Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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From same article. I think this is important:

It’s also not unusual for her to hang out at the Prosser Campground, said Ms Rodni-Nieman.

The campsite has been a regular haunt for local teenagers going back decades and Kiely had been to parties there before Friday.

“It feels like a safe place. Like a neighbourhood backyard,” said Ms Rodni-Nieman.

“It’s a couple of miles out of town and is just this open space with reservoirs and camping and dirt roads. Lots of people go riding dirt bikes or hiking and it’s a community space.”
Sorry for serial posting.

I just noticed something weird in the article I linked to a couple posts ago. Maybe Kiely's mom was under pressure, or misquoted, but look what it says:

“She was going to see some friends and maybe go to the gym… We also talked about her plans to go camping the following night."

I went in a bolded in my original post. We were told Kiely was going camping THE NEXT MORNING--i.e. after the party. Meeting people at Starbucks, early?? What is up here???

adding article in again for TOS: Kiely Rodni - live: Missing teen’s car seen in new image as police plan to cut back Truckee search
I guess both can be true - Kiely was meeting her friends Sat morning to go on a hike/camping & maybe they were planning to be out all day and spend the night camping? It does sound like ambitious plans after being out so late the night before (but maybe very normal for 16 year old energy!)
Here is another big sticking point for me:

SS left the party, and Kiely around 12:25-ish, with her new ride. This is from her previously linked interviews. I can find and link them again, if people need to see them.

Kiely's phone went dead at 12:33. I don't know how to reconcile her calling SS at 12:36, but split the difference, maybe? Maybe their phones were slightly out of sync or we say at 12:36.

So Kiely hugs SS and has the whole "I love you, be safe/get home safe" interaction with SS--who also claims she believed Kiely was spending the night AT the campground. (confusing!) AT 12:25

Kiely then immediately gets into her car and has to drive straight into the lake, basically.

Which doesn't even add up because of the call to SS.

This is without even bringing Roadside Nick into the equation.

Think about it. REALLY think about it.

Now add in being inebriated, and maybe you're a little slow, you're giggly probably.

NO ONE sees you leave?!? You're a cute extraverted young girl who has been hopping around the party all night talking to all kinds of people.

Come on guys.... I'm not trying to push one theory over the other, I'm really not.

Just take a couple of minutes and BE the drunk teen at the party. Stumble your way through it.

How does it make sense?
My understanding is that time stamps for phone activity can come from various sources :

- what you see on the phone (text at 12:36)
- a tower ping ( I imagine ping latency varies by position to the tower)
- a billing record

In other words, don't assume the timing to be exact when coming from various sources.

Just my thoughts.

IIRC, KR grandparents are also of area lineage. Guessing at least one LE
is of the old stock. Maybe why we get a sense of the community closing ranks to protect one of their own, etc.

I think this is very true. Ties run deep there, and a lot of livelihoods depend on Truckee staying a safe, quaint mountain town.

The curfew extension is kind of murky to me as well? Her mom says Kiely's curfew was typically 11:30. She says Kiely often asked for an hour's extension, to be home by 12:30, which they granted. Ok, makes sense.

Then we have this:

The mother and daughter stayed in contact throughout the day and last spoke at around 11.30pm that night when Kiely texted to say she would be setting off on the 25-30 minute drive home from the party.

“She said she’d be leaving at 12.15 and was going to start heading home,” said Ms Rodni-Nieman

I know we have discussed this previously, but WHY did Kiely text her mom so far in advance of when she ACTUALLY left the party?

Stay with me...

Kiely got to the party around 10pm ish with Mags.
At 11:30, so when she is already supposed to be home, that's when she asks for the curfew extension?

Ok, so I can see her mom approving that, based on their earlier history of trust. BUT if the general agreement was to extend the curfew to 12:30, and we know it takes half an hour to drive home, and she is leaving at 12:15, this is another timeline that doesn't make any sense.

At 12:36, she's still at the party location, roughly according to phone calls....

So, she would have been home at 1am, at the absolute earliest, had she made it?

Why call SS but not a a text to her mom around 12:30 and say "Ok mom, heading out now, see you soon."

And WHY was her phone location for whatever her family used to keep tabs not ON after 12:03 am?
I think the following has been established in the threads. I apologize to the Mods if not, I know you will snip or delete if you need to.

This is MOO that was formed going through the threads and links in the posts. These statements by Sami, that I paraphrased, have always puzzled me. Why add the detail and information not asked for:

"I was with her the whole time, we were a little pair, EVERYONE SAW US, if we separated we came back together......we drank out of the SAME DRINKS....I answered her call when I was in the PASSENGER seat......I was the LAST one to talk to her, that knows what was going on....I feel like someone might have offered to DRIVE HER home, and didn't take her home"

I don't know if it is because Sami feels guilty about leaving Kiely at the party while so drunk, or there is something else, but I do feel the real story is right there. I am not sure if I can go that far here, so I won't. I will wait to see if the autopsy and police report indicate accident, or foul play, and where MSM takes it.
B&UBM for focus (and because bolding doesn't show up for me real well on this new site in the quoted content).

You just might find this next bit interesting. It's from a book called The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. While it sort of has nothing to do with this case, it sort of does. I took some notes about survival signals to protect a person from violence. Here's one from my notes:

TOO MANY DETAILS – When people are telling the truth they don’t feel they need to elaborate on their story with ‘too many details’.

Real life examples from the book about the above signal was talking about what the person who intended violence against the woman said to her (elaborating when he really did not need to). A cat that he left unfed, leaving the door open “like ladies do in old movies”, always late “Broken watch, not my fault”.

So, with that said... SS may have too many details which according to de Becker's book... is a signal the person talking to you is lying. So if she is lying... why? What does she know? What is her part in this? If she was that close to Kiely she has to know SOMETHING. Even if it's simply all of the guys, and gals, she was talking to, and/or flirting with, and/or having tiffs with (if there were any negative vibes going on). You'd think she'd know all of that since they were together and good friends and since they were apparently in close enough proximity to share the same drinks.
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I may have misheard that but still, the feds and phone maker can tell when a phone went off.
A phone may very well send a ping when it's shutting down. But if it's under 10-15 feet of water, that ping will never reach the cell tower since the signal can't travel through that much water. From what LE said at the press conference, I think it's pretty clear that the 12:33 ping was not a shutdown ping since they mention that there could be further phone activity.

Hopefully they found her phone in the car and are able to recover the data from it. That should tell them when it actually shut down and might even give precise GPS location data for its last movements.
All accidents arise from a series of actions....

What if Kiely was the friend subscribing to the no friend left behind friend code? What if she pushed back her curfew because she was the designated driver, first for Mags who'd already left and then for SS who paired up with her? What if Kiely did as many do and fake sipped and faked let-loose, all the while keeping as eye on SS, who was drinking, even to the point of tag-teaming potty breaks? What if, when SS headed back to the party after the last phone charging, Kiely didn't feel right, leaving her there, hence the phone call.

Meanwhile, the moon sets, turning off the night's natural light.

What if it's only once Kiely is sure SS is safe and on her way home that a very impatient, perhaps exasperated Kiely starts her drive home? Into pitch darkness.

In my early days I had a friend that I went out with in our local town. We knew all the local hangouts, where our friends would be and where the cool places were. My friend had a older brother who was a weight lifter and so people didn't mess with us. Now, I traveled some when I was younger and my gf would go with me on trips. When it came to the big cities like Washington DC, NYC or Dallas, Tx., etc. we had a understanding. We did not become distant from one another. No cells in those days. However on one of our trips into the big city, we went to a club, (In those days quite common), she met some guy, ended up leaving the parking lot in his car to a motel. I won't go into detail what she went through but it was hell and we didn't know where she was or what had happened. She got away from him and his friends, who were all low life scum bags with drugs and guns everywhere. To make a long story short DON"T BECOME SEPERATED from your friends. There are predators out there just looking for people to take advantage of. This was many years ago and things are even worse now.
How would it change the timeline/storyline if no one recalled Kiely leaving the main party at midnight if Kiely left the main party at 11:30?

What if Kiely made her way to the beach before the moon set? What if the drive down was challenging, but not impossible? What if there were other partiers at the beach (that SS heard when she last spoke to Kiely)?

What if, when Kiely -- after having waited for SS for as long as an hour -- my speculation), Kiely put her car into forward/reverse by accident, gunned it (out of anger for having been blown off -- my theory -- and the desire to get-thee-home-already) which caused the car to lurch -- into at least two feet of water?

Just a theory...

Here is another big sticking point for me:

SS left the party, and Kiely around 12:25-ish, with her new ride. This is from her previously linked interviews. I can find and link them again, if people need to see them.

Kiely's phone went dead at 12:33. I don't know how to reconcile her calling SS at 12:36, but split the difference, maybe? Maybe their phones were slightly out of sync or we say at 12:36.

So Kiely hugs SS and has the whole "I love you, be safe/get home safe" interaction with SS--who also claims she believed Kiely was spending the night AT the campground. (confusing!) AT 12:25

Kiely then immediately gets into her car and has to drive straight into the lake, basically.

Which doesn't even add up because of the call to SS.

This is without even bringing Roadside Nick into the equation.

Think about it. REALLY think about it.

Now add in being inebriated, and maybe you're a little slow, you're giggly probably.

NO ONE sees you leave?!? You're a cute extraverted young girl who has been hopping around the party all night talking to all kinds of people.

Come on guys.... I'm not trying to push one theory over the other, I'm really not.

Just take a couple of minutes and BE the drunk teen at the party. Stumble your way through it.

How does it make sense?
Good idea, I am a drunk teenaged girl, I drove people here but now I have to drive home alone, I tell my friend I might stay at the campground but change my mind for some reason, I think I can do it, get in my car anyway take a wrong turn, get on the wrong bumpy path, maybe tag a small tree or two, break my passenger side mirror maybe even a window,
hit a log and break the axle and blows out my tire, car starts careening down the hill to the lake,
I realize I am going into the lake and try to escape out the window but water too strong get almost to the back for air then water pressure forces me to the cargo area and I am dead.
How would it change the timeline/storyline if no one recalled Kiely leaving the main party at midnight if Kiely left the main party at 11:30?

What if Kiely made her way to the beach before the moon set? What if the drive down was challenging, but not impossible? What if there were other partiers at the beach (that SS heard when she last spoke to Kiely)?

What if, when Kiely -- after having waited for SS for as long as an hour -- my speculation), Kiely put her car into forward/reverse by accident, gunned it (out of anger for having been blown off -- my theory -- and the desire to get-thee-home-already) which caused the car to lurch -- into at least two feet of water?

Just a theory...

This is definitely possible.

It makes a lot more sense to me for Kiely to be on the beach with other people for some reason, then it does to make her way down there quickly and right into the water, unnoticed.
Now that I know Kiely has definitely been to Prosser previously--per her mom she had been to parties there in the past, and her mom considered it a "safe place, a neighborhood backyard" (from post above # 341) , I'm much more firmly convinced if Kiely went to the water on her own accord, it was intentional. i.e. she was down there with other people or for some other reason. i.e. not because she accidentally took the wrong turns and had no idea where she was.

Edited: and I think if her friends do have knowledge, this is likely what they know. I'm not implicating anyone. Just saying there are likely partygoers who can fill in the gaps and explain how someone familiar with the location ends up down there?
Did Kiely accidentally drive her car into the reservoir, was she the victim of blatant foul play, or did she die from another cause which perhaps led to a cover-up?

None of us can answer this with any certainty. I lean to one or another scenario, depending on what aspect of the case wanders into my mind.

Today, I ponder on what prompted SS to reference Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies when she spoke of the party.

William Golding's 1954 novel "Lord of the Flies" tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. In the context of the novel, the tale of the boys' descent into chaos suggests that human nature is fundamentally savage.
Lord of the Flies: Plot Summary

IIRC – and please correct me if I’m wrong, Simon was murdered by the group of boys.

Piggy couldn’t confront his role in Simon’s death, thus he maintained the death was an accident.

Piggy was killed when another boy rolled a rock which pushed Piggy over the cliff. His body was washed out to sea.

'I think a lot of them were scared to talk,' Smith said. 'They were engaging in illegal activity in the woods, it's like this Lord of the Flies space where they can just be.’
Kiely Rodni disappeared from party that was 'full of illegal activity'

Was mention of Lord of the Flies an off-the-cuff remark made by SS, or a planned statement?

If the former, was SS simply wanting to present as erudite, or was her intention to portray something nefarious had occurred at the party?

If it was an off-the-cuff statement, IMO, such spontaneous, unguarded speech rises from the unconscious, and it is therefore often an indication of our true thoughts, feelings, ideas or beliefs.
For what it's worth, Lord of the Flies is really commonly assigned in high school English classes across the US - it's a staple in the curriculum. Although it could definitely indicate some further meaning / implication in the reference, it's also pretty likely that it was just a ready to hand example. JMO
All accidents arise from a series of actions....

What if Kiely was the friend subscribing to the no friend left behind friend code? What if she pushed back her curfew because she was the designated driver, first for Mags who'd already left and then for SS who paired up with her? What if Kiely did as many do and fake sipped and faked let-loose, all the while keeping as eye on SS, who was drinking, even to the point of tag-teaming potty breaks? What if, when
All accidents arise from a series of actions....

What if Kiely was the friend subscribing to the no friend left behind friend code? What if she pushed back her curfew because she was the designated driver, first for Mags who'd already left and then for SS who paired up with her? What if Kiely did as many do and fake sipped and faked let-loose, all the while keeping as eye on SS, who was drinking, even to the point of tag-teaming potty breaks? What if, when SS headed back to the party after the last phone charging, Kiely didn't feel right, leaving her there, hence the phone call.

Meanwhile, the moon sets, turning off the night's natural light.

What if it's only once Kiely is sure SS is safe and on her way home that a very impatient, perhaps exasperated Kiely starts her drive home? Into pitch darkness.

I don’t have a reason to believe Kiely wasn’t drinking. We have SS statements about sharing drinks & not wanting a ride home from Kiely because she was clearly drunk. Mag’s mother said Kiely was too drunk to be able to drive home safely. How would Mag’s mother know that unless Kiely’s friends saw/believed she was drunk & that was the word that got around the next day. Sure, everyone could be lying for whatever reason but there was also a can of alcohol in Kiely’s car (in the AWP video)


I was just re-reading this article from very early on and it’s the DM so who knows how accurate this is but Kiely “…had told friends she was too inebriated to drive herself home.” Did some friends come forward & tell LE or Kiely’s mom that Kiely said that? Mag’s mom knew that detail too.

If there is any truth to that AND because of the early speculation that this was an abduction, maybe Kiely handed her keys over to someone - maybe she really didn’t drive herself out of the party area.


Now that I know Kiely has definitely been to Prosser previously--per her mom she had been to parties there in the past, and her mom considered it a "safe place, a neighborhood backyard" (from post above # 341) , I'm much more firmly convinced if Kiely went to the water on her own accord, it was intentional. i.e. she was down there with other people or for some other reason. i.e. not because she accidentally took the wrong turns and had no idea where she was.

Edited: and I think if her friends do have knowledge, this is likely what they know. I'm not implicating anyone. Just saying there are likely partygoers who can fill in the gaps and explain how someone familiar with the location ends up down there?
But ... they said kids/adults in the party were doing god knows what drugs, mushrooms, etc. I think many here are thinking inebriation of the type of "a few beers" where one can still drive and recognize roads they've drive on before in the dark. What if she asked for a curfew extension and thought heck, I'll just do this "shroom" and it made her hallucinate. Ever ingested anything like that? You see things that aren't there. You see tiny things that look like monsters. You feel invincible. People have jumped off roofs under that kind of influence thinking they could fly. Of course we have NO idea if this is what happened, but in my mind it could account for someone aiming a car down a road and then boom, they're in the water because what we think would be a drunken state is a million times beyond that. Maybe she did "one more Truly for the road" and it was laced. We just don't know.
She probably had just read this novel in her final year in high school, and for that reason used that analogy. I don't think we can read anything more into it, JMO. I remember having to read that novel in high school.

For what it's worth, Lord of the Flies is really commonly assigned in high school English classes across the US - it's a staple in the curriculum. Although it could definitely indicate some further meaning / implication in the reference, it's also pretty likely that it was just a ready to hand example. JMO

I used to teach this novel. Yes, it does have deep themes about the human condition, but I would hazard a guess that SS just dredged this reference out of her high school memory. She likely meant nothing more than that there were no adults and ergo, no rules.

IMO she was not implying that there was a sinister plot to harm someone.
Good idea, I am a drunk teenaged girl, I drove people here but now I have to drive home alone, I tell my friend I might stay at the campground but change my mind for some reason, I think I can do it, get in my car anyway take a wrong turn, get on the wrong bumpy path, maybe tag a small tree or two, break my passenger side mirror maybe even a window,
hit a log and break the axle and blows out my tire, car starts careening down the hill to the lake,
I realize I am going into the lake and try to escape out the window but water too strong get almost to the back for air then water pressure forces me to the cargo area and I am dead.

There was no damage to the mirror, axel, or tire as far as we know. The mirror was broken during LE extracting the car, and there is no evidence for any wheel damage. There is also no evidence of collisions with solid objects, although admittedly shrubs might not have left damage while still being upsetting to someone who feels the hits and might be imagining big damage.

I still like my window theory. If the front passenger window was NOT open/broken before the car entered the water, that left the back window (rear left-side window that was half open) the only open exit. As the car tilted downward, the front was the first part of the car under water and pressure made the front doors and windows impossible to open. After frantically trying them, she climbed into the backseat to access the only open window. Either the rushing water prevented escape, or the car rolled over at that time, and then it was simply too late and impossible to escape. Since we don't know when the front passenger window came to be broken, I think that it's possible it was broken after the car hit the bottom, although the lack of visible glass is an issue with that theory. Cars apparently tend to roll to the right because the engine is off-center, so hitting hard on the passenger window side seems logical. Maybe the car skidded away from the location of the glass that was left from that impact. Or maybe the diver didn't see it in the silt, after two weeks, if it wasn't directly next to the window. Maybe it was even hidden underneath the roof of the car, depending on how it crumbled and what the car's angle was at the time.
I don’t have a reason to believe Kiely wasn’t drinking. We have SS statements about sharing drinks & not wanting a ride home from Kiely because she was clearly drunk. Mag’s mother said Kiely was too drunk to be able to drive home safely. How would Mag’s mother know that unless Kiely’s friends saw/believed she was drunk & that was the word that got around the next day. Sure, everyone could be lying for whatever reason but there was also a can of alcohol in Kiely’s car (in the AWP video)


Right, Mags left after only 10 minutes or so because of the pushy guys who were in her face with the bongs? So unless Kiely was already inebriated when she dropped Mags off at 10 pm, how WOULD she have known?

It has to be a case of word getting around, right?!??
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