CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

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The latest interview with her son on the one-year anniversary of Dia’s disappearance was so good to see. Respect and kudos to our favorite investigative reporter David Gotfredson for keeping Dia in the news.

Interesting to finally see and hear from her son. Some people don’t show their emotions, and I guess he’s one of them. He can state his mom was probably murdered without distress showing in his face at thought of it. -Just my opinion-

(@Curious Me, do you mean that black dome shaped appliance with a flat top and a dial in the front? I think that’s an air fryer, with a blinking light. I don’t have one, but very popular these days, it seems.)

@adot0902: Regarding where you said:
The lawyer who drafter the 2020 Trust is also the notary on said trust.

I agree with you that it seems a bit irregular. At the site it says: “Attorneys are paid to be advocates for their clients, a role that violates notarial impartiality. That's why it is always best and safest for lawyers to have another Notary notarize documents for their clients, regardless of what state law says.”
(@Curious Me, do you mean that black dome shaped appliance with a flat top and a dial in the front? I think that’s an air fryer, with a blinking light. I don’t have one, but very popular these days, it seems.)
I appreciate you trying to answer. I took a screen shot of it and it looks like either a water purifier or coffee maker. There's a cup where water is dripping down.
I agree with you that it seems a bit irregular. At the site it says: “Attorneys are paid to be advocates for their clients, a role that violates notarial impartiality. That's why it is always best and safest for lawyers to have another Notary notarize documents for their clients, regardless of what state law says.”
I gave that some thought . It's true, it is irregular; however, in May 2020 Covid-19 was hitting hard and restrictions were in place. I imagine the attorney's office staff / notary was working from home. Now, that there's so much attention on that questionable signing, it does make it look unprofessional.

I don't know... it was during the height of Covid. I wonder if his office has cameras to confirm it was really Dia.
It has not been mentioned but I wonder about the original lawsuit. Perhaps her husband left the trust in the children's name, believing whole heartedly that they'd take care of her AND protecting her kind soul from just the sort of scam that's occurred since.
Please, if you haven't, please read some of Dia's petition and her children's opposition to helping her get what some would believe was her fair share after being married to her spouse for that long. I don't believe her husband had her best interest at heart, and JMO, setting up the Trusts like that may have further alienated the children from their mother. It gave her children too much power over her. All MOO at this point. The paperwork connected to the Court Battle Dia had with her own adult children is within my post below.
I guess it can't hurt to revisit the start of this ugly tale. Just complaining here-- I started following this case when there were six people missing from Idyllwild, then Dia's case. I thought it was going to be a more simple missing person's case. Nooo, I've have had to dive into legal paperwork, learn probate and trust guidelines & legalities, etc., Hard trying to keep the facts straight, and it's been hard on my eyesight too. A year later, and we're no where towards Justice for Dia.

I don't know if you know the whole story. It goes back to her signing this PreNup under duress to get married while she was pregnant with the son. It goes back that far. ASAIK, and correct me if I'm wrong about how I understand it.

She was married to Clem a long time, and he accumulated more properties, power, and wealth throughout their marriage, but in the end wanted to stick to the PreNup she signed so many years ago. (Yes, it says in Dia's Probate Petition that Clem did intend to adequately provide in his lifetime for his spouse. However, MOO, the children were given Clem's blessings it seems to rule over their mother via the Trusts.) Now, the children denied her request to honor a property tax law change that would've given her more money to run the ranch. She also requested a disregard to the PreNup, but they denied her requests via the courts.

Dia's Petition:
Pleading Wizard (

Their opposition:
37-2019-00030018-PR-TR-CTL_ROA-17_11-01-19_Objections_Other_1598084000131.pdf (

This is where we started to learn of her court battle with the children.
Woman missing near Idyllwild was in court battle over multi-million dollar estate |
Author: David Gotfredson (Investigative Producer)
Published: 8:50 PM PDT August 25, 2020 Updated: 12:11 AM PDT August 26, 2020

:oops: It's complicated.
I'm prefacing my next picture with this, I work in finance and deal with trusts pretty frequently, although I am in Pennsylvania, I can't remember EVER seeing this.

However I don't think this is illegal, but definitely an oddity at least for me, I'd like your opinions.
The lawyer who drafter the 2020 Trust is also the notary on said trust.

ALSO one more VERY interesting piece of information is a notary license is good for four years, check his expiration date, it's hinky. It's almost to the day of his notarizing this document that he would have received his stamp and license.

Source: I am a licensed notary.

^This document above is in the original quoted post#703 page#36 this thread. Notice the flamboyant signature "Dia Abrams" from 2020.

^This signature is from page 11/80 of the 2019 lawsuit .pdf link in this post #716 on page#36 of this thread:
CA - CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

^This signature is from October 1984 for the PreNup found on page 20/80 of the same lawsuit .pdf.

I'm sorry I have not read the entire thread and all the voluminous supporting documents, so this may have been pointed out already: but those are NOT the same signature. I don't even believe the earliest 1984 one matches the last 2020 notarized one in many respects, although the last 2020 one looks like an attempt to follow that style.

Did Lydia ever have a stroke or injury that would impair her writing?

^This document above is in the original quoted post#703 page#36 this thread. Notice the flamboyant signature "Dia Abrams" from 2020.

View attachment 300249
^This signature is from page 11/80 of the 2019 lawsuit .pdf link in this post #716 on page#36 of this thread:
CA - CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

View attachment 300250
^This signature is from October 1984 for the PreNup found on page 20/80 of the same lawsuit .pdf.

I'm sorry I have not read the entire thread and all the voluminous supporting documents, so this may have been pointed out already: but those are NOT the same signature. I don't even believe the earliest 1984 one matches the last 2020 notarized one in many respects, although the last 2020 one looks like an attempt to follow that style.

Did Lydia ever have a stroke or injury that would impair her writing?

Completely agree with you. IMO, the 2020 signature is not Dia's. MOO MOO
Interesting to finally see and hear from her son. Some people don’t show their emotions, and I guess he’s one of them...
Yes, IMO, watching it again I really noticed how unemotional, rather cold, and rehearsed he sounds. To me nothing he says is coming from his heart. But JMO.
Extended News 8 interview with Clinton Abrams, son of missing woman Dia Abrams

Watching again-- At the 3:32 mark
DG asks-- can you personally talk about your efforts to find your Mom? What have you done over the last year?
CA answers-- we hired multiple private investigators, multiple attorneys... We really launched a full throttle effort to find her.

then Clinton says-- "Unfortunately, it hasn't yielded the precise results we intended. I hope that changes very swiftly and that's the purpose of this interview."

but those are NOT the same signature. I don't even believe the earliest 1984 one matches the last 2020 notarized one in many respects, although the last 2020 one looks like an attempt to follow that style.
Completely agree with you. IMO, the 2020 signature is not Dia's. MOO MOO
You'd think after what Clinton calls a full throttle effort by PI's and Attorneys that they would notice some of the things we do here.


^This document above is in the original quoted post#703 page#36 this thread. Notice the flamboyant signature "Dia Abrams" from 2020.

View attachment 300249
^This signature is from page 11/80 of the 2019 lawsuit .pdf link in this post #716 on page#36 of this thread:
CA - CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

View attachment 300250
^This signature is from October 1984 for the PreNup found on page 20/80 of the same lawsuit .pdf.

I'm sorry I have not read the entire thread and all the voluminous supporting documents, so this may have been pointed out already: but those are NOT the same signature. I don't even believe the earliest 1984 one matches the last 2020 notarized one in many respects, although the last 2020 one looks like an attempt to follow that style.

Did Lydia ever have a stroke or injury that would impair her writing?

So strange the Notary Signature at the bottom looks strangley like Dias at the top! Much more so than the three of Dia's look alike. Look at the "D" in both. It almost looks like the Notary signed for Dia...has to be a coincidence...right? Don't want to go down a rabbit hole here but it caught my eye....They do look more alike than the the three that are supposed to be Dia's. As pointed out the three supposed Dia signatures don't look like the same person. But the two on the document, one of the Notary and one of that is supposed to be Dia's look like somewhat the same person, Even though I see differences it kind of looks is sweeping forward and one is more upright but, there are similarities. Frankly all three of the Dia signatures look different...a lot different! That can happen though...mine is vastly different from the old days. I'm climbing out of my own self constructed rabbit hole now....I'm sure LE has looked this over many times. After all...the motive here would be MONEY!
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Completely agree with you. IMO, the 2020 signature is not Dia's. MOO MOO
It looks like the Notary's weird is that....Let's hope KH is as dumb as he has been in the past when it comes to breaking the law. I have to think that Law Enforcement is smarter than this guy. I know they won't come for him until they have a solid case. He can only be one trial for murder and if he slips loose he wins. I have to believe that LE is still on this and maybe keeping it on the low to give KH a false sense of security.
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Yes, IMO, watching it again I really noticed how unemotional, rather cold, and rehearsed he sounds. To me nothing he says is coming from his heart. But JMO.

Watching again-- At the 3:32 mark
DG asks-- can you personally talk about your efforts to find your Mom? What have you done over the last year?
CA answers-- we hired multiple private investigators, multiple attorneys... We really launched a full throttle effort to find her.

then Clinton says-- "Unfortunately, it hasn't yielded the precise results we intended. I hope that changes very swiftly and that's the purpose of this interview."

You'd think after what Clinton calls a full throttle effort by PI's and Attorneys that they would notice some of the things we do here.

I agree...some of you folks have done a great job of tracking down info...If I was LE I'd look it all over and see if I missed something that people who took the time to investigate and post might have caught. IF the case has stalled a bit maybe something new or a different theory can get it going again in the right direction....
So strange the Notary Signature at the bottom looks strangley like Dias at the top! Much more so than the three of Dia's look alike. Look at the "D" in both. It almost looks like the Notary signed for Dia...has to be a coincidence...right? Don't want to go down a rabbit hole here but it caught my eye....They do look more alike than the the three that are supposed to be Dia's. As pointed out the three supposed Dia signatures don't look like the same person. But the two on the document, one of the Notary and one of that is supposed to be Dia's look like somewhat the same person, Even though I see differences it kind of looks is sweeping forward and one is more upright but, there are similarities. Frankly all three of the Dia signatures look different...a lot different! That can happen though...mine is vastly different from the old days. I'm climbing out of my own self constructed rabbit hole now....I'm sure LE has looked this over many times. After all...the motive here would be MONEY!
Thank you for pointing that out about the specific capital letter D.

The 1984 D begins low on the line, up the spine, down to the line, and large flourish loop to the right and back over the top, with the pen never leaving the paper.

The 2020 D is made the same way the notary D is made. The spine is a short, separate pen stroke, then the pen is lifted from the paper. With the second pen stroke the large flourish loop begins at the top, going down on the right, at the bottom it continues left until it forms an upward & over to the right small loop.

Totally different D formation IMO MOO all amateur speculation.
I'm prefacing my next picture with this, I work in finance ...
However I don't think this is illegal, but definitely an oddity at least for me, I'd like your opinions.
The lawyer who drafter the 2020 Trust is also the notary on said trust.

ALSO one more VERY interesting piece of information is a notary license is good for four years, check his expiration date, it's hinky. It's almost to the day of his notarizing this document that he would have received his stamp and license.

Source: I am a licensed notary.
Something you saw bothered you and you may be on to something. It doesn't seem at all professional for the attorney to notarize the document he prepared. Now the D's look the same!

^This document above is in the original quoted post#703 page#36 this thread. Notice the flamboyant signature "Dia Abrams" from 2020.
^^^Take a look at those D's.
So strange the Notary Signature at the bottom looks strangley like Dias at the top! Much more so than the three of Dia's look alike. Look at the "D" in both. It almost looks like the Notary signed for Dia...has to be a coincidence...right? Don't want to go down a rabbit hole here but it caught my eye....They do look more alike than the the three that are supposed to be Dia's.
But the two on the document, one of the Notary and one of that is supposed to be Dia's look like somewhat the same person,
Wow, thank you so much for pointing that out, @stuntpuppy. That can't be a coincidence. These things with the attorney/notary are adding up. I see from his business site that he has been practicing a long time. But something doesn't seem right. Yes, I didn't notice some things right away, but I'm not LE or being paid to solve this case. Now that I see it, I can't overlook it... it's hinky. JMO.
Totally different D formation IMO MOO all amateur speculation.
You don't think the same person signed both then? Wow, they look so similar to me, but my eyesight has been giving me problems lately. Still, I hope LE has someone looking closely at the day Dia signed those papers.
Something you saw bothered you and you may be on to something. It doesn't seem at all professional for the attorney to notarize the document he prepared. Now the D's look the same!

^^^Take a look at those D's.

Wow, thank you so much for pointing that out, @stuntpuppy. That can't be a coincidence. These things with the attorney/notary are adding up. I see from his business site that he has been practicing a long time. But something doesn't seem right. Yes, I didn't notice some things right away, but I'm not LE or being paid to solve this case. Now that I see it, I can't overlook it... it's hinky. JMO.
You don't think the same person signed both then? Wow, they look so similar to me, but my eyesight has been giving me problems lately. Still, I hope LE has someone looking closely at the day Dia signed those papers.
I don't think the 1984 and 2020 Dia letter D's are the same. But the 2020 notary letter D used the same pen strokes as the 2020 Dia letter D, which is odd. So I am agreeing with you and @stuntpuppy, I think. :)
MOO, It is my opinion and my opinion only.
1) I do not believe Clinton Abrams story about much of anything in the interview with David Gotfredson. There is decades of history that do not match Clinton Abrams narrative.
2) I do not believe much of anything of the story of Keith Harper or Diana Fedder.
3) I do not believe that LE has the entire story.
4) There are no winners in this entire sequence of decade long events.
5) I would suggest we disect the Clinton Abrams interview in a forensic manner.
6) Hopefully Isidro has conveyed all of his knowledge of the situations to LE.
MOO, It is my opinion and my opinion only.
1) I do not believe Clinton Abrams story about much of anything in the interview with David Gotfredson. There is decades of history that do not match Clinton Abrams narrative.
2) I do not believe much of anything of the story of Keith Harper or Diana Fedder.
3) I do not believe that LE has the entire story.
4) There are no winners in this entire sequence of decade long events.
5) I would suggest we disect the Clinton Abrams interview in a forensic manner.
6) Hopefully Isidro has conveyed all of his knowledge of the situations to LE.

In Clint's interview I was expecting a plea to find her and for more information but I was a bit confused by his lingo and emotionless overall showing. He seemed very dry and without feeling. Maybe he he has come to the conclusion that she's gone and he dealt with it. Not sure...All and all... it's been a disapointing chain of events. I feel the loss of the life of a good woman has been treated like a bad soap opera. Everyone seems to be zzzzzzzzz and without passion. Breaks my heart.....At least the folks on this board are engaged and looking for answers. So sorry deserved better my dear.
For me when I heard Clint's interview I felt pretty good over all with it. I can totally see that maybe his personality type and maybe being raised by a business man and being one himself he may come across less emotional. He is probably used to being all business and no emotion (some men in my family are this way) But I don't think it's totally out of the norm for someone to deal with things in this way. He seems to want to come across very professional and educated and he is well spoken. I am not 100% sure that there was NO hurt feelings with all the court stuff going on before Dia went missing, but I don't think it's not possible that things were being working out or 'ok' that way too. It would really depend on the dynamics of the family and such IMO

Again - MOO
To me it felt like he could have been a bit more to the point of asking for help form anyone who might know something. Didn't sound like any sort of plea to me for help. He was very a matter of fact. Yes, maybe that's just his way but he had an opportunity there as her son to reach out to the public for help and I feel he did not make much use of it. Also, is there a reward? with millions of dollars of property on the line that KH could sink his claws into you would think there would be a large bounty out for information that could stop that from happening. They seem to have the money....did I miss a reward someplace?
....did I miss a reward someplace?
IIRC, and I'll try to find a link to support this-- KH offered a $10,000 reward for a safe return of Dia. (But JMO... he'd know a safe return would be impossible if he was the one that disappeared her. There's a difference in how it's worded-- he wasn't offering it for information.)

(Yeah, he offered that much money, but then tried to get a refund on those boots she purchased.)

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think Dia's adult children offered any reward, to this day, to find their mother or for info to help solve this case.

Woman missing near Idyllwild was in court battle over multi-million dollar estate |
Author: David Gotfredson (Investigative Producer)
Published: 8:50 PM PDT August 25, 2020
Updated: 12:11 AM PDT August 26, 2020

"Harper said he is offering a $10,000 for the safe return of Abrams."
IIRC, and I'll try to find a link to support this-- KH offered a $10,000 reward for a safe return of Dia. (But JMO... he'd know a safe return would be impossible if he was the one that disappeared her. There's a difference in how it's worded-- he wasn't offering it for information.)

(Yeah, he offered that much money, but then tried to get a refund on those boots she purchased.)

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think Dia's adult children offered any reward, to this day, to find their mother or for info to help solve this case.

Woman missing near Idyllwild was in court battle over multi-million dollar estate |
Author: David Gotfredson (Investigative Producer)
Published: 8:50 PM PDT August 25, 2020
Updated: 12:11 AM PDT August 26, 2020

"Harper said he is offering a $10,000 for the safe return of Abrams."

Good point..."Safe Return" While he feverishly looks for the love of his life himself...NOT! He makes bold claims like we were going to get married and what not knowing Dia is never going to able to call him on it. I mean really. If you met the love of your life and you were living together sharing each day and talking of marriage would you just write that person off? Not look for them? Not look for answers? HE KNOWS...HE KNOWS WHERE SHE IS. Everything this guys says and does makes me feel he knows EXACTLY where she is. And always referring to her in past tense from day one.
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