GUILTY CA - Leila Fowler, 8, murdered, 12yo charged, Valley Springs, 27 Apr 2013 - #4

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When Leila’s father and girlfriend arrived at the house, followed shortly thereafter by the local police, Leila was found still bleeding from 21 stab wounds.

Whoa. This is the first confirmation I've seen, that they arrived first. AND, that IF didn't mention the stab wounds at all. They had to find her like that. That's pretty significant info.

Neighbors in Valley Springs said they feared all along that Leila's brother -- not a mystery man the boy described -- might be responsible for the girl's stabbing death.

bbm That to me is very telling.

Though I got the impression (from all the articles that mentioned this) that the neighbors thought that more due to his shaky, changing storyline than b/c of anything about him, personally. (Neighbors also claimed not to know the family very well, due to their relative newness to the community.)
Her brother called Leila’s father and girlfriend who were attending a Little League baseball game at the time to tell them he saw a man hitting his sister and that he scared the stranger from the house.


When Leila’s father and girlfriend arrived at the house, followed shortly thereafter by the local police, Leila was found still bleeding from 21 stab wounds.

That's the first I've seen that about IF seeing the intruder hitting Leila.

I had also wondered when it was discovered Leila was injured, and who made that discovery. That says it was BF and CW when they got to the house.

Interesting, since this information is coming from the defense team investigator.

Hmm, very interesting. This doesn't jive with the 911 call at all does it? This article says IF called BF and CW to tell them a man was "hitting" Leila. Correct?

Where does the call from CW to 911 fit in there? Does IF see a man, call his sister who relays info to CE/BF who then call 911 and THEN call back to tell then she's being "hit" by a man? And when did IF call 911 himself? Can anyone make sense of this for me?

Also, I'm only 1/2 a cup of coffee in so forgive me if I just confused the info (or the sleuthers )
The way I've understood the 911 calls is that IF called his parents, and that original call/phone was handed off to the older sister's boyfriend who continued talking to IF while CW called 911 from another phone (at 12:13).

If the boy was hiding in a nearby bathroom and if the assault was perpetrated by another, I could see how the boy might think the man was 'hitting' his sister.

(Not saying I believe the accuracy of the boy's story, though...too many variations to even know which one to weigh for accuracy.)

*Re the Wordpress page--thanks for the link! (and the FB page connection, too). I'm glad to see at least IF's defense atty & investigator know how to spell the boy's name (sans the first 'a' MSM keeps throwing in. It's not the typical spelling of the name--it only has one 'a'. But it's the correct spelling, based on many previous news articles concerning his wrestling team achievements these past few years.)

ETA: Lol, well, even he isn't consistent (just read the investigator's latest post after reading the sidebar). Ah well.
In the 911 call there was nothing about the intruder hitting Leila. I'm already seeing what the investigator was talking about with the minefields. Someone had to have taken the knive, that house was torn apart looking for it. Did he have friends, whoever, someone covered for him and took the evidence. The property was searched and I wonder what they found in the fireplace, if anything, but they took wood and they tore the fireplace out. I think they have evidence, but it won't come out till trial.
I wish we could find confirmation about the Wednesday court hearing to hear the timeline. We probably won't, it just might be for hearing his plea or something short. When did IF call BF and CF, where were the daughter and boyfriend who were talking on the phone with IF and when did they arrive onscene? The timeline will clear up alot of questions. Why didn't CF call 911 before calling the daughter and boyfriend to get police out there immediately?

In the 911 call CF said the daughter's boyfriend was on the phone with IF and they were alright, the investigator is saying IF called CF and BF first. If a man was hitting her she wasn't alright and the 911 call was to get police out there, not an ambulance, not seeing the full picture here.
I wish we could find confirmation about the Wednesday court hearing to hear the timeline. We probably won't, it just might be for hearing his plea or something short. When did IF call BF and CF, where were the daughter and boyfriend who were talking on the phone with IF and when did they arrive onscene? The timeline will clear up alot of questions. Why didn't CF call 911 before calling the daughter and boyfriend to get police out there immediately?

In the 911 call CF said the daughter's boyfriend was on the phone with IF and they were alright, the investigator is saying IF called CF and BF first. If a man was hitting her she wasn't alright and the 911 call was to get police out there, not an ambulance.

The timeline's been just one of the things about this case I have questions about. But I'm not sure we'll ever hear about it--unless the trial and proceedings are open to the public. :-/
The timeline's been just one of the things about this case I have questions about. But I'm not sure we'll ever hear about it--unless the trial and proceedings are open to the public. :-/

I can only assume when the investigator is saying IF called parents, it could have been an overall statement, not detailed including the call with the daughter's boyfriend. It's possible IF told the boyfriend the intruder was hitting Leila during or after CF's 911 call.

Just to clarify I wasn't suggesting an ambulance wasn't requested after knowing Leila was hurt. To me this makes it more clear IF was working it out as he was talking and will add to the evidence of why he was charged. What he said in the calls, any changes in story, timing of calls compared to time of Leila's assault, etc, will all play a part.
The timeline's been just one of the things about this case I have questions about. But I'm not sure we'll ever hear about it--unless the trial and proceedings are open to the public. :-/

From the first hearing coverage:

Isaiah’s defense counsel said the family had requested the media and public not be allowed in the courtroom in future proceedings – a request Martin denied without prejudice.

“I see no impairment to the child’s right to a fair trial,” he said.

Unless the judge changes his position, the proceedings will be open to the public.

We shall see...
Hey guys! :seeya:

Just stopped by, so thought I'd say hello and also say thanks for the links posted today!
Apologies if this one has already been posted. Many of us on this thread have been attempting to understand what the family structure, etc. might be at the Fowler home. This article has a lot of information that will help.

SF was wise not to talk, $566 a month for one child, that's alot and is she allowed to see the child? Maybe with all the money coming in now, he won't need to go to another mother for money to raise his kids. PR wasn't allowed into the funeral for her own child, or to see her children when she didn't have money to pay out before. I wonder if the June court hearing will still be in play with what's going on in IF's trial or is CPS involved with the other children in the family. I do hope they all have counselors to get through this horrible time.
Yeah, there are many variables. Because even with certain genetic factors, a person may not acquire a mental illness and even with certain environmental factors, a person might not.

It most definitely is not known exactly why a person acquires a specific mental illness when they do, while another in a similar situation with a similar genetic background or personal history, doesn't.

But it is absolutely false to state we don't know whether environment or genetics cause certain conditions in certain people.

PTSD is a mental illness. People do not get that without being exposed to trauma. Thus, using deductive reasoning, it is clear that PTSD is caused by the environment.

People who were sexually abused as children show exponentially higher rates of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, suicidal ideation, and sexual dysfunction, than people in the general population. Thus, using deductive reasoning, we can determine that the environmental factor of sexual abuse caused the mental illness, at least in most cases of people with mental issues who were abused as children.

In regard to the statement that it is doubtful that children can be diagnosed with (or have) mental illness, wow, that's quite untrue. I'm sure the millions of parents dealing with serious mental disorders involving their children, would be happy if you were correct. My work has me dealing with the mental health field and children, quite frequently. Children are diagnosed and exhibit mental problems all the time. Children with mental illness are placed in locked facilities on a regular basis.

Here's one such case: Born Schizophrenic - Jani's Next Chapter [1/5] - YouTube

I watched all five parts of the video last night. Every now and then something will just tug at my heart and this video hit me hard and I was in tears. These parents have gone to the absolute extreme to do everything for their children that is available. I could feel the pain and frustration of the parents and deep sympathy for the children having to live with the struggle and pain of mental illness.

It made me think of all the other parents and children in the world that aren't able to get services that they so desperately need. A lot of families don't have the ability financial or time wise to do what is necessary for kids that have mental and emotional problems. Services are not available in all areas and some parents may just look the other way out of frustration or lack of education on mental illness.

It's just not fair.
From the first hearing coverage:

Isaiah’s defense counsel said the family had requested the media and public not be allowed in the courtroom in future proceedings – a request Martin denied without prejudice.

“I see no impairment to the child’s right to a fair trial,” he said.

Unless the judge changes his position, the proceedings will be open to the public.

We shall see...

Good, I hope so! I'm so curious about this case.
SF was wise not to talk, $566 a month for one child, that's alot and is she allowed to see the child? Maybe with all the money coming in now, he won't need to go to another mother for money to raise his kids. PR wasn't allowed into the funeral for her own child, or to see her children when she didn't have money to pay out before. I wonder if the June court hearing will still be in play with what's going on in IF's trial or is CPS involved with the other children in the family. I do hope they all have counselors to get through this horrible time.

Yes, I think she probably was wise. The $566/month would be for the two children SF had with BF (the oldest son, JF, and the oldest daughter, AF), wouldn't it? Or is JF considered 'adult' now? (I'm not familiar with how long child support payments continue.) I still admit to having a problem with why BF would have to be ordered by a judge last year to 'seek employment' while at the same time he's been actively seeking child support from two ex-wives. I'm guessing the girlfriend doesn't work fulltime with all the childcare between the 3 women and 1 man, only ONE (noncustodial) adult is working fulltime in support of all these kids?? (I understand PR is on disability, and have no problem with that.) Just wondering how two parents who were housing 7 kids didn't think either of them had to hold down a job...sorry if that sounds critical. It's just a wonder...
This is obviously a question we will never know the answer to but it's something I wonder: Do Barney and Crystal wish they had helped to cover up the murder? Like do they wish they had gotten home significantly earlier than LE and had time to do something to make it look like an intruder was there? Do they wish that IF had told them he did it (prior to his arrest) so they could have gotten him a lawyer and stopped talking to LE? There are a lot of parents who might realize their child is a killer but still wouldn't want their kid in prison for 12 years.
In the 911 call there was nothing about the intruder hitting Leila. I'm already seeing what the investigator was talking about with the minefields. Someone had to have taken the knive, that house was torn apart looking for it. Did he have friends, whoever, someone covered for him and took the evidence. The property was searched and I wonder what they found in the fireplace, if anything, but they took wood and they tore the fireplace out. I think they have evidence, but it won't come out till trial.
I seriously have my thoughts on this but won't write it down just yet.
Did it ever come out where the knife was found and if it was one of the kitchen knives? I can't remember. :facepalm:

I only hope that the defense lawyer is working SOLELY in the interests of the accused boy, and not for any other person close to him who might have been involved in some way - regardless of who hired him/whose money is paying for his representation. :twocents:
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