CA - Massive fire at Oakland warehouse party, 36 dead, 2 Dec 2016 #1

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Much love and prayers for you Gitana and your family.
You have been a friend and support for so many here who have known you, please let us know if we can help in any way.

This warehouse was a hoarders paradise. So much junk around probably made it so difficult to escape and find a way out. With so many people living there you would think they would make an easier access to leave in case something happens.

Those poor 30+ people trapped upstairs with no way out, they must have been terrified, what an awful eye to die.
It's not my intention to start a discussion about what I am about to post because that wouldn't be appropriate, and it might not even be appropriate for me to post the following, in the first place, but I know there are members here who are truly anguished contemplating this tragedy.

This is what helps me. My mind (and I'm probably not alone) naturally goes to what the deceased might or must have experienced before they left this world under circumstances such as these, and it is too much to contemplate. Just plain too much.

This is what I have to think in order to get by: if angels really exist (who knows, but it would be cool if they did---and references to them are all around in popular culture and merchandise, not to mention in ancient culture), they are NOT going to sit idly by and just watch this stuff happen. They are going to usher the souls of the departing ones out and spare their consciousness most of the horrors. That would be the definition of mercy. If there was ever a time for mercy, this would be it.

We all believe/don't different things, but if you can find something that works for you like my angels-to-the-rescue works for me, pull it out and plug it in--because the unfathomable is all around us and it leaves us wondering what in the world to think.

If this helps anybody, it will be worth me getting up the guts to write it. :/

Sorry to quote you again, but you made me smile in the midst of listening to this tragic news. I'll tell you why I believe in angels, as briefly as possible.

As far back as I can remember, I've always been surrounded by the number 117. Everywhere numbers pop up in life, this is mine. Books fall open to page 117, I wake up at 1:17, clocks stop at 1:17, all over receipts, literally anywhere and everywhere. At some point in my teens, it was actually driving me nuts. I couldn't figure out if it was coincidence, did it mean something, what in the world?? 1/17 is my birthday, but so?? One day it hit me. Who else is your birthday special to...your mother.

My mother died when I was 18 months old. May sound crazy, and that's ok, but I believe it's her way of telling me she's here with me. It still happens all the time, my husband even sees it everywhere now. So anyway...yes. I have an angel and I believe we all do.
I just spent much time reading the FB pages of Derick Ion and his wife, Micah Ion. I am pretty sure that page was when they got their kids back ---- they had been removed by CPS but I am not certain of the date (maybe Jan./Feb. 2015?), and got them back in the summer of 2016. There was also a post @ March 2016 of an ad placed on SF-Bay (like e-bay?) seeking 'musicians/artists/creators of worlds" as renters in a 2 story warehouse. The posts re the children being taken (abducted, in his description ) go back to Jan/Feb 2015, if not earlier. It seems (IMO) to have been quite a nomadic existence for this family. I believe the move to the warehouse may have been just before the children returned to their care.

Also, he posts about being arrested after getting his children back, was not clear to me if he "abducted" them, but appears he kept them after a visit that someone else did underhandedly, so it seems. Someone else will have to check it out who has a clearer head than I tonight. I believe he may be on probation from that incident, too. Apparently they had anger management and parenting classes....

The mother of DI Describes in detail how the children were taken. How DI managed to get them "back" and ended up arrested for it. It is on his FB, dated August 25, 2015, 1:53 am
That occurred to me earlier- literal ghosts because these souls got trapped there. Horrifying.

You & Cariis are right....I got chills reading your posts. Please God and the angels above, protect all these innocent victims.
I can not understand how the city allowed this building to be occupied or how anyone could walk into that building and decide to stay for more than the 5 seconds it would take to realize they were in a death trap. This was a disaster waiting to happen and now has happened. So very sad.

This is why we have those really cumbersome laws about occupied buildings.
Thank u Labor for sharing - that made me smile too! I truly believe in angels as's great to feel a bit of light while reading such a sad, sad thread. I have no doubt your mom is reminding you that she's always there for you.

Sorry Labor - I meant to quote your post.
Just heartbroken reading this thread. Continued prayers for Gitana and her family as well as other families affected by this tragedy.
I just spent much time reading the FB pages of Derick Ion and his wife, Micah Ion. I am pretty sure that page was when they got their kids back ---- they had been removed by CPS but I am not certain of the date (maybe Jan./Feb. 2015?), and got them back in the summer of 2016. There was also a post @ March 2016 of an ad placed on SF-Bay (like e-bay?) seeking 'musicians/artists/creators of worlds" as renters in a 2 story warehouse. The posts re the children being taken (abducted, in his description ) go back to Jan/Feb 2015, if not earlier. It seems (IMO) to have been quite a nomadic existence for this family. I believe the move to the warehouse may have been just before the children returned to their care.

Also, he posts about being arrested after getting his children back, was not clear to me if he "abducted" them, but appears he kept them after a visit that someone else did underhandedly, so it seems. Someone else will have to check it out who has a clearer head than I tonight. I believe he may be on probation from that incident, too. Apparently they had anger management and parenting classes....

The mother of DI Describes in detail how the children were taken. How DI managed to get them "back" and ended up arrested for it. It is on his FB, dated August 25, 2015, 1:53 am

Very helpful post TY
That occurred to me earlier- literal ghosts because these souls got trapped there. Horrifying.

You mean like the movie "Ghost Ship? That's horrifying. :tears:
At the presser one of the reporters asked how they were searching the warehouse and the spokesperson tried to explain. He tried his best to describe it, what he said (paraphrasing) is if you imagine looking at the warehouse from above it's a big square, and they've didived into 4 quadrants. They have a team for each quadrant. He said victims have been found in all 4 quadrants, they aren't all together and they are finding victims in places you wouldn't expect.

To me this sounds like its all come down and they are working through it downwards. I know the roof is gone, I heard that.

BBM: I read that too

Oh yes, the news pictures show the roof is gone. It collapsed.
Off to bed shortly, but sending out a soft hug for Gitana and her loved ones. I will check back early tomorrow. Much love comes your way
I think Derick Ion deleted that incriminating FB post
This warehouse was a hoarders paradise. So much junk around probably made it so difficult to escape and find a way out. With so many people living there you would think they would make an easier access to leave in case something happens.

Those poor 30+ people trapped upstairs with no way out, they must have been terrified, what an awful eye to die.

Seriously, how can some place like this have gotten a license to be a legitimate "club" ? Does the county / city they are in not enforce the Fire Code requirements, etc. , that they have to meet ? Which, btw, is standard in most towns and cities. I only know this as my DH is in that business, he's always having to get permits, etc. And, then the Fire Marshall comes behind and checks them out. They are all over it. So all that said, I have to ask, what's up with Oakland? :cry:
I think Derick Ion deleted that incriminating FB post

Which post do you mean, Gardenista? I still see the one where he said his family was at a hotel, and the ones about his children, and the one his mother wrote. is it one of these that you no longer see?
Mule said it was common knowledge people were always occupying the building. He says even law enforcement had visited more than once.
“Multiple police officers, firefighters came to our space and said this place is amazing,” Mule said.

He says he believes the fire started on the first floor, in an area of the warehouse that was cordoned off from the party upstairs, where he estimated 70 people were dancing.
Ohr said, “The area it was in was closed off. There was no one over there. There was no one who dropped a cigarette.”

Source: Survivors Describe Living Conditions, Allege Electrical Problems Inside Burned Out Oakland Warehouse | NBC Bay Area
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Seriously, how can some place like this have gotten a license to be a legitimate "club" ? Does the county / city they are in not enforce the Fire Code requirements, etc. , that they have to meet ? Which, btw, is standard in most towns and cities. I only know this as my DH is in that business, he's always having to get permits, etc. And, then the Fire Marshall comes behind and checks them out. They are all over it. So all that said, I have to ask, what's up with Oakland? :cry:

He didn't have a club license, nor did he have a permit to live in the building or rent space. Clearly he didn't apply for licenses and permits or he would have been turned down. He is an outlaw of the worst kind. Nothing is up with Oakland except being a big city with more scofflaws to track down than people to do it. And then when they follow up on complaints they can't get in the building. I'm not saying Oakland doesn't share any blame at all for this, but Derick Ion is the bad guy here, let's not forget. The responsibility for the deaths is all on him because he illegally built a death trap and allowed these parties in a building not intended or permitted for this purpose.
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