Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee since 8 Aug 2022 #5

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I thought AWP said the windows were all up when they initially found the vehicle? It would make sense that the windows busted out when the vehicle was flipped over for extraction, along with the busted mirror. The back window being down 2/3d's? - Kiely may have been driving with it down already which would explain why it sunk so fast, leaving less time for someone to see something.

LE heavily searched Prosser with a grid map and even tried to convince AWP that there was no need to search Prosser. The thing that made the difference was that AWP could differentiate the appearance of a rock vs a vehicle. The skillset that they have really made the difference here and maybe they can help law enforcement, somehow, with future training.

The more I think about why no one saw anything, the more I think about my drinking days, which are behind me (thank goodness.) I made a lot of stupid decisions and even question how I'm still here.
But if I was at a huge outdoor party (I've attended some) and saw a vehicle drive off in another direction, I wouldn't question it. Maybe a bunch of people wanted to hang out somewhere else? A different route home? It wouldn't have been a blip on my screen. Especially if I wasn't from the area, was drunk myself and didn't know the roads well. Plus, it was pitch black outside. That many people leaving at once is usually chaos and loud to begin with.

IMO, this was nothing but an unfortunate situation of impaired driving and an accident, nothing more. Occam's razor from the beginning. Kiely had her whole life before her. She had plans and was about to attend school. The suicide theory just doesn't make sense to me. The OD theory? Plausible, but it's highly unlikely a bunch of teenagers staged this. Inexperienced driver, confusion, impaired, etc. It just all added up to a very unfortunate situation.

NY Post- Diver's find body

Is there any link to their statement that the windows were rolled up? I did see them say the car was upside down in 14 feet of water. It came out right side up so must have been turned around in the recovery process.

It's still strange that it looks like front window is broken while rear windows are rolled down. But at this point I'm just waiting to hear what their post recovery investigation reveals.

I have done night diving once as a scuba diver and that gives a sense of how difficult it is to even know which way is the surface under water in the dark. If water rushed in to open windows in the dark with no moon, it's pretty easy to see how she couldn't get out. I found many comments on this thread helpful in visualizing it.

It looks like possibly a wrong turn down the beach instead of back up the dirt road to home. It's still puzzling to me that someone who knew the area would keep driving down the beach.

Was her phone recovered? some of the new iphones are supposed to have high degree of water proofing. I wonder if there will be any way for them to pinpoint the exact time she went in.

Because it looks like she would have driven the dirt road a bit before making a wrong turn, I suppose the only way someone would see is if there were people down by the beach where she went in
100% this. I kept thinking "how did they miss this?" I'm not one to bash LE, but man I feel like they really botched this. Hopefully there are many lessons to be learned for the future.

All IMO.
I think LE did the right thing. They invited AWP to help search, stating they had more technology and/or skills. I hope other agencies will follow.
The Placer County Sheriff's Office will hold a press conference at 11 a.m. Pacific Time today, which is 2 p.m. Eastern time.

Looking for a link . . .
Law enforcement has not confirmed that the remains are Rodni's. The Placer County Sheriff's Office said it was out at the scene to investigate the dive team's findings along with officials from the Nevada County Sheriff's Office, the FBI and other agencies.

There will be a press conference Monday at 11 a.m. at the Truckee-Donner Recreation and Park District.
Is there any link to their statement that the windows were rolled up? I did see them say the car was upside down in 14 feet of water. It came out right side up so must have been turned around in the recovery process.

It's still strange that it looks like front window is broken while rear windows are rolled down. But at this point I'm just waiting to hear what their post recovery investigation reveals.

I have done night diving once as a scuba diver and that gives a sense of how difficult it is to even know which way is the surface under water in the dark. If water rushed in to open windows in the dark with no moon, it's pretty easy to see how she couldn't get out. I found many comments on this thread helpful in visualizing it.

It looks like possibly a wrong turn down the beach instead of back up the dirt road to home. It's still puzzling to me that someone who knew the area would keep driving down the beach.

Was her phone recovered? some of the new iphones are supposed to have high degree of water proofing. I wonder if there will be any way for them to pinpoint the exact time she went in.

Because it looks like she would have driven the dirt road a bit before making a wrong turn, I suppose the only way someone would see is if there were people down by the beach where she went in
Just my opinion, but I remember reading that her last phone ping put her close to the edge of the water, then the phone died. I really think she took a wrong turn and ended up driving toward the reservoir because she was disoriented. Perhaps she either passed out or dozed off at that point and the car just continued into the water. JMO
AWP live notes:

Not fully edited release. Ongoing and active investigation. Please respect LE. Official ID of Kiely still to come.

Keep Rodni family in prayers. Hug your loved ones. Taking next two days to debrief and decompress for next cases. AWP will be working next on Jolisa Fuentes, Annette Adams cases. Ok to use their footage.

Focus on the Positive. They are helping families get answers. Keeping mental focus.

Respect Kiely’s family.
AWP livestream was located 55 feet from shore, in water that had previously been searched extensively, and only 35 minutes after boat was put into water. Amazing work, AWP!
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Many members of the community are questioning why it took until Adventures with Purpose to get involved for law enforcement to potentially have an update in their search.

"For them to not be able to find her, it bothers me a little, honestly," Truckee resident Gitana DeCoulode said. "Why don’t they have the equipment that [Adventures with Purpose] had, to find her? Why? Where we live, we have bodies of water everywhere."

But others said the task authorities have in front of them is not an easy one.

"I don’t fault law enforcement in any way. I know they put in thousands of hours in searching," Reno resident Greg Bishop said. Adventures with Purpose just has a specialty. They have the knowledge in reading their sonar equipment."

after watching these incredible people (AWF) pull the SUV from the lake I feel sick to my stomach. Not a surprising outcome but so incredibly sad. Still, I don't think this is over. I still feel like there was a second or third party involved. I do hope an autopsy will take place and provide some more answers. What puzzles me is that no one saw Kiely drive away from the party. Could someone else been driving her vehicle?
Hi all, here with some facts: Attached are my maps (my annotated version of a google map screenshot and national forest map screenshot) of where things actually happened and a photo I took while watching the extrication today. Again, AWP got out of the way shortly after discovering the car and marking it with a bouy. Law enforcement directed the actual extrication. Nothing was removed from the car before it was extricated. Two divers attached a single line from a tow truck to the car and it was dragged out backwards. There was little to no apparent manuvering of the car underwater; ie they just pulled it in a straight line and it came right out, rear end first. LE was very quick to cover the rear windows. All visible windows appeared rolled down. No body could be seen inside the front or rear seats (using binoculars). The rest of the car was covered with a tarp as it was brought out of the water.
Thanks for your post and the pic you took @Vetshred. Do you know what the purpose of those 3 black ~6' tall boxes are? TIA
after watching these incredible people (AWF) pull the SUV from the lake I feel sick to my stomach. Not a surprising outcome but so incredibly sad. Still, I don't think this is over. I still feel like there was a second or third party involved. I do hope an autopsy will take place and provide some more answers. What puzzles me is that no one saw Kiely drive away from the party. Could someone else been driving her vehicle?
I don't think it's that no one saw her drive away, rather, I think no one gave it any thought. With that many people in attendance, I'm sure cars were coming and going all night.

Based on the location of the party and where her car was recovered, this all makes perfect sense to me. Just a tragic accident.
I am holding out making any assumptions about what happened until we (hopefully) hear a COD.
There are still a lot of details that are fishy to me, even though my brain is saying go with the most likely scenario. I feel confident that authorities will be looking in to all possible scenarios and not jumping to conclusions since this is such a high profile case and there are so many agencies and people invested at this point.
Also, they need to do justice by the community to make sure they are confident what happened to Kiely.
There have been so many cases of people driving into lakes, reservoirs, retention ponds, and other bodies of water at night that I hope this might lead to a movement to better mark these areas, perhaps with reflective signage, other ways to alert people of the danger when they are driving at night in areas they are not familiar with.

This is the third case that I have followed on WS over the last few years where this kind of accident has happened, with women travelling alone in areas they are not familiar with that have been found in their cars submerged in bodies of water as a result of this kind of tragic accident.
Not disagreeing with the extra steps because anything to help motorists keep track of location on dark desolate roads is a plus, but if we assume that Kiely was intoxicated and not in any shape to drive to begin with as an inexperienced teenager, not sure those things would've mattered here.
Edited original post, questioning whether local LE specifically asked AWP to come to help, but have found verification from founder of AWP that they were invited by some branch of law enforcement.

Adventures With Purpose, a volunteer group that helps find missing people underwater, said on Sunday afternoon that it had confirmed the body found in Prosser Lake belonged to the vanished 16-year-old. The group had been invited to join the search by law enforcement, they said.

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Not that it ultimately matters, because she has thankfully been found, but I have seen a few references in the last day, thanking local LE for asking AWP for assistance, but my recollection is that they were not asked by LE, but by many people on their social media page, making them aware of her case, and imploring them to go out and look for her. Can anyone confirm that LE asked for their assistance?

I don't think they did, I'm sure I recall them referring to AWP as "Rogue". JMO until I can find a link
I wonder if she was using GPS maps on her phone to get home? I have a terrible sense of direction (and could honestly see this easily happening to me if I had been there) and use my GPS constantly.
A little off-topic but hopefully allowed: AWP mentioned their next case is Jolisa Fuentes - does anyone have the the correct spelling of her name? It’s always interesting which cases get national press and interest vs which don’t.
I think she had good friends - they just weren't there at the party. The people there were acquaintances. SS said early on that she hung out with her nearly the entire time they were at the party, and she didn't know before hand that Kiely was coming, and wasn't in regular contact with her. So Kiely was kind of on her own that evening. A silver lining here, with all tragedies, is there are families having this conversation after her sad demise - if you're drunk, call us, we'll come get you. And I don't think that traditional party will look quite the same in the future, nor will that boat ramp.
I'd go a step further on what families should be telling their kids. Yes, you can go to the party but I will drop you off and pick you up. It's what I did with my now grown children. JMO of course.
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