GUILTY CA - Leila Fowler, 8, murdered, 12yo charged, Valley Springs, 27 Apr 2013 - #3

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This kid scares me. From what I've read his behavior after the murder sounds like he has been cool and calm. Add to that the news that he may have mutilated animals and it becomes even more worrying. If guilty of all of this, this boy is going to be very dangerous when he leaves juvenile detention IMO.
Investigators Look Into Past of Leila Fowler’s Brother


But on the same day he was charged with murder, Calaveras County homicide detectives confirm that they’re investigating reports of alleged animal mutilations at the hands of the boy.


Oh dear...this can't be good. I am wondering if the parents knew about this beforehand and why they would leave him alone with any of the other children? Maybe these are things that some of the neighbors or even his friends have known about but were never reported to LE or the family??? And I would also like to know what kind of animals. Are we talking bugs and insects? Or are we talking about dogs and cats??? :scared:

ETA- I noticed the article also mentioned that IF's blood and fingerprints were found at the crime scene. I don't remember seeing that in print before.
According to Leila's obituary, she has 3 siblings she's never met- presumably her mother, Priscilla's kids who live in another state. I think it's fair to deduce that if Leila never met Mom's kids, she probably hasn't spent any significant amount of time with Mom for AT LEAST the last 3 years. I don't like Crystal's FB shenanigans, but I can see how, for some, in the throws of grief and amidst accusations of having barred her from the funeral, calling mom out publicly would feel like a good place to release some anger.

As to the first part of your post I agree. It seems that Crystal has been involved in Leila and IF's life for a number of years and Priscilla has not. Due to whatever the custody issues are.

As to the 2nd part of your post, I admit, I looked at her FB and fail to see what everyone else has made such a big deal about. Based on comments from others I kept going back to look again and again (before it went private) because I did not see much in the way of outrageous shenanigans.

I saw one comment which alluded to the fact that they don't really need this right now (I assume referring to Priscilla giving an interview about funeral issue) I never saw bio mom named in any posts nor did I ever see her called any names. Just one simple post which was rather cryptic and said "we don't need this right now" (paraphrased).

Probably not the best judgment but certainly no horrific rant or placing personal custody business out there for the world to see or name calling or anything of that nature.

The parents know oh so much. I would like to know from neighbors how many pets they had while they knew them to live there. How many came and went. Etc. And; did anyone in the vicinity "lose" any pets...Just observing this "kids" reactions via tape and photos; there is something wrong with him at his age putting his head on his dads chest like seemed manipulative to me. That's just my pov and I'm sticking to it.
"The juvenile court system is designed for rehabilitation," Rosenfeld said. "If his sentence follows precedent and he does well in the system and doesn't get himself in trouble, he'll be out when he's 19 or 20."

Attorneys for a 12-year-old California boy charged with killing his sister said Wednesday they wonder if he is mature enough to aid his defense.
I will await what LE come up with in regards to animal mutilations before jumping to any conclusions.

LE is investigating "reports" of animal mutilations. If people are reporting that there are animal mutilations that may be connected to IF then of course LE is going to investigate that.

I am keeping in mind that LE also investigated "reports" from neighbor who saw the "intruder" run away and then recanted with no explanation. That they investigated possible connection to Placerville suspect which turned out to be no connection.

LE is going to investigate whatever leads and tips they get. The good, the bad, and the plain old BS. They should. They must.

I'll wait to see what they find, before chiming in.
No there is a LEGAL reason he asked about Native American heritage.
I forget what it is though?

If a person if of Native American heritage, their Tribal Court may try them instead of a civilian court. It is usually up to the Tribal Court to make that decision.
The parents know oh so much. I would like to know from neighbors how many pets they had while they knew them to live there. How many came and went. Etc. And; did anyone in the vicinity "lose" any pets...Just observing this "kids" reactions via tape and photos; there is something wrong with him at his age putting his head on his dads chest like seemed manipulative to me. That's just my pov and I'm sticking to it.

I am curious about the animal multiplication investigations. I'm deeply concerned because IMO it smacks of unfounded rumor mill gossip.

Stabbing his sister is plenty.

If the animal mutilation allegations were REPORTED prior to his sisters murder... I'll believe it. If they weren't reported, I have serious questions about who reported it now.

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If a person if of Native American heritage, their Tribal Court may try them instead of a civilian court. It is usually up to the Tribal Court to make that decision.
Yes. Standard operating procedure in juvenile court in California regardless of the matter- custody, delinquency, and even murder. If the child has or MAY have Native American heritage, everything stops until the tribe can weigh in. It was created after it was discovered that large numbers of Native American children in "the system" were losing precious connections to their indigenous culture.
I think this child is very, very ill. I feel bad for him - he didn't ask for whatever is wrong with him. I hope his father had him in intense therapy. I'm surprised he was going to public school. I'm surprised when this happened that his father didn't immediately put him in a psychiatric hospital.

I think it's very likely that IF suffered some severe traumas when he was younger, probably severe abuse of some kind - not necessarily abuse by a parent, but some kind of traumatic abuse.

I think he is still young enough that he may be able to be helped, with very intense psychiatric treatment.

I am heartbroken that Leila suffered what she did as a result of whatever was going on with IF. She should have been better protected from IF. IF should have been better protected from himself, and the turmoil inside him.

In the aftermath, IF needs intense psychiatric care. I hope he gets it. I hope the judge grants it. I hope it helps. Otherwise, God help those IF comes in contact with when he gets out.

All my opinion.

If he has sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies which it sounds like he does, there is little chance of rehabilitation.

We put our daughter through intense therapy and every program we could find (to the tune of $$6 figures) to no avail. We adopted her at an early age but apparently not early enough.

So although these are humane, heartfelt thoughts, I would be more concerned about protecting others from this boy. moo
Yes. Standard operating procedure in juvenile court in California regardless of the matter- custody, delinquency, and even murder. If the child has or MAY have Native American heritage, everything stops until the tribe can weigh in. It was created after it was discovered that large numbers of Native American children in "the system" were losing precious connections to their indigenous culture.

The Washoe tribe is the only tribe in California which currently exercises exclusive jurisdiction over child-welfare matters involving the tribe’s children residing on the tribe’s reservation lands.

Juvenile Jurisdiction: To the extend permitted by federal law, the Tribal Court shall have original jurisdiction in all proceedings and matter affecting Indian and non-Indian children under the age of eighteen years who are residing or are apprehended within the jurisdiction of the Court.

Calaveras County has only 1 tribe: Miwok

Not sure how this even applies in this case since even if IF had Native American Heritage, it would not be Washoe jurisdiction.
And, to think I didn't think I could be any more horrified...if the reports of animal mutilations are true, then this boy has bigger problems than we could have imagined.
I really hope it doesn't turn out that there were warning signs that were ignored, but I suspect this is where the story's going. Something this heinous & evil doesn't just happen out of the blue. I am not trying to place blame on the family, but if there were warning signs of violence (IF there were; this is for LE to uncover), then IF should obviously never have been left alone with Leila or any other child.
He may have hit a fish over the head before dressing it for dinner. The boat in the driveway is telling.
I have friends in VS that are friends with the Fowlers. BF has a mobile marine repair business, thus the boat(s)..

Doubt as to insurance for any long term care for IF, as it appears, based on what I've been told, that BF is self employed...

And I am very suspicious of the possible animal mutilation allegations. It could very well be that he guts fish, or skins animals after hunting?? Big difference, and can be misconstrued...It would not surprise me, if he is guilty, that he has had some prior issues such as animal mutilations, or being too physical with siblings, etc - But didn't the parents see any warning signs at all? His school has stated that they saw nothing that would lead them to believe he was a danger (paraphrasing). Does a pyschopath or sociopath start with a brutal murder, with 21 stabs wounds, to a sibling??? I just can't wrap my head around it at all...

I have wondered if perhaps IF was jealous, or enraged at the fact that LF was embracing CW as her new Mom, calling her mom and basically accepting and forgetting about PR? If we assume the kids have not seen PR for a few years, then LF would have been 5 the last time she saw her bio mom...This definitely does not justify killing her, just looking for some motivation for what prompted this boy to commit this heinous act?
He may have hit a fish over the head before dressing it for dinner. The boat in the driveway is telling.

Huh? They have a boat? Then why on earth would they accept donations from people who have much less? :notgood:

As to the first part of your post I agree. It seems that Crystal has been involved in Leila and IF's life for a number of years and Priscilla has not. Due to whatever the custody issues are.

As to the 2nd part of your post, I admit, I looked at her FB and fail to see what everyone else has made such a big deal about. Based on comments from others I kept going back to look again and again (before it went private) because I did not see much in the way of outrageous shenanigans.

I saw one comment which alluded to the fact that they don't really need this right now (I assume referring to Priscilla giving an interview about funeral issue) I never saw bio mom named in any posts nor did I ever see her called any names. Just one simple post which was rather cryptic and said "we don't need this right now" (paraphrased).

Probably not the best judgment but certainly no horrific rant or placing personal custody business out there for the world to see or name calling or anything of that nature.


Re the bolded sentence, I wonder what happened that was so severe that CF and BF had to cut mom out of their and her children's lives completely. Is she such a bad influence? Apparently she hasn't seen her children in years, and now one is dead and she wasn't even allowed to come to her funeral. That is pretty tough imo. Even if I really despise a person I would not shut them out of the funeral of their own child. That's pretty cold imo.
I'll wait for confirmation on this latest bit of news. I'm sure LE is reading media story comments--not always the best source IMO, but it could be from a reliable witness. In this case, who knows?!

As far as the 3 siblings mentioned--why add that she had never met them? Why not just list them with the other surviving children? I found that to be a bit much.
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