Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #3

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Yes!! I want to know why K's thread went 'poof' too. 😳

Did we ever get a response back from Admin re: A SF Valley missing thread?
I can do Atlantic city NJ right away, Manhattan- Long island NYC next week ( I'll be there for work and there's a good chance I'll be in Laredo TX March 6th ) so if you want to email me the PDF, I'd be happy to help.
Yes!! I want to know why K's thread went 'poof' too. 😳

Did we ever get a response back from Admin re: A SF Valley missing thread?

Still working on it. I need MSM links for every missing girl to send to the moderator for them to consider it. Which lies the issue. 90% of these missing have Namus and Missing and Exploited children accounts but that is literally ALL I can find. I have been searching endlessly to try to find SOMETHING. If I still can't find anything by tomorrow I'm still going to send what I have. That's why I was wondering how quickly those sites update because even searching through SM, I'm not finding friends and family posting missing status's so I was questions of some are even still missing.
That's so sad about MSM....does the California state database or the missing kids site not count? Some of these don't have any media because media is not interested in a runaway :(
Let me ask u this. Can we start a thread with those you DO have MSM for, then as others are picked up by some type of media, we can add them to the thread? I can get in touch with a few people and explain the situation. Maybe JUST MAYBE I can find someone willing to help us out and do even a short blurb on some of them. Can u send me the ones that DON'T have anything to my email? No hurry, just whenever you can?
Don't stress...let's just start it and add as we are able. I understand the rules but it's really hard to have people help search for girls that no one seems to care about if we have to have like a news story. Is there ANY OTHER WAY? I thought a police report number was it not? Every girl in the CA database has one of those. Can you ask whoever you are working with, or I will? Whatever I can do to help, just let me know.
I just want to tell you what a great thing you are doing for these girls. You may be the reason they come home. You, Cardgame, so many others who are taking the time to follow not just Mari, but all our missings. Thank you all. You are amazing.

Still working on it. I need MSM links for every missing girl to send to the moderator for them to consider it. Which lies the issue. 90% of these missing have Namus and Missing and Exploited children accounts but that is literally ALL I can find. I have been searching endlessly to try to find SOMETHING. If I still can't find anything by tomorrow I'm still going to send what I have. That's why I was wondering how quickly those sites update because even searching through SM, I'm not finding friends and family posting missing status's so I was questions of some are even still missing.
That's so sad about MSM....does the California state database or the missing kids site not count? Some of these don't have any media because media is not interested in a runaway :(
Let me ask u this. Can we start a thread with those you DO have MSM for, then as others are picked up by some type of media, we can add them to the thread? I can get in touch with a few people and explain the situation. Maybe JUST MAYBE I can find someone willing to help us out and do even a short blurb on some of them. Can u send me the ones that DON'T have anything to my email? No hurry, just whenever you can?
Don't stress...let's just start it and add as we are able. I understand the rules but it's really hard to have people help search for girls that no one seems to care about if we have to have like a news story. Is there ANY OTHER WAY? I thought a police report number was it not? Every girl in the CA database has one of those. Can you ask whoever you are working with, or I will? Whatever I can do to help, just let me know.
I just want to tell you what a great thing you are doing for these girls. You may be the reason they come home. You, Cardgame, so many others who are taking the time to follow not just Mari, but all our missings. Thank you all. You are amazing.

I will follow up with the moderator in the morning to find out if a police case number is efficient. I'm still going to send them over every missing girl as well as the link to the map. They didn't say that they wouldn't consider it with a case number but they did specifically ask for the MSM link. I'm just assuming that without the MSM link it makes it look voluntary and I understand that they would not necessarily want to assume there are all these women who are kidnapped. When I did list out the ones I do have, it makes it look like just a couple of people missing but not necessarily connected. I will email you the ones I'm trying to find more information on. Maybe you have connections that can at least verify these women are still missing and that it wasn't voluntary.
The thing is.... a voluntary 15 year old runaway is only voluntary until he/she gets taken or tricked into trafficking. Or whatever. If a person cannot leave, they are somewhere against their will. Therefore, they need rescuing.

Example: Destiny Butler
Even if KS was in Boston willingly, she is not of age and I highly doubt she was with another minor. So even though she was classified as a runaway, she was truly in danger. Who knows what happens to these women/girls after they willingly leave? Until someone is located and police confirm face to face and ALONE with that person, they should be looked for imo.
How many women have fallen thru the cracks and how many on our list might if it wasn't for Daily?

So, can anyone clarify the rules for a new thread? I am 99% sure it is MSM OR police report number. Hopefully, the mods will allow ALL our missings.

ETA: Plus Daily, we have never claimed that ALL these women are connected. We know they are not. But they are all similar in appearance within a short period of time and even if they walked away, a connection should be ruled out, imo. I am pretty sure mods understand that. I think we have had threads on people who supposedly ran away.
I mentioned before that it is these very girls that traffickers prey upon. Those girls that are considered "junkies", "prostitutes", "habitual runaways." They bank on the fact that no one will miss and/or look for these girls. They just cannot be ruled out until, well, they are ruled out IYKWIM
The thing is.... a voluntary 15 year old runaway is only voluntary until he/she gets taken or tricked into trafficking. Or whatever. If a person cannot leave, they are somewhere against their will. Therefore, they need rescuing.

Example: Destiny Butler

Exactly!!! Soooo many people who are being trafficked started as runaways...then meet the wrong person who promises them the world and next thing they know, they're trapped.
Even if KS was in Boston willingly, she is not of age and I highly doubt she was with another minor. So even though she was classified as a runaway, she was truly in danger. Who knows what happens to these women/girls after they willingly leave? Until someone is located and police confirm face to face and ALONE with that person, they should be looked for imo.
How many women have fallen thru the cracks and how many on our list might if it wasn't for Daily?

So, can anyone clarify the rules for a new thread? I am 99% sure it is MSM OR police report number. Hopefully, the mods will allow ALL our missings.

ETA: Plus Daily, we have never claimed that ALL these women are connected. We know they are not. But they are all similar in appearance within a short period of time and even if they walked away, a connection should be ruled out, imo. I am pretty sure mods understand that. I think we have had threads on those who supposedly ran away.

I will definitely double check the rules. It will be the first thread I've started and honestly, I'm a totally newbie here. Fingers crossed a police case number is efficient!!

I saw that Elaine's missing page shared the map and many people shared it as well. So, the word is definitely getting out, thank goodness!
Even if KS was in Boston willingly, she is not of age and I highly doubt she was with another minor. So even though she was classified as a runaway, she was truly in danger. Who knows what happens to these women/girls after they willingly leave? Until someone is located and police confirm face to face and ALONE with that person, they should be looked for imo.
How many women have fallen thru the cracks and how many on our list might if it wasn't for Daily?

So, can anyone clarify the rules for a new thread? I am 99% sure it is MSM OR police report number. Hopefully, the mods will allow ALL our missings.

ETA: Plus Daily, we have never claimed that ALL these women are connected. We know they are not. But they are all similar in appearance within a short period of time and even if they walked away, a connection should be ruled out, imo. I am pretty sure mods understand that. I think we have had threads on people who supposedly ran away.
I mentioned before that it is these very girls that traffickers prey upon. Those girls that are considered "junkies", "prostitutes", "habitual runaways." They bank on the fact that no one will miss and/or look for these girls. They just cannot be ruled out until, well, they are ruled out IYKWIM

Mistivon even if there is no connection all the shares on the map are a reminder to parents with teens to moderate or keep an eye on their child's activity. I shared the map on my page and although only 3 parents responded that's 3 more parents to be more aware. That's always a win!
CA according to stats has 2.5-5 missing people per 100,000 people. Of all reported missing cases, the stats seem to suggest that a number as high as 99% are resolved within one year (this stat seems high but when you consider how many people are reported missing, that 1% still equates to more than 2K people annually nationally). Resolved means either the person returns, are located, or they work out what happened to them. Interestingly, CA is surrounded by the states with the highest number of open and unresolved missing persons cases: AZ, NV, OR, ID, WY, MT WA, in the case of Oregen as high as 10 people per 100,000. I'm still trying to work out how to translate these stats to the map that we have, since I have no local knowledge of the area or what the population in the quadrant suggested might be. It looks like alot on the map, but the key thing (IMO to reiterate) seem to be not how many people get reported missing, but how many of those reports remain unresolved. However, if something nefarious is happening, then both stats should increase, in other words you would expect to see a rise in the number reported missing as well as the number unresolved. It just might be easier to work out if something odd is going on by seeing how many still haven't been found. I'm still a bit feverish so hoping some of that makes sense. I am going to keep looking now, and will do some digging around the names on the map. I'm going to search all their names + FOUND or + HOME and see if any of them have turned up.
I'm searching alot of these girls on the missing list and noticed that a lot of their images don't come up with any other hits on google image search. That seems weird if their photos were being taken from facebook or other social media as they often are when family are searching. Unlike the photos of, for example, Elaine Park, some of the photos of these other girls look like mugshots (I don't mean they ARE mugshots I'm wondering if these are photos taken by local authority care or whatever US version is. Could it be that they are reported missing if they abscond from care homes as a matter of routine and are therefore on the database but are not missing in the same way as someone like Maricela?

EDIT: which is not to say they are not vulnerable, of course, I understand that, but it might be worth trying to distinguish, as the circumstances of the 'missing' may not be in any way suspicious, but because of their age something that is reported as legal obligation. Is that possible?
I'm searching alot of these girls on the missing list and noticed that a lot of their images don't come up with any other hits on google image search. That seems weird if their photos were being taken from facebook or other social media as they often are when family are searching. Unlike the photos of, for example, Elaine Park, some of the photos of these other girls look like mugshots (I don't mean they ARE mugshots I'm wondering if these are photos taken by local authority care or whatever US version is. Could it be that they are reported missing if they abscond from care homes as a matter of routine and are therefore on the database but are not missing in the same way as someone like Maricela?

EDIT: which is not to say they are not vulnerable, of course, I understand that, but it might be worth trying to distinguish, as the circumstances of the 'missing' may not be in any way suspicious, but because of their age something that is reported as legal obligation. Is that possible?

I, too, have been wondering if these younger girls are actually missing. Their pictures seem more like a mugshot photo. I tried to search their photos on Google images to to get a hit and nothing....::sigh::. I don't even know where to go from here.

I do need to update the map today. I believe a few have been located.
Here are some of the results I have found out from digging around the internet today. Sorry if this is the wrong place to put them, until we have another thread i hope this counts towards helping find Maricela.

Alexsia Vanegas 11-17-16** no info (could name spelling be variable??) mugshot type image

Aldebaran Romero 11-03-16* no info, goes also by ALIAS ANDIE, couldn't find SM, mugshot type image

Marissa Medina 10-26-16 no info, V similar to above

KS 01-16-17 *FOUND SAFE*

Franchesca Gorritz 01-12-17 no info, alias FRANKIE, doesn't help locate SM, google image search turned up nothing, mugshot type image

Melanie & Michelle Ledezma 01-09-17 SISTERS WENT MISSING TOGETHER, no info, google image search turned up nothing, mugshot type images similar to all above

Victoria Medina 01-14-17 no info, similar to all above

Brianna Acosta 11-15-16 FB comment on missing page says she has been found. She also appears to be active on social media. Maybe no longer missing?

Sara Cordova 01-05-17 no info found, except possible link on twitter – is this her? [video=twitter;825879305087549440][/video]

Yajaira Cruz-Vanegas 09-19-16 no info, similar to listed

Arly Gomez 11-16-16 – no info, similar to listed

Virginia Hurtado 01-13-17 – no info

Daniela Jimenez 09-26-16 - no info

Griselda Urena 12-03-16 – according to FB got married in 2014 – does this mean she can or cannot be 17 as of march 2016? Found 2 FB accounts, 1 appears inactive as of 2013, the other as of January 2015. Searched what appeared to be relatives’ facebook accounts, no mention of her missing, no mention of her at any point around the date she went missing according to the poster.

Vanessa Linares 10-06-16 – no info, no social media found

Brianna Lopez 09-25-16 – very little info. shares a name with a child who died, making it hard to search without coming up with different results.

Brittany "Briee" White 02-03-17 According to SM, Briee has been FOUND

Alma Veronica Alva 11-06-16 – no info, no social media

Giselle Diaz 01-25-2017 – no info. didn’t do extensive search of SM, too many Giselle Diaz. only thing I found was a previous tweet referring to her as missing and then ‘recovered’. Followed by more tweets at a much later date reporting her missing again. Seems to add to theory that these could be minors being reported absconded from authority care

Monica Axume-Garcia 01-25-2017 – previous reports of her missing on twitter and on missing persons website from 2014 when she was 14 before most recent reports age 17. No other findings

Cleopatra Lucero 01-12-2017 – active on FB as of Feb 15[SUP]th[/SUP] 2017, updated her profile pic and chatting with friends. is definitely same girl, has tattoo on face. Seems to no longer be missing
Alexsia Vanegas 11-17-16** no info (could name spelling be variable??) mugshot type image

Is on NAMUS -
M/J is a chronic runaway. On 11/17/2016, at approximately 1600 hours, M/J left her home with her boyfriend against her parents wishes.
I will follow up with the moderator in the morning to find out if a police case number is efficient. I'm still going to send them over every missing girl as well as the link to the map. They didn't say that they wouldn't consider it with a case number but they did specifically ask for the MSM link. I'm just assuming that without the MSM link it makes it look voluntary and I understand that they would not necessarily want to assume there are all these women who are kidnapped. When I did list out the ones I do have, it makes it look like just a couple of people missing but not necessarily connected. I will email you the ones I'm trying to find more information on. Maybe you have connections that can at least verify these women are still missing and that it wasn't voluntary.
I promised you an answer, so here it is.
I've discussed the situation with Tricia and Greater Than. Early next week, probably Tuesday, I will open a sub-forum for all the missing and abducted in SoCal on your map , which again, is excellent. The set up will require a thread for each MP/abducted. If we have existing threads , I will move them to the new sub-forum. You guys can work on threads for the others.

We do require MSM, however. Absent that, if you can get a MP item number, that will suffice as a reference. Often those can be obtained by calling the LE agency handling the case. If not, we'll handle it on a case by case basis, and try to find a solution.

We absolutely want each MP to have a separate thread, but preferably within the normal guidelines.

In addition, you will have a discussion/comparison thread, plus other pertinent threads. It will take time to set up, but I will shoot for having it up and running by Wednesday at the latest.

This is a special exception, as we don't normally set up group forums for MP's from one particular region. Considering the concentrated area, and the narrow timeline, we're willing to make an exception. Please forward any questions to Greater Than or to me.


Thank you. I hope the efforts bring closure to many cases, and it is a short lived phenomenon.

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