Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #3

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Exactly. Just a personal anecdote here, bear with me lol. My best friend in high school had her first baby shockingly young. Her sister followed her lead and had her first even younger. Lil' sis had two kids by 15!! By that age she was on the streets. She decided that welfare wasn't enough for her, and as she was so young she couldn't get hired anywhere good. She had a friend that taught her how to prostitute. She had arrests in ten states way before she was 18. The police would send her back home, and she'd be gone again in a flash. I think the regular customers of prostitutes get tired of the same ones or something, so the successful "ladies of the evening" travel from city to city, state to state to make more money.

I am not saying that girls never get trafficked, that's not what I believe at all, because I've definitely seen real trafficking cases. I just know that when minors are involved, it gets labeled as "trafficking" automatically, although these young girls are doing it voluntarily. Unfortunately nowadays with all the overly sexual messages on TV, movies, and in music, it's cool to be a "hoe". If you're not getting 8,000 likes on your Kardashian-style pictures of your butt or your cleavage, you're uncool. A popular message is "why give it away when you can get paid for it". A lot of girls have uninvolved parents that are too wrapped up in their own lives to give their kids attention, so they seek validation from men online, and in person, in any way they can get it. Some parents love and care for their children, but somehow the child looks to the media to find out what morals, or lack of, they should have anyway. Unfortunately, way more women and young girls are willing to be a prostitute than any of us would probably think.

Btw, last time I checked, my friend's sister was 32 and still "making easy money". :notgood:

Most definitely true. But, IME, when it's a minor they tend to be successful with the trafficking charges. But I believe SD is 17, right? Maybe if that's the age of consent in Nevada they don't treat it the same as if she were 13 or something. I have no idea what the AOC is there, but I know it's as young as 16 in some US states. I think? Lol. I'm still curious about those guys' charges, however. Hopefully they will release that info eventually.

Back to Maricela -- would anyone happen to know the name of the girl that also got abducted in the LA area whose phone was also found broken at the scene? It's probably a coincidence, but you never know what these disturbed people will do as a "trademark" or whatever to put their own personal stamp on their crime. I'm still very concerned about all the LA metro abductions going on lately, so I am wondering what they might have in common.

I'm really looking forward to that thread about the abductions. Are the mods/admins still in the process of making one?

I can agree with the media messages to a point but 17 years of prostitution and 2 kids by 15 leads me to believe drugs and or a pimp was involved with a healthy dose of early sexual abuse.

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Shared from the Northridge-Chatsworth, CA Patch | Police & Fire

Valley Family Pleas For Missing Sisters 13 and 14
Police and the family of two girls last seen on Roscoe Boulevards are asking for anyone with information about the girls to come forward.

By SoCal Patch (Patch Staff) - March 3, 2017 2:22 am ET

PANORAMA CITY, CA — Two teenage sisters went missing Thursday in Panorama City.

Valeria and Isabel Nava were last seen around 3 p.m. in the 15000 block of Roscoe Boulevard, the Los Angeles Police Department reported.

They have not been seen or heard from since and their family is "extremely concerned," police said.

Valeria, 13, is described as Hispanic with black hair and brown eyes. She is 5 feet tall and weighs about 110 pounds. Isabel, 14, is Hispanic with black hair and brown eyes. She is 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighs about 120 pounds.

The girls in San Antonio were taken after school. Technically I feel like these girls are at risk youth and know some seedy ppl (gangs) who invite them to "ditch" then make their move. I'm 41 and went to ditch parties in my day but even then stories of "she got the train ran on her at the ditch party" ran rampant

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I can agree with the media messages to a point but 17 years of prostitution and 2 kids by 15 leads me to believe drugs and or a pimp was involved with a healthy dose of early sexual abuse.

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AFAIK, no sexual abuse. I was best friends with her sister from seventh grade up until after college, so I knew them both quite well. We "lost touch" after college after I moved. She found me again on FB last year, that's how I got the update on little sis' "career". She smoked copious amounts of weed, so yes on the drugs. No crack or heroin like one would think, though. And no pimp. She would go by greyhound state to state with her friends.

Sadly enough, plain old lack of attention/poor parenting can contribute to it. Look at that thirteen year-old girl from Dr. Phil and a few of the Teen Moms. Getting attention for being "sexy" can quickly turn into stripping, *advertiser censored*, and prostitution. There *can* be an abusive childhood in these girls' histories, but there doesn't have to be.
That Santa Ana case is exactly what I was talking about. They consider it to be "trafficking" any time a minor is caught with others prostituting. It makes it confusing to distinguish between those that are contributing to the delinquency of a minor by traveling with her, and those that are kidnapping girls, chaining them to beds and shooting them up with drugs in order to make money off of them.

I am not saying one should not be charged for allowing a teen to join their prostitution crew, or whatever you'd call it:confused:. Clearly, both prostitutes and their customers, as well as pimps and whomever else is involved, should be given harsher penalties. But the violent kidnappers should be in a whole different category, IMO.

And she ticks off the places like a train schedule: Pasadena, West Hollywood, Van Nuys, Pacoima. All total she says she had eight kids and one “forced” marriage.


[FONT=&amp]“Whatever the price in Los Angeles County, whatever the price in San Diego County, it’s going to be twice the price in Orange County and it’s going to be worth the trip for them,”

[FONT=&quot]“Orange County is clearly a destination location,” said Mercado, director of victims assistance programs for CSP. “The victims are being brought here specifically and purposely because the perpetrators know there is a demand here for forced sex.”[/FONT]

Now that I think of it, there tere really b as been zero press on that case...I think by now if they had any evidence of serious crime, charges would have been filed and the media would have been all I over it. Thats not to say charges of some type won't be filed, just not crimes serious enough that would have made it a s danger to release them.

As for HT in general, in mosr cases the victim willingly goes with the person who is technically "abducting' him or her. Usually the abductor "grooms" the would-be victim (in person, online) similar to how a sex offender builds trust in a victim. Usually the abductors role is just to hand off the victim to hand over the victim to someone bigger (meaning bigger role in the group) and get paid.
case in point
This is what i think is going on with HT in 2017. I think losers are hearing about others making cash money, so they re trying it out.
So clearly something has changed in this case because the original flyer pointed at an RSO and the ex. Now it seems the tables have turned to HT. Has their been new news? Or have the other possibilities been ruled out?

If HT is now the number 1 theory , I'd suggest moving forward with a nationwide campaign to make sure Maricelas photos are hung in all major USA cities.
Not to defend any human traffickers but it seems to me like LE is charging more frequently with HT where they would've used to charge with promoting prostitution.
No human being should ever be made to do something like sell their bodies, I believe that those who force anyone to do so should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But promoting prostitution is a little different. That used to be the standard charge for a pimp upon arrest. Now it seems as though they're using HT as the main charge.
I'm Going to read up on the laws and see if they are only allowed to charge with trafficking if the person claims they where unwilling and forced or if they can charge with it either way , even if the person is a willing participant? Does anyone know?
Not to defend any human traffickers but it seems to me like LE is charging more frequently with HT where they would've used to charge with promoting prostitution.
No human being should ever be made to do something like sell their bodies, I believe that those who force anyone to do so should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But promoting prostitution is a little different. That used to be the standard charge for a pimp upon arrest. Now it seems as though they're using HT as the main charge.
I'm Going to read up on the laws and see if they are only allowed to charge with trafficking if the person claims they where unwilling and forced or if they can charge with it either way , even if the person is a willing participant? Does anyone know?
If they are minors, they cannot legally consent to anything, thus they are considered "trafficked" regardless of whether or not they have a mile long sheet of prior prostitution arrests, and whether or not they went "willingly". The girls that traveled with my friend's sister got trafficking charges along with prostitution charges, even if they were just prostitutes themselves. This happened a number of times. That's another reason prostitutes are frequently killed. The "friend" that is an 18 year-old prostitute taking her 17 year-old buddy from town to town gets trafficking charges because she was of age and her friend wasn't. The friend gets out of jail mad as hell, or her boyfriend, pimp, sister, friend, whatever gets mad because the "trafficker" is in jail and they are losing the money she brings in, so they take it out on the "trafficked" girl.
AFAIK, no sexual abuse. I was best friends with her sister from seventh grade up until after college, so I knew them both quite well. We "lost touch" after college after I moved. She found me again on FB last year, that's how I got the update on little sis' "career". She smoked copious amounts of weed, so yes on the drugs. No crack or heroin like one would think, though. And no pimp. She would go by greyhound state to state with her friends.

Sadly enough, plain old lack of attention/poor parenting can contribute to it. Look at that thirteen year-old girl from Dr. Phil and a few of the Teen Moms. Getting attention for being "sexy" can quickly turn into stripping, *advertiser censored*, and prostitution. There *can* be an abusive childhood in these girls' histories, but there doesn't have to be.

That's just crazy! Yea I guess there are some male attn seekers out there....

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[FONT=&quot]What Is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking is a serious federal crime with penalties of up to imprisonment for life. Federal law defines "severe forms of trafficking in persons” as: "(A) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; or (B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery." [U.S.C. §7102(8)][/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]In short, human trafficking is a form of modern slavery. Those who recruit minors into commercial sexual exploitation (or prostitution) violate federal anti-trafficking laws, even if there is no force, fraud, or coercion.

So, like I was saying, an 18 year-old prostitute can so much as be in a hotel room with a 17 year-old prostitute, and the 18 year-old gets charged with "trafficking", because by law the one 12 months older is "harboring" the other.[/FONT]
When I was working back East, I worked numerous types of cases involving various types of HT. It was actually not uncommon to have pimps, especially those involved with minors, convince them go out of state (usually with the promise of an exclusive relationship..."just wait for me and I will meet up with you in a few days, in the meantime my friends will take care of you")...In many of these cases the girls have come from troubled homes or have other emotional issues, etc. that resulted in them engaging in prositution to begin with. Those cases are hard because many times those girls have a history of chronic running away, etc. and less likely to be reported as missing as quickly (instead of hours it might take a day or two...or more) and not necessarily reported by parents/guardians initially for a variety of reasons.

In MGs case I believe HT is involved, but obviously not like in the scenario mentioned above), but, that is why I also believe, there is probably connections between many of these missing girls, and probably HT related, there are probably different types involved...if that makes sense...I am ridiculously tired

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Where is this woman?
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular. So today, he went over to that facility and walked all around the units. He said he was quietly talking and softly calling Maricela's name. He told me that he had heard tapping coming from inside one of the units. Although he said he didn't hear a woman's voice or see Mari, he "knew" it was her. Hearing the word on the street coupled with seeing the family member at this particular facility, he was adamant that it must be Maricela. He also explained several shady "going on" in the area and said there was a lot more than he could tell me. While the tale seemed somewhat farfetched, it IS plausible that she could be being held in a storage unit or something similar. And despite the story being crazy, he was very believable. He was adamant that he did not want anything, no reward money, etc, he just wanted to help bring her home. He also created a sense of urgency. When I told him it would be tonight before I got there, he insisted I come sooner.
Since I was trapped at home, the PI went over there and met LE She said that when she called dispatch, they were not surprised and were aware that trafficking was an issue there. They talked to the manager who seemed to be genuinely surprised and unaware that anything like that might be happening. They went to the units specified by the tipster and it indeed sounded like there was movement inside that quieted when LE began calling out for Maricela. They stayed for awhile but heard no further noise. Apparently the building is old and "crappy" (I believe that was the word used) and LE thought what sounded like the noises coming from inside the unit may actually have been caused by people on the next row moving in. Because the owners of the units had provided their own locks, the manager was unable to give access. Without someone inside responding to LE, there was no indication that a search warrant was needed so they had to leave without accomplishing anything :(
I realize this sounds crazy and I was really hesitant to even believe it but plenty of bodies have been found in storage units and its not TOTALLY unlikely that these girls could be abducted in a uhaul or something, driven into a storage unit and being left there until they had a buyer or a house to go to. Did anyone see that SVU episode with the girls being sold online? A storage unit is a great place to do exactly that if you have late access when no one is there. Plus ANY tip that is called in must be investigated. Maybe it is the crazy, ludicrous one that turns out to be true.
Mr. Mistivon and I are on our way back down there now. We are just going to hang out a bit then search the other area mentioned a little better than we did the last time. Plus we are still looking for two people in particular. It's been a few weeks since we were in this area at night and of course, that is when most of the people who would have pertinent information would be out.
In response to the question asked by the above poster, yes, I believe Mari is being trafficked and have always believed that. There was a strategy to the press release naming her ex and the RSO which worked. Of course, you can't have tunnel vision so other options are always explored, but my gut says trafficking. I flip flop tho....some days I am certain she is being held somewhere and hanging flyers won't do any good. Some days I am certain she is dead. I have never believed she is voluntarily missing and in her addiction although that is the best outcome.
I am just so happy that not only are businesses hanging the flyers but people are actually paying attention. I am going to keep hanging them and hopefully the next call will be the one that brings her home.
Thanks everyone for all your help and dedication to finding Maricela.
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular. So today, he went over to that facility and walked all around the units. He said he was quietly talking and softly calling Maricela's name. He told me that he had heard tapping coming from inside one of the units. Although he said he didn't hear a woman's voice or see Mari, he "knew" it was her. Hearing the word on the street coupled with seeing the family member at this particular facility, he was adamant that it must be Maricela. He also explained several shady "going on" in the area and said there was a lot more than he could tell me. While the tale seemed somewhat farfetched, it IS plausible that she could be being held in a storage unit or something similar. And despite the story being crazy, he was very believable. He was adamant that he did not want anything, no reward money, etc, he just wanted to help bring her home. He also created a sense of urgency. When I told him it would be tonight before I got there, he insisted I come sooner.
Since I was trapped at home, the PI went over there and met LE She said that when she called dispatch, they were not surprised and were aware that trafficking was an issue there. They talked to the manager who seemed to be genuinely surprised and unaware that anything like that might be happening. They went to the units specified by the tipster and it indeed sounded like there was movement inside that quieted when LE began calling out for Maricela. They stayed for awhile but heard no further noise. Apparently the building is old and "crappy" (I believe that was the word used) and LE thought what sounded like the noises coming from inside the unit may actually have been caused by people on the next row moving in. Because the owners of the units had provided their own locks, the manager was unable to give access. Without someone inside responding to LE, there was no indication that a search warrant was needed so they had to leave without accomplishing anything :(
I realize this sounds crazy and I was really hesitant to even believe it but plenty of bodies have been found in storage units and its not TOTALLY unlikely that these girls could be abducted in a uhaul or something, driven into a storage unit and being left there until they had a buyer or a house to go to. Did anyone see that SVU episode with the girls being sold online? A storage unit is a great place to do exactly that if you have late access when no one is there. Plus ANY tip that is called in must be investigated. Maybe it is the crazy, ludicrous one that turns out to be true.
Mr. Mistivon and I are on our way back down there now. We are just going to hang out a bit then search the other area mentioned a little better than we did the last time. Plus we are still looking for two people in particular. It's been a few weeks since we were in this area at night and of course, that is when most of the people who would have pertinent information would be out.
In response to the question asked by the above poster, yes, I believe Mari is being trafficked and have always believed that. There was a strategy to the press release naming her ex and the RSO which worked. Of course, you can't have tunnel vision so other options are always explored, but my gut says trafficking. I flip flop tho....some days I am certain she is being held somewhere and hanging flyers won't do any good. Some days I am certain she is dead. I have never believed she is voluntarily missing and in her addiction although that is the best outcome.
I am just so happy that not only are businesses hanging the flyers but people are actually paying attention. I am going to keep hanging them and hopefully the next call will be the one that brings her home.
Thanks everyone for all your help and dedication to finding Maricela.
It is not totally crazy or uncommon for people to be held in storage units (sadly), and sometimes the 4th Ammendment can be frustrating at times...I hope that this is a credible tip and brings MG home, or in the very least brings some answers that can hopefully get her closer to coming home.

Storage units in general creep me out at this! There are so many creepy things that go on IRL in many of them! Law and Order could do an entire season alone on stories of storage units..."ripped from the headlines" I when I have time I will have to go back and look for the one you are referring to...I have not watched it in years

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snipped and bolded by me---

He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time.

I don't remember hearing about this. When was this, for how long and why was she homeless? Why did she end up coming back?

Also, did tipster or PI tell you what unit it was near? She might respond differently to a female voice. I would call her name loudly enough and tell her you are here to rescue her- you just need to know where she exactly is. And maybe smell around for human excrement. I know, gross, but it has to happen! If she has been locked in a storage shed, then it is there, too.
I am pretty sure this was back in 2014 when she and Allan were heavy into drugs. IIRC, it was not for too long, a period of weeks maybe but I cannot be sure right now. Allan eventually convinced her not to stay with him on the street but to go home. She could stay with her family but was choosing to stay with him and be homeless. He said he wanted better for her.
Yes, I know the specific units involved. I am not sure when I can go back because I plan to go to HB tomorrow and they were closed tonight. I am considering talking to my canine team and seeing if they would be willing to check for her scent there. Great idea about the excrement. Not something I even would have thought about :)

snipped and bolded by me---

He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time.

I don't remember hearing about this. When was this, for how long and why was she homeless? Why did she end up coming back?

Also, did tipster or PI tell you what unit it was near? She might respond differently to a female voice. I would call her name loudly enough and tell her you are here to rescue her- you just need to know where she exactly is. And maybe smell around for human excrement. I know, gross, but it has to happen! If she has been locked in a storage shed, then it is there, too.
To play devil's advocate here- what if her family member actually had a storage unit there to store legitimate items like furniture?
But at this point, I guess at least the word is getting out and people are aware that she is missing.

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