CA CA - John Beck, 73, Alameda, 9 Feb 2016 #1

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In the photo taken at Lands End. He has it over his shoulder. It's not seen on the train station video, it's presumed it was in the folder along with his hat. I've seen it called a glasses case and a satchel. I think he has both and they are missing from home so could be either or he took both with him.

Oh, I saw the glasses case thing, or could be a cell phone case I guess. I thought satchels were larger, beats me, lol. And thanks for clearing that up skibaboo :wave:
Why is he walking on the trail still hanging on to that file folder? Seems to me, if you are walking away, you dump the folder, assumed filled with legal documents, and be done with it all.

What was in that folder that he wants to hang on to?
Here is a list of suggestions I gleaned when I went through the thread. Some of them may have been done, but we haven't been told, so apologies for being redundant.

Check pawnshops, soup kitchens, shelters, hotels in the Presidio/beach area.

Check medical/psych offices on Sacramento and in the neighborhood.

Ask the fire department to be on the lookout (BOLO).

Canvass the Crocker Galleria near the Montgomery BART station.

Check with the VA hospital near the beach.

Ask a city councilman in the various areas to help with getting video.

Staples, Office Depot, etc will do free flier printing.

Send the video about John to the media.

Plan a public event to raise awareness about John and get media attention. Possibly in SF near the beach?

Post pleas directly to John on FB.
This one has hit home for me, as I lived close to there for many years.

Marking my spot, and hoping for a positive outcome by the time I check back.
Why is he walking on the trail still hanging on to that file folder? Seems to me, if you are walking away, you dump the folder, assumed filled with legal documents, and be done with it all.

What was in that folder that he wants to hang on to?

That's what I'm wondering. If it is a legal doc, something he wants to get rid of, he could simply shred it or burn it.

Is anything else missing of his? Photographs or letters or anything?

And sorry about the satchel / eye glasses case confusion. All I can see in the photograph is the strap, but I suppose in my mind I made it a bag the size of a messenger bag.

Joy, what size is this bag he is wearing across his body? I remember you mentioning you knew it to be a bag he carried often.
Do you mean in the train station photo? I don't see a satchel, just a folder. I actually was wondering why he wouldn't have a satchel or briefcase of some sort rather than carry that bulky folder . Maybe I'm missing something though.

You're right that there is no satchel/briefcase. The strap seen in the Lands End photo has been established to be his sunglasses case, seen in a photo posted of him wearing his hat earlier on the thread and on FB (from before he disappeared). I assume he usually carried his legal papers in this folder (or open ended envelope) and didn't want to have his wife question why he was suddenly carrying a briefcase.

We have figured that the folder contained his hat and sunglasses, which would explain why it seemed bulkier in the BART photo than in the Lands End photo.
You're right that there is no satchel/briefcase. The strap seen in the Lands End photo has been established to be his sunglasses case, seen in a photo posted of him wearing his hat earlier on the thread and on FB (from before he disappeared). I assume he usually carried his legal papers in this folder (or open ended envelope) and didn't want to have his wife question why he was suddenly carrying a briefcase.

We have figured that the folder contained his hat and sunglasses, which would explain why it seemed bulkier in the BART photo than in the Lands End photo.

Thank you! I was just looking and couldn't find pics of the glasses case. Do you have a link?
Here is a photo of John before he disappeared, wearing the hat and two small cases for sunglasses and something else/phone? This what is seen in the Lands End photo, although he may only be carrying one of the cases.

I'm trying to make sure I link photos. Here is a link to this photo from FB. The one I have posted here is one I cropped from one that showed his wife. I can't find that one to link.{"tn":"R9"}



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Here's something I don't think we've discussed. The 9:06 BART train from Oakland would have arrived in SF at Montgomery St at 9:19 a.m. According to this spreadsheet that Joy posted early on the thread, the 38R bus would have arrived at 48th (at the beach) at around 10:00. John's photo on the Lands End Trail was taken at 12:08...about a two hour gap. The two hours could have been spent downtown, en route at a stop off (Sacramento St) or just hanging out at Sutro Baths, beach etc.

The photo was posted at 12:08pm, but not necessarily taken at that time. Is there cell service in that spot? The person who took it could have taken it earlier, not had service at that moment to post to Instagram, and then later posted it once they sat down for lunch.

Excellent point! I didn't think of that as I don't do Instagram. Thanks so much. :) I recall someone saying on FB that she can't get cell service there. So the photo could have been taken about 11:00 depending on how long it took John to walk that far after getting off the bus. That means that he probably didn't stop anywhere en route to the beach. JMO

ETA: I do need to check and see when the photographer said he took the photo.

I finally had a chance to go check on FB about whether the photo was taken at 12:08 or posted to Instagram at 12:08. The family contacted the photographer, who said he TOOK the photo at 12:08 pm Tuesday Feb 9. So with thanks to ZhaZhaHa for being detail-oriented and causing me to fact-check, :) I'm going back to my original idea that there was possibly a two hour gap during which John could have gone to an appointment somewhere before hitting the trail. It probably wasn't that much if we factor in how long it would take to get to that part of the trail. So, he either did something downtown after arriving at the BART station at 9:19 and then took a bus, or stopped along the bus route, or got to the beach and hung out before going on the trail. JMO
This is comes across harsh and I pray that he's ok but,

he might have kept the documents with him as a means of identification....or showing a reason for why he chose to leave this world.

Or, he might be taking some time to himself and reviewing everything. Maybe he feels he's getting unfairly blamed for some of the financial problems. I know when I need to concentrate on something very important that I need complete silence and to be left alone.
I've spent quite a good bit of time looking thru photos from the various neighborhoods, beaches, and trails on gramfeed without any luck. I gotta give major credit to the family member who noticed him in the photo from Lands End Trail because they all start to look alike and run together after looking thru them for a while.
The picture of John on the trail just resonates with me for some reason. I tend to believe he was carrying identifying papers and perhaps a journal or note for a purposeful reason. I pray I am wrong and he is found alive, but it seems like he had a plan, and I've dealt with people who chose that route before.:(
Joy, here are a few questions about things that have been mentioned along the way and I don't think we've heard what has happened in regard to them:

Has the Alameda PD detective been able to help getting surveillance footage from BART SF? Is he taking an active interest in John's case?

Is the PI making any progress?

Did you ever get someone to look at video from the GG Bridge and vicinity?

How did the search of Lands End, etc. go? Any word from the Coast Guard and NP police at the Presidio?

Will the SF Sheriff allow dogs to be used? If so, when and whose dogs?

Can you get permission to use drones, and do you have volunteers for that yet?

Was the man who took the Lands End Instagram photo able to provide more photos when he got back home?

Did you find out anything yet about the reason for Sacramento St street view being in John's computer history?

Has the VA hospital at 42nd and Clement been contacted?

Thanks! :loveyou:

If I missed something, please add to this before Joy gets here after 6:00. Thanks wonderful WSers! :heart:
This is comes across harsh and I pray that he's ok but,

he might have kept the documents with him as a means of identification....or showing a reason for why he chose to leave this world.

Or, he might be taking some time to himself and reviewing everything. Maybe he feels he's getting unfairly blamed for some of the financial problems. I know when I need to concentrate on something very important that I need complete silence and to be left alone.

The picture of John on the trail just resonates with me for some reason. I tend to believe he was carrying identifying papers and perhaps a journal or note for a purposeful reason. I pray I am wrong and he is found alive, but it seems like he had a plan, and I've dealt with people who chose that route before.:(

I hate to agree, but I have the same concern, just from following about six threads here on WS that ended that way. I can tell this is a big concern for the family too. It's got to be terrifying. And yet you keep looking and hoping. I hope he just needed time away...

I learned a lot following Leanne Beardon's case here two years ago, as well as others. You can't always tell when people are terribly depressed. Having loving family doesn't matter. Having a decent life doesn't matter. They may act fairly normal, make plans, get haircuts, sometimes seem upbeat (because they have made a final decision). They often take things with them to be easily identified. They go someplace secluded (even someone's overgrown back yard!). Always look up when searching, or in water. :( I hate even typing this. Each of the six people whose threads I followed were people I would have liked to have known. And I learned not to judge people who choose that option. The despair that leads to a permanent solution to a temporary problem is beyond understanding IMO.

I hope John just needed time away...we will keep looking and hoping.
I know that picture was a gem of a find, but in the same breath I find it very haunting to be honest.

Did someone mention that the area was where he grew up as a boy? I could see him going home, to go home...if that makes sense. He could have taken the time to go to where he lived as a boy prior to hitting the trail. I hope I am wrong, I hope he is somewhere and is too proud or ashamed to say he had thought it, then changed his mind. My heart goes out to him, his family and friends....IMHO
I followed the Leanne Bearden case too lilibet and this is what I am afraid has happened to John....I certainly hope not. That case was my first of that kind on WS.....I agree with all you said. I hope John is found soon.

Has anyone talked about getting Texas Equuasearch? Tim Miller is great at locating missing people. He has drones, horses, ATV's and everything needed to search IF there is a starting point. He has to be invited by LE, but this is right up his alley!
I followed the Leanne Bearden case too lilibet and this is what I am afraid has happened to John....I certainly hope not. That case was my first of that kind on WS.....I agree with all you said. I hope John is found soon.

Has anyone talked about getting Texas Equuasearch? Tim Miller is great at locating missing people. He has drones, horses, ATV's and everything needed to search IF there is a starting point. He has to be invited by LE, but this is right up his alley!

I don't think Texas Equuasearch has been mentioned, so thank you! He does not charge for his service. Tim Miller is terrific. His daughter disappeared, so he knows how it feels. Here are a couple of links.

REQUESTING HELPAfter filing a missing person report with law enforcement, the family representative should then contact Texas EquuSearch. One of our Search Coordinators will then gather information from the family representative regarding the circumstances surrounding the missing person’s disappearance.
Prior to your conversation with our Search Coordinator you should have the following items:
• An accurate description of the missing person
• A recent photo
• The law enforcement agency’s case number, the investigator’s name & phone number.

We will then evaluate whether our resources can be of any success in locating the missing person. Texas EquuSearch will then contact the investigator to determine whether our team, and/or resources can be of assistance in the missing person case. Texas EquuSearch must have approval of the law enforcement investigator before we will actively enter a missing person case
Here is the most recent article I could find. It includes the video made by family and asks for help with Instagram and drones. Very good publicity.

The family said they have been combing that area and are expanding their search to include the Presidio, Laurel Heights, Sea Cliff and surrounding areas. They’re also asking volunteers to search for photos taken at any one of those locations on Instagram, to see if Beck may have appeared in one.
Additionally, any volunteers who own drones are being asked to help by flying their drones along the coastline in search of Beck.
I know this may sound crazy but wasn't it mentioned that JB was/is an attorney? I was just scrolling through other missing persons & there is another California attorney missing in the Santa Rosa area, I looked at the map & to me it looks close but I honestly don't really know much about CA, I know we had some locals on here so just thought I'd mention it. This other man just seemed to vanish also except his car was found at some park near the coast. Idk it could be possibly connected. May not be.

CA - Ken Wayne, 56, Santa Rosa, 13 February 2016

ETA: link to other mp attorney
I know this may sound crazy but wasn't it mentioned that JB was/is an attorney? I was just scrolling through other missing persons & there is another California attorney missing in the Santa Rosa area, I looked at the map & to me it looks close but I honestly don't really know much about CA, I know we had some locals on here so just thought I'd mention it. This other man just seemed to vanish also except his car was found at some park near the coast. Idk it could be possibly connected. May not be.

CA - Ken Wayne, 56, Santa Rosa, 13 February 2016

ETA: link to other mp attorney

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