CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

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Fiancé of missing woman alleges ‘hostile takeover’ of estate near Idyllwild |

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Abrams hand-delivered cinnamon rolls to a neighbor early Saturday morning on the date went missing, News 8 has confirmed.


Harper, 71, has been managing the Bonita Vista Ranch since Abrams went missing and, until recently, had been renting out cabins on the ranch through Airbnb.

“Her children contacted 'Airbnb' and told them that the ranch was being run by a murderer and that I had been accused of murdering their mother,” Harper alleged in his declaration.

“'Airbnb' removed the ‘ranch’ from its rental lists even though the ranch had received 29 five-star ratings,” Harper wrote.


Would love to know if anyone else was told this by Dia.

Harper also alleged Clinton Abrams tried to poison his mother “six years ago” when she was hospitalized with lower back surgery in San Diego.

“When she woke up in the recovery room, she was surprised to see her son Clinton, since no one in the family had volunteered to assist her. Dia claimed the meeting was short and her son gave her something to drink and then left. Dia claimed what happened next was she slipped into an unexplained coma for the next four days and nearly died. When she recovered, she believed the [sic] Clinton had administered her a dose of something intending to kill her, since the medical team had no explanation of her near death experience,” Harper wrote in the court declaration.
Would love to know if anyone else was told this by Dia.

Harper also alleged Clinton Abrams tried to poison his mother “six years ago” when she was hospitalized with lower back surgery in San Diego.

“When she woke up in the recovery room, she was surprised to see her son Clinton, since no one in the family had volunteered to assist her. Dia claimed the meeting was short and her son gave her something to drink and then left. Dia claimed what happened next was she slipped into an unexplained coma for the next four days and nearly died. When she recovered, she believed the [sic] Clinton had administered her a dose of something intending to kill her, since the medical team had no explanation of her near death experience,” Harper wrote in the court declaration.
If in fact Dia believed that her son had tried to kill her, true or not, she would have been so vulnerable to manipulation by someone with bad intentions, that it just breaks my heart. Who can you ever trust, if not your own family? Comments made by some of our posters here, which spoke of Dia's paranoia and her carrying a weapon at all times, are more believable with this context added in, and actually line up pretty well with the few facts we do have about Dia's life.

I'm not saying I believe either side of this. I don't know what I think, except I wish Dia could speak for herself.

harper_declaration.pdf (

POApetition.pdf (

As usual, a big thank you to @tvscum for this update and these documents. There's a lot to nitpick in what is presented by both sides. I would think the judge would want to concentrate more on the examination of the legal documents and the changes Dia made, and whether she did so of her own free will.

Whether KH has a RSO record is beside
the point here, IMO. The children using hearsay to point out that maybe KH and DF were lovers, IMO, sounds like gossip. (Conspiracy theories? This isn't a criminal court case at this time.) I figure they have top attorneys and feel their petition is all over the place like buckshot. I definitely think they should demand KH present the full legal POA, and any witnesses that can support his allegations. It is of utmost importance to insure the changes Dia made to the Trust were what she wanted of her own sound mind and free will. I wonder if her children would respect her wishes if it was proven she wanted and made those changes.

You know I don't trust any of the players in this case as yet, but this post is mainly about how I see the two sides and their petitions. It is just my own opinion. MOO

Actually I think KH's petition makes some good points. He sticks to the presenting all his efforts and willingness to be a responsible trustee, the economical concerns, and the lack of interest to help in anyway from her children. I do feel it was necessary for KH to mention the estrangement between Dia and her children to explain why she would change the Trust.

Did Dia tell others that hospital story? Was there bad blood within the family relationships despite what Clinton said? What's the real story about that truck?

The children argue Dia signed those changes under duress. However, KH and DF say the duress was because Dia didn't trust her children and didn't want them to get her estate. I do agree with @coastal that if Dia talked about that hospital incident or her fears it made her vulnerable to be gas lighted by others. What a mess.

MOO-- All my own thoughts and opinions.

I first met Dia Abrams five years ago when I came to assist her in the management of her ranch. I have never asked for any compensation then or now for my efforts to revive and beautify the ranch that she loved and cared for.”

I found this very curious. He first met Dia five years ago when he came to help manage the ranch. And he “never asked for any compensation”. So he didn’t know her before he came to work for her, but he worked for free?

How did this arrangement come about? Did someone recommend him? Answered an ad? Seems very unusual.

I first met Dia Abrams five years ago when I came to assist her in the management of her ranch. I have never asked for any compensation then or now for my efforts to revive and beautify the ranch that she loved and cared for.”

I found this very curious. He first met Dia five years ago when he came to help manage the ranch. And he “never asked for any compensation”. So he didn’t know her before he came to work for her, but he worked for free?

How did this arrangement come about? Did someone recommend him? Answered an ad? Seems very unusual.
Good question, slowpoke. Wonder when the pot plants went in?
harper_declaration.pdf (

POApetition.pdf (

As usual, a big thank you to @tvscum for this update and these documents. There's a lot to nitpick in what is presented by both sides. I would think the judge would want to concentrate more on the examination of the legal documents and the changes Dia made, and whether she did so of her own free will.

Whether KH has a RSO record is beside
the point here, IMO. The children using hearsay to point out that maybe KH and DF were lovers, IMO, sounds like gossip. (Conspiracy theories? This isn't a criminal court case at this time.) I figure they have top attorneys and feel their petition is all over the place like buckshot. I definitely think they should demand KH present the full legal POA, and any witnesses that can support his allegations. It is of utmost importance to insure the changes Dia made to the Trust were what she wanted of her own sound mind and free will. I wonder if her children would respect her wishes if it was proven she wanted and made those changes.

You know I don't trust any of the players in this case as yet, but this post is mainly about how I see the two sides and their petitions. It is just my own opinion. MOO

Actually I think KH's petition makes some good points. He sticks to the presenting all his efforts and willingness to be a responsible trustee, the economical concerns, and the lack of interest to help in anyway from her children. I do feel it was necessary for KH to mention the estrangement between Dia and her children to explain why she would change the Trust.

Did Dia tell others that hospital story? Was there bad blood within the family relationships despite what Clinton said? What's the real story about that truck?

The children argue Dia signed those changes under duress. However, KH and DF say the duress was because Dia didn't trust her children and didn't want them to get her estate. I do agree with @coastal that if Dia talked about that hospital incident or her fears it made her vulnerable to be gas lighted by others. What a mess.

MOO-- All my own thoughts and opinions.
I agree with you about KH making some good points here. (I was going to say his story sounds more believable, but I still don't believe him.) His statement that he paid $35000.00 towards expenses for Dia's Sky High property, out of his own money, was rather bold in light of what happened there at exactly the time Dia disappeared, IMO, but it has the ring of truth to me, and unless the bust at that property is a part of the record in these proceedings, it sounds like responsible stewardship. Heck. Maybe it was.

I first met Dia Abrams five years ago when I came to assist her in the management of her ranch. I have never asked for any compensation then or now for my efforts to revive and beautify the ranch that she loved and cared for.”

I found this very curious. He first met Dia five years ago when he came to help manage the ranch. And he “never asked for any compensation”. So he didn’t know her before he came to work for her, but he worked for free?

How did this arrangement come about? Did someone recommend him? Answered an ad? Seems very unusual.

... unbelievable
.... hopefully LE will research this throughly and vet the info..

I first met Dia Abrams five years ago when I came to assist her in the management of her ranch. I have never asked for any compensation then or now for my efforts to revive and beautify the ranch that she loved and cared for.”

I found this very curious. He first met Dia five years ago when he came to help manage the ranch. And he “never asked for any compensation”. So he didn’t know her before he came to work for her, but he worked for free?

How did this arrangement come about? Did someone recommend him? Answered an ad? Seems very unusual.

Only one word stood out. Strangulation.

That's a story in a word.

Abrams hand-delivered cinnamon rolls to a neighbor early Saturday morning on the date went missing, News 8 has confirmed.

So—great information to know for timeline purposes. Dia was alive and seemingly having a normal, positive morning the day she went missing. Her son had said his mom woke up early, baked the rolls and took them to her neighbor, and I guess cbs8 has confirmed this to be so.

I know there has been discussion here that maybe she went missing earlier than that day, so this is telling us no, she was there that morning.​
So—great information to know for timeline purposes. Dia was alive and seemingly having a normal, positive morning the day she went missing. Her son had said his mom woke up early, baked the rolls and took them to her neighbor, and I guess cbs8 has confirmed this to be so.

I know there has been discussion here that maybe she went missing earlier than that day, so this is telling us no, she was there that morning.​

If it has been confirmed that Dia was there on that day in the morning....then either her fate was planned ahead of time by Harper or he winged it somewhat with time constraints. This in my humble opinion means that he moved faster to dispose of her if he in deed did kill her. Thus, he may have made a mistake and there may be hope for conviction. If he pre-planned everything then not so much. Now he is trying to force his hand at taking the property? Wow, does that ever smell of a rat.....HIM!
If it has been confirmed that Dia was there on that day in the morning....then either her fate was planned ahead of time by Harper or he winged it somewhat with time constraints. This in my humble opinion means that he moved faster to dispose of her if he in deed did kill her. Thus, he may have made a mistake and there may be hope for conviction. If he pre-planned everything then not so much. Now he is trying to force his hand at taking the property? Wow, does that ever smell of a rat.....HIM!

Along these lines, if he did do it, would he be being so vocal with all of this? I don’t know, I feel like if I were in a similar situation I’d lay as low as possible being it seems he’s gotten this far without being named as a suspect or been arrested... hmmmm? ... MOO....
All things being stated and spoke of...
Timeframe solved...
Which leads us to the blood stained pillow in the Ford F150 Truck, was it left and forgotten by the perpetrator or was it a plant... another great question...

Did LE give that truck a good inventory before letting it go?
Any DNA on that pillow, anyone elses' DNA on that pillow...
Any DNA from another person could be explained away if it was a person who resided at the ranch...

Any perspiration from contact on that pillow?

Was Dia stowed away in the motorhome...MOO
How about a update LE, Isn't it time?
Three can keep a secret if...
Up front, no cows, but MOO, MOO, MOO. I followed plenty of cases where LE missed evidence in the beginning, and the case went cold, before divine intervention or stupid mistakes brought the evidence to light. Snitches talk, too. This case is begging for LE's further attention and investigation.

KH had to get out there and paint a picture as to why he'd be named a trustee. Gosh, he looked guilty driving off in his RV. If he did something to Dia, IMO, he jumped the gun then, if there is any truth that Dia was going to marry KH in July 2020. It'd have been much easier for KH to wait another month until after they were married to disappear her. Being her legitimate husband would've opened the doors to her estate and probably insurance pay outs much easier than this precarious position he's in. He's not believed, he's looking suspicious, and he's not benefitting that much yet.

Perhaps Dia was already giving him his walking papers, told him she wanted him out. It could be she did sign those changes, but then discovered she was being gas lighted. (Someone could've been using her fears over son to make her change the Trust and she found out son didn't do anything threatening. Maybe that's when things changed and something had to be done sooner.) There's supposedly a letter in evidence that Dia was in fear for her life. From who?

On the other hand, KH is not in a cushy place yet, unless there's some secret deals going on with the grow site or he thought he was going to sell that house, or make bank on the Airbnb. Everything has to be accounted for though if he's just a temporary trustee. Plus, if this was a plan to gain wealth, he'd have to know her children would fight it.

So, that's the other angle. Dia may have feared the son, I tend to believe that may be true. The Probate battle shows they wanted control to some extent, and felt they were entitled to that power over her, and ultimately her estate would be theirs when she passed. KH would've known that's what he'd be up against.
Have both parties in these petition forgotten about Isidro and his vast knowledge? Have they dismissed that there are others that have knowledge of the happenings and truth.
MOO, Is that I cannot believe entirely what each side is stating in the petitions. It appears to my there could be half truths, exaggerated facts and bold face lies. MOO
To me this seems like a fictional drama written for Netflix.
MOO.. strictly my opinion from reading the text of petitions, the earlier petitions Dia had filed and watching the videos presented by Tvscum channel 8 San Diego
I am new to this case and would like to give my advice.

In the past few years there has been a lot of advancement on searching for unmarked graves. Her property is over 100+ acres and depending on how deep should could be buried, cadaver dogs may not be able to detect a scent.

My suggestion is to use Lidar to scan her property to detect elevation changes to narrow down potential grave locations.

Here is the link for further reading

Lidar could help in search for missing murder victims | Electro Optics

This is the unclassified study using Lidar to find unmarked graves

A novel application of terrestrial LIDAR to characterize elevation change at human grave surfaces in support of narrowing down possible unmarked grave locations - ScienceDirect
Have both parties in these petition forgotten about Isidro and his vast knowledge? Have they dismissed that there are others that have knowledge of the happenings and truth.
MOO, Is that I cannot believe entirely what each side is stating in the petitions. It appears to my there could be half truths, exaggerated facts and bold face lies. MOO
To me this seems like a fictional drama written for Netflix.
MOO.. strictly my opinion from reading the text of petitions, the earlier petitions Dia had filed and watching the videos presented by Tvscum channel 8 San Diego

Moo I'm thinking that neither party prefers Isidro's represenatation...LOL
snipped to reply...My suggestion is to use Lidar to scan her property to detect elevation changes to narrow down potential grave locations. Lidar could help in search for missing murder victims | Electro Optics
Thanks for the links. Wow, it could help. It sounds like a fairly new study. Is it costly? Are you suggesting LE use this fascinating technology to find Dia's remains? Perhaps Dia's loved ones could arrange to have this done. Only problem is I'm not sure any of those mentioned care enough to look further. Plus, Dia may not be on the property. Did you see the drone search done in Arizona? You're right that the main priority now is to find her so we can figure out who is responsible for harming her. Who will search for Dia?
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