Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Absolutely possible. But you're right, just glad someone was aware enough to call.

To play devil's advocate here- what if her family member actually had a storage unit there to store legitimate items like furniture?
But at this point, I guess at least the word is getting out and people are aware that she is missing.
Most storage places have security video. perhaps it could be viewed as in the frequency people are coming and going into a specific unit, bring food, etc.

There was something on tv recently were a woman was chained inside a storage unit as was afraid to make any noise when she heard voices for fear it could be her abductor
I am pretty sure this was back in 2014 when she and Allan were heavy into drugs. IIRC, it was not for too long, a period of weeks maybe but I cannot be sure right now. Allan eventually convinced her not to stay with him on the street but to go home. She could stay with her family but was choosing to stay with him and be homeless. He said he wanted better for her.
Yes, I know the specific units involved. I am not sure when I can go back because I plan to go to HB tomorrow and they were closed tonight. I am considering talking to my canine team and seeing if they would be willing to check for her scent there. Great idea about the excrement. Not something I even would have thought about :)

This is the same boyfriend that reportedly kidnapped her? But he convinced her to go home because he wanted better for her?

I know your heart is in the right place. And this is only my opinion, so take it with whatever kind of grain of salt you choose. But, the details you have been given seem very inconsistent and sketchy. I love your dedication to finding her. It might be a good idea to start from the beginning and get details again. I get this sick feeling that you are eventually going to be heartbroken with the amount of time and energy you have so lovingly given versus the reality of the situation. I am not even positive what I exactly mean, I just know that it feels off. From early on, it seems that details change and stories change and information changes. Not from you, but what you were given. I have a Master's degree in counseling. In my experience, when a story changes a lot and is shrouded in untruths, there is generally a reason. And it is rarely accidental or insignificant.

Thank you for the attention and love you are showing to the missing.
Even if storage facilities have cameras, you could easily back a box truck up to the door and load any item in without much detection as to the item your moving in.
Yes they'd see a box truck backing in but wouldn't necessarily be Able to detect what you carried in.
This is the same boyfriend that reportedly kidnapped her? But he convinced her to go home because he wanted better for her?

I know your heart is in the right place. And this is only my opinion, so take it with whatever kind of grain of salt you choose. But, the details you have been given seem very inconsistent and sketchy. I love your dedication to finding her. It might be a good idea to start from the beginning and get details again. I get this sick feeling that you are eventually going to be heartbroken with the amount of time and energy you have so lovingly given versus the reality of the situation. I am not even positive what I exactly mean, I just know that it feels off. From early on, it seems that details change and stories change and information changes. Not from you, but what you were given. I have a Master's degree in counseling. In my experience, when a story changes a lot and is shrouded in untruths, there is generally a reason. And it is rarely accidental or insignificant.

Thank you for the attention and love you are showing to the missing.

Very good post here!
I understand exactly what your saying.
When something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck.
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular. So today, he went over to that facility and walked all around the units. He said he was quietly talking and softly calling Maricela's name. He told me that he had heard tapping coming from inside one of the units. Although he said he didn't hear a woman's voice or see Mari, he "knew" it was her. Hearing the word on the street coupled with seeing the family member at this particular facility, he was adamant that it must be Maricela. He also explained several shady "going on" in the area and said there was a lot more than he could tell me. While the tale seemed somewhat farfetched, it IS plausible that she could be being held in a storage unit or something similar. And despite the story being crazy, he was very believable. He was adamant that he did not want anything, no reward money, etc, he just wanted to help bring her home. He also created a sense of urgency. When I told him it would be tonight before I got there, he insisted I come sooner.
Since I was trapped at home, the PI went over there and met LE She said that when she called dispatch, they were not surprised and were aware that trafficking was an issue there. They talked to the manager who seemed to be genuinely surprised and unaware that anything like that might be happening. They went to the units specified by the tipster and it indeed sounded like there was movement inside that quieted when LE began calling out for Maricela. They stayed for awhile but heard no further noise. Apparently the building is old and "crappy" (I believe that was the word used) and LE thought what sounded like the noises coming from inside the unit may actually have been caused by people on the next row moving in. Because the owners of the units had provided their own locks, the manager was unable to give access. Without someone inside responding to LE, there was no indication that a search warrant was needed so they had to leave without accomplishing anything :(
I realize this sounds crazy and I was really hesitant to even believe it but plenty of bodies have been found in storage units and its not TOTALLY unlikely that these girls could be abducted in a uhaul or something, driven into a storage unit and being left there until they had a buyer or a house to go to. Did anyone see that SVU episode with the girls being sold online? A storage unit is a great place to do exactly that if you have late access when no one is there. Plus ANY tip that is called in must be investigated. Maybe it is the crazy, ludicrous one that turns out to be true.
Mr. Mistivon and I are on our way back down there now. We are just going to hang out a bit then search the other area mentioned a little better than we did the last time. Plus we are still looking for two people in particular. It's been a few weeks since we were in this area at night and of course, that is when most of the people who would have pertinent information would be out.
In response to the question asked by the above poster, yes, I believe Mari is being trafficked and have always believed that. There was a strategy to the press release naming her ex and the RSO which worked. Of course, you can't have tunnel vision so other options are always explored, but my gut says trafficking. I flip flop tho....some days I am certain she is being held somewhere and hanging flyers won't do any good. Some days I am certain she is dead. I have never believed she is voluntarily missing and in her addiction although that is the best outcome.
I am just so happy that not only are businesses hanging the flyers but people are actually paying attention. I am going to keep hanging them and hopefully the next call will be the one that brings her home.
Thanks everyone for all your help and dedication to finding Maricela.
I did send you Pm about the storage units ...wondering now if you might need a map of the ones I was referring to ?

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Very good post here!
I understand exactly what your saying.
When something looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck.
And when something pretends to look like a duck and quack like a duck, but you know it's not a duck... it's usually not a duck.
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular. So today, he went over to that facility and walked all around the units. He said he was quietly talking and softly calling Maricela's name. He told me that he had heard tapping coming from inside one of the units. Although he said he didn't hear a woman's voice or see Mari, he "knew" it was her. Hearing the word on the street coupled with seeing the family member at this particular facility, he was adamant that it must be Maricela. He also explained several shady "going on" in the area and said there was a lot more than he could tell me. While the tale seemed somewhat farfetched, it IS plausible that she could be being held in a storage unit or something similar. And despite the story being crazy, he was very believable. He was adamant that he did not want anything, no reward money, etc, he just wanted to help bring her home. He also created a sense of urgency. When I told him it would be tonight before I got there, he insisted I come sooner.
Since I was trapped at home, the PI went over there and met LE She said that when she called dispatch, they were not surprised and were aware that trafficking was an issue there. They talked to the manager who seemed to be genuinely surprised and unaware that anything like that might be happening. They went to the units specified by the tipster and it indeed sounded like there was movement inside that quieted when LE began calling out for Maricela. They stayed for awhile but heard no further noise. Apparently the building is old and "crappy" (I believe that was the word used) and LE thought what sounded like the noises coming from inside the unit may actually have been caused by people on the next row moving in. Because the owners of the units had provided their own locks, the manager was unable to give access. Without someone inside responding to LE, there was no indication that a search warrant was needed so they had to leave without accomplishing anything :(
I realize this sounds crazy and I was really hesitant to even believe it but plenty of bodies have been found in storage units and its not TOTALLY unlikely that these girls could be abducted in a uhaul or something, driven into a storage unit and being left there until they had a buyer or a house to go to. Did anyone see that SVU episode with the girls being sold online? A storage unit is a great place to do exactly that if you have late access when no one is there. Plus ANY tip that is called in must be investigated. Maybe it is the crazy, ludicrous one that turns out to be true.
Mr. Mistivon and I are on our way back down there now. We are just going to hang out a bit then search the other area mentioned a little better than we did the last time. Plus we are still looking for two people in particular. It's been a few weeks since we were in this area at night and of course, that is when most of the people who would have pertinent information would be out.
In response to the question asked by the above poster, yes, I believe Mari is being trafficked and have always believed that. There was a strategy to the press release naming her ex and the RSO which worked. Of course, you can't have tunnel vision so other options are always explored, but my gut says trafficking. I flip flop tho....some days I am certain she is being held somewhere and hanging flyers won't do any good. Some days I am certain she is dead. I have never believed she is voluntarily missing and in her addiction although that is the best outcome.
I am just so happy that not only are businesses hanging the flyers but people are actually paying attention. I am going to keep hanging them and hopefully the next call will be the one that brings her home.
Thanks everyone for all your help and dedication to finding Maricela.

Dear god. I haven't read the full post. Reminded Of AH and Kibby.

(Sorry been consuuuumed in Abby and Libby's case, but been thinking of you guys and checking for updates)
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular. So today, he went over to that facility and walked all around the units. He said he was quietly talking and softly calling Maricela's name. He told me that he had heard tapping coming from inside one of the units. Although he said he didn't hear a woman's voice or see Mari, he "knew" it was her. Hearing the word on the street coupled with seeing the family member at this particular facility, he was adamant that it must be Maricela. He also explained several shady "going on" in the area and said there was a lot more than he could tell me. While the tale seemed somewhat farfetched, it IS plausible that she could be being held in a storage unit or something similar. And despite the story being crazy, he was very believable. He was adamant that he did not want anything, no reward money, etc, he just wanted to help bring her home. He also created a sense of urgency. When I told him it would be tonight before I got there, he insisted I come sooner.
Since I was trapped at home, the PI went over there and met LE She said that when she called dispatch, they were not surprised and were aware that trafficking was an issue there. They talked to the manager who seemed to be genuinely surprised and unaware that anything like that might be happening. They went to the units specified by the tipster and it indeed sounded like there was movement inside that quieted when LE began calling out for Maricela. They stayed for awhile but heard no further noise. Apparently the building is old and "crappy" (I believe that was the word used) and LE thought what sounded like the noises coming from inside the unit may actually have been caused by people on the next row moving in. Because the owners of the units had provided their own locks, the manager was unable to give access. Without someone inside responding to LE, there was no indication that a search warrant was needed so they had to leave without accomplishing anything :(
I realize this sounds crazy and I was really hesitant to even believe it but plenty of bodies have been found in storage units and its not TOTALLY unlikely that these girls could be abducted in a uhaul or something, driven into a storage unit and being left there until they had a buyer or a house to go to. Did anyone see that SVU episode with the girls being sold online? A storage unit is a great place to do exactly that if you have late access when no one is there. Plus ANY tip that is called in must be investigated. Maybe it is the crazy, ludicrous one that turns out to be true.
Mr. Mistivon and I are on our way back down there now. We are just going to hang out a bit then search the other area mentioned a little better than we did the last time. Plus we are still looking for two people in particular. It's been a few weeks since we were in this area at night and of course, that is when most of the people who would have pertinent information would be out.
In response to the question asked by the above poster, yes, I believe Mari is being trafficked and have always believed that. There was a strategy to the press release naming her ex and the RSO which worked. Of course, you can't have tunnel vision so other options are always explored, but my gut says trafficking. I flip flop tho....some days I am certain she is being held somewhere and hanging flyers won't do any good. Some days I am certain she is dead. I have never believed she is voluntarily missing and in her addiction although that is the best outcome.
I am just so happy that not only are businesses hanging the flyers but people are actually paying attention. I am going to keep hanging them and hopefully the next call will be the one that brings her home.
Thanks everyone for all your help and dedication to finding Maricela.
When Sherri Papini was missing there was a police report made that they believed she was being kept in a storage unit as well. We never found out if the police investigated or if in fact she was held in a unit at one point.

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Woman held captive in storage unit; used as sex slave

By NBC News
Published: June 2, 2016, 9:35 am

SPOKANE, WA (KHQ)– Court documents paint a horrifying picture of a Spokane, Washington woman held against her will and raped for days in a storage unit near Spokane Community College. After days of abuse, the woman says she was only able to escape after telling her captor that she needed some air.
My gosh that is terrifying!

Woman held captive in storage unit; used as sex slave

By NBC News
Published: June 2, 2016, 9:35 am

SPOKANE, WA (KHQ)– Court documents paint a horrifying picture of a Spokane, Washington woman held against her will and raped for days in a storage unit near Spokane Community College. After days of abuse, the woman says she was only able to escape after telling her captor that she needed some air.
Just wanted to give you all a quick update regarding the new missing thread...

I forwarded all the information to the moderator and they are going to let me know when the thread is up and from there I will post the link.

I only sent them the missing women from Jan 2017-present because the circumstances surrounding those women along with the possible abductions that had been witnessed seemed more related than say those who went missing in Sept 2016. I did make a note that our search went back to Sept 2016 and that produced 20 more missing but did not list them out.

Thank you all for helping me with this list! As soon as I see the thread and who all is included in it I will be making another map just to reflect those missing.
So, I got my first call to the tip line today. The guy mentioned he knew the family and had seen a flyer a couple of days ago (see, flyers are SO important....please message me and I will send it to you, please!). He lives in the area we had been searching last, the place where Maricela and Allan used to hang out and where Mari lived homeless for a time. Of course, remember that info had never been made public so lent a little more credibility to his story. Anyway, he said that he had heard on the street that Mari was being kept in a nearby storage unit. In addition, he swore he had seen a family member who he also knows coming and going from one in particular.

Family member of Maricela?
I hope that the storage unit info was passed along to the detective that is handling MGs case ( not just the patrol officers that came to evaluate the outside of the storage unit doors and not just any person who is PI- ing)
And if any sign of life is given during your searches, that will be enough for patrol officers to break the lock so don't hesitate to call 911 back immediately if you get any confirmation of signs of life ( coughing, whispering, and so on)
I've always thought Maricela was trafficked, or being held against her will.

My strong intuition believes she is still very much alive. I cannot say the same for other cases on here.

Stay strong pretty girl, we are trying to bring you home. :heartbeat:
Mistivon please pass the information on to your informant that if he really thinks he can hear whispering when he goes alone to this storage facility that he can absolutely call 911 even if he's alone and not with you, and that they will come. He may feel embarrassed or defeated now that everyone came out and could not hear anything but that doesn't mean that he was wrong, if he really believes that he can hear a person then he should by all means call 911 immediately next time. (Even if it's not MG inside)
It's against the law to store anything living in those units so even if it's a cat or dog inside, they will break the lock.

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