Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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Here is another big sticking point for me:

SS left the party, and Kiely around 12:25-ish, with her new ride. This is from her previously linked interviews. I can find and link them again, if people need to see them.

Kiely's phone went dead at 12:33. I don't know how to reconcile her calling SS at 12:36, but split the difference, maybe? Maybe their phones were slightly out of sync or we say at 12:36.

So Kiely hugs SS and has the whole "I love you, be safe/get home safe" interaction with SS--who also claims she believed Kiely was spending the night AT the campground. (confusing!) AT 12:25

Kiely then immediately gets into her car and has to drive straight into the lake, basically.

Which doesn't even add up because of the call to SS.

This is without even bringing Roadside Nick into the equation.

Think about it. REALLY think about it.

Now add in being inebriated, and maybe you're a little slow, you're giggly probably.

NO ONE sees you leave?!? You're a cute extraverted young girl who has been hopping around the party all night talking to all kinds of people.

Come on guys.... I'm not trying to push one theory over the other, I'm really not.

Just take a couple of minutes and BE the drunk teen at the party. Stumble your way through it.

How does it make sense?

In order to fit the timeline of events, as stated:

Totally smashed Kiely hops into her vehicle.

She speeds away, totally unnoticed.

She managed to call SS while bombing down the rutted ATV road, totally inebriated, yet she can manage a snapchat call to SS, and not go off the road.

She makes the exact turns, never realizing "gee, this isnt the road?" yet she remains on the rutted path we have all seen.

BAM, right into the water, dead phone, somehow still minutes before she allegedly called SS? But perhaps the call to SS was 5-6 minutes before SS thinks it was?

That means Kiely just flew down the road, and somehow left no trace of speeding, no damage to shrubs, or trees and stayed on the path?!

If she did that, then she probably was not that inebriated....and would have realized she hit the water...i.e. she would have likely hit the water while ON the call....
Both of these are very enlightening the way you worded them.
I think Sami could be misleading people for some reason about what happened and when.
Some part of this story is missing for us i the public.

Did Kiely accidentally drive her car into the reservoir, was she the victim of blatant foul play, or did she die from another cause which perhaps led to a cover-up?

None of us can answer this with any certainty. I lean to one or another scenario, depending on what aspect of the case wanders into my mind.

Today, I ponder on what prompted SS to reference Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies when she spoke of the party.

William Golding's 1954 novel "Lord of the Flies" tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. In the context of the novel, the tale of the boys' descent into chaos suggests that human nature is fundamentally savage.

Lord of the Flies: Plot Summary

IIRC – and please correct me if I’m wrong, Simon was murdered by the group of boys.

Piggy couldn’t confront his role in Simon’s death, thus he maintained the death was an accident.

Piggy was killed when another boy rolled a rock which pushed Piggy over the cliff. His body was washed out to sea.

'I think a lot of them were scared to talk,' Smith said. 'They were engaging in illegal activity in the woods, it's like this Lord of the Flies space where they can just be.’
Kiely Rodni disappeared from party that was 'full of illegal activity'

Was mention of Lord of the Flies an off-the-cuff remark made by SS, or a planned statement?

If the former, was SS simply wanting to present as erudite, or was her intention to portray something nefarious had occurred at the party?

If it was an off-the-cuff statement, IMO, such spontaneous, unguarded speech rises from the unconscious, and it is therefore often an indication of our true thoughts, feelings, ideas or beliefs.
Here is another big sticking point for me:

SS left the party, and Kiely around 12:25-ish, with her new ride. This is from her previously linked interviews. I can find and link them again, if people need to see them.

Kiely's phone went dead at 12:33. I don't know how to reconcile her calling SS at 12:36, but split the difference, maybe? Maybe their phones were slightly out of sync or we say at 12:36.

So Kiely hugs SS and has the whole "I love you, be safe/get home safe" interaction with SS--who also claims she believed Kiely was spending the night AT the campground. (confusing!) AT 12:25

Kiely then immediately gets into her car and has to drive straight into the lake, basically.

Which doesn't even add up because of the call to SS.

This is without even bringing Roadside Nick into the equation.

Think about it. REALLY think about it.

Now add in being inebriated, and maybe you're a little slow, you're giggly probably.

NO ONE sees you leave?!? You're a cute extraverted young girl who has been hopping around the party all night talking to all kinds of people.

Come on guys.... I'm not trying to push one theory over the other, I'm really not.

Just take a couple of minutes and BE the drunk teen at the party. Stumble your way through it.

How does it make sense?
The last phone ping being at 12:33 does not mean that's the exact moment that Kiely's phone died. Phones only ping cell towers when they have a reason to (call, text, data access, etc). They also do periodic pings but those can be many hours apart. So as long as Kiely didn't use her phone again after the call with SS and she didn't drive far enough to switch cell towers there could have been a decent gap between the last ping and when the phone actually went into the water. It could have been 12:45 or even later.
Just take a couple of minutes and BE the drunk teen at the party. Stumble your way through it. How does it make sense?

Well, it never made sense to me, @Beekarina.

Let's not forget that on 8/15, the Placer County Sheriff's Office tweeted this: "Hoping this can lead to… where Kiely may have gone after the party.” And I estimate that is likely about 2 days after Nick the RA guy reported his 8/6 sighting to LE.

So I don't think KR hugged SS good-bye at 12:25am at the party and was in the water in her car by 12:33am when her phone last pinged or by 12:36 right after she hung up with SS, per SS' story. That is an 8-11 minute time frame that doesn't fit well.

I believe, IMO, KR turned off her phone or put it in airplane mode at 12:33/36am so she could not be traced, and left the party and went somewhere else to continue partying... as it appears LE suspected might have happened back on 8/15.

My WS approved citations for my first paragraph are in my post from up thread, copied here:
Did Kiely accidentally drive her car into the reservoir, was she the victim of blatant foul play, or did she die from another cause which perhaps led to a cover-up?

None of us can answer this with any certainty. I lean to one or another scenario, depending on what aspect of the case wanders into my mind.

Today, I ponder on what prompted SS to reference Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies when she spoke of the party.

William Golding's 1954 novel "Lord of the Flies" tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. In the context of the novel, the tale of the boys' descent into chaos suggests that human nature is fundamentally savage.
Lord of the Flies: Plot Summary

IIRC – and please correct me if I’m wrong, Simon was murdered by the group of boys.

Piggy couldn’t confront his role in Simon’s death, thus he maintained the death was an accident.

Piggy was killed when another boy rolled a rock which pushed Piggy over the cliff. His body was washed out to sea.

'I think a lot of them were scared to talk,' Smith said. 'They were engaging in illegal activity in the woods, it's like this Lord of the Flies space where they can just be.’
Kiely Rodni disappeared from party that was 'full of illegal activity'

Was mention of Lord of the Flies an off-the-cuff remark made by SS, or a planned statement?

If the former, was SS simply wanting to present as erudite, or was her intention to portray something nefarious had occurred at the party?

If it was an off-the-cuff statement, IMO, such spontaneous, unguarded speech rises from the unconscious, and it is therefore often an indication of our true thoughts, feelings, ideas or beliefs.
Ugh, if the party did resemble Lord of the Flies then it's amazing more people didn't get hurt or die. Great fun <sarcasm>.

Along the same line, I don't quite buy into the notion of Kiely and her friends being hearty, outdoorsy kids to the extent that people describe. She was planning to hike the next day but was it some day long trek with 40 pound packs or a leisurely trail walk?

One reason why I question it is that the kids left a big mess of glow sticks, broken glass, cans and remnants of campfires, not to mention did they use toilet paper when they went into the woods to pee?

I get that everyone was probably too drunk/stoned to care about their trash but did anyone even bother to bring a garbage bag? Did anyone go back the next day to clean up? There were reports on the trash after so I guess not.

Does that really describe a bunch of experienced, hard core outdoors people? Being able to drive a snowmobile doesn't equal being a rugged, flannel shirt wearing lumberjack. I live in a seaport and can sail a boat but I've never been shrimping; I couldn't gut a fish and filet it to save my life.

My point is that maybe Kiely was just a sweet 16 year old girl who was new to driving and may have overindulged alcohol and/or drugs and got turned around when trying to get home. Maybe that's all it was. For Kiely's family's sake I hope I'm right.

I have my personal list of things that would steer me away from believing Kiely had an accident and I will do a 180 if they are confirmed by LE. Until then I don't see enough evidence to call foul play.

But I do continue to read all the posts and hearing differing opinions has been helpful and thought-provoking. Just please don't make me eat too large a crow if I turn out to be wrong!
While looking for something else abt the phone pings that night, I found this article which clears up for me where Kiely was on Friday morning.

Others may already know this, but I know in one of the earlier threads we discussed how she may have been partying for a few days, etc. Sorry for jumping in with it a bit out of order, but it is interesting, IMO:

Ms Rodni-Nieman told The Independent last week that she last saw Kiely on Friday morning and then spoke to her by text message that night – not long before her last known sighting.

It was just like any normal day.

Kiely had come downstairs in their home that morning and mother and daughter chatted about their plans for the day.

“It was ‘morning, hi, love you’ and talking about plans for the day – just a little check-in as normal,” said Ms Rodni-Nieman.

“She was going to see some friends and maybe go to the gym… We also talked about her plans to go camping the following night. And then we said ‘have a great day and love you’.”

She said: “She did not seem out of the ordinary at all.

“Everything seemed the same, she had a big smile on her face and she was ready to greet the day. She was having a good day and week and was excited about going camping the following night. We had a great exchange.”

The mother and daughter stayed in contact throughout the day and last spoke at around 11.30pm that night when Kiely texted to say she would be setting off on the 25-30 minute drive home from the party.

“She said she’d be leaving at 12.15 and was going to start heading home,” said Ms Rodni-Nieman.

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Did Kiely accidentally drive her car into the reservoir, was she the victim of blatant foul play, or did she die from another cause which perhaps led to a cover-up?

None of us can answer this with any certainty. I lean to one or another scenario, depending on what aspect of the case wanders into my mind.

Today, I ponder on what prompted SS to reference Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies when she spoke of the party.

William Golding's 1954 novel "Lord of the Flies" tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. In the context of the novel, the tale of the boys' descent into chaos suggests that human nature is fundamentally savage.
Lord of the Flies: Plot Summary

IIRC – and please correct me if I’m wrong, Simon was murdered by the group of boys.

Piggy couldn’t confront his role in Simon’s death, thus he maintained the death was an accident.

Piggy was killed when another boy rolled a rock which pushed Piggy over the cliff. His body was washed out to sea.

'I think a lot of them were scared to talk,' Smith said. 'They were engaging in illegal activity in the woods, it's like this Lord of the Flies space where they can just be.’
Kiely Rodni disappeared from party that was 'full of illegal activity'

Was mention of Lord of the Flies an off-the-cuff remark made by SS, or a planned statement?

If the former, was SS simply wanting to present as erudite, or was her intention to portray something nefarious had occurred at the party?

If it was an off-the-cuff statement, IMO, such spontaneous, unguarded speech rises from the unconscious, and it is therefore often an indication of our true thoughts, feelings, ideas or beliefs.

She probably had just read this novel in her final year in high school, and for that reason used that analogy. I don't think we can read anything more into it, JMO. I remember having to read that novel in high school.
The last phone ping being at 12:33 does not mean that's the exact moment that Kiely's phone died. Phones only ping cell towers when they have a reason to (call, text, data access, etc). They also do periodic pings but those can be many hours apart. So as long as Kiely didn't use her phone again after the call with SS and she didn't drive far enough to switch cell towers there could have been a decent gap between the last ping and when the phone actually went into the water. It could have been 12:45 or even later.

One problem with this theory, the feds and apple and other smartphone makers can tell exactly when a phone was turned off

I think the following has been established in the threads. I apologize to the Mods if not, I know you will snip or delete if you need to.

This is MOO that was formed going through the threads and links in the posts. These statements by Sami, that I paraphrased, have always puzzled me. Why add the detail and information not asked for:

"I was with her the whole time, we were a little pair, EVERYONE SAW US, if we separated we came back together......we drank out of the SAME DRINKS....I answered her call when I was in the PASSENGER seat......I was the LAST one to talk to her, that knows what was going on....I feel like someone might have offered to DRIVE HER home, and didn't take her home"

I don't know if it is because Sami feels guilty about leaving Kiely at the party while so drunk, or there is something else, but I do feel the real story is right there. I am not sure if I can go that far here, so I won't. I will wait to see if the autopsy and police report indicate accident, or foul play, and where MSM takes it.
Ugh, if the party did resemble Lord of the Flies then it's amazing more people didn't get hurt or die. Great fun <sarcasm>.

Along the same line, I don't quite buy into the notion of Kiely and her friends being hearty, outdoorsy kids to the extent that people describe. She was planning to hike the next day but was it some day long trek with 40 pound packs or a leisurely trail walk?

One reason why I question it is that the kids left a big mess of glow sticks, broken glass, cans and remnants of campfires, not to mention did they use toilet paper when they went into the woods to pee?

I get that everyone was probably too drunk/stoned to care about their trash but did anyone even bother to bring a garbage bag? Did anyone go back the next day to clean up? There were reports on the trash after so I guess not.

Does that really describe a bunch of experienced, hard core outdoors people? Being able to drive a snowmobile doesn't equal being a rugged, flannel shirt wearing lumberjack. I live in a seaport and can sail a boat but I've never been shrimping; I couldn't gut a fish and filet it to save my life.

Speculation by me, but from what I saw of the family, I do think Kiely lived an outdoors-y lifestyle in a genuine sense of the word. It wouldn't shock me if she had friends she partied with, and other people in her life that she actually DID strap on a pack and go on a real hike with, although early in the morning after a blow out party does seem odd, I agree.

I suspect she was pulled in two directions? Experimentation, typical teen stuff. Plus everything we have since heard about the local party culture. Probably true for a lot of the kids.

One problem with this theory, the feds and apple and other smartphone makers can tell exactly when a phone was turned off

LE has been pretty explicit that the 12:33 time was just the last cell phone ping. They certainly might have better data now due to warrants and/or recovering the phone itself, but in one of their press conferences they mentioned that there could have been further activity after that ping:
(around 4:20 if the link doesn't take you directly there)
LE has been pretty explicit that the 12:33 time was just the last cell phone ping. They certainly might have better data now due to warrants and/or recovering the phone itself, but in one of their press conferences they mentioned that there could have been further activity after that ping:
(around 4:20 if the link doesn't take you directly there)
I may have misheard that but still, the feds and phone maker can tell when a phone went off.
The overall situation with SS is/was unusual. It is a good point she may have mentioned Lord of The Flies simply from familiarity, perhaps a desire to be considered the adult she legally is?

Her statements may have been made as someone who was trying to speculate herself on possible scenarios, given what people in her family do for work. I can see doing that, and it just sounds odd to come out with "we drank from the same drinks" before anyone asks the question. In doing so, you almost appear guilty of something, or knowledgeable of something, when what you're doing is in effect saying "We drank from the same drinks (i.e. no one roofied her, I thought of that already, can't be since I was fine, just drunk.)

When someone doesn't fill in the things unsaid, we're all left guessing.

I wish she would give another interview, preferably someone mainstream and professional who could clear a few things up, but she almost certainly will not.
Sorry for serial posting.

I just noticed something weird in the article I linked to a couple posts ago. Maybe Kiely's mom was under pressure, or misquoted, but look what it says:

“She was going to see some friends and maybe go to the gym… We also talked about her plans to go camping the following night."

I went in a bolded in my original post. We were told Kiely was going camping THE NEXT MORNING--i.e. after the party. Meeting people at Starbucks, early?? What is up here???

adding article in again for TOS: Kiely Rodni - live: Missing teen’s car seen in new image as police plan to cut back Truckee search
wow! Thanks so much for this. So, the founder of prosser was an original pioneer who had a giant ranch there and most of it was covered to make the reservoir, which you find out in the first box of your post which I missed and then read the entire thing looking for the info lol.

You suddenly get the idea of the culture there. The lady who wrote this article, her great great grandad founded prosser creek when mexico still owned California! And judging by the articles, she is not the only 5th generation prosser, and many more from other families.

IIRC, KR grandparents are also of area lineage. Guessing at least one LE
is of the old stock. Maybe why we get a sense of the community closing ranks to protect one of their own, etc.

So there was Truckee and then 5 miles away, a 1,2OO plus rosser ranch with an additional Mexican land grant.Then, the government nullified the land grant and later on, most of the ranch was flooded over to form prosser reservoir. Wonder how that all went down.

Bunch of newbie older kids invade a traditional local party around curfew.
Well established local kids get to do whatever they want though so they have been partying. One of them gets in fatal accident. LE would like to blame newbies or strangers it but then a swaggering group of salvagers finds KR in an area that seems like an accident would happen there but suddenly say, foul play.
Suddenly, control of the investigation imay have been perceived as being eroded by outsiders in a community that bristles already because outsiders are taking over.
Maybe, Truckee LE doesnt have evidence of newbies doing anything wrong. All speculation
Remember, at this point? On Friday morning? We had been told in other reports that Kiely spent Friday with Kate, making creme brulee, and her original plan had been to go to Hot August Nights Friday night with her mom.

Camping was supposed to have been Saturday morning, after the meet up at Starbucks.

So, I'm confused?
Sorry for serial posting.

I just noticed something weird in the article I linked to a couple posts ago. Maybe Kiely's mom was under pressure, or misquoted, but look what it says:

“She was going to see some friends and maybe go to the gym… We also talked about her plans to go camping the following night."

I went in a bolded in my original post. We were told Kiely was going camping THE NEXT MORNING--i.e. after the party. Meeting people at Starbucks, early?? What is up here???

adding article in again for TOS: Kiely Rodni - live: Missing teen’s car seen in new image as police plan to cut back Truckee search
But it would be camping the following night if you were referencing the night after the Prosser Party. They were meeting the morning after the Prosser Party to camp that night, so it would be the following night from the Prosser Party. Do I make sense?
But it would be camping the following night if you were referencing the night after the Prosser Party. They were meeting the morning after the Prosser Party to camp that night, so it would be the following night from the Prosser Party. Do I make sense?
Yes, that makes sense. I also thought of that, and probably that is what they mean? It's just weird to mention the following NIGHT when her mom knew the camping trip began the next morning?

i.e. the early morning start of the camping trip is when her mom really understood Kiely was missing?
Yes, that makes sense. I also thought of that, and probably that is what they mean? It's just weird to mention the following NIGHT when her mom knew the camping trip began the next morning?

i.e. the early morning start of the camping trip is when her mom really understood Kiely was missing?
Yes, I agree. The statements by so many keep us scratching our heads.
This chain of articles which mentioned camping & the car show also reinforces the cellphone timeline. I know it is a bit redundant, but just thinking it all through again:

Ms Rodni-Nieman said that their family members share cellphone location data and so she checked her daughter’s phone.

The last location data was at the campground where the party took place at 12.03am.

She has since learned that Snapchat data shows her cellphone at the same location at around 12.30am

Ms Rodni-Nieman said it would be odd for her daughter to let her phone go dead, adding that she has a charger in her car

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