CA - Massive fire at Oakland warehouse party, 36 dead, 2 Dec 2016 #1

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Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.2) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 3) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 4) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.
Mule said it was common knowledge people were always occupying the building. He says even law enforcement had visited more than once.
“Multiple police officers, firefighters came to our space and said this place is amazing,” Mule said.

He says he believes the fire started on the first floor, in an area of the warehouse that was cordoned off from the party upstairs, where he estimated 70 people were dancing.
Ohr said, “The area it was in was closed off. There was no one over there. There was no one who dropped a cigarette.”

Source: Survivors Describe Living Conditions, Allege Electrical Problems Inside Burned Out Oakland Warehouse | NBC Bay Area
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Oh suuuuure LE and Firefighters visited and said the place was "amazing." What a self-serving CYA thing to say. I'm not swallowing it, Mule. You're full of it. :mad:
Shelley Mack, a one-time tenant of the converted warehouse dubbed the "Ghost Ship," found the rental in an ad on Facebook. She paid about $700 a month in rent, along with a security deposit of the same amount and a one-time contribution of about $700 to a fund meant to go toward improvements. She said none were ever made.

She was instructed to tell visitors it was a 24-hour workspace for artists. When inspectors or other outsiders came to visit, she and other residents scurried to hide clothes, bedding and other evidence anyone was living there.
"It's a good example of people taking advantage of people because they had no other options,"

"All kinds of electrical cords running through there illegally. Massive extension cords. Heavy musical equipment," Mack said. "That place was just a death trap. I didn't think it was going to last this long before it went up or somebody shut it down."

One doorway was blocked, she said, because it led to the property of a neighbor who'd been in a dispute with the operators

"Seeking all shamanic rattlesnake sexy jungle jazz hobo gunslingers looking for a space to house gear, use studio, develop next level Shaolin discipline after driving your taxi cab late at night, build fusion earth home bomb bunker spelunker shelters, and plant herbaceous colonies in the sun & air," its Facebook page advertised.

Boudreaux said the couple was constantly trying to keep enough tenants to cover the warehouse rent, renting out recreational vehicles that were parked on the first floor as well as other living spaces, and charging for the parties that were held there.

Boudreaux said she had a falling out with Almena after telling Allison's parents and sister a year ago that the warehouse was a dangerous place for the couple's three children to live.
"I had told her parents explicitly that the warehouse conditions were not safe," Boudreaux said. "Half the time they didn't even have running water, let alone heated water. They were using little electric heaters. There was cat (feces) everywhere. Piles and piles of random driftwood that had nails sticking out of it."

Source: Ex-Tenants of Oakland Warehouse Call it a 'Death Trap' | NBC Bay Area
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Which post do you mean, Gardenista? I still see the one where he said his family was at a hotel, and the ones about his children, and the one his mother wrote. is it one of these that you no longer see?

The one about he and his family being safe in the hotel. I see screenshots of it, but not his actual post. Weird.
He didn't have a club license, nor did he have a permit to live in the building or rent space. Clearly he didn't apply for licenses and permits or he would have been turned down. He is an outlaw of the worst kind. Nothing is up with Oakland except being a big city with more scofflaws to track down than people to do it. And then when they follow up on complaints they can't get in the building. I'm not saying Oakland doesn't share any blame at all for this, but Derick Ion is the bad guy here, let's not forget. The responsibility for the deaths is all on him because he illegally built a death trap and allowed these parties in a building not intended or permitted for this purpose.

And he lied to the owner, although she is also to blame for not checking her property and keeping it at least minimally up to fire code. He is the renter, who illegally sub-let the place, not the on-site property manager as he has been described.
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

Next time you talk let her know we are thinking about her and her family TIA
He didn't have a club license, nor did he have a permit to live in the building or rent space. Clearly he didn't apply for licenses and permits or he would have been turned down. He is an outlaw of the worst kind. Nothing is up with Oakland except being a big city with more scofflaws to track down than people to do it. And then when they follow up on complaints they can't get in the building. I'm not saying Oakland doesn't share any blame at all for this, but Derick Ion is the bad guy here, let's not forget. The responsibility for the deaths is all on him because he illegally built a death trap and allowed these parties in a building not intended or permitted for this purpose.

Wow, all I can say, it's scary. That someone can have a "club" and avoid the requirements and get around the Fire Marshalls? I hope it wasn't there for long, because if it was, it means that Oakland knew about it and was turning a blind eye, aka, dirty. Either way, it's a tragedy. :cry:
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

These are the people that set up the relief fund

This is there contact info

Phone: 415.843.1423
Email: Address:
Gray Area / Grand Theater
2665 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94110 Hours:
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

You can tell them to keep an eye on this and we can watch it too to see when they distribute the funds.

Fire Relief Fund for Victims of Ghostship Oakland Fire


NM, I'll PM you the link
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

Forgive me if I'm naive, but is there something in the TOS that prevents us from setting up and promoting a crowd funding account for Gitana's family?
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

Don't know how helpful I can be, but I did find this.... You Caring had a fund going for the victims:

Gray Area is setting up this fund to support the fire victims to do what we can to support the Bay Area arts community as we go through this together. The fund will be held and administered by Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, as a 501c3 we can accept tax-deductible contributions for causes that support our community mission.

We are friends, employers, supporters of many who have been affected by this tragedy– we are holding safe space for all. We hope this fundraiser can provide relief for some of the victims, We will distribute the funds to all affected as soon as the full picture is released of the tragedy.

With Love-- Josette Melchor & The Gray Area Team

Posted on December 4, 2016

We are all incredibly moved by the outpouring of support and just surpassed $100,000. A humble thank you on behalf of our organization and community. We held a vigil tonight in San Francisco with about 60 people throughout the evening caring for each other at Gray Area. Everyone is in shock and now is the time to be there for our community. I will keep updating the goal here on the campaign in order to foster more support, currently increasing to $150,000 as we got to $100,000 in less than 16 hours. I expect more support as the story spreads around the world.


(Sorry, apparently that link is not allowed at WS? Just substitute youcaring for ******* )
foind this, also:

Two YouCaring pages have been established to accept donations for the fire victims and family members suffering today. The Oakland A's created the "Oakland Fire Relief" page where the team will match donations. Additionally, the nonprofit Gray Area Foundation for the Arts has established the "Fire Relief Fund for Victims of Ghostship Oakland Fire," which had garnered more than $25,000 in donations by 2 p.m. Saturday.

Mods .... delete if necessary with apologies
Hey guys, Gitana just called me. A couple of things from our conversation- 1) there is something we can do for her. Her brother is going to need help with the burial costs and financially- not soliciting funds here- but can anyone find out if there is a victims fund set up with the money from the sports teams? 2) she's back with her brother, mom, and several friends at a hotel that the city is paying for. They spent the afternoon giving DNA, tattoo descriptions, etc.3) the mayor has been really wonderful to them, so no bashing Libby Schaaf and they are working on victim id a.s.a.p. 4) no official id of her SIL yet, but they are now prepared for the inevitable 5) at last count 64 people were unaccounted for, 9 i.d.'ed, 7 notified, and 24 bodies recovered.

I don't know how these things work, but I found this:

Gray Area has set up a fund to support the fire victims to do what we can to support the Bay Area arts community as we go through this together. The fund will be held and administered by Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, as a 501c3 we can accept tax-deductible contributions for causes that support our community mission.

This is on FB page: Vigil for Oakland Fire at Gray Area. They set up this fund for victim's families on You Caring. That says:

We will distribute the funds to all affected as soon as the full picture is released of the tragedy

I would post the links but I don't know if it's allowed. Maybe gitana and her family could look into this? They've raised $181,488 so far.

ETA: Posted the same thing as spellbound
Wow, all I can say, it's scary. That someone can have a "club" and avoid the requirements and get around the Fire Marshalls? I hope it wasn't there for long, because if it was, it means that Oakland knew about it and was turning a blind eye, aka, dirty. Either way, it's a tragedy. :cry:

humm humm............. you just may have answered my being incredulous the last 24 hours that no one could tell people LIVED inside - made no sense whatsoever -- at least is a possibility--there's a Wendys across the street for darned sake!!

Wow, all I can say, it's scary. That someone can have a "club" and avoid the requirements and get around the Fire Marshalls? I hope it wasn't there for long, because if it was, it means that Oakland knew about it and was turning a blind eye, aka, dirty. Either way, it's a tragedy. :cry:

You know what really blew my mind -- when I found poster ads on line for concerts, with a $5 cover ........again please................!!!
The one about he and his family being safe in the hotel. I see screenshots of it, but not his actual post. Weird.

Just speculating here

My sense of this was (after we found out CPS took his kids and he just got them back) I am sure that "daddy" did not get them a room cause of the concert .


I think that was a requirement of CPS - something akin to if your kids are found living in that place again we will began permanent removal of custody proceedings

just speculating here but it fits , what is , in reality, emerging - manipulative exploitative liar moo
The one about he and his family being safe in the hotel. I see screenshots of it, but not his actual post. Weird.

Hmmmm.... honestly, I checked before I posted that it was still there and I saw it. I just checked again and you are right ..... that post is now gone. Sorry for any confusion I may have left you with. Maybe it takes longer for some of us to get caught up with deletions.
Next time you talk let her know we are thinking about her and her family TIA

Yes, please do.

My heart sank when I read the news (on another thread) that our Gitana possibly had a loved one in this tragedy.

Yes, please let her know the WSers are thinking of her and her family during this horrible time.
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