GUILTY CA - Malibu Creek State Park Shooting, Tristan Beaudette, 35, died, 22 June 2018 *Arrest* #3

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Here is my guess. They didn't want to admit they were wrong. So now, they circle the wagons, and carry on a small private conversation, insisting it is a conspiracy. And LE is behind it, railroading this guy. JMO

ITA. They're not about to back down on their conspiracy theory.

ITA also:

“I told you all this would happen back in October but many things do not add up and I will put it all together in a nice little package for you, and our new Sheriff Alex Villanueva to review. This case is leftover from the previous regime and it looks like they need oversight.

Charging Rauda is one thing, putting the guns(s) plural in his hands for the murder and two years worth of shooting that were *covered up by law enforcement and State Parks* is quite another.

Stay tuned.”
The Local Malibu

I saw several comments posted by the founder of The Local Malibu under the post above. In one, she says vaccines are “definitely part of the scenario.” In another she calls a poster “clueless.”

Personally, I can’t take this so-called publication seriously.
ITA also:

“I told you all this would happen back in October but many things do not add up and I will put it all together in a nice little package for you, and our new Sheriff Alex Villanueva to review. This case is leftover from the previous regime and it looks like they need oversight.

Charging Rauda is one thing, putting the guns(s) plural in his hands for the murder and two years worth of shooting that were *covered up by law enforcement and State Parks* is quite another.

Stay tuned.”
The Local Malibu

I saw several comments posted by the founder of The Local Malibu under the post above. In one, she says vaccines are “definitely part of the scenario.” In another she calls a poster “clueless.”

Personally, I can’t take this so-called publication seriously.

Yes. And I remember when he/she came and posted here, she/he was very defensive and seemed a bit unhinged. Did not seem like a credible, objective investigative reporter. Seemed more like an activist with a personal crusade, to me.
ITA also:

“I told you all this would happen back in October but many things do not add up and I will put it all together in a nice little package for you, and our new Sheriff Alex Villanueva to review. This case is leftover from the previous regime and it looks like they need oversight.

Charging Rauda is one thing, putting the guns(s) plural in his hands for the murder and two years worth of shooting that were *covered up by law enforcement and State Parks* is quite another.

Stay tuned.”
The Local Malibu

I saw several comments posted by the founder of The Local Malibu under the post above. In one, she says vaccines are “definitely part of the scenario.” In another she calls a poster “clueless.”

Personally, I can’t take this so-called publication seriously.

Whoa. Vaccines are part of it? Wow. Huge lack of rationality. We seem to be getting into "I even contacted the FBI with my 'findings' but certain powers are undermining my attempts" type of territory here.
Hence, the 'secret' passwords needed to even read the magazine. Seems pretty paranoid.

Weird. I didn't need to set up an account or a password to read it. Maybe the Local decided that was over the top and indicated they might just be veering into tinfoil hat land?

As someone put it in a previous post, I have enjoyed getting local flavor from the Local, and learning factual tidbits that MM pieces did not touch on. They did a good job of highlighting the previous shootings and subsequent alarming incidents in and around the park. But I've been disappointed the past couple of weeks as they seem to be more about self-promotion and pet conspiracy ideas rather than following the facts or reporting responsibly on the investigation and detention of Rauda that led up to his being charged.
Weird. I didn't need to set up an account or a password to read it. Maybe the Local decided that was over the top and indicated they might just be veering into tinfoil hat land?

As someone put it in a previous post, I have enjoyed getting local flavor from the Local, and learning factual tidbits that MM pieces did not touch on. They did a good job of highlighting the previous shootings and subsequent alarming incidents in and around the park. But I've been disappointed the past couple of weeks as they seem to be more about self-promotion and pet conspiracy ideas rather than following the facts or reporting responsibly on the investigation and detention of Rauda that led up to his being charged.

Wow. Looks like they just changed it, and opened it up to the public. When I made that post, the article was 'password' protected. You couldn't see it unless you 'logged' in. I assumed it was a paywall of some kind.

Looks like they changed their minds about that. I am going to read it as soon as I can--but my grand daughter is here for awhile so I can't read it yet..
Malibu Creek State Park Shootings: Will Rauda Take the Rap? - The Local Malibu
I disagree with much of the above article.

For example,

"Rauda had been living in the hills for the last 10 years, he also said authorities had Rauda in custody 4 months prior on trespassing.
Are we to believe that Rauda was right under our nose for the last 10 years and the community or law enforcement wasn’t aware of him?"

Umm, YES. That's exactly what we are to believe. It happens that way quite often. Ventura County is a huge place. How many transients, vagrants, trespassers do LE come in contact with on a monthly basis? Why would this one guy stand out and make them think he was a murderer?

"It seems a little far fetched to try to pass that off as a believable scenario nowadays. There are way too many prying eyes around here for a killer/shooter/burglar to be on the move for 10 years, in our proverbial back yard, and not been seen (and information promptly distributed on social media) – especially since Rauda was found within a few mile radius of the murder scene (and the approximately 6 other attempted murder scenes)."

Why is that far fetched? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of shooters/burglars, on the move, cruising around , in our proverbial backyard. And Rauda had been seen and talked about, by several people, who ran into him in the remote trails.

And YES, he was found within a few mile radius of the murder scene. So why all the outrage and shock that he is the prime suspect?

"Is it really possible to think Rauda could get away with all these criminal acts, some even a stone’s throw away from from Lost Hills Sheriff’s Department? That’s quite a feat. Somehow I don’t think Rauda is that saavy – or that stupid in my opinion."

Yes, it is totally possible to think he could get away with all of these criminal acts, even ones close to the Lost Hills Station. He was off grid, under the radar, no vehicle, no cell phone, just a fleeting figure in the dark. If it wasn't for the surveillance cameras we still wouldn't have him in jail.

The shooter’s M.O. was to strike late at night of in the pre-dawn hours yet Rauda was found in the middle of the day, in a wide open field, complete with NBC hovering overhead, after two unsuccessful SWAT visits (a.k.a. Political Dog and Pony Shows) and conveniently scheduled weeks before the November election for L.A. County Sheriff.
That just seems a little out of character with the details of the crimes Rauda is alleged to have committed."

His MO changed because the circumstances changed-radically. It is not unusual for criminals to change their MO when under pressure by Law Enforcement and public pressure.

He used to strike in the dead of night--but after the murder in the campgrounds, there was way more security and LE and concern in that area. And there were no more campers and tourists---which used to provide easy pickings for him. He could grab food from tents and parked cars, etc, with little problem. But things were closed and shut down tight after the high profile shooting.

That is also why the avid local outdoorsman just began seeing the suspect the week before his arrest. Before that he never saw him. Before that, the suspect was sleeping, holed up somewhere hidden during the day, and out and about at night. But things changed...

How is it a political dog and pony show to send in SWT to try and flush out the sniper?
Malibu Creek State Park Shootings: Will Rauda Take the Rap? - The Local Malibu
I disagree with much of the above article.

For example,

"Rauda had been living in the hills for the last 10 years, he also said authorities had Rauda in custody 4 months prior on trespassing.
Are we to believe that Rauda was right under our nose for the last 10 years and the community or law enforcement wasn’t aware of him?"

Umm, YES. That's exactly what we are to believe. It happens that way quite often. Ventura County is a huge place. How many transients, vagrants, trespassers do LE come in contact with on a monthly basis? Why would this one guy stand out and make them think he was a murderer?

"It seems a little far fetched to try to pass that off as a believable scenario nowadays. There are way too many prying eyes around here for a killer/shooter/burglar to be on the move for 10 years, in our proverbial back yard, and not been seen (and information promptly distributed on social media) – especially since Rauda was found within a few mile radius of the murder scene (and the approximately 6 other attempted murder scenes)."

Why is that far fetched? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of shooters/burglars, on the move, cruising around , in our proverbial backyard. And Rauda had been seen and talked about, by several people, who ran into him in the remote trails.

And YES, he was found within a few mile radius of the murder scene. So why all the outrage and shock that he is the prime suspect?

"Is it really possible to think Rauda could get away with all these criminal acts, some even a stone’s throw away from from Lost Hills Sheriff’s Department? That’s quite a feat. Somehow I don’t think Rauda is that saavy – or that stupid in my opinion."

Yes, it is totally possible to think he could get away with all of these criminal acts, even ones close to the Lost Hills Station. He was off grid, under the radar, no vehicle, no cell phone, just a fleeting figure in the dark. If it wasn't for the surveillance cameras we still wouldn't have him in jail.

The shooter’s M.O. was to strike late at night of in the pre-dawn hours yet Rauda was found in the middle of the day, in a wide open field, complete with NBC hovering overhead, after two unsuccessful SWAT visits (a.k.a. Political Dog and Pony Shows) and conveniently scheduled weeks before the November election for L.A. County Sheriff.
That just seems a little out of character with the details of the crimes Rauda is alleged to have committed."

His MO changed because the circumstances changed-radically. It is not unusual for criminals to change their MO when under pressure by Law Enforcement and public pressure.

He used to strike in the dead of night--but after the murder in the campgrounds, there was way more security and LE and concern in that area. And there were no more campers and tourists---which used to provide easy pickings for him. He could grab food from tents and parked cars, etc, with little problem. But things were closed and shut down tight after the high profile shooting.

That is also why the avid local outdoorsman just began seeing the suspect the week before his arrest. Before that he never saw him. Before that, the suspect was sleeping, holed up somewhere hidden during the day, and out and about at night. But things changed...

How is it a political dog and pony show to send in SWT to try and flush out the sniper?

And also, they didn't catch him when he was committing a crime, did they? I thought they had been searching hard for him and found him in the park. Why wouldn't he be there? He apparently lived there. So he would've been there during the day.

On another note: Earlier on I was talking about how crazy it would be to skulk around in the dark in that area where there's mountain lions who are nocturnal. I still maintain, armed or not, it was nuts. Lions typically don't let you know they're there when they are hunting you, until they're on top of you.

I maintain that guy is a nut.
This is ludicrous! Who are they suing, the campground? I believe they got over a million on ********. California the land of lawsuits.

She's suing the county and the state because multiple agencies were aware of various shootings and failed to warn campers.

I don't think it's without merit. I mean if they can want people about car break ins and mountain lions and rattle snakes, why not "There have been random shootings in the area, mostly at cars. Remain aware of your surroundings."?

I don't know if such a warning would've prevented him from camping there with his two little girls but I bet the case will settle with a payout.

Also, I think they got about 100k, not a million. (They aren't mentioned in the top ten highest earning G F M campaigns, in this article. And one mentioned was lower than a million-********-campaigns-2018-12).

But lawsuits are often about punishing an entity so it makes changes and doesn't act negligently in the future.

ETA: Websleuths edits the link I posted because of a forbidden word in the title. So if you want to read it just type in to google:
From Time's Up to the Tree of Life Synagogue victims, these are the 10 [ADD FORBIDDEN WORD] campaigns that raised the most money in 2018
Last edited:
And also, they didn't catch him when he was committing a crime, did they? I thought they had been searching hard for him and found him in the park. Why wouldn't he be there? He apparently lived there. So he would've been there during the day.

On another note: Earlier on I was talking about how crazy it would be to skulk around in the dark in that area where there's mountain lions who are nocturnal. I still maintain, armed or not, it was nuts. Lions typically don't let you know they're there when they are hunting you, until they're on top of you.

I maintain that guy is a nut.

Proof that this guy is a nut:

Anthony Rauda
Born in California raised in Florida the author spends most of his time reading writing listening and making music

The Luciferian Theory
by Anthony Rauda
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 6,060. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2018. Categories:Nonfiction » Philosophy » Good & evil
The book of genesis reveals a secret knowledge passed down through history.

" THE LUCIFERIAN THEORY "1. THE PREFACEI would first like to explain why i would write on this subject but first i must define it, upon my many readings and studies I grasped a lot of ideas, concepts and yes daydreams. But I must honestly say after reading the Bible and The Holy Quran I started to wonder on the battle of good vs evil, on heaven and hell in which many believe is a spiritual battle within one self and not an actual physical presence. Some believe that evil resides in all people, the yin and yang for example. For some, the species of man and woman on earth have a human nature and to others a survival instinct existing in all man, the fight or flight theory is one example and may be considered disreputable evidence , or the cause and effect theory these are applied sciences, ideas tested by trial and error. But as to my theory its stands not only as a statement of facts , but also opinions so as to establish a truth and then to unveiling a reality , "a what is" or a what is really Truth doctrine . What I'm trying to get across is that the ideals can be grasped by the mind and proven . In that I developed a theory since hell and evil are spiritual concepts, why do ancient doctrines refer to lucifer or evil as beings, demons, monsters etc.. Soto provide further background I was raised with Catholic beliefs that is to believe in evil, in the Devil, also in Angels, sins, of hell and of course a Judgement Day. And if the devil is real and we do evil, would we all be going to hell, but on the other hand this is not a religious book. Certain things happened to me in life that I considered evil yet they were perpetrated by those who were supposed to be the good guys and role models , the things they did are considered wrong to their own way of thinking.So why did these things happen did I do anything to these people .. No! But I am crucified while they are accepted and this is taken as a consequence of life. So I looked at life and the ruling class and the so called powers that be, I began to read books and studied them, keeping thoughts to myself until I could no longer keep it in. I came across what many would find such as conspiracies theories and secret societies but this again crucified me as a paranoid or even worse. Shouldn't these people be suffering a state of hell and not me. So again if what we do is evil yet none are suffering and yet we judge and punish those who offend us or do wrong, then what is evil I must then have to look upon the face of evil "Lucifer" (the light bearer) or everything around me is a lie. The Luciferian Theory was born upon that question. Let us not argue over whether there are religions cause there are, to name a few there are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists , Hindu and so on with many off shoots such as Baptists , Sikhs, Prostestants, Orthodox and to continue on. But during this book I will focus on the psychological aspects the physical properties of what I learned not to say that evil does not exist or that there is not an emotion such as hate but just to refer on the evidence as I stated the cause and effect. Because in order for their to be an effect there must be a cause so if hate leads to murder let's focus on the murder and work are way back such as any investigator in his scientific methods would do, like Sherlock Holmes would because this is not a book based on what ifs, but what is and the answer no matter how improbable must be the answer . And in truth many concepts and ideas will be considered Narcissistic and Sadistic so in a sense where delving into science or the study of the mind so to speak. So when speaking upon evil and it's existence , thinking oneself God or wanting to be God which is Lucifers greatest crime. Narcissism and Sadism are the foundation of my theory they are the devils marks, his targets, the sheep he wishes to have. They are the clear indication of a person most susceptible to him.I would like an opportunity to set it straight, my theory is based simply that evil does not exist solely for demonic possession of the body and soul (Luke Chp.22 verse 3 ; Satan enters Judas)but that Satan is a species his own creature even if his being is spiritual, somewhere along the line he discovered in order to have a kingdom he must have people. (Genesis 3:1 the serpent was more subtle than any beast on the earth; "notice the use of beast and not animal or creature and also of earth not garden or paradise") possession of a animal or person wouldn't do he would not only get exorcised but then people would get familiar with the tactics thus disabling his effectiveness in modern times there has been very little exorcisms . Not too far in the past they were burning witches yet we celebrate holloween every year, so there really is very little evidence of demonic possession anyhow it does not fit my theory.So how did Satan who was cast out to be lower the...


5." THE CONCLUSION, THE SOLUTION"Through my own experience from my family life, community, my short time in the Army and the legal system, I have seen firsthand what mind games can accomplish or destroy. Imagine someone skilled in this warfare, one of the most common tactics is to plant doubt in the individual either by sexual inadequacy such as thinking of homosexuality when their not, bring out the individuals feelings of insecurity, shame, guilt, and by some force or threat cause feelings of loneliness, then once alienated they hope to wear the mind down, paranoia develops and the mark begins to become suspicious of those close to them, the person can feel betrayed or what is true and who to trust. They want to have a person become mentally dead. As it has been said dumb, deaf and blind. In actuality they want someone who does not question or think for ones self, theses types of people make easy victims, they are nothing more than dupes, fools or suckers.Now th..

The Luciferian Theory | Adam And Eve | Satan
Proof that this guy is a nut:

Anthony Rauda
Born in California raised in Florida the author spends most of his time reading writing listening and making music

The Luciferian Theory
by Anthony Rauda
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 6,060. Language: English. Published: April 9, 2018. Categories:Nonfiction » Philosophy » Good & evil
The book of genesis reveals a secret knowledge passed down through history.

" THE LUCIFERIAN THEORY "1. THE PREFACEI would first like to explain why i would write on this subject but first i must define it, upon my many readings and studies I grasped a lot of ideas, concepts and yes daydreams. But I must honestly say after reading the Bible and The Holy Quran I started to wonder on the battle of good vs evil, on heaven and hell in which many believe is a spiritual battle within one self and not an actual physical presence. Some believe that evil resides in all people, the yin and yang for example. For some, the species of man and woman on earth have a human nature and to others a survival instinct existing in all man, the fight or flight theory is one example and may be considered disreputable evidence , or the cause and effect theory these are applied sciences, ideas tested by trial and error. But as to my theory its stands not only as a statement of facts , but also opinions so as to establish a truth and then to unveiling a reality , "a what is" or a what is really Truth doctrine . What I'm trying to get across is that the ideals can be grasped by the mind and proven . In that I developed a theory since hell and evil are spiritual concepts, why do ancient doctrines refer to lucifer or evil as beings, demons, monsters etc.. Soto provide further background I was raised with Catholic beliefs that is to believe in evil, in the Devil, also in Angels, sins, of hell and of course a Judgement Day. And if the devil is real and we do evil, would we all be going to hell, but on the other hand this is not a religious book. Certain things happened to me in life that I considered evil yet they were perpetrated by those who were supposed to be the good guys and role models , the things they did are considered wrong to their own way of thinking.So why did these things happen did I do anything to these people .. No! But I am crucified while they are accepted and this is taken as a consequence of life. So I looked at life and the ruling class and the so called powers that be, I began to read books and studied them, keeping thoughts to myself until I could no longer keep it in. I came across what many would find such as conspiracies theories and secret societies but this again crucified me as a paranoid or even worse. Shouldn't these people be suffering a state of hell and not me. So again if what we do is evil yet none are suffering and yet we judge and punish those who offend us or do wrong, then what is evil I must then have to look upon the face of evil "Lucifer" (the light bearer) or everything around me is a lie. The Luciferian Theory was born upon that question. Let us not argue over whether there are religions cause there are, to name a few there are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists , Hindu and so on with many off shoots such as Baptists , Sikhs, Prostestants, Orthodox and to continue on. But during this book I will focus on the psychological aspects the physical properties of what I learned not to say that evil does not exist or that there is not an emotion such as hate but just to refer on the evidence as I stated the cause and effect. Because in order for their to be an effect there must be a cause so if hate leads to murder let's focus on the murder and work are way back such as any investigator in his scientific methods would do, like Sherlock Holmes would because this is not a book based on what ifs, but what is and the answer no matter how improbable must be the answer . And in truth many concepts and ideas will be considered Narcissistic and Sadistic so in a sense where delving into science or the study of the mind so to speak. So when speaking upon evil and it's existence , thinking oneself God or wanting to be God which is Lucifers greatest crime. Narcissism and Sadism are the foundation of my theory they are the devils marks, his targets, the sheep he wishes to have. They are the clear indication of a person most susceptible to him.I would like an opportunity to set it straight, my theory is based simply that evil does not exist solely for demonic possession of the body and soul (Luke Chp.22 verse 3 ; Satan enters Judas)but that Satan is a species his own creature even if his being is spiritual, somewhere along the line he discovered in order to have a kingdom he must have people. (Genesis 3:1 the serpent was more subtle than any beast on the earth; "notice the use of beast and not animal or creature and also of earth not garden or paradise") possession of a animal or person wouldn't do he would not only get exorcised but then people would get familiar with the tactics thus disabling his effectiveness in modern times there has been very little exorcisms . Not too far in the past they were burning witches yet we celebrate holloween every year, so there really is very little evidence of demonic possession anyhow it does not fit my theory.So how did Satan who was cast out to be lower the...


5." THE CONCLUSION, THE SOLUTION"Through my own experience from my family life, community, my short time in the Army and the legal system, I have seen firsthand what mind games can accomplish or destroy. Imagine someone skilled in this warfare, one of the most common tactics is to plant doubt in the individual either by sexual inadequacy such as thinking of homosexuality when their not, bring out the individuals feelings of insecurity, shame, guilt, and by some force or threat cause feelings of loneliness, then once alienated they hope to wear the mind down, paranoia develops and the mark begins to become suspicious of those close to them, the person can feel betrayed or what is true and who to trust. They want to have a person become mentally dead. As it has been said dumb, deaf and blind. In actuality they want someone who does not question or think for ones self, theses types of people make easy victims, they are nothing more than dupes, fools or suckers.Now th..

The Luciferian Theory | Adam And Eve | Satan

Nah! Come on, Katy! He's not crazy! He's not weird! Just a "harmless" kook they're framing for murder!

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