was going on with Joey and Summer and their private life because of this rift they had.

It's clear that the judge is losing patience with the the defense tactics. First, the defendant was allowed to stall the trial for as long as he did. Now, the defense has been trying to capitalize on the faded memories of the witnesses, hoping to portray them as dishonest or not forthcoming to the jury. Then, taking incomplete printouts/reports and thinking they can twist things however they'd like. I would be offended if I were sitting on that jury. The defense might as well just come out and declare that the jury are a bunch of idiots, in their opinion.

JMO but in regards to Mike, the defense wasn't capitalizing on the faded memories of the witnesses... they are capitalizing on the fact that the prosecutors chose to use witness statements from years later instead of from days later, when I think we could all agree that memories are better closer to the event.

I didn't find that Mike or Susan not remembering certain events, who, when, what, where, etc was that strange given how long it has been, and I would hope the jurors are smart enough to know that as well. However, I did find it strange that the prosecutor only used statements that painted CM in a bad light, but those maybe weren't true given what we know he said the day he reported them missing. Again, JMO.
Defense was obviously trying to beat a dead horse in their cross of the Sentinel Security guy. The Isuzu was towed - plain/simple. ???

I was unable to listen to it all, what were they going on about?
I agree, guy was only there to talk about his job and what SOP is/was and to let everyone know that the Isuzu was left there and eventually towed.
It's clear that the judge is losing patience with the the defense tactics. First, the defendant was allowed to stall the trial for as long as he did. Now, the defense has been trying to capitalize on the faded memories of the witnesses, hoping to portray them as dishonest or not forthcoming to the jury. Then, taking incomplete printouts/reports and thinking they can twist things however they'd like. I would be offended if I were sitting on that jury. The defense might as well just come out and declare that the jury are a bunch of idiots, in their opinion.
You do understand that it’s the job of the defense to discredit the prosecution’s witness, correct? Challenging the memory of witnesses is often used as a tactic in an attempt to impeach their testimony. They did so with the testimony of video woman, she initially testified that she hadn’t heard any loud noises that night but then later stated that she turned on the porch light because she heard a loud noise.
Long ago, Kavanaugh was my number one suspect. So it does worry me now, to hear that the State might not have done a thorough job checking out his alibi of being in Hawaii during the murders. I really want to hear more about that.

Especially given the confusion regarding the states main theory, about the crime scene and the removal of the bodies. It is hard for me to believe the 4 were killed din the home and transported in that truck, given not a speck of blood was found.
Long ago, Kavanaugh was my number one suspect. So it does worry me now, to hear that the State might not have done a thorough job checking out his alibi of being in Hawaii during the murders. I really want to hear more about that.

Especially given the confusion regarding the states main theory, about the crime scene and the removal of the bodies. It is hard for me to believe the 4 were killed din the home and transported in that truck, given not a speck of blood was found.

Add to that ,recent witness testimony of the ex gf of Kavanaugh, swearing that he confessed in great detail to the murders, and U have some reasonable doubt. :confused:
did we know about this? I don't remember this? I remember some chick who worked for Joey who was hanging out with his dad trying to help with the case..but I dont remember anyone confessing...that is kind of crazy and the girl is terrified, so this is very unsettling.
Add to that ,recent witness testimony of the ex gf of Kavanaugh, swearing that he confessed in great detail to the murders, and U have some reasonable doubt. :confused:
My thoughts exactly. I have followed this case from day 1 and was shocked CM was arrested, just not enough motive imo to kill 4 people . I would think a jury would certainly have people with some reasonable doubt. Perhaps there is more info to come that will seal the deal but I really do wonder ...
My thoughts exactly. I have followed this case from day 1 and was shocked CM was arrested, just not enough motive imo to kill 4 people . I would think a jury would certainly have people with some reasonable doubt. Perhaps there is more info to come that will seal the deal but I really do wonder ...

I was surprised too when he was arrested. Then, when I heard their evidence, I was fully onboard. I came to the trial fully onboard with the State in their case against CM.

But the first couple of days have rattled me. And I dont rattle that easily. My father was a defense attorney so I know their tricks. I am not easily fooled or manipulated.

In most murder cases, there is always a 'Plan B' ---another suspect to point at and accuse of being the 'real' killer. And it is usually totally fabricated and easily dismissed. But in this case, I am not so sure it is easy to ignore Kavanaugh as a possible suspect. JMO
Add to that ,recent witness testimony of the ex gf of Kavanaugh, swearing that he confessed in great detail to the murders, and U have some reasonable doubt. :confused:

When I went back and looked at what the defense said in OS's regarding what the ex told them he said, the one thing that stuck out to me was that he told her that he had a knife to one of the boys and that's why they did what he said. The defense also said in OS's that there was a knife in one of the graves. I have been unable to find this anywhere... not in the forum... not in any of the news stories... so if there was a knife involved and a knife was found in one of the graves... that would be interesting and something that was not in the news, which lends some credibility to her statement. IMO I will wait to see what comes out in trial though... only because I have to haha I want to hear more about the knife that I can't find anything about!

I always *hoped* they had taken off but from what I remember, I would have said either Merritt or Kavanaugh did it. I am trying to go into this with an open mind. I just want them to move faster and give us ALL the testimony right now ;-) 4-6 months is a long time. I hope the DNA.. the cell phone activity... the financials can all be proven and there are no doubts for the family or the jurors... or us :)
I see it more as them trying to show that Mike really wouldn't know what was going on with Joey and Summer and their private life because of this rift they had.

Interesting how different people interpret things differently. I was also taking into consideration Mike's testimony about Merritt having to show him the way to Joey's house when he had previously stated elsewhere that he'd already been there. It's like he was trying to cover up for the fact that he knew where they lived.
did we know about this? I don't remember this? I remember some chick who worked for Joey who was hanging out with his dad trying to help with the case..but I dont remember anyone confessing...that is kind of crazy and the girl is terrified, so this is very unsettling.

That was Gina Watson helping PM. Not the same woman as DK’s ex.
what gets me is that DK does not have a checkable alibi. there is no cohaboration. there is no plane ticket, credit card receipt, nothing. SO how can LE state he was on the Island and not in the lower forty? they don't know where the he&& he was.

so this , with the confession is bothersome. mOO . but is it ok to talk about him? I wont if it's not ok.
what gets me is that DK does not have a checkable alibi. there is no cohaboration. there is no plane ticket, credit card receipt, nothing. SO how can LE state he was on the Island and not in the lower forty? they don't know where the he&& he was.

so this , with the confession is bothersome. mOO . but is it ok to talk about him? I wont if it's not ok.

I think we can talk about him because they are talking about him in a public trial.

I totally agree about the lack of corroboration of his alibi. I have always blindly accepted the statement by LE that he had that alibi. It never occurred to me that they didn't see airline tickets or have solid witness testimony or vacation videos that were timestamped.
what gets me is that DK does not have a checkable alibi. there is no cohaboration. there is no plane ticket, credit card receipt, nothing. SO how can LE state he was on the Island and not in the lower forty? they don't know where the he&& he was.

so this , with the confession is bothersome. mOO . but is it ok to talk about him? I wont if it's not ok.
If the prosecution didn't even verify DK's alibi it's going to start looking like they have a bias against Merritt and are setting him up kinda of like the Avery case.
Copied this from one of my posts in another thread, this is what the defense had up on the screen during OS's in regards to DK's ex:

Tracey Riccobene

  • October 26, 2018 went to investigators and defense to give statement.
  • Dan confessed to her that he murdered the family
  • Detailed statement
  • Held one of the boys at knife point to get the family out of the home
  • DK raped Summer
  • Wanted revenge against Joseph McStay for cheating him
  • DK buried the sledgehammer in graves
  • Was not in Hawaii - DK lied and provided false alibi
  • DK came back to the house and pretended he was Joseph
  • Known DK for years - Best Friend
  • Like a brother to me
  • Share music in common
  • Says DK is a genius manipulative mastermind
  • Full confession 2 weeks ago but had been hinting at it for a longer period of time
  • She told him to come forward - he refused.
  • After Riccobene told DK to come forward
  • He has been threatening her
  • She is terrified of him
  • He has no empathy toward other people
  • She feels it is her duty to come forward even though DK will harm her
  • Requests witness protection
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