Found Deceased CA - Lisa Harvey, 51, Tulare, 29 April 2017

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Lisa spoke on the phone with her cousin and stated she was in Tulare at 11:39 pm. At 11:51 pm she left Tulare to head back towards Lake Isabella, presumably following the instructions given to her by her cousin while they were on the phone. Her car is small, so if it slid into some brush or is on its top, the car will be very very hard to find.

I think the best course might be to get the 12:35 am FB message audio analyzed by someone who has the software and know-how, to see if anyone can figure out if it sounds like the phone was underwater, or other sounds that can be isolated out, possibly even her speaking. Maybe we can figure where she was this way. Maybe.

This is what just makes my heart break. Why did she make that call??!!! Was she calling for help. It makes me want to cry for Lisa and her family.

And then I keep thinking, she's driving at midnight. How far could she had really gone. She had to have been tired. Her eyes were tired. On unfamiliar roads. If she had taken the wrong exit again, you would think she would have just called it a night. Pulled over in a parking lot or store and slept. If she crashed off main highway, you would think someone would have spotted her car by now (assuming it's a straight shot). Where does it change from an "easy" drive to a "tricky" drive?? Are all exits off the highway into populated areas or do the exits go into rural areas? Where I live once you are outside of town, lots of rural areas. But I would think she would have stayed on her main path. She had already gotten lost once. She would have been watching closer this time. drives me crazy I can't help. 40 minutes is a lot of time to pass. A lot of driving that could have been done. But at what point does that driving turn into a crazier drive. That she tried to call just breaks my heart.

I'm rambling, sorry.

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I know that if it were me, I very likely would have kept going rather than pull over and stop for the night ... I would be way too paranoid that harm would come to me while stopped or sleeping

This is what just makes my heart break. Why did she make that call??!!! Was she calling for help. It makes me want to cry for Lisa and her family.

And then I keep thinking, she's driving at midnight. How far could she had really gone. She had to have been tired. Her eyes were tired. On unfamiliar roads. If she had taken the wrong exit again, you would think she would have just called it a night. Pulled over in a parking lot or store and slept. If she crashed off main highway, you would think someone would have spotted her car by now (assuming it's a straight shot). Where does it change from an "easy" drive to a "tricky" drive?? Are all exits off the highway into populated areas or do the exits go into rural areas? Where I live once you are outside of town, lots of rural areas. But I would think she would have stayed on her main path. She had already gotten lost once. She would have been watching closer this time. drives me crazy I can't help. 40 minutes is a lot of time to pass. A lot of driving that could have been done. But at what point does that driving turn into a crazier drive. That she tried to call just breaks my heart.

I'm rambling, sorry.

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I know FB uses our location to target market ads to us... I truly believe the FB ping of her last phone will be key to finding her.

Hurry up FB! She's loved and has been missing far too long.
It's past the two week mark now. Why hasn't KCSO handed over the FB data yet?
It's past the two week mark now. Why hasn't KCSO handed over the FB data yet?

If it was my family I would be calling Mark Zuckerberg @ corporate headquarters so much the receptionist would recognize my voice, we'd be on a first name basis with each other & big time best buddies!!!!

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I really appreciate how everyone has been posting and following the story and trying to help us come up with ideas we may not have thought of, we call all over all the time. The only reason the sheriff even got the cell tower data is because Clarissa figured out how to get it and harassed them until it was provided to the sheriff's deputy.

Thr local police department said not to put too much faith in the Facebook information, they said in their experience not much of value comes back.

Facebook logs where you are when you sign into messenger each time and that can be accessed by logging into your account. We have Lisa's information and unfortunately she logged in while still in Ventura.

We won't give up but it's hard to know what to do each day. People say what they would do but I hope you never have to go through it to find out nothing happens like you think it will.

I lay awake at night and the thought of her having wrecked, and survived, then waiting for someone to help her and us not getting there in time just haunts me.

I just can't get past her waiting for us.
Oh sweetie.... *crying*
This is as tough as it gets, bit we must not get distracted from the goal of finding this good woman by horrible thoughts. Its so human, bit we have no room for that right now. Every ounce of brain power must focus on an "aha" moment.

We think we have a reasonable idea of where she was when she last spoke with her friend via phone. We also know that there was a butt dial approx 30(?) mins from when she last spoke with her friend. Get six people with cars and fo to the location that is the best guess of where she called from. Start there and drive 20 minutes, mark the spot, and drive 20 more minutes. Stop, turn around and thoroughly, thoroughly search the over the side off the road areas. Between the 40 minute and 20 minute markers. If you do this in six directions and do this meticulously, its a good shot. Good luck, i am praying. The six different directions would start at the "starting point" you designate as her last probable location she called from.
This is as tough as it gets, bit we must not get distracted from the goal of finding this good woman by horrible thoughts. Its so human, bit we have no room for that right now. Every ounce of brain power must focus on an "aha" moment.

We think we have a reasonable idea of where she was when she last spoke with her friend via phone. We also know that there was a butt dial approx 30(?) mins from when she last spoke with her friend. Get six people with cars and fo to the location that is the best guess of where she called from. Start there and drive 20 minutes, mark the spot, and drive 20 more minutes. Stop, turn around and thoroughly, thoroughly search the over the side off the road areas. Between the 40 minute and 20 minute markers. If you do this in six directions and do this meticulously, its a good shot. Good luck, i am praying. The six different directions would start at the "starting point" you designate as her last probable location she called from.
Awesome idea!!

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Can we get s statewide call out to get people from all over, and plan some sort of foot search? Do any experienced search organizers know if anyone would drive "all the way" to Tulare-Bakersfield on their own dimes for that? I'd come even though it's ridiculously far. It would sure get media attention in a big way!
This is as tough as it gets, bit we must not get distracted from the goal of finding this good woman by horrible thoughts. Its so human, bit we have no room for that right now. Every ounce of brain power must focus on an "aha" moment.

We think we have a reasonable idea of where she was when she last spoke with her friend via phone. We also know that there was a butt dial approx 30(?) mins from when she last spoke with her friend. Get six people with cars and fo to the location that is the best guess of where she called from. Start there and drive 20 minutes, mark the spot, and drive 20 more minutes. Stop, turn around and thoroughly, thoroughly search the over the side off the road areas. Between the 40 minute and 20 minute markers. If you do this in six directions and do this meticulously, its a good shot. Good luck, i am praying. The six different directions would start at the "starting point" you designate as her last probable location she called from.

FindLisaHarvey is having issues posting. She wanted to say:

"I did want to say that roses idea is a good one and we're making plans to meet and search like was suggested."

I suggested she try Taptalk app. I sometimes have issues replying to quotes via normal website vs taptalk :/.

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We had a Case locally that took a long time to solve because the car was a compact and going down the side of the hill it was accordion style. Think the drone idea is good.

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FindLisaHarvey is having issues posting. She wanted to say:

"I did want to say that roses idea is a good one and we're making plans to meet and search like was suggested."

I suggested she try Taptalk app. I sometimes have issues replying to quotes via normal website vs taptalk :/.

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Thank you. I think it's a great idea too. But make sure the distance and times are right.

11:50 pm - 12:35 am is 45 minutes.

So I think you may have to do this in three 20 minute legs to make sure you search far enough.

Or start the split at 30 minutes, then 20 minutes and search back. Just a thought.
Why isn't TES in on this?

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Don't they have to be invited by LE? Or am I thinking of something else?

ETA: I should have said do they need LE approval to assist?

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Thank you interestedincases for posting for me!

We have used drones to search and reached out to a couple of drone clubs.

I don't know what TES means?
Special note: Texas EquuSearch can only accept a missing person case if it has been filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency, a case number has been assigned, and law enforcement gives their consent for Texas EquuSearch to become involved. Requests for Texas EquuSearch’s assistance must be made by the family of the missing person and/or the law enforcement agency handling the case.

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