Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #2

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I think before any further speculation, since this has been such a whirlwind of constantly shifting aspects, that we need to remember to all keep initial facts in consideration as well.
She did leave her little sister, which from all accounts she would never purposely do.
Her main cell phone was found destroyed, no SIM or battery, next to a Dumpster. Plenty of other places it could have fallen out of her pocket and run over... strange coincidence there if so.
A choker that very likely could have been hers, found next to Another dumpster, which SAR dog led to. If police would ever get this confirmed, that would be really stellar.
We need to keep Everything in consideration - Not just the latest breaking revelation. Yes she has a past of hard drug use - Then Why hasn't she done this to her little sister before? Why wouldn't she finally decide to do the big impulsive all inclusive 'ditch my life for drugs' runaway when she's not out doing something, whatever it was, With her sister?
Either way, just a reminder to take everything into consideration - I know there's a LOT at this point. It gets overwhelming trying to sift through it all.

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I have been troubled by the destroyed phone. Why is the battery and SIM card gone? Even if it had been "run over" those pieces should have been nearby.

And the choker .... was it broken? Not likely it came off and just fell ... someone deliberately tore it off, or did she in order to leave a clue?

Forgive if these have already been discussed in full. I am following several makor cases and try as I may, I miss things.
Just as a follow up to my previous rushed post:
I want her found. We have such a wonderful, collaborative and insightful group here determined to assist in finding her. Just want to make sure the focus stays where it should and we all focus our amazingly unique and diversified perspectives and energy on finding her, in whatever physical or mental state.
Now I'll be an unfiltered human for a moment (just in case there was any doubt):
I do not persoanlly believe that she left voluntarily to drug binge.
I do not have a feeling as to whether she is dead or alive, there's no fact to support either.
I do believe that she had no intention to leave Sarah there when she went outside.
I have no bias to her being an addict or her family being protective or Catholic.
Who wants their whole lives disclosed and thrown in front of millions of strangers.
Unless you have been through it, you cannot possibly try to put yourselves in their minds and interpret or rationalize their actions.
EndRant 🙄

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I haven't seen any confirmation from LE that the cell phone found was hers. Did I miss it?

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I haven't seen any confirmation from LE that the cell phone found was hers. Did I miss it?

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I'll have to dig back through the posts, but to my understanding that was confirmed as belonging to her. Hold that thought and I will dig back through Thread 1 when I get a chance, unless someone else beats me to it (please feel free :) I must deal with kid/dogs for a bit here)

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I also have no bias because she's an addict. In fact, it makes me want to just find her even more. I don't look down upon her ( or anyone else who suffers from addiction)
Obviously it does make her case a bit harder to sort through because of all the twists and turns but it doesn't make me think less of her or believe she's less worthy of our time.

I'm new to this board but previously posted on a similar style forum. Usually I kind of get a feeling either way as to where the case may lead. With Maricela,I really have no idea. It complicates things because of the lies and evasiveness but again, I still believe MG is worthy of our time.

I have no idea if she'll be found dead or alive but do hope that she's brought home ,either way.
I also have no bias because she's an addict. In fact, it makes me want to just find her even more. I don't look down upon her ( or anyone else who suffers from addiction)
Obviously it does make her case a bit harder to sort through because of all the twists and turns but it doesn't make me think less of her or believe she's less worthy of our time.

I'm new to this board but previously posted on a similar style forum. Usually I kind of get a feeling either way as to where the case may lead. With Maricela,I really have no idea. It complicates things because of the lies and evasiveness but again, I still believe MG is worthy of our time.

I have no idea if she'll be found dead or alive but do hope that she's brought home ,either way.

She's gonna show up. Hope I am right!!!
I just looked at the video again and it defiantly seems strange..they do not appear to be shopping and are wearing sunglasses when it is dark out...and the comments made of the video. With the recent facts of past substance abuse or possible current substance abuse being an issue , it makes me wonder if human trafficking might somehow be involved.
I think what is confusing to the 'gut feeling' is the family reaction, and the obfuscation of certain details in order to preserve an appearance of something which wasn't true. Wherever Maricela is, it is unlikely that she is 'ok', and of course they are distressed and want to find her. But shame is a huge, huge problem among Catholic familes, I speak as one, and I know that it can be a powerful community force, as well as domestic one. In other words, being an addict is stressful enough. Being an addict when you are expected to be a innocent little princess is even harder. If life becomes impossible to reconcile, then someone may choose to escape. That doesn't mean she hasn't come to harm. The world she is moving in is dangerous, and shortens life expectancy. I'm just saying I think this is what is making it hard to get a feel for what is at the heart. The vibrations are a bit wrong.

However I think it is unfair to say that because someone is struggling with an addiction that is the same as being dead. It is not the same. As long as she is alive, there is always hope for recovery. I know people who have turned around years and years of heroin and alcohol abuse, stints in prison and homelessness, and are now fully functioning contributing members of society with rich lives.

Thank you Cardgame... as a person who was raised Catholic and involved with a "Good" Catholic boy who was addicted to drugs, it certainly is a stressful situation. The guilt, the family prominence in the catholic community in a small town makes for a "Hush, Hush" situation. Oh, the shame and guilt that would be brought upon them if word got out. Luckily, he is now clean (over 25 yrs) but back then when we were younger and even now with some of us older ones, the religious upbringing can bring shame when one ventures out of norm. There is hope of recovery, as I have seen it. On the flip side, I now live in an even smaller community and we have had 6 heroin OD's in the last year. I used to be a volunteer for the Emergency Crisis Center and have had years of training with addictions and also attended classes based on the enabler aspect and in this situation, I see SG as an enabler, not wanting to disappoint sis but having the guilt of knowing it's wrong. JMO
Yes I'm sure everyone has searched the name especially because it was mentioned on Alan-NG podcast ( I guess that counts as msm so can be discussed????) And I'm sure everybody had a similar reaction when they googled the name and realized the lacking credentials.
I did think it was odd they were both wearing dark sunglasses on a rainy NIGHT.
I think it's safe to assume that a lot of people don't take kindly to be lied to.
Even though it is extremely frustrating to be mislead, I would hate for anyone to give up on Maricela just because her family has been so evasive.
I don't think there's any reason to post the private investigators license, that's something that people could look into on their own if they wish.
I personally would not have chosen that PI for lack of credentials ( a business may be licensed to operate but that doesn't mean they are qualified and have the appropriate training) but this thread isn't about the PI , it's about a missing girl who needs to be found:)
I have been following this case since the beginning....and I have to say, I have never been more frustrated as I am with this case.

I am having a hard time with all the intention misinformation that the family has been releasing. I don't know what to believe.

Where is MG's friends? What are they saying? Co-workers? Have any of them come forward with any details.

I feel like Sarah has all the key information. I am curios what the shopping trip the morning MG went missing was like. Where did they shop? Where there phone calls? Who did they see? I feel like there is a whole wad of information that isn't being shared, for whatever reason.

My personal opinion is this GW was not a random stop, like it was first reported. They went to this GW for a specific reason (and it wasn't to buy clothes for a decades party).
There is still a lot of information that is being held back. I certainly understand the frustration because I have been so involved and felt like I wasn't getting the whole story. It is hard but at the end of the day, there is still Maricela out there somewhere. I don't think she is willingly gone but even if she is, we need to find her. If only for her to cuss us and tell us to leave her alone :(
There is still a lot of information that is being held back. I certainly understand the frustration because I have been so involved and felt like I wasn't getting the whole story. It is hard but at the end of the day, there is still Maricela out there somewhere. I don't think she is willingly gone but even if she is, we need to find her. If only for her to cuss us and tell us to leave her alone :(

Mistivon - why is a lot still being withheld? Is LE telling them to withhold it? MG has been gone almost a month - at this point, I am surprised the family hasnt laid everything out on the table so people would help (unless LE told them not to). The PI hasn't been on the case for very long I cannot imagine she is the one from the get go not giving the information out.

I so want MG to be found safe. But I also cant help but think all the intentional misleading has prevented her case from getting the attention and help it needs.
I'm curious what would happen if she is found and doesn't want to go home? Honestly out of all the speculations so far that would be bitter sweet, but if that did happen what then?
I'm curious what would happen if she is found and doesn't want to go home? Honestly out of all the speculations so far that would be bitter sweet, but if that did happen what then?

Well, she is an adult. If she doesn't want to come home then she doesn't have to. And LE is not required to tell anyone if/when they find her.
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