CA CA - Kristen Modafferi, 18, San Francisco, 23 June 1997

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Can someone give a brief description of these baths, or has it already been discussed ad nauseum? Caves? I may have read that somewhere.

Thanks for the update about the upcoming trip to Hawaii.
suladog said:
I'm posting and registered because I saw the website have read about the KM case and am very familiar with the Sutro Baths area having grown up less than a mile away from the site. Two years ago my husband and I were hired by the GGNRA to help redesign the new Sutro National Park that is currently being constructed on this site, so I've walked the site many many times.
First of all Sutro Baths is one of the most visited places in San Francisco..Tour buses (Greyline)routinely stop there..taking people to the Cliff House Restaurant, and Louis' restaurant..there are telescopes scattered through out the area for viewing Seal is generallly swarming with people..not lonely at all...depending on what time of day one is there...even in the evening it's well populated because of the is at the tip of the city and Land's End sounds forbidding but the actual Land's End Monument sits behind the Palace of the Legion Of Honor Museum..also a busy spot and adjoins a public golf course...from there it is a steep drop down to the beach..there are trails there but there are also many signs warning people not to go down, since there have been landslides over the years, and quite a few people have been lost, buried etc..and sometimes swept out to sea without being found. As a kid I must confess I disobeyed the signs..but I was 8 and didn't know much's hard to believe an adult woman would voluntarily go down father was Lieutenant of the San Francisco Fire Department Rescue I know first hand of the many people lost at that location...Sutro on the other hand..has hiking trails that go down very steeply to the water...and the old bath complex...there is a wooded area in the complex also which it would not be advisiable to go's been used over the years for prostitution, drug dealing..etc...while hiking the site with National Park Landscape achitects three years ago I observed numerous kids hanging around and "squatting" on park property..obviously this is not an area where one would want to go alone after dark...but during the day it is quite busy....hikers, dog walkers is possible for someone to lose one's footing even on the trails near the baths and go into the water..and I can tell you that not everyone who goes in has come out or been found..I can't think of what else to add about the does have a spooky aspect..especially in foggy weather....but it's generally as I said before very busy filled with crowds of tourists..especially in the summer months....I hope this helps in giving background on the area..anything else I can help with just let me know.
This is a good post with information about the area from someone with first-hand knowledge of the baths.
suladog said:
also a case I found on
Noel Annette Marcotte
Circumstances of Disappearance
Marcotte was last seen on March 24, 1990 at Sutro Baths in San Francisco, California. She fell into the ocean near the Cliff House and apparently drowned. She fell about 10 feet into the water about 10:15 p.m. Her boyfriend jumped in after her but could not find her.
These are a couple of cases..I can ask my dad what he remembers about the area and the years he was at the fire station on Geary that served the Sutro and Land's End area..but over the years people have fallen or jumped in the would depend on the time of day, weather, and area of the park she might have been in regarding whether or not anyone might have seen on the day she went missing shows this...
The park covers a large area, someone could fall or be pushed without anyone noticing, it would be just a matter of timing..but I would think it would be a chance that someone intending ill to someone wouldn't want to least at a populated time of day....walking the site back in 2001 with a party of park rangers, climbing down the steep paths made ME nervous and I grew up around the place...I was more concerned about losing my footing than anything else...but to construe that the area in itself is unsavory or a place where people shouldn't go is incorrect..however I'm inclined to think she never went to Sutro's that day,just because one inquires about a place doesnb't mean one is going there also seems that KM was a bit of a risk taker..if as her roomates say she would stay over at people's houses, or stay out all night...several questions about this what her roomates SAY about her...or what others who also knew her, knew her to do...since there are limits to being naive in this day and age and she was already on her own at school for one year...seems that there should have been more questioning of the roomates..also how were these roomates other words how did she or her family find these people she moved in with..who recommended them? It seems highly unusual to move in with all male roomates, one has never met before, who was in charge of this planning...were they recommended by friends from NC or what? I do have some more thoughts on this I'll post later...I've tried to put some links in here but somehow they don't show
Other links about missing people from this area provided by suladog:
At one point, someone had posted pictures of the Sutro Baths/Lands End area that they had taken. Maybe they got lost in one of the server changes...

Edited to add: I can't get the angelfire link to work when I copy and paste it, but if you go to post #72 by suladog on page 3, you can get to the page through suladog's link.
as I still is tricky walking those steps..especially in foggy weather when everything gets slippery..and summers there are always foggy.I'm always slightly nervous and very careful walking there.
Missing woman's family still hopeful

By: News 14 Carolina

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Thursday marked the eighth anniversary of the disappearance of an 18-year-old Charlotte woman, and her family honored it by helping searches for other missing adults.

Kristen Modafferi had just finished her freshman year at North Carolina State University when she headed to San Francisco for a work-study program. She enrolled in photography courses at the University of California at Berkeley and got a job at Spinelli's Coffee Shop downtown.

It was while she was in California that the college student vanished without a trace.

The last people to see Modafferi said they watched her leave her job at Spinelli's on June 23, 1997. She hasn't been spotted since.

Modafferi's family members say they intend to travel to San Francisco to reopen their own investigation. In the meantime, they are raising money for other missing teenagers through the Kristen Foundation.

The Kristen Foundation was established to help fund searches for missing adults because state and federal funding only support searches for missing minors. It began with a neighbor's idea to publish a Community Cookbook.Sales from the book, which was compiled with recipes from Charlotte families, have raised more than $70,000 for missing persons searches.

To make a contribution to the foundation, send a check to:

The Kristen Foundation
2330 Bonnie Butler Way
Charlotte, N.C. 28270

For more information, call (704) 846-7408
or e-mail
I'm thrilled the Moddaferi family is still hopefull for their daughter. What an inspiration to us all.

I know as much about this case as I have read in the last 5 pages of this thread so it isn't much. I've got all of the links sitting at the bottom of my page when I get back home later.

Anyway, not knowing much and maybe this has been discussed but when I saw the picture of Jill Lampo, not knowing she was black I thought she bore a striking resemblance to Kristen. yes? no?
Evidentally the Robert's Group AKA The Garbage Eaters AKA The Brethren often appear at various Rainbow Gatherings where they set up separate "Jesus Loves You" camps.

I've been wondering if maybe Natalee Holloway had disappeared successfully into the international Rainbow Family, when a search on cults led me via Google to this thread.

I've started a thread in the Natalee Holloway Forum about this, and linked up to this thread here.
This one haunts me.. I don't know why?? very suspicious??? who is the guy referenced w/ regard to her dissapearance??
Ive been reading up on this case and think the thread should keep going particularly as it will soon be the 10 year anniversary.Theres a lot of information to go through however I feel the key to this case is Jill Lampo.Dubie is dead, Onuma sounds like a nasty piece of work who you will never get anything out of so in terms of discovering more I think there is only one place to go back to (based on what I have read Im sure LE have more info!)Ideally I would like to see Jill Lampo interrogated and take a polygraph.(I'm assuming she hasnt taken one)Her diary pages are removed for the day KM vanished(and the following day) and she made several phone calls to her parents in the middle of the night.Whichever way you look at it these are both very coincidental to the point of unbelievable in my opinion.Like I say thats my thoughts she sounds fairly unstable and if your ever going to get further with this I feel she is the key.She claims the involvement with the case hase ruined her life well I would say give up what you know and help give KMs parents some closure.I dont believe a word of her story.Just my opinion of course.
It appears that Onuma has been cleared...

Thanks for the update. Kristin's disappearence has always been one of those cases I have kept up with and continue to have interest in. I fear we may never know what happened to her. It has been 11 years now.

It didn't really specify why Onuma was cleared does it? I don't know.....all of the coincidences with Jill and her diary, the phone calls, having the name of one of the employees Kristin worked with in her address book, there just seems to be alot of little things with her that don't add up.
It is unbelievable that 12 years has passed since Kristen disappeared!

And still no resolution?!

If it is true that Jon Onuma is no longer the focus of the investigationi, who is the focus now? One of the roommates or someone connected to her place in Oakland?
Watched "In the shadow of Laci Peterson" last night. Felt such compassion for Kristen Modaferri's parents. It does not sound like there are any developments in this case at all. [SIZE=+0]

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